The Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-05-18, Page 11• .1` 14. SERVICES' AVAILABLE 4 1 SERVICES AVAILABLE ANDY'S Refrigeration itnd Appliance Service, 24-hour emergency servk'Q. Repair's to all makes, all work guaranteed. Phone 357-3484 Winghirm. 16 to 25x t .SEPTIP TANKS CLEANED MODE R'N.EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEED 4, Write or Phone Harvey Dale, Clinton PHONE 482.3320 E:AVESTROLIGIIING, aluminum or galvanized, estimates without obligation'. Phone 357-1077, 1{, E. Ruttan, It.R.2: Wingham, -12-48 444. G. J. CARPENTRY & `MAINTF.NA'NCE, GaryJohnston, carpentry work, small remodelling or repair jobs, mifscellaneous odd jobs. Reasonable rates. Phone 524- 7789 after 5:30 p.m.-30tf , HOME- REMODELLING - Kitchens, bathrooms, rec room 13tf tiling, eft. ('all 524.6921. Lon Robic;haud..-18-21 Screenedlop Soil L andsca•pe Work Backhoe Work Excpfating, Trenching, Basements, Etc.) 'Gravel & Fill' Cement Gravel - Lyle Montgomery LINTON -482-7644 ('OHVETTEa1 For ('harter:Day . weekend or weekly. Sailing instruction or cruising. Full 'compl,iment of sails,_ radio and safety equipment. Junior and adult sailing instruction on. day sailer orsailing dinghy. Contact the Rosny Corporation Ltd.,,. Mar•i.ne Division_, Bruce MacDonald. Office 524-8328; Home 524-8146. -18tf BUSINESS LIQUIDATION Of Office, Garage, and Body Shop equipment including $8,000,.00 worth of Motorcade Auto Supplies on Hwy. No. 8 at the easterly limits of Goderich , Monday, May 22 at 11:00 A.M. 'OFFICE EQUIPMENT: Regina cash register; Smith Corona calculator; Paymaster cheque writer; bill writer; '4 -drawer steel file cabinet; Dominion safe; glass showcases; Kenstan coffee machine; Motorcade catalogue and manuals. '• 'GARAGE, BODY SHOP EQUIPMENT ..AND ,TLS: Raceligner alignment unit; ldlanbee wheel balancer; ';-nbee alignment, unit; Hunter wheel balancer; 9' hydraulic garage hoist; May tire changer & repair kit; Oy-acetylene welder; 230 amp. twentieth century welder ('new); 3 hydraulic,body jacks; 11 ton chain falls; Forney fast charger; 3 paint sprayer, regulator and hoses; taps and dyes; bumper jacks; hydraulic jacks; electric drills; electric sander; air chisel; electric impact wrench;' shop & body tools; etc, etc: MOTORCADE AUTOSUPPLIES& ACCESSORIES: (A'll. Stock New) 125 tir$s (assorted sizes);•35-cases motor -oil 20 eases- snowmobile oil; 12.-6 & 12 volt batteries; 50 wiper blades; 120 mufflers; 300 exhaust, tailpipes, extension, clamp and ,hangers (all models); 40.fuel pumps; 17 gen.er,ators; 36 • starters; 25 water pumps;8ctutthassemblies; 40 sets brake shoes; 4 master cylinders; 36 sets shock absorbers; 24 "3M" cutting discs; 300 sanding discs; 5 battery chargers; 36 thermostats; 12 doz, spark plugs; gas "and _oil_ additives; battery cables; carburetor tune up kits; bendixs; emergency' brake cables; speedometer cables; universals; ignition parts; flash lights and flares; car waxes; cleaner and brushes; portable AC, DC radios; hose clamps; gaskets; mirrors; hand tools; seal.4. beam headlight • lamps; antifreeze; fire extinguishers; floor 'mats; radiator. hoses; Targe quantity of decreative car accessories; etc,, etc: MISC: Large assortment of alto paint; 9 used lawn mowers; 3 ,. electric clocks; garden & lawn equipment; 6' snow blade & truck winch; display stand; island bell; coke machine; school°, benches; quantity of steel, etc. VEHICLE: 1.969 Custom Royal Dodge. PROPRIETOR - Kasco Auto Body. P RAT IWELL AUCTION SERVICE Bruceftei t--482=31'20 LI BUSINESS QUIDATION -19,20 Of property, office and garage equipment including. $1,500 worth of stock off main street, Blyth • Saturday, May 20 at 1:00 P.M. PROPERTY: 40' x 60' cement block building with .9. x 10' overhead door, 12' ceiling, gas heated, floor hoist and washroom facilities, building situated on large lot with 90' frontage (property selling at 3:00 P.M. sha,rp)' OFFICE EQUIPMENT: National cash register; bill writer; glass showcases; desk and chairs; 4 section redirack and other wood shelvin GARAGE EQUIPMENT & TOOLS:, "Lynch" 1'/2 Hp: .air compressor; Regent 200• Amp.• arc welder; ,4Purox Oxy- Acetylene welder; tire changer; .almite pressure greaser; Marquette fast charger; Bean wheel 'alignment unit; Bean wheel balancer; Black & Decker valve refacer; Black & Decker seat refacer; Armstrong 1'/2 ton floor jack with 36" Iift;°GEslow charger;'/2 ton chain falls; 6" heavy duty bench grinder; airlvrI; B & 0.4200 RPM hand grinder; B & D sander; B & D'/2" drill;'/2" electric imp.act wrench,; vulcanizer; paint sprayer & regulator; 3/4" drive socket set; tap & die set; armature growler; cylinder reamer & deglazer; pullers; 2- 6" vises; jack all jack; 12 ton hyd. jack; body jack. AUTO SUPPLIES& ACCESSORIES: (ail new) antifreeze; air & oil filters; mufflers; exhaust, tail pipe, clamps & hangers;' seal beams; brake shoes; snowmobile oil; gasj3& oil additives; grease cartridges; fan belts; radiator and heater hoses; 12 V. electrical supplies; battery cables & clamps; gaskets; spark plugs; large assortment of ignition and carburetor parts; fuel pumps, MISC,: 10 oil barrels & pumps; coke cooler; steel tables & stai ds; stepladders; work benches; fire extinguishers; Chains; shop dollies; H frame -hoist top section; paints; used tires -arid quantity of used lumber. TRUCK CAMPER: Pyramid cab over fully equipped. P Hipe'rty .se I t ing sub jtet'.,to' Yeserve'. t ti... . • Terms --10 per cent down, balance in 30 days; Cash on contents PROPRIE CSR Ken Rotz RATH -AUCs `' Bi'ucefi WELL'S • N SERVICE . eid�4e2•3120 19,20 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE ACE .RADIO . and TV Service, Fr-,trik Wilcox, 60 Picton St, W:, Goderich, Ont. Phone 524-77.71, -- 4Otf SIIARPEN 11P! -saws, lawn mowers. seissors, etc_. •For(y years experience. 'C. 11. Horpa'r, 446 Ilrrron Road. --19,20x GENERAL carpentry and 'maintenance. Phone 524-9182.= 19 to 22 ' HAVE your rugs and '.chairs cleaned by dependable cleaners. ('.all Superior Maintenance. phone 524-8892, Goderich.ow 111111.1111111111111111111111111111 CALL • FRANK TiJTT For all,your flooring needs. Buy your carpet anywhere. 20 years'*installation ,experience. • Free measurements. - 524-6804 ,Goderich. C r STOM BULLDOZING CHAS. BRUINSMA RR 2, Goderich. 524-9804 15 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE PAILY ('Alt I{E;N'1't\l. • 1{r';rsimirl)I" E;E'5 (;rrd..'r,ch Phone -52 1.8391 l ft t f -- a F, .. Sewing Machines SERVICED & SOLD ALEX REED 197 yfield Rd., Goderich 52..4-8465 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE LAMB'S DELIVERY MOVING'-' HAULING Phone 524-9657 WEBER'S lY WEBER'S SEWAGE DISPOSAL SER VICE Modern equipment used. We pump SANDBLASTING septic tanks, piggerip Lagoons GOOD home wanted for five month JACK HAMMERetc. old ferrule Border Collie pup. WORK Phone 887-6700 Spayed and trained. Phone 524- BREAK UP CONCRETE R.R.2 Brussels 7503,=20x U BACKHOEING -19tf A. BIRTHS SPRAY PAINTING • 21. ^ .... BUSINESST OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES • EARN MONEY lilt ' SPARE TIME Men or Women to re -stock and collect money- from New Type high ,, quality coin-operated dispensers in your area.' No selling. To qualify, must have ear, references, $1000.00, to $3000.00, cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent M,r. and Mrs. M. W. Cox are income. More full time. We pleased to announce the establish your route For forthcoming marriage of their. personal interview write: daughter Patriea Alice to James including phone number B.V. Douglas eldest sod of Mr. and Distributors Limited, Dept, "A", Mrs . 11. Phillips , R . R . 5, 1163' Tecumseh Road, East, Stratford. The wedding will take Windsor 20, Ontario. --2Q place at 5 p.m., Saturday, June 10, "`� 1972 at Saint Georges Anglican Church, Goderich, Ontario. -20x G&PERICI1 SIGNa 1- r ..ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Berk Kempster, (oderich are happy to announce the engagement Of their daughter, Margaret Elizabeth to Mr. WilliampriehtonJaekson, son or Mr. and Mars. lan Jaeksan, Red Deer, Alberta. The marriage will taise place June 171h, 1972,01 31 o'clock in St. Lukes Anglian Church, Red Deer, Alberta. --20z 22. TO GIVE AWAY ONE spayed female part Collie, part German Shepherd dog, preferably to a farm home. Phone 524-6911'. -20,21 TO GlyE AWAY -four grey kittens,- seven weeks old, ,hoysebroke.n. Phone 524-7805. -a 20 ` /*ARNOL•D STOTHERS Phone -529.7463 " - .- for estimates SKELTON APPLIANCES I ng l i s -Moffat -Beatty Sales -Service Repairs•to all makes 36 Britannia Rd. W. Ph. 524-7871 -17tf SCOTT AND WILLIS ' ►a5 A •jai • P'AIITING 6 PAPERING, • SPRAYING FOR FREE ESTIMATES, CALL 524-6902 Jhere to Buy i RELCO Sewing Ceulre .�_e.(.APPROVE.D DFe!. ER) 40 WEST S.T. 524-8431 ,. VACUUM CLEANERS -`' Sales & Service All Makes BOB PECK VARNA 262-5748 Collect a M'OVJNG 'and HAULING George Low Jr._ 524-6045 Clean-ups and ,scrap removal , GODERICH TAXI Taxi. Stand At Lionel's Sunoco Service Station 87 Victoria St. 524-6594 Bill Swan,'Prop. 15. NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE.OF CLARA ANN LAWSON,. late of the Village of Auburn in the County -of Hunon, ' FRY -We would :like to thank Widow, Deceased. - everyonefortheir kindness to us ALL, persons having claims d u r i n g our .recent against the'E,state of the above- bereavement.-BillandKaren.- named who died on February 29, 20 1972. are required to file full • particulars thereof with _ _the THE Women of Knox would like to undersigned on or before the 31st. thank Mr. Mike Cummings for May 1972, after which date the donating his services for their assets will be distributed, having •successful May 13th Auction regard only toihe claims Of which. Sale. -20 the undersigned shall then have . ni,tce. MASKELL--The relatives of the DATED 'at Clinton, - Ontario, late Mrs. Olive Maskell express ,this 4th day of May, 1972:- • sincere thanks to their friends "E.B. MENZIES, Q.C.. and neighbours for the messages Clinton, Ontario, ' -of comfort and Sympathy at the Solicitor for the Executors time of her sudden passing. They - 19,20,21 are very grateful to those who " - r. serif:'frewerS,..to 6-6-Tadi6 prepared and served lunch, and to those who helped in any way. -20 LEE -At Alexandra Hospital on May 13, 1972 to Mr. and -Mrs: Larry Lee, Goderich, a bab"y'gisl, Jody Lee. SCRUTON-At Alexandra Hospital on May 9, 1972 to Mr, and - Mrs, Edward .Scruton, Goderich, a baby girl Paula Nicole. C; BRIEFS' WHEELCHAIRS-WALKERSThe, Humanitarian Service C.P. & T: Committee of the Goderich Oddfellow and' Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loan. Contact Amos Osbaldeston, 524=9623 or Fred Fritzley, 524-7217. -eow -E. CARDS OP THANKS E IN THE ESTATE OF' ELDON +DGE VILLAGE OF AUBURN. IN THF. THE COUNTY OF HURON MacLENNAN, LATE OF TE At;.L.per. ons cla°I'ming, against M 0.V. E R the above Estate,are required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or WHEN MOVING before the 10th day of -June, 1972, PHONE after which date the assets will be distributed. DONNELLY & MURPHY 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate: - 20.21,22 262-2834• HENSALL, ONT. MOVING WITH CANADA SINCE 1873 Farm Drainage and sub -irrigation. -Latest Equipment - Autornetic Laser Grade Control ZorPlow P.O. Box 544 Woodstock, On't, Phone 537-8775 • 13. AUCTION SALE PE,RMA DRIVE PAVING ASPHALT CONTRACTORS Driveways -Parking Lots Repairs -Resurfacing Free Estimates Phone 524-6623 Goderich -19,20 13. AUCTION SALE CLEARING' AUCTION SALE AtLdt30, Concession3, McKdrop Township, 1''4 miles north of Seaforth, 11/4 west, first farm north.* Oh Friday, May 19, at,1:15 p,m. LIVESTOCK: 6 Hereford heifers and 6 Hereford steers, 1 yr. old; 1 market cow; 21/2 'yr. old Hereford bull. PIGS: 5 sows recently bred; 1 York boar; 9 market pigs; 16 weiners, TRACTOR & MACHINERY: VAC Case tractor complete with Superior loader; 1020 McCormick Deering tractor; 2 Dion •self -unloading forage boxes; '2--5 'ton wagons; Dion Idng,box blower, 40 ft. pipe; Case for'age harvester with hay & corn head; Case corrtpicker; Turnco gravity box; M.F. 6 ,bar side rake; Case 9,ff: pull type swather; Oliver 3 furrow plow; 3 drum land •roller; J.D. one way disc; J.D. _ 12 A pull' type combine; Fleury -Bissell 2 -way disc; J.D. 10 ft. cultivator; 10.4 -section Diamond harrows; M.H. 950u. spreader; 3 Pt. H. Comfort weed sprayer. MISC.:,13-30 dual wheels; J•,D, sub-soiler; J.D. Hammermill; 2 endless belts 50' and 20'; 21--4" augers; 4 farrowing crates; 2wheeledtrailer; Int. Milker and 3units; cement mixer; etc., etc.. - -,. FEED: 15 ton mixed grain,.10 ton'bartey. TERMS -CASH FARM RENTED PROPRIETOR - Peter McCo'wanl RATHWELL'SAUCTION • SERV Ic Ilrtleefi+nld, .82.3120 p. 16. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice to owners of plots in Maitland Cemetery. WINTER WREATHS are -to be collected, immediately. Any wreaths remaining after May 23rd will be destroyed. J. Harold Walls, Sec.-Treas. • GREENWOOD -Io would like to take this opportunity to thank all my friends, neighbors and relatives for their visits, cards, flowers and gifts, while I wags in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Watters, Nurses and Staff on 1 East, Anibuia.nce drivers and to Rev. G. L. Royal. -Helen Greenwood. -20x F. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Henk Beuker of Burlington wish. to . announce the - forthcoming- n'rarriage hof their -- youngest daughter Trieneke to Mr. Morley Leeking, son of Mr. and Ws-. Morley---Leeking Sr.;- of Goderich. The marriage will take place June 3, 1972 at 4. o'clock in Knox Presbyterian Church: Goderich.-20 • BENM1UER- PLANT FARM •(McKee) TOMAT9ES PANSIES GERANIUMS. PETUNIAS etc. We can sell the best for less because we grow them and love them, GROW OUR 12" HYBRID TOMATO PLANTS FOR EARLY FRUIT HURON ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL SERVICES FOR TOWN; COUNTRY AND SMALL INDUSTRY NEW INSTALLATIONS AND RENOVATIONS , FREE ESTIMATES CONRAD MAcVICAR PROP, PH,,524-9661 Aft. THUB , A.Y. MAY 4. lifia, News. congratulations are extended to Mrs George. Collinson of Kintailwho was 92 last Ttlttrsdav® Mav lith, It takes millions to finance the fight 'against cancer,, New :labora- ° tortes ,have, to lay b►trlt and equip- ped. Pull->ir)1e seicntists,, *Tabora tory tcchntpi�tns,';assistants 'h.we to be paid, - Rate are: some-of•:our most. maid friends and cost $2 to 59 ' each: Maintenance for the 25,000 mice: that a Istb nasty,' 'have at. IP)' one time runs to 537$ 4 clay' An electronmicroscope costs from $45,000 to ' 568,000 Cell counters. are 56,500. An ultra- centrifuge is $18,000, The cbsts, go on arid'oat. But Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Willis are :, they're paying off, Nowadays pleased to ahnounce the thousands„ and thousands of forthcoming marriage of their cancer patients";axe cured. • youngest daughter, Janice Lynn to Bryan Frederick Purdon, eldest son 'of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Purdon of R.R.3, Wingharn, Ont. The wedding to take place at 4 o'clock p.m. on June 24, 1972 at Knox , Presbyterian Church Chapel, Goderich, Ont. 20x cancer can be beaten.. For further information, contact.yoyr local Cancef'ljnit., CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Tourist Conuiittee e interested inMart Recently, the Goderich Tourist . Tourism a large boast without any ,. Committee invited merchant and actual help from the Tourist organization P representatives to • Committee,• hear their ideas on the coming This year they hope to stretch "Goderich Surnmerfest". the three days to a full weekend Realizing the' little Art Mart begin to build tourist attractions whichbegan over 10 years ago has to attract even more people to teen growing each year -by leaps Goderich during 'the. summer and bounds, encompassing the season. local [merchants `Sidewalk Many ideas were discussed and Shopping Days; the Kinsmenskin are to be taken back to their Karnival and Bingo: the Sidewalk organizations for action. Mainly.Kafay. (started by the ladies of the more advertising and I,O.D.E.) and now carried on by development promoting tourism :the Kinettes:) the introduction of for this fine County town of Huron Fine Arts and Crafts, and Ho`lne is to be done and every group from and Hobby Crafts to the Art Mart sports to sailing and church and the many and varied efforts of -suppers are asked to send in their other organizations to this well attended three day affair in the centre of our town. It, has drawn thousands each siinm,er giving plans to the Tourist Committee Office, 20 The Square, so that a summer. Calendar • of Events might be drawn up. THINK. SPRING JEANS!. SHORTS! SPORT _SH1RTS!"_ T-SH1RTS! JACKETS! SPORT COATS! PLANNING A SUMMER WEDDING? order -formal wear from Freeman Formal Rentals lc ett S Cam The Store For Men CLINTON GOOERICH KINCARDINE, Home is where the MoneyJs.. Home;iswher�tke.hearf 9 is, and it's where machof your your money is too So it pays to keep your home in •9.00d,repejr., Y;outCrlEdi f tiptop can help you get your house in order with'alow-cost improvement loan.