The Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-05-18, Page 8M .y 4"GOirtiCH IGNAL-STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 1.8.E 1.972 ♦4 l4. 474, 'R , ♦ ,,,'"ey ri.A .vi.WY'tr: 41+ a ! j♦may .� Ml ,, .tl,Aft -1 N^'}j��"�, kA ';'0,114*' " yy r 46,4 14 ;`�h "7R'i f 7•.4 .. Goderich Signal -Star- cern help y , If you are a high school student, and if, you are looking for a summer job, The .t, Signal -Stas will do all it can to assist you. We'll'run your "Summer Job Wanted" Ad--FREE—on May 18, 25, June 1 and 8. To Place your ad, fill out the FREE CLASSIFIED AD Signal -Star Order Form (or a reasonable ,1 ry ihriiiiiiiGhanhei` *r Olein. Mr* 044, rat, ilii. wile duly. same 4I.44444i .4.4,1, 41.4 * ' 9 ,L. FREE CLASSIFIED AD ORDER FORM HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS COLUMN r Following ismyClassified Want Adwhich Iunderstand you will publish in The Signal -Star FREE OF CHARGE ... May 18, 25, June 1, a, 1972. NAME AGE ADDRESS.... SCHOOL ,4♦ WRITE ONLY ONE WORD IN.EACH SPACE ' NO PHONE ORDERS PLEASE LIP AND DELIVER TO THE $INAL-STAR 1 3l West St., Goderich . 4 i•N1i AN. Willy. IYYi .- mi.. M.ie YOM/ tl • b facsimile)tand take it to the Signal -Star. Ads must be limited to 20 words and must include your name,` age, and address. The type of work desired and previous work experience, if any, should also be included. TO EMPLOYERS: T tl , it • When the F ree Student Want Ada appear .in The Signal -Star you'll have a ready reference of young workers, ready and willing to perform many types of jobs this summer. We suggest you check our classified pages May 18, 25, and June 1, 8, for student ads. Illes11 011111,11•1 OWN* --.,.. 0101m. ..W. r,:. -w obertc J 1''3 • y ,o,1,r1 t(i ,.y N' ,11r1;?., 4 11 0 0