The Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-05-18, Page 6a ERI 11 SIGNAL -STAR, THUR4DAY, MAI 1 , 19l2 Iospital Day Preparing Meals .The staff cooks meals in the hospital for more than a hundred patients: The dining area is set up just like regular family dining tables, -to give the hospital more of a home atmosphere. (staff photo) Rotarydonates to hospital The'Goderich'General Hospital received a cheque for $775 last Thursday from the Rotary Club for a new spirostat for the hospital. From left to right are: Dr. M. Watts, Tim Elliott, administrator of "the hospital, Trevor Ormandy; President of the Rotary Club, and xt� 12,==>*, is "}t t ( .4/.==424 x [] Country b .NettOs 11 We're off and running = and what a start' Saturday, was the big opening for, the men, and it was so successful, that Art and his crew have another big da'v planned for next Monday, 22. There will be a shot-gup start at 9 a.m. Breakfast •by• reservation. Art claimed the • scores were not the hest. but it's early yet. and perhaps Fanny's good,•cooking was too' much for tliWinners of the Low Gross were Wayne Muck, Des Wood. and - • Ralph Kingswell. Low,,, Net • winners were Bill Stiles, Chuck Jewell, and Bob Shrier. Monday night was , the first :Men's Night of the season. Fifty men were out to this event, which was a great s.ucces•. The following are the .winners: Jack MacKenzie, Tom Flynn,. Bill Stiles, Stan Kelly, Pete Graf, Tom Campioh, Bill Jones, Mike Mallough, Chuck' Jewell. Don MacEwan, Bud Worthy, Bill Ross: • George 'Bolton, Don Shortreed. -"But M—cb-atigal" , Waller Pa'Irriais and Nick Legere. I understand Bill Huff is finding BY SHELAGH SULLY • it difficiilt to wipe .the grin off his face. after his amazing victory over Tony! ' 'Wen's Night happens to fall on a holiday (such as, May 22nd) or if it is rained.out, it will be played the following "Thursday evening (such. as May 25th.) , ' Dan Bobbie will be in charge of the Pro Shop this year, and will also look after Club Storage, -Dan.__ ill be going into -third year at the C. iversity of Windsor, in the fall. • — though Windsor is his home, he is living in Goderich for the summer. Dan will be very pleased to look after your golfing needs. Club Storage is also available for a $10.00 fee per season. This ihcludes cleaning of your clubs. evening will be the. first Ladies Night of the season. • I'm certainly anxious to. get started, .and I'm - sure all of you are too. Sports Captains -- don't forget to get all the results of each event' . to mefor this column. Otherwise, I shall be forced to tell all about the 19hole!! Ladies — tonight's the night! The opening dinner and meeting, fhat is! Things will get under way at 6 p.m, for a social` half hour, with dinner to follow at 6:30. p.m'. We ekpect a very,00d turn -out, so come early and enjoy ,yourselves. _Special -.planes have-Wee the evening; Remember, next Tuesday TOWN TALI( Lynda. Masecar, RR t, Inglewood, has adopted Chin Ok Park, aged semen years of Korea.. Miss Masecar is the -granddaughter of Mr! aand Mrs. D: McGratten, 33 Essex St., Goderich, and the €laughter of Emila Masecar. Bob Swartman, Rotary Club member: The spirostat seen in the ,picture; is usedfor.measuring breath intake and output. It is found very useful in assessing illnesses such as asthmacases. When Y�u Shop Say ... I'SAW IT IN THE SIGNAL .ARY1 SEWING: e -ENTRE' SPECIAL DEMONSTRATIONS By our Field Representative ' JUNE 1 TO,JUNE 4 ON ELNA MACHINES She will also be at'our Stand At Clinton Spring Fair. + + + New classes (aft.ernoon.or evening) .will be• starting May 24 and May 29 (One day a week) . . + + + 17 Albert Street Clinton 482-7036 —20,21 11 0a 11) fr 01 QW • CLEAN QUALITY BARGAIN SPECIAL Patients also repair and refinish furniture at the hospital:'This man is repairing, a sofa. (staff photo) GODERICH FROSTED FOODS 65 HAMILTON STREET ' FLANK STEAKS SPARE RIBS SIDE PORK 1 .b.9 Maverick Grabber Pinto 2.00or Sedan lb 75 4 Ib. 75 liANAKVieX Cuj(om SOfa Ranch Wason with Dual Fac(na Rear Seals ONE OWNER ,McCAIN'S MIXED 2 Ib. VEGETABLES BAG 49 AUSTRAL CHOICE PEACHES 14 ox..TIIVS SUPREME --5 VARIETIES 4(y :BI5CWT5. b p . , 1MRA"C'LE WHIP' SALAD D R ESSI 2)55` CELLO PKGS,'")30. r1 32 opt;JAR 69 •° :1971 FORD G 1970 FORD CUSTOM SOO 4•door sedan, V.*, automa c, power steering, power brakes, IILAICIE 500 radio. tic, L61302, $2195 V$ sutomslio, 4 Boar hardtop, 1970 METEOR RIDEAU" powersliering,powerbrekis, V•8, automotic power •Maroon, matching bsnyi trim. ��� 411EYRbl j radio, whits wills, Wheel !leering, power brakes, $2295 covers. 'matching t)e'ep3195 vinyl top, Lie. 631034, dt , V- fU5TOM1" '1970 C1IEVROLEf 1EhAIR 2•.door hardtop, v-9,� . w 4 door sedan, V d, automatic, automatic, pow; steering, pow�r_ttisrin9,powerbrsl�g::$. 1,95. _ .power s, vinyl radio; _.rte• Lie,H12440. speakers, vinyl trim, Lie. 1970 Atw1ASSADOR r<4tr3ex. 4 door sed'an'o,V-L ititonlatic, 170 F0 OALAXIE �0 poaverstesrirl�l,powirbrakes, 2•door hardtop, radiog reoiining seats, laoior' automatic, power steering, air conditioniaig, •Lic. t Ge9e6`.. 595 powerbrakes, radio, vinyl top. $12`95 Li*. Last;Friday was Hospital'iay, Sone at Goderich ssychiatrid Hospital work in' the sewing room each day, It it just tirif ofthe therapy:rooms ifl hospital that provide constructive*activity for the patients. Here they Mike stuffed animals and clothing.: (staff° photo) •N LE ' '48 oz, JAR GQDERICW:M�TQR 36' Sltl��'H 3T,, OD .. .�. GEi ICH ,.,., PHONE D14•1 11 n to 0