The Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-05-18, Page 4ICH SIGHA ,-sTAti°, THIJRSDAY, MAY 14,, 1972 In passing Dunlop,Corn r .it is great to seethe changes flat are happening out there. Gertie Kaitting, that amiable and terrific little lady. really, put •the Corner on the 'map with her Tiger Dunlop Inn, serving the greatest ' : home cooked" meals to be had for miles around. Now, Gertie has retired. to a nice home just south of the Inn, which she has given up to folks who are making it over into a fine home again. No more Tiger Dunlop Inn. • I'd like to bet that there are still miairyfolks wait) stop expecting to be fedw'gia,aulr- sorry to have to carry on g_ hungry. I know that a „little bundle of energy, can only • last so long and I hope she gave it up before her energy gave outs. It as nice to.see so many new domes in that area and I stopped in to visit the folks who have the Moteland chattedfor a while with • Mrs.- Jrm Clutton'who'has really worked to beautify this spot. I had seen the motel some years ago when it was a big ,homey place with rooms large enough for you to get lonesome in' I was plea hntly surprised with • the changes that hive ,been. Made to create beautiful up to the Minute rooms — which are still large enough to get lest' in'. • , Thevhatie such great potent:al there with' their linewoods and lawns and easy accaess to the- :oke. I'm sure they will soon be short of • rooms, and wish -they `hadn't: been made.so large . It is wonderful to watch Goderich and its outlying 'area :changing. Very little of it you could say'was dying. Mostly it is springing to life'so that you folks who have not been -home in' many years willbe greatly surprised by its development and sprawl.' Speaking of folks coming home — Becky. hit town last weekend and a 4reat many people knew about it in a hurry...They even put 'a large light bulb in the lighthouse to let everyone know I was home," says Bucky --- but I don't believe hitn. Art and Phyllis Doak, • their family grown ,with three grandchildren, have been in Sharbot, Lake for many years.. Buckv is manager of the nice LCBO IN and OUT store, Bob and Sharon married and young Larry still a heartbreaker. Bucky — very well known as. a Goderich boy who returned from the last war an amputee. Minus one leg was never a big handicap to him ,— he keeps telling himself — as he carries on with his golfing, swimming, dancing, hunting — even plays ball and hockey — nothing phases him — what a •guy! Dear ' old noisy, sentimental Bucky — (oops. not so OLD — he'll KILL me!) He quickly looked up many of his friends. hada lovely rose for many of the ladies he loves to tease. and then buzzed off to Windsor to see some of hts folks down there.' a .Shargn and her two little ones were also renewing friendships and were looking GREAT If you verso •thro' Sharbot Lake o0 :he Highway to Ottawa — and don't stop in to see him you're going to catch it He loves people and that 'covers a lot of territory With or without the extra activities Of the •Summer Fest — the Art Mart for July 27.26and 2'9 lila really shaping up You crafts people get busy — and all the groups, think of • something you can contribute this year to add to the pleasure ofd the hundreds of tourists who visit us ;3t this time. Also remember it is the best time of the year to make money for your project — so DO SOMETHING' , • Guelph Roads Conference Guelph, Ontario. May 10. 1971 .More than •100 •road superintendents from' all parts of Ontario were on the University of Guelph campus •Mav 7 'to 10. attending the ninth annual T. J. ° Mahoney. and C S. Anderson Roads Schools. The two courses, Which ran simultaneously. were sponsored by the... Ontario ,Good.._. Roads Association in co- operation with the University of . Guelph's School of Engineering. '77 According td' Professor Ross W. Irwin. extension co-ordinator of the School of Engineering. 200 roads superintendents enrol1ediri • • the second year of the two-year .basic course. TMs course is named after T. .1. Mahoney., a proponent of good roads in Ontario in the early days of this movement some 50 years ago. rm.e course _ concentrates on the _'Love. Martha t•i basic legal. financial and tical aspects.of rural road cnsnstrection and maintenance. The'advanced school. named in honor 'Of the late C S. Anderson who was president' of the Association when the course was • introduced. deals with soils. News e � The following bit of. fun was presented to the editorial staff at The ci.oderieb Signal -Star Monday morning ... with the assurance that the intent of the writing would be readily understood and appreciated by people of Port Albert. Decision has been' made to print the "news" as it was sent in to us because we believe it mirrors the true friendliness that only a village can muster. Mrs. Viola Petrie has once again returned to our fair valley. 'after a lengthy stay in the land of sunshine and oranges, (Florida). (Photos showing her latest bikini • to be forwarded at later date.) Mr. and • Mrs. Alexander. Pierre Goliath David Benjamin Trumbley of Pine Knob Hill. has also jest returned after five months in California and Las Vegas. Mr. APGDB Trumbley and his beautiful wife, B.W. were guests of his son Mr. and Mrs. Dale Goliath Pierre Benjamin David Trumbley and three lovely grandchildren. Mr. Trumbley. retired • enniassed his- vast holdings through marketing butter and eggs,. in the U,S.• Mr. and Mrs. Trumbleys electric mansion is now .open to receive their old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Vanderburgh of. Urianium Hill have also returned from their winter home in Florida. Mr. Vanderburgh, also made` his bundle from chickens and eggs. Mrs. Petrie acquired her fortune from selling`rhickens and. .eggs. Now that I have just ordered one rooster and three hens. you can expect to hear from me in the year of 2001 frohl Florida. Make that Pao hens. as I plan to consume the first little fat devil that *walks out of the crate It's.b•een a long eold winter •Mr. Robert Hoy Of Goderich. hitched up his buggy. and drove ninety miles to the T -Bar Ranch. )neared 6 miles north of Wiarton and owned by our fa rorite ,'anal trapper: '}'repairman, breeder. hunter. brewer Mr. Hector, John Tigert who was celebrating: his rocking chair bir tl:dav:, Happy 65th Hec Our beautiful young candidate for lite title Miss Canada 1980 is well endowed •with poise. personality. height and energy. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Draper d, Pine -Krim • Hill. the , renow-n Latex Oil paint artist. stopper: at our local bachelor's palace for a few 'games of highly spared cribbage. Mr. Dra y's. breaking was of the highest esteem: ' To 'niake a long story short t•be l Tac k v artist tookd every game For Iuhrh. cold. raw fish was served • InaustMy in Port Alber& has beeninvaded by three young Icca `1"mperial capitalists. The nature of thrs .closely .guarded enterprise. will snake one hare of a story When released One wo3 61 caution. to Don Dickson. Ron Hodges and 'Brian Petrie. keep :your eye on that handsome bachelor as he Wai seen Carrying surveying. equtpseent, " ifiaititeTrance. rniiintcnannee'--- ''management. and tiuman relations. About 200 superintendents enrolled ..in the five advanced courses. The° course's are, planned to upgrade and extend the knowledge of'road superintendents, particularly those looking ,after county ' and township roads in Ontario's rural areas. Instructors consist. mainly of county engineers and provincial highways' department officials. • Open Monday, May 22 BOX PLANTS Geraniums, begonias, spikes, petunias, 'alyssum, portulaca, patience, marigolds, snapdragons, foliage. Vegetable Plants =Tomatoes, Peplum's & Cabbage GRASS SEEDS---'1WILSt ,1 PRODUCTS --FLOWERS-- VEGGETABLE,SEEDS--SHRUBS—CEMETERY PLANTING-'- • TRIMMING AND MAINTENANCE OF SHRUBS—RAKING LAWNS FERTILIZING OPEN raaYs. A WEEK DAYLIGHT- TIL DARK: A • from Port Albert - .47 r.) • 4r a kicking white object that had legs. Toni Dickson and Art Dickson presented our local palace tenant, with 2500 zaloopies tax free. Providing he. travels to Upper Utopia by• canoe -- no paddles and no supplies. Brian Draper often.invites his father.Elmerto go -along with the young crowd for an evening of fun. TI31S MUST BE A FIRST. Elwin Petrie, Gen. store merchant and tycoon, celebrated his 39th bi rthday. 4,n Sunday, April 23 by waisting on a steady line of customers visiting the port' to look over our trout stream: Happy birthday Pete. Jim Martin. Wayne Lennington. Brian Petrie plus others, showed real talent regarding the finer New program for farm bflkl�ans This new program` of guaranteed bank loans for purchasing beef breeding stock will certainly help put the beef industry in Ontario on an -equal 'footing with. other provinces. Ontario' Federation of Agriculture President, . Gordon Hill said in Toronto Friday: "We have the land and,we have the markets, apd now we have the financing. The stage is set for a resurgence of- beef calf production in Ontario." he said. Hill's comments followed Iast Neeek's annonncement< by' Agriculture Minister , William Stewart of goti„ernment- guaranteed bank 'loans for the purchase of ,,Heifers for beef 'production. The maximum loan per head is S250.. maximum over- all lculn cs S 1; 0000 Borrowers under the program will par only interest for the first two years of the- ._=+n..'anari then repay interest and principle over thte•riex? five years -This pr gram -„^all •have ..gi.Veri the f `tn -as r. more of •a boost it it had inc'su ew.; :he for i eab e inter-es4'fe 'ire"*k.� we ,proposed, ill. said -'hut perhaps the decisi sato brine. new fences into the capital 'grants per zrarn'wiU'ccmoensate for tl a• to some extent ” • • arts on haw to remove trout from the Nine Mile River, without being charged and your equipment confiscated. Under the watchful eyes of • at least eight Lands' & Forests officers in uniform, Jin1 Wayne, and Brian assisted the officers in helping the spawning trout over the high dam. Wayne Lennington stated that one, of the trout would weigh over 15 pounds. M rs Florence Green, daughter Bonnie Jean Crockett and grandchildren • Randy, Allan., Leslie I.vtin Crockett i•ore guests at the palace for four short days. A grand and lovely visit was had by all. My beautiful grandaughter (Leslie Ly in)' kept requesting timre heat even though both stoves • were on hill throttle. My thought for the Day— An ex wife or husband- always remittcds me `of the cricifixion. They keep hoping to see you nailed to they c'rotis • Psychiatric Hospital bowling banquet The Goderidh Psychiatric Hospital Mixed Bowling League„ held their banque,, May 12 at the Goderich Psychiatric Hospital. The ladies' high average ,,was won by Edith Moody; high triple, Thelma McDougall; high single, Kay Falconer. l'ftib men's high average went ,to Jim Harrison; high triple, Lyall Mahon. high single, George Gregg. Most improved bowler awards went to Marie and Dave Dodds. Winners of the _Angela Dawson trophy. . The ' Gangbusters won '•the league title and the Dr. Hagen Trophy. On the team are captain, I call Mabon, Lynda Chambers, Put O'Connor, Judy Timms, Dave Dodds and• Geo.r ge Gregg. Kelly's Hems Won the playoffs and the Civil Service Association trophy. On the team are captain, Bruce Kelly, Joe Wedlock, Vera Gregg, Kay Falconer, Marie L odds,and Doug Telford. Winner 'of the door prize, a table lamp, was Linda Burnett. • The executive for the 1972-73 season is ,president, Gary Chambers; vice president, Jim Harrison; , secretary; Jeanne Senit r; 'treasure'r, Ann. MacDonald. Police patrol in water'frontarea The Goderich waterfront area MS been causing a few problems over recent weeks for the local police, force according to Chief Fran Minshall. , This past weekend the chief expriined. officers of the force we're on patrol almost continually in the area of the grain elevators where windows have been rep: r:e 1 smashed and entry made to :lie buildings recently. At one Nara :he chief said, whoever was res ons:ble went, so ,far as to tamser'w ith the conveyer leg at the -:-...itors'and had it moving.._ ' F.e* _ eptly there have also been rep :us that someone has been fir.:_ 22 calibre. rifles and pellet lar._ :r :he beach area. The chief sort :hat over the past weekend r the... so answered a complaint of :h sime thing happening in Judith G.,andecam. ,Sonieon :was .arently firing a pellet gun= out '■z'S SMITH' ,PRO HARDWARE tit INTONo•rdi FIREVORI( • of the park and across Victoria Street toward the Esso Station," he said. The police department remind -everyone that it is against the law to discharge a firearm within the town limits and that pellet guns, as well as rifles and other air guns, classify as Firearms under this law. V� WILL 'THE REAS`"K`N`IT PLEASE STAND. UP! (It will ° to everything summer dishes out!!) We're ready with real action knits—for the ultimate in:, comfort and cool. On the green, on the road, in a shady. hammock or on a bench in the Courthouse Square. EARL RAWSON Style Shop Corner The• Squire and Mbmtreal St. BLUE'S SUPERMARKET SUPER DISCOUNT PRICES ON THE SQUARE COLEMAN'S SWEET PICKLED. COTTAGE ROLLS 67 !b. OPEN 8 A M SHARP TILL 10 P.M 6 DAYS A WEEK FRESH CHICKEN. LEGS and era BREASTS �b.59 SCHNEIDER'S MINCED (OOJ�b HAM THE BANK OF MONTREAL can help you enjoy e vacation home now! We have tailored a special programme to help you get that cottage at that special Ice or that chalet in the hills with up to 75 percent financing. r —interest rate: a low 11 percent —up to 10 years;:o repay --life insured —prepay without' penalty 'e APING & NURSERY 1 `` tENNE rSt. E, GOOERIRH 524ie124, Miniber 4 0.$terie Nursery treats -.14sociatit , For further, information, contact the nearest BANK OF MONTREAL. We want you to get your money's worth! VtNERIPE OMATOES 14 oz, , PKG'S F 3 Dlll PICKLE CHUNKS 3J2A F01 z$ 434 U.S.A. NO. 1 NE W OTATOE aa�= 95' STOKELY'S KERNEL CORN 12 oz: TINS 4*89 STAFFORD'S PURE JAMS. 9 oz. JARS 9 a i3R Giant Ivory DETERGENT e 0 . 0320;. E, 694 WONDER 06b-1 Ib. B -Marsh • 334 VOGUE TOILET TISSOES 4 PACK 494 AGS SHIRRIFF'S TELLY POWDR5 EPICURE TIDE BACON Fl1CbG • CANADA NO. 1 COOKING QNfONS3.1b BAG. 4 WE DELIVER COLEMAN'S WIENERS 1 lb, VAC PACK .BRIGHT'S PURE' APPLE' JUICE. 48 oz.F 4 TINS R QUALITY BRAND SKIM MILK POWDER 3 Ib. BAGS 1.29 ROYALE FACIAL TISSUES REG. p SIZE R 994 CARNATION Coffee Mate* 1f oz. JAR 594 USA NO. 1 I4EA -- LETTUCE EACH NABOB—REGULAR TEA BAGS no's .. 494 „ Jovex Bleach 160oz. GALLON 85 JUG 51 LILT � 6 BUTTER Ib. 694 DARE'S FANCY COOKIES 1 Ib.,ASSORTED BAGS 2°F R 1 t M 0 • A • •