The Exeter Advocate, 1893-8-31, Page 4The o
Sigh tra
from w
blies —n
Great B
Iuly, tIl
sal year
ewer One
be a goo
there ha
litical significance as he reported to
itervialxr, t'rvas simply :>
m�j ih1,
A �r
I( 01?'
I m
:, HaFFaA ''4rite
�°g.4 g� p �^
•• �1err
of friendship to his ahildtEtl on this
yn one It[ouey, Season, PVhon the Dmys Arv�
'�Y ,pC" ? _ 1 E1WACHE.
F, side. of the Atlantic. Senator Miller'
,I� s & ;ia 1 Pro7?
ND...E Y_„�., .�..._.-..: _..�_,,� e alio was: also a ptzsseil]et on board the
3DA uFeet v1S , `':Parisian,”the Hon C, H, Tupperthat
t 1 9trouble
Being Volved To . Ll er" 001 u the
Steamship Melltevltleall•
On Friday Nig it ilio Romp Rule Bill
Will Passk.
�� 1 the: Coru111olis.
not and Combs. Are Melting Down.
. S. M$ad, an Ohio apiarian and cor-
ea ondent of the Ohio Farmer, `
P h ' ,allies
he has always had more, or less
- 4 q \ -. ALL HEADACHE.;
laity are ?tad aduer�
#• ; • need to o ,e
/ • ur every,
.; . t t v b �tslnrpiy revaci
• __•., aches. 1h -y own, it
, t
b the way, did eminent sera
every season with coiebs molting
`; .. a+ilF casQ but 5 ocmr
` „;, tee a box dna they
--rvklo, Y
Jet Att .T�1•.•i�.1r TRADE. ace •at Perls in preparing the ease for
down andGyr
a oausiug the bees to leave the
hive, Swarms hived on empty
, . u'
c, �: har�ntvsa.
zc They are no#aCathartic.
It rnreill
Canada,—both spolzo toggle of eu•
,Iieial returns of Canada'e foe'- t S 5 t h gainedpard
tails a lt] a 0 the x14ta1} by
de have 'ust been published,Behring
p Britain in the Sea decision
hick we learn that notwith• and also upon the deep impression
; the serinkage in other coon made leading politicians and
From After Thirty -One Days—Tile
Last'DlossagO From the Aisat led
y T
easel Ali an Board Well—
she ma rolbablysoon
Rauch Tort,
Y. •o rai
r u of rite Discus&tort Ih rite t[Jpper;
on 1l ads ,A Compromise
Be M6(16 at the Aatur,tn
session of lite Mouse
of cam,ugns•
ombs and a tree
tr t t li„ st roe Often e un,
dOw especially
spec all} if they ar eetinthe sun.
Id the majority of 'his fratimestl e coin
y i combs
are not wired in, but built from "Mart-
ers." Ile is not surf but that it is more
economioalinthe orieltohave oombslluilt
' W h hie h have. had that
t 11' ,bei
1. a tag las the had you taken
Burdock Pill last night.
gl lt.
The rebels inArgentina
s,e;tries captured
the town of Corrientes without a blow.
then left the town: and attacked
stably the United States and ss b y Canada's greatr r
y p os
train—oltr foreign trade forllleeein
purity, her colossal public works, her
first month of the current fis• unqualified financial standing, imd the
, shows
shows an increase over the loyalty and business enterprise of Ca-
month of last year of nadianyalty people,
dollars, This
te, Aug. 30. -friends of the
passengers on the overdue -Dominion Line
steamship Sarnia are , becoming very:
anxious for their safety as the fear
something serious as o Y
vessel g a occurred to the
LONDON, Aug. 30.—The last stage of the
Home Rule 'debate in the House of om,
mons will'' begin to -day. This beein-
•• e$ } d
null, •of the end Null • be marked probably
by another groat speech from Mn Glad:=
stone, who will make the motion for the
from full sheets of!found tin thatThey
.l o th have
been'firmly braced by line wire. He has
never had ail tzoiible with ueh s
y w s comb
but the cost: i s considerably more than
when •built •from "ses errs," He'sao=s;
`Some of nay hives are exposed to the
the Government troops, defeating them
afte • six 1 ' a g
l louts fik.' e . ;^
Dyspepsia is a prolific cause of such'
diseases as bad blood, constipation,
headache, and liver
million would
1 showing under any circum SMITH WILL NOT RUN.
Sarnia has now been out thirty-
one days from Montreal for Liverpool andon
was last reported on August 10 with her
third reading. In this supreme and per-
ages his final effort for the Irish canes the
Premier is
sou, and when largo s�varMs are plaoecl
unwired combs they are very apt to
break down unless well ventilated or
complaint. Bur-
I- a
doe . Blood Bitters is guaranteed to
cin•e •of relieve dye a sia if used ac,
but at the present time when East York Liberals to Choose a Cand date
been so many bank- on Saturday.
ss the line, and financial fail-- TexOxTo, Aug, 30.—Mr, G. B. Smith,
Co theMotherland aro in anything .M.P.P. wouldduot confirmed the report
represent East York
isfactory condition, it surely after the next election,
"Ever since myreturn hams some two
be regarded as a sign of sta
machinery disabled. Captain Couch re-
fused assistance from the, steamship Ripon
Cabled and despatches are pouring in on
the Dominion Line people, who express
that the steamer will turn upthreatened
all right,
aged likely to touch on a goes
tion or two which the Government has
iguoz•ed so fariuthe exhaustivedisensaion
of the bill, •
The Radicals are confident that"be will
seek from the heart the bluing the
eatened rejection of 'bill by the
Lords, and manyg a with them
shaded, Extractingsupers are still
worse, fprrvhen. the combs arelieary
filled with honey and break it makes a
very nasty, daub 'mess, BygivingtheP
,thorough ventilation we can overcome
this trouble to agreat extent. I often
•raise the Give •inch
cording• to. ireetioos. Thousands have
tested it with best results,
A mass meeting under the auspices
ofh Young Liberals of St. John, NB,
was held in that city Thursday night,
Amona the speakers werey mQer
months ago." he said, "I have repeatedlyWO
1 of prosperity that our trade asked that a convention be called aeleet
tern countries m iiut;tius its my successor as I have. Owing to my con-qmarried
�llclilion. It is to be obsery tiuued i11 health, given up all idea of goiug
through a long and trying campaign,
large portion of the goods The convention would have been held bo•
he aoinmitteo was waiting
were those free of duty, or fore this, bet tub.
to see if I would reconsider my decision,
pt -tics low rates of duty. This Andtifathe names which are being men-
ndicates the stability of trade probable candidates can carry
Is, and ought to weigh heat/ Mr. John Richardson, Rome of Scar-
be � advocates oc atcs of tariff reform, ghi ° Mr. Anthon evi Annie,
Markham. town-
--.. ex -warden of the county, and 111r. W. D.
The Laat 11I0aaake.hostile
Ad daughter ' is 30. Senator Clomow,
to Rev. T.
Bailey, of St. Barnabas, who is a paasen-
ger on tits missing S. S, •Sarnia, has re-
ceived a letter from Miss Bailey; of
Brighton, Eng., enclosing amessage which
S.S. Sgreenridingby
reached her frem Rev, Mr, Baily by the
S.S. City of Ripon, which spoke take Sarnia
in mice ocean ou August 7. In the mess-
age lZr. Bailey said'Capt: Couch, of the
Sarnia, said there was no danger and the
Sarnia wonid reach port •in ten or twelve
that, without reference to the aril-
rudof the Upper House, itfr. Glad►tone'sGeneral
sltech must be found wanting at a orueial
oAlter •Mr lasufficient
G dstone wf11 come all the
Omasters of oratorical fireworks whom the
muster. Mr. Goyches
can theExchequer
Calais cellon of Exchequer in the last
S al. bury administration. is expected to
m e the first reply
th the first is has
however, the interests of the Unionists has
baon concentrated on the attack' which
Joseph Chamberlain will make ou the
Government in Thursday's sitting. Mr.
alaot0110-half from
the bottom board, and also 1•aise. the,
cover. This gives' a direct draft clear
the hive. Generally it will bo
Cnt to raise the cover only. Some-
times during heavy windstorms they
will blow off unless a weight is put on
them. I have had colonies quite a
drenching by the cover tgettinghat
' any injury, as they can quickly dry
"On a warm day -we can always see
Blair, IIon, L. H. DaviesAttorney-
,i y
Blair and Hon. Mr. Emerson,
and invigorating a ins. pr—Milburn's
Ar•Otuatic bodyQuinine Wine.
The of a man about 60iyears
of ago was found. Thursday in Poll-
ard's swamp, six miles west of.Wood-
the corpse was registered
p Bred "Dr. R. A.
Clarke," but. the address was not giv-
�IIPING' SEA AWARD. Gregory, barrister, of Toronto and Mark-
Now the Sarnia has been out twenty-
two days since that. Rev. Mr. Smith, of
Balfour; leader of the Uniotiists,ivill de-
livor their
r pidly moviing •th e r •Evidentlywingsthe e
areall eligible
ible conventionwhich will
lwbe e
t have been a matter of satis-broughtboard,
meet at Markham next Saturday.
the Anglican church' of Hull, is also on
final protest against the bill ontrying
Friday. .6a
John Morley, Chief Secretary of Ireland;
' they gh hei o, perhapsa a current of pure
through the hive, for two per -
Y all our readers to learn that At the convention, which is to be an
1 of the BehringWilliam
Sea arbitra- open one, thele will be no dearth of can-
teen given substantially in didates and promises to be one of the
liveliest the Liberal party has ever held.
the British contention. On Mr. E, B, Ryckmau, the Conservative
ading issues the decision has candidate arrived home from Erope yes-
toxday, and by November a very exciting
iuous, ll hilE on
Later News of the hissing Boat.
MONTREAL, Aug, 30;—D. Torrance &
Co., agents of the Dominion Line, received
a message •last night •stating, that' S, S. Can-
onus, at S •dna N. S, had s oken the
iverdue steamer Sarnia in lb 58, long,
33. All well, In tow of Allan S.S. Mou-
Herbert Asquith, Home. Secretary; and'Sir.
Harcourt, Chancellor of the Ex -
she nor, all debaters of the foremost rank,
will probably be the Government's Cham•
tion. 'in this final haat with the Oppoai•
tmThe Hoa Rule bill will be awed dor-
and to keep ripen newly gatheredeproper honey
and to the hive at the tem-
perature. I have seen statements where
the writer thought they were young bees,
testing their wings. It may be, but I
tndk ehe main objecte are to ripen honey
a v ntilate the hive, They are much
minor pointscontest will have started.
been a difference of opinion,
tevidean bound for London.
ing the Friday night sitting. The rule
More noticeable in strong colonies than
Gold Brick Case.
generally, the U. S. content -
t exclusive right and juris- arraignedT�in the 31PoliaMoses e Court08her esterdas
ee fur seals in the open sea charged with conspiring together with
rthernPacific has been Com- Samuel Levi and Abraham Colman, in a,
plot to swindle Abraham Rosenthal, of 121
egatived by the award. It York street, out, of $2,000. This is the
be a source of thankfulness well-known "gold brink ease," the facts of
which have been published before, Bres-
es of peace that this Internet- lov pleaded not guilty and elected to be
ute has been so satisfactorily tried by a jury. The ease was adjourned
'Tis a season of hurricanes.
TORONTO, Aug. 30,—At the Observatory
yesterday the Inspector and Probability
Officer was seen. He said:•"This bad
weather which started yesterday after-
noon, is caused by a West India hurricane, .
the center of which came ashore in Florida
ou Sunday night, and has since moved
northward, passing over North Carolina
and Virginia, The center is now between
Oswego and Albany,' N.Y.
closing the debate at tnidnight will be sus-
pended by the Government, and at about o taken
two o'ce ciose thelock diva is will b hs' arra De
Niel be attended surelywith scenes of keen
escitemivi The Government, however,
with vivid recollections` of the fight
that recently disgraced the House is mak-
ing every effort to keep feeling below the
danger point, All the Gladstonian mem-
bets have • received refrain from om headquarters
that they must ' any demon-
weal ones, and the strong ones genes-�
atetnuchlnorebeat. Ihavomybee sinthe
shade when convenient and also vent-
late them. There •is no danger •in chill-
ing the brood or making the wax too
cold for them to work unless the weath-
er is very cool. This applies to the honey
warm, nl3�;orvvhenthe weather ispretty
warm, and not for Spring or fall treat,
The undersigned wishes
to inform the general public
that lle t�eeps constantly in,
stock all kinds of building
clressd'ial, dressed and un -
dressed lumber
�^�i a Ontario,
B. 9iTL'1®
until Friday. It is now alleged than Bres-
by arbitration rather than lot was working with the Hamilton men
,ews of war. One thins' which and not with Rosenthal, as he pretended
to be.
with approval by both eat-
"All the lines are down in that part of
the country, and no reports have been re-
ceived up to this. To date, taking in the'
ratter part of the summer or'hurricane
stration likely to anger the Opposition
excessively. If the Irish members restrain
their enthusiasm sufficiently to conform to
this request there will be no recurrence of
East Elgin's Choice.
Ayr> xn Aug. 30.—The Liberals of East•
Elgin yesterday chose J. C. Doane as their
candidate for the Local House.
lti.J�el l legis"
. �`1 .�x�� and
Pitch -Tri On the brand Trunk. -
1t, while every claim of the _
ates to exclusive territorial two Grand•
TrE ADunk railway ilaf freight ht trains
lie Behring Sea has been set occurred here on Monday night. A special
he Paris decision, it provides freight from the north composed of lumber
and several cars of cattle was standing
tare protection of the seals along the lake, shore track near the station
.nt action of Great Britain when another special ran into the rear end
ice. It is this feature of the of the standing train, completely wreck-
ing several cars and killing a number of"
season, there have been more of this class,
c storm that affected our Canadian
weather in some parts than in any pre-•
vious season since this aeryice started.
. " I ordered up storm sigmas allover the
Dominion yesterday afternoon. 'AS this
hurricane comes from the sea, it is :mi mimes.
Bible to tell the' position Oe• s, it c s im or
rate'of travel. I. only know of ba'other
instance where a'stvrm has taken the taco-
brawls on th fl of the Houee:
It now has been decided definitely that
the Home Rule
of 1i11 shall be introdir ed in
Lords on Monday; Septem-
bar 4, and will be taken to the second read-
ing on the following day. The division
will be made and the bill will be rejected
on September 8. Some sort of a eompro-
mise at the autumn session is now' regard-
ed by many as •probable,
Criticizing the Navy.
LONnox, Aug, 30,—In the lienee of
Commons yesterday Mr. Edward T. Goer•
ley, member for Sunderland and a well-
known shipbuilder, asked whether, since
the sinking of the warship Victoria, the
Government's attention had been directed
to the criticism of experts at home and
abroad as to the utility of ships of mon.
� l7hL� �,l�ir�J . . ,, i
�� I
pedal •notice 1S drawn
to B. C. Red Cedar Which
is acknowledged to be the
most durable timber that
grows; especially for shing•
t is gratifying to our Ameri- cattle. One or two cars were thrown into
is. The Canadian represent- the lake. The trainmen escaped nein-
he Court of Arbitration, Sir jured, except Engineer Graham and two
10611 in charge of the Cattle cars, who re-
npson and Hon. 0. H. Tup- ceived slight injuries.
track of the present one—about the
middle of September, 1878. So lir there
have been four this season. The first pass-
ed to the` southeast of Cape Breton giving
a heavy northeast gale in Eastern Nova
Scotia. The second passed directly across
English Opinions of Repeal.
LONDON, Aug, 30,—The Morning Post
says- that the vote in the United States
House of Representative's yesterday in-
dicates a great change in American opin-
star size, and whether an enquiry would be
made regarding the capability of the
lower structure of such ships to prevent
capsizing in the event of some of their
compartments filling with water, He also
asked whether the Admiralty officials were
0 ® 40 years.
It is said by those who
Vere so influential in work- Sroresters at Sarnia.
$ARxIA, Aug.30.—The annual session
i British and. Canadian case,shape,
ng be duly honored by their of the High Court of Ontario, Independent
Order of Foresters, was opened here yes-
It only re�t:laius for the terday with the largeet attendance ever re-
in case of that being outside corded at a high CourtWith supreme
oiiicers, visitors from sister high courts
ate province, for the norm- and delegates to this meeting there are
that province, leaving numerous wrecks in
its wake, On .August 23 another took
doing terrible work in the,: way of
wrecks and destrtretion of property along
the sea coast from New Jersey to Massa-
chnsetts, This last was the fourth, mak-
•ing etas. ly one'of the greatest 'hurricane
seasons on record."
tan, and shows that the Democrats are
'Practically united for the repeal of the
Silver Act. In the face_ of such a ma-
jority, it adds, the struggle in the Senate
will probably be shorter than was antici-
The Times saps :The Wilson Bill goes
to the Senate with all the authority
the very declaration
aware that the lower structure of these
ships when pierced.. might, "as in the
case of the Victoria, disturb the center
of gravity and cause them to " turn
Right Hon. Sir C. J. Kay -Shuttleworth,
Seoretsry to the Admiralty, replied that
the Admiralty had not failed to consider
know that theywill last
from 3G to 40years in any
, ,
f1J a�\jl�, Willis
th countries having dipio- over 500 present. The principal business
yesterday was the reception of reports of
,ets—to assess the damageing
Latost. Ottawa News.
OTTAWA, Aug. 30.—There was no shoot-
remarkable of opinion
of the Lower House can confer. It is evi-
dent that the severe and continued de-
the criticisms referred to, but was decid-
edly of the opinion that it would be ad-
visable to build more ships of the dimen-
t be by the U. S.
in the Dominion Rifle Association
pression in trade has worked a very deci-
siohs already decided upon in
Big Dry Goods Fire. goy -
t British and Canadian seal- AMAERSTBUAG, Ont., Aug. 30.—Fire oe•
count of the unjustifiable cogged in the dryY code store of Denean &
matches on. Rideau range yesterday, owing
to the severe storm.. It has rained almost
incessantly since Monday afternoon. It
was decided to give up all idea of cpm-
ded change in the popular views. I2 seems
improbable that anything will come out of
the Voorhees bill. It is the expiring effort
of the silver party. Silver, deprived of
view of the
strength of those they might encounter in
case of war. The eadmiralty saw no tea-
son for a special inquiry into the subject,
the lower structure
y '
1 Q c �1 �i
W. G. �A u��� .0 1l��V
yesterday morning, The stock is
otlr vessels by the Alger%- a total loss; part of it was burned and the
Wes, balance ruined by water. The loss will be
mencing the matches until to -day.
Sir Charles Tupper passed through the
the support of the` Sherman act. will sink
to a level too low to suit the 'bimetallist
as question of the had
necessarily' been dealt with in designing the
ib'1TSt Class Horses and Rags.
•me about 520,000. Insured for 517,000 in the
city early yesterday morning on hie way to
notions. of a proper ratio onto facilitate
following companies: London and Lan-
'1tEYlIEli S RETURN. cashire, British American, Caledonian and
Winnipeg. He will'' meet the Minister of
Marine there. Sir Charles will afterwards
the, establishment of a liestandard.
The passage of the Wilson bill will not
Trench Aug.30 on anhe English Yacht,
Kinn, g, 30.—The English yacht In-
Mercantile and Sun,
`/Parisian" arrived at
visit the Saltcoats crofters,
All the Ministers have now reached the
produce the unlimited improvement in the
situation that is expected in
sect, •lying at rats ;port, has been seized by
the German authorities. Her seizure
t week, haying on board Sir A verdicttof suicide.
WOODSTOci , Aug,' 30. -Thi coroner's .'Foster
K. M. G., Premier of jury, empanelled to enquire into the cause
r Charles Tupper, Ii.C•1VLG, of death of the man found in Pollard's
• swamp, returned the following verdict:
missi0ner; the Hon. C. H, "That deceased came to his death bythe
mister of Marine; besides administration of parts green by his wn
passengers. I3eiti" hand, and the jury" recommends that a
g more
city except Foster, Patterson and Daly,
left New Brunswick yesterday for.
Ottawa, and Patterson will. be here during
the week Daly is not expected back until
the middle of September,
Farmer delegates who are here from Bri•
cul leave for Winnipeg today. Tnay are
only the first instalment. Others will fol•
Fourteen data have
some quarters, ,
because the Sherman act is not the only
obstacle to commercial prosperity. .`Fiscal :
blunders and unsound speculation count '
for much, but - it may be hoped that the
removal 'f the silver -incubus will enable
the Americans to see more clearly what
other measures are required to put bust-
nese on a sound basis.
due to the fact that two. Frenchmen who
were living on board of her incurred sus-
picion by their actions' and were taken
into custody a charge of espionage: •A
search was made on board the yacht, and
there were found photographs of •the de-
fences of Cuxhaven and of the North Sea
canal batteries. It is supposed that the
was chartered by the
Orders left at Bissett Bros.'Hardware
Store, will receive prompt attention.
strict law be enforced against the
by Empire
�ow. ates in al] "been
yacht prisoners for
the correspond- "
sale of poisons.g
invited t Canada.
It is stated on that the
Sending It Back,
WASHINGTON. Aug. 30. —The Senate
the purpose'of securing knowledge of the
German defences by pretending that they
gave a frank and Iu-
The' Case Will Drop.
1 the proceedings had be-
good authority
Lieutenant -Governors of Manitoba and
Committee on Finance decided to report
baclr teal
Were yachtsmen. `
�' WINDSOR, Aug.80.—The investigation
g• 8
hrnng Sea Court of Arbxtra• into the charges against :Detective McKee
has been adjourned for a week, but the
the decisions reached after ?substituted,
chances are it will be dropped. 'The evi-
discussion. The
North-West will be selected this week. A
W• -Ross, 11'.P:, who is now here, is press-
ing for''the former, while Mackintosh is
sure of the ]atter.����,6r���J,
to the Senatethe Wilson re P bill
with the recoixl10endation that>the"Noor-
Ihee9 bill already on the Senate calendar be
for it.
11Ir. mins at Thamcevilla,
TaeniE SVILLE, Aug.Aug„ 30.—lion, David
Mills addressed a bze meeting last night.
„ .1.6 �.,m.-.,.,I....•.
@� A
�,� .
L iV�Y
xhaustive deuce is hard to get.
commi tee also re9�Tved'to'sst aside
the National Bank circulation bill.
as most favorable for the Two Yachts Ashore.'
tension, and entirely ad- NIAGARA, Ont„ Ang.-Twoyachts, the
claim put forth the here ondurs � yesterday's 'itl, went ashore near
pby Carmona and the Mae
a.storm. The amount in
to an exelu5tyedamage is known.
at the Beach.
FteTaizrov,,Aug. t30. A cad drowning
accident occurred at Hamilton Beach" .yea-
terday. A man named James Lyle,
company with several ,young men, was
is ,now unfinished business in Senate
in favor of the Voorhees hill and to press
latter measure as rapidly.r the temper
of the Senate will •eri '�°
P n •' `'
Generaland Nervous Debility,
First Class RIGS And HORSES
of not
all the seals in
bathing intake'Cntario, when he got too
To Dine int. Blake.,
caught the far
Was Ethel Browned 2
le Ocean. ` While there Wag ed
10RONTo Au 30,—EtheL13n1mer, aged
' g• €bodyrecovered
of Opinion expressed by 10,,o£ 110 MW street; has been missing afterwards,
arbitrators on certain de- since Wednesday Diet. She is supposed to
have been drowned in the Don.
s in find- ......,�
From the shore and becoming exhaust-
down before assistance could reach
him: The was shortly
but'life was extinct, • Lyle
was the third soli of Rev, Saniue1 Lyle, '
pastor of Central Presbyterian Church of
Loxnox Aug.30.-The
g colleagues of
the Hon. Edward Blake, b1.P., have ar-
ran ed :to dine him this e
g evening It
ei.pected that all of the Irish Flame Rule
members will be resent, and that severe
/►- o
2"0xzssa R®apozao bl
Telephone Connection
ldtagaiest the claim of the jam' ry+
tEs to a"' j
ell/.0 anyvessels ,
therwise, in the
Hamilton, and was living at the $each invitedguests
with his parents. He was 17 years of age�I�
and was well and favorably
o known
tlity. ` A heavy surf has
prominent will amongst the'
whowill attend.V
Mr. Blake
will sail for Canada on the" steamship
Oregon on Saturday next.
;'.+.t !rJ ',a
. , R ;:',,•.
pursuit of LONDON,
n Judge Harlan himself'' so
the , .. , a SEPTEMBER (th to 23rd 9883, ,: pier
majority in • deciding Y
been rolling in on shore all morning, and
higb at times that it rolled:aver the east
and over the upper deck of steamers
out on the lake.;
'Britannia Again the Sinner.
LONDON, Aug.80.—The race of the-
Royal Western �
y tel 1 Yacht Club for the Queen'e
trey �X
t QF
ILD 4:
United States on two ire-.
was sailed yesterday off Plymouth.
e !
L.,./4410:1 /I S FA , 0 IT)
pts, Sir ,john ThnlnpsOnslid
to differ from Lord Han- �' 113ITI� P
tisk arbitrator, as to tai'- ' - ESTABLTSDIBD Ie 1868 tent'
-Vile 0/dest hi tab Dominion. t0
Van Horne Shrre,eders•
IItoNnoaAL, Aug. 30,—W. C. 'Van Herne,M=v,
resident of the C, P. R. want to Burlin g' tame
fit,, y6aterdayy, where'.he gave' bonds twice;
itppear ltl' ttll9Wer to the Warrant 1891184
The starters were the Britannia, Calluna
Satandta. Tho coarse was from off
to flagboats outside Ratnohead, a die•
of awns twenty macs, to be covered
The.Britannia ..
to ra won.
. Arb
' °
at l
rx +t
s .�.
°'� . :.. �J .C+r!% i±. /
x a ..+. _. r 74 I j
p ,
a'1i1rcd at --on -h6 ground bya
unite& Ststes 'td Ye in Washington
7 6
„ i
ere unduly severe to LothState
LIVE STOOK 1, liiB�Theal
for his arrest for alleged violation ofBemire-
Stormed the Sultan's Stronghold.
Aug: 80,—A telegram from
,c 9 °
r' ,
rice Canadian sealers, and Entries Close September 71h.
nate forpreserving
rl a the
interstate commerce law. rill. Van
Erne afterwards returned to li1ontioal,
Dateshsailsam says that on Au :tist 12
. - g
Lieut. Axt stormed the fortified cam of
--e.— .:::-
T,; ,
., �TRIUMPtill lIrg
s. L. r ,
c H �'
rt , }
— �i l
The beet and largest Stabling' and
Altogether, the ,,` Space ali t
gc , e 13rit Sp of ed 011 receipt of .[.tots ice
1Vlcrson's Dank Not In ft. Sultan
Tonorixo; Aug. 80, The forged paper,
Mel at Ifilam- - '
N Jaro. tour of his,
men were kiilecl attd tWentyfoiar Were
Wealtness of dlatly and It2tnd, • Eflects of
C�� � ' " �
y ,. _
Dn. has s1 eurtnd a libt<t bits r i wiiioh
j,L+'�"j+i,g. ,�j'�,"r (j ij A - -mor
it only+' remains to 666056 _. a `BRAC
+.i��c than ea er �Gfl)d'C.
1 uuBtaiPl''Cd by British
it, is alleged_ was poi sliest by
Banker Conk, of Alvinston; was not, as .
. It , ,, of
Was stated: lie the Detroit despatch, ae
rn tdYe dttatk, Lieut. was
wdthncled Sltottly before the enol
• .
the fight at T Liam-N,Jaro,
,Errors or Excesses in Old orYoun . Robust
Noble 1rIanlrood fully d estored. vele sir
Enlarge mut Strengthen '41Jea1.;Undcveloped
> �•x''°
MM �tt
by the lliolsons Bartle, Conn had
for seizure • of tllelr Srioia�xatrrtsl area notliin
pNS x are t ALL eaters
other injuries sostainf'd'
whatever to do with. that bttrik
, g . , .
had no aeeonnt whatever with it. setts
tsoiaoitect lry Minimise.
Moscow; Aug. 30.—More time 100 per-
at Slisleenac oj'u'
Or alis and Parts of Roel: , b I
gy Aso uteIy un
failing •
faille Hanle reatme
g 73cnofit5ln a day.
_ y
: °
l .•
ll i0
_.,. ry(..
., .
a summer 205012.:.
60 States Voremn Come
, .• D
77�� �y r / a «'
e,r: .. eUentestiNtrom
a' • , rico list and lnfar,r,a.aoih,aplil� tothe
1. proCedtlee Of the Amen.. , .. .. ,
. �r riYYt -,
CAPT. SIC FORTE hx'0azcentr
eine, The elide' of Sir Castles + i
�j•�/��r� jr r , ,,-oaitdbifi,
he present tittle is or boo,. TIROS` A, Dint S'C� eta;r W
i "Thal
' J'
]]irtlXara In t[tta17[atate, .. MISS...
, ,.
Mt1NrlttEAY, Aug, :30. Jbsoph Pierre :lave
weal 6atate o stator has failed,
p r sons
IrYbilities,ave.Sl.b0,0oU. do:
Caucases, have been poisoned byitou•:
Tile r042 Of. the summer vi errors
left an Yv arae. i3nt fe
p �i a f rt/ per.,
too ill to tie ;moved the. hotels are
and s
&leg Z'' -qt. deet ' d ekti ti've..Book e r s...�
p r ,
planation Land proofs nnailed Sealed, frcte, 1,
) I
EIE ,MEDICAL CO�g Buffalo 111
r'�0�.6.+ �r
.;., . - '"'•.,. it
. ,.,
t, vc� .rl
. _ r . , . a MOM . 141 ,
wAl ,,
.s +� ; i ' rt
tires acr
fairs in t:
but a sat
ought to
bility an
with for
normal c
ed that a
which 00
of itself i
Fly with
It mus
faction tc
the aware
tion has 1
favor of
certain le
been Anna
there has
ion for ar
diction ov
of the No
pletely u'
must also
to all love
ional disp
by the sin
will meet
ions is th
United St
right in t:
aside by t
for the fu
by the jot
and Arnet
award thr
can cousii
atives at 1
John Thos
per, who 1
ing up th
will ere to
its legitim
nees of bo
matte pori
which mu
ernment t(
ars on ac
seizure of
can author
The sten
Quebec las
John Tho
Canada; Si
High Com
Tupper, M'
other disti
ent, the Pr
cid report o
fore theBe
tion, and o
months of e
result prow
British con
verse to th
right over
North Paci
a difference
some of the
tails, they
ing an awe
United Sta
British or o
seals, Eve
joined with
against the
portant ;po"
had oecasio
nen, the .i3ri
that they w
American a
as being in
herd of -fur
ish contend
'tietory; an
the damage
Canadian s
vessels, arid
by., the illeg
Gall attt'llol'1.
Tupper its
�� t