The Exeter Advocate, 1893-8-10, Page 6LAUGH, AND LEARN.
Or Course You've Been There,,
It's, sad when you comae very late from. the.
Ot comae you've been, there—
,Audtyour wife won't believe a word of that
Of course you've been there.
How you hunger ouoe more for your bachelor
When no one rebuked your hilarious ways,
And your lamp burned all night oa your board-
inghouse stair—
f course you've been there.
When the bsby awakes in the dead of the
nicht —
Of course you've been there—
Audiwiil;gies and cries till you turn on tho
h glit–
Uf course you've been there.
Then hl; mother is sure the poor darling is
And instals that you go for some medicine
And you beep on a tack in your hurry and
Of course course you've been there.
Then just as you're quietly falling asleep—
Of courae you've been there—
You hear a low voico that makes your flesh
Of course you've been there—
"I hear some one move in she basement
There's burglars got into the kitohen. I know."
You rise in the dark and fall over a chair—
Of course you've been there.
And tbat is the way of the world and of life—
Of course you've been there—
It's full o t delusions, vexations and strife—
Of course you've been there.
But still there's a proper proportion of fuu,
And wo each get oar share, when all's said and
And there always is sunshine and music some-
Of course you've been there.
A maohloe cleans bah.
Sweet potato our is Bow.
Zola was a $4 -week -clerk..
Holland has female ohomiete.
Saxony usee electric nhuttloe.
CeyloA yields the beat pearls.
Iceland has only two lawyers.
Glees bricks are in the market.
There is a shorthand type writer.
New York has 2,131 newspapers.
London has a 970•kerat diamond.
Colnmbus policemen use bicycles.
New York has 19 street railways.
France has an eleotrie Locomotive.
Aluminium bicycles are announce&
Saloons employ 24,000 Cbicagoane.
Leaden telephones cost $50 a year.
Uncle Sam has 400,000 Bohemians.
Texas has a feminine negro dentisb.
Nies, York has an 8.foob-3 bartender.
Portugal's crown is worth $6,500,000.
Agriculture employe 280,000,000 men.
England makes 130,000 bicycles a year,.
Saltpetre le extracted from cottonseed.
Glasgow 'buesee have pneumatic tires.
French railroads employ 24,000 women.
The Bank of Venire was opened in 1157.
Baetness and pleasure–the medicated
eoda water.
The summer girl is trying to do away
with gloves.
An application for relief–adjusting a
parous plaster.
A woman fall of faith in the ene she loves
le bat a novelisb'a fancy.
Dark witl be largely worn for negligee
thin aummer by those in the swim.
Teo Fin de elects girl and the fine bicycle
girl heva a more or less pronounced relation-
A history of the Farmers' Alliance is
about to be published. It is a cereal
The most infamone are fond of fame ;
and those why fear not guilt yet s,arb at
There is a language of flowers, as, for
inebe oce, when a barefooted man steps on a
" They are the closest of friends." "Yes,
I never knew one of them to lend the other
a cent."
MU11one of spiritual creatures walk the
earth tiaseen, both when we sleep and when
we wake.
A now material for hard outing wear is
called "tramp cloth." Ib probabiy shrinks
from washing.
A bird in the hand is always worth two
in the hush, and the best bird in the hand
le a golden eagle,
An uptown man is said bo be so narrow-
mindel that he ean'b throw a shadow when
he takes off hie hat.
No profit grows where is no pleasure
taken ; in brief, air, ebudy what you most
a$eob. –Shakespeare.
Van Drnse–I want to get married. Van
Arndt–Well, why not wait for leap year
and advertise for bide?
When a man invests his money in the
Iron trade he naburally expects to do a heavy
bualnoas from the start.
A royal court without women is like a
year without spring, a spring without
floware.—.Francis 1. of France.
Tho fitness of tillage ie well maintained
when the impatient diner is served with
food prepared in a chafing dish.
" What are you doing around hero ?"
asked the policemen. " Hunting for
quarters," replied the tramp beggar'
Figg–You have seen Jones' wife ; what
is she like ? S boutd you call her pretty ?
Fogg–I might if I was talking to Jones.
" Snobby is very anxious that hie boy
should learn the cornet." " Yes, Snobbe
has a gradge against the next door family."
" While I am not certain as to the einful-
neas of drinking," said Mr. Lushferth the
next morning. s' lam sere as to the bad
In a health journal the queetion, " How
long might a men to rest after a meal ?" is
being argued, Many man real; until the
most meal
Balma are for spending, and spending for
honor and ;;ood actions ; therefore, extraor-
dinary expenee must be limited by the worth
of the occasion.
A prayer book was found the other day
in the S' ()amok* of au o:itrioh that WAS ilia -
seated iu Lin ion. Tide would indicate
that the big bird is a beast of pray.
As an indication of how the slave trade
survival' in Afrioa, it stated that feet
sunteitr a caravan of 10,000 commie and
4,000 slaves, LeftTimbuoteo for Merocoo.
There le one thing that musb be said in
favor of the 'pugiiiet. Mew of all other call-
-Inge want the beat of everything they go at,.
but ell the pugilist nuts le afghtingchaneo.
iMre. Via arillkr (who 'rxiietakes Dr.
Jovial for a Vel meter) —And where de you
pracnioe, clor•a,dr ? lies Rev. Dr. Jovial
–we, madam, I do nob praotice ; I only
Mien De 1[tlz–Oh, .tele, I haven't the foie
to acre for rouge in his drug store I Mise
il'almrme--Why, yea emu gave, dearest; just
the Rios. Oct right, 10 ; you won't have to
(phare are about eight times aei many
divorase granted in Japan as in the Uatbed
States, the proportion la the mikado'e
realm amounting to 008 ottb. of every 100,000
of population.
A, perfect whispering gallery oxtatu le
the Mornioa Tahernaole at. Salt Like Otby.
A pin prepped lute a silk hat at one end of
the vast building can be distinctly heard
by pennies at the opposite end.
" Now look pleasant, please," laid the
photographer. How the darnabion can a
manlook pieasanb with that sign a-abarin'
him in the face , asked the countrymen
pointing to the legend, whtoh read: " Alt
orders must be paid for in advance."
A. Vancouver Man who was Overrule with
Ilonaakeeprr Applicants.
�7f7 ANTED—A housekeeper for four or five
r V months. Apply to 0. Gardiner Johnson,
old Bank of B.C., Itaathegs street. as 1121.-1w
The above advertisement is reproduced
exactly as it appeared in the World of
Thursday. It is an innocent looking little
advertisement and the clerk who teak it in,
the adman who set it, or the proaf.reader
who read it, never thought that it would be
the aauee of forcing a well-known broker
to do what the sliver crisis could not do–
oloao his doors. Every one kuows C.
Gardiner Johnson. To say you do net
know him is to argue yourself unknown.
His wile is going to take a long holiday in
the Orient and to ensure hie Lures and
}denudes being looked after during her ab-
sence he decided to install a housekeeper in
his restdeuce bo look after things during
his better halt's absence. If he had only
considered what an abtraotive man he is he
would have hesitated before puttingthe ad.
to with his name to it and perhaps have
used some of the favorite ?toms de ad. of
the users of the want column euoh as XYZ
or Grass Widower or something of that
Early en Friday morning women began
to gather at the old Bank of British Colum-
bia building. The policeman on that beat
says that the golden aurora had nob climbed
over the tips of the neonutaine before some
ef them were on hand. Thera were tall
women and short women, fat women and
lean women, red-headed women and women
on whose hair charcoal would make a
Monde mark. There were old women and
young waren, middle-aged women and
women of uncertain age. There ware Cana-
dian women and Irish women, French
women and United Soateaiens, Eogtiah
women and Dutch women, and a couple of
Swedes. They all had bhe same idea–to
get near the door.
When Mr. Johnsen reached the office in
the morning he was atraok dumb. The tre-
mendous array of femininity took Ms breath
away. He sneaked back into the lane expect-
ing to get in by bhe bank door, but one of the
Irish ladies was toe quick for him. She
had him cornered betore he could get in
and went for him after Chia etyle ; " Now,
acooahla, it's lucky for ye that I beard ye
wanted a housekeeper. It's meaetf that
will be pleased to look after ye. It's the
Mae young man ye are, and wouldn't
begrudge a body a drap of bhe crathur,
though ib'a meeelf that takes very little of
that same. It's the comfortable home I'll
be after makhe' it for ye." He assured her
that he would consider her application and
refer ib to his wife.
After bhe clerk had opened the front
doors a sbream of females kept pouring in
all the time. They put a step bo bastnoss
and ate up a whole box of sample Australian
oranges. They interviewed him in all aorta
of dialeots until he felt that the tower of
Babel would be a paradise. He stood it
until he saw a klootchman coming, and teen
he fled, and the young man in self-defence
closed the doom–Phnom:ere/3. C.) World..
hard to Conquer.
There's the girl who's stuck oa fenetn.;,
and the girl who's just commencing
to be somewhat interested in she art
of self-defence ;
There's the girl who's good at riding, and
the girl who takes to etrlding over
leagues of dale and mountain with
energy intense ;
There's the girl who worehipa rowing, and
the one who's fond of showing a
markmanship astounding fa a pereon
of her sex ;
There's the girl who's' always ready, with a
nerve both true and steady, when
woful dangers threaten or difficultlee
vex ;
Bab despite bhe manly carriage and the
open scorn of marc, which the
independent ladies seem to think eo
e very nice,
You may, perhaps, have noted that they're
very seldom quoted, as having beet
completely their inherent fear of
A Strange Culleotion.
Ab the Anti -Burglars' Exhibition, which
is to be held at the Crystal Palace, London,
in September next, eleehrto and other de.
eeripbion of alarms, strong rooms, doors,
safety locks end fastenings and other in-
genious devloes for the protection of houses
and property against robbers, will be
included. The promoters of the display are
oleo, it le stated, anxious to receive on loan
any models, drewinge or implements whieh
baso been need by houaebreekere, or which
will precticelly demonetr,ato the various
means by whine burglarise have been per-
Will tied Second ?Lace.
A diamond now being cut at Antwerp, is,
wish one exception, the largest in the world.
Ib now weighs 474 carats, but will lose '275
in the cutting. It will stili, however, hold
its place as second largest orb stone, being
exceeded only by the Paretan Great Mogul,
whtoh weighs 280 carats. The Koh-i-noor
weighs only 10} carate. The Antwerp
diamond, when cut, will be about as large
as a pigeon's egg, and will measure .786
Malmo eadh way.
Wool–After starving for 20 yeare old
Potts conceived an idea which resulted in
making bis fortune.
Van P"lt–What was ib?
Wool–Cbanged the sign over hie shop
from " Junk" to "Antiques,'
Prince is building twenty-five war
A fellow never dteoovere that he has mar-
ried for love until her father collapses.
Besides the ocean greyhounds there are
many other barks on the sea
" John, what a lovely place 1 :If we
could only manage to raise the rent."Mr.
Hunter Howes–Oh, I've no doubt the
landlord would see to that in a couple of
Hungry Higgins–What are you think -
Mg about so hard ? Weary Wabklna–I
was jlab thinkio' of the awful roaponsibility
they is In a man belu' a oitizenof a republic.
–Indianapolis Journal.
Blobba–Is Wlgwdg a good book-keeper ?
Slobba–Lend hirci one and you'll soon find
The Victoria relief fund now amounts to
St. Paul pays women teachers the ratRe
se men.
At the Columbian Exhibition in
CJii �o.
Complimentary klenquet to I' dr. W. J'.
Jim branohea is honored
above every other in-
dustry at this Colum-
bian Exposition. No
one who loves the
farm and life on the
laud/with all its varied
charms of health and
communion with na-
ture, can help being
exalted when he acmes
here and sees what
leas been done to
glorify the oldest and
moat important call-
ing ef the human race.
Agricultural Hall, the great building
devoted to this department of bhe fair, le
second in eke only to the Palace of Liberal
Arta and Manufactures, but yields the
palm to none in this dream city of white
palaces for lavish adornment with appro-
priate statuary and mural paintings. (these
artistic features are of impressive beauty,
and withal are startlingly brae
to nature. At night when the
powerful electric search lights on bop
of the Manufacturers' building, acmes
the Court of Honor, as the big lagoon around
which are grouped the main buildinge is
called, are burned on these works of art,
latent loveliness is revealed in everyone of
them. St. Gauden'e golden ebatueef Diana,
airily poised above the dome, fairly gleams,
and the transcendent beauty of that soap.
toy's masterplecesis never more apparent;.
The magnificent complimentary banquet
at the Grand Pacific Hotel Friday night,
the World's Fair chief, by the exhibitors
and commissioners off the different depart-
ments he controls–agriculture, forestry and
live stock–Is another evidence of the honor
that Is being heaped upon the most honora-
ble of the profes:;ione–farming. The head
of the agricultural part of the exposition
has been tha first dignitary of bhe expoet-
tion company so honored by the men from
foreign countries, who in their capacity es
exhibitore or members of commieetons have
had busineaa with the exposition authori-
ties. The conelueion inevitably arrived at
by a careful observer and enquirer is that at
least in so for as agriculture is concerned a
man of ex'raordtnary ability and iodeance
must have been at the head of affairs.
There is no question that to Chief Buchanan
is largely duo the credit of the wonderful
success bhab has been attained.
Ib is well to remember that the
in the cheese contest have been obtained in
the dairy depart meat under bhe supervision
of this whole flouted gentleman, and that
the victories Onteriana expect to come bo
them in the live stock show and final dairy
tests in September and October will be
gained because Chief Buchanan is, above all
else, bound to eel a fair field and no favor
as between competitors. This notable
banquet was the play -day after the months
of hard work which have made these de-
partments at the Fair of so muck interest to
the visitor from all lands. Mirth and
revelry, wit and wisdom, the scholar, tho
inventor and the farmer hold away in the
big ivory and gold dining -room. The guests,
to the number of over 200, assembled in the
ontresol and parlors of the hotel and passed
the time in social chat until 8 30 o'elook.
Ab that time the algnal was given by Chair-
man Henry W. Pearson, British Superin-
tendent of Agriculture, the great dining•
room doors ewung open, the mandolin
orchestra struck up, the guests marched in,
arm in arm, and
This is what each guest saw as he took
his allotted place : Great tables extending
down the long room and forming the letter
" M." On the centre of the head bable
was a large mound of smilax and ferns,
studded with sweet peas and La France
roees, and concealing a loving cap, after-
wards presented to Chief Buchanan.
Tables trimmed with ferns and sweet peas
were draped with festoons of smilax.
Carnations were ab each earner, and, grow-
ing smaller as they receded from the
central mase, there were thirty cub gloom
vases filled with Japanese lilies, lilies of the
valley, tuberoses, gladiolus, and La France,
American Beauty and Mermot Duchess
roses. Above was a mass of oval and
diamond shaped figures of electric lights,
and over the entrance to the room was a
heavy rope of smilax and ferns inter-
twined with roses Ab each plate was en
elaborate menu card. In the upper left
band corner, end holding a walnut bow
in piece, was a great wax seal bearing the
monogram, " W. J. B." The first pegs
was a steel engraving of the agricultural
bending, and then came the menu. Fol-
lowing this came the toaat Usti, which
suggested the feast of ree.son and flow of
soul bo follow when the cloth had been
removed. The whole handsome affair was
fastened with a silken cord. As a souvenir
of au event of ouch interest bo the friend of
the farmer, I thought my copy of the menu
card with Mr. Buohanan't autograph, which
I secured, ought to go to the Hon. John
Dryden, Minister of Agriculture for
Ontario, for so far the prizes and awards of
honor Canada has won have been but a
tribute to the wisdom of the Ontario Gov-
ernment in aeeiebing by all possible merino
the progress and
in the premier Provinae of the Dominion.
The Onborlo Agricultural College and Ex-
perimental Farm, in the light of to -day at
this Columbian World's Fair, are enduring
monuments to Sir Oliver Mowat'eappreciabion
of the fact bhab agriculture is bhe basis of a
nation's wealth. To Mr. Dryden, the origi-
nator of the" Travelling Dairy," is due the
thanks of all Canadians for tbo thoroughly
representative exhibition of Ontario's agri-
cultural resources tbab Commissioner Awrey
has been enabled to edify and astonish the
world with. The unique advorbfsemenb. of
Canada which Ontario's exhibits ab this
World's Fair constitute is of inceoulable
volae to the Dominion. As one who was
born and brought up on the farm, I nover
felt more honest pride in my life than
when Mr. Awrey, who found it impossible
to attend, asked me to represent Ontario
ab that rplendidly spontaneous recognition
of Chief of Agriculture Buohanan's worth.
The dignity of the Dominion was upheld by
that grand, good fellow Superintendent of
A}irioulture for Canada. R. te. Hodgins.
The poet -prandial part of the proceedings
was almost Wholle eulogistic of the guest's
ood qualities. Prom hie name and fine
appearance I am sure he mush be a direct
deecondanb from that well-known Scotch
family whose cognomen he blare, though ho
is e native Ohion. Ona of the beet speeches
was that of Cyrus 11. MoCor'maok. He
caught the spirit of the occasion moat
happily. Another was bhlbt of the Rajah
of Jahore.
kept in the Ontario agricultural exhibit is a.
perfect mine of beeesurc for opinions of
visitors. Here aro a few : Oubario'a ex-
hibit beats the eeruh–Jas. P. Murray and
wife, Toronto. Two f emoue Boston ladies
way ; The Ontario exhibit is vary artistically
arranged—Miss C, F. Cook ; and, Certainly
a very fine exhibit and one to be proud of—
Miss J. H. Adams. Canada takes a front
seat in ogrioutture—John Dryden.
The Minister of Agriculture adds
beneath—and Mrs. Dryden thinks
so too. Mr. P. E. W. Moyer, editor
of the Berlin Daily News, says : The 0ata-
ria exhibition ie far, beyond all expectation,
and every Canadian mush feel increased
pride at the wonderful dieplay made by the
people of the Dominion. Canada is in all
respects ahead of all the nations when popu-
lation is taken into the count. Mr. R. B.
Tomlinson, of Minneapolis, Minn., writes :
I would not be true to my ammo Of justice
if I should hesitate to state that Chia exhi-
bition of the producbe of Ontario, in artistic
display, variety of cereals and grasses, sur-
passes anything which has come under my
observation in the World's Fair. I had no
ides that any part of Canada could offer
such an elaborate display. I am an Ameri-
can, and—ib is almost useless to add, in
view of what the United Sbatee can offer,—
we shall be glad to welcome Canada as part
of our Republic. Quick as a flash was
written beneath by some patriotic Canadian
–"Thanks; we have higher aspirations."
Mr.. H. H. Dewarb, Toronto, is reoponsibla
for this : The Ontario exhibit is one of
which all Canadians may well be proud, and
is well calculated to increase our confidence
in Canada's future greatness. Mr. Clifford
Sitbon, Attorney -General of Manitoba,
writes : Visited the Ontario exhibit and
eon proud of it. It is most creditable and
aecoad to none in the building. Mr. Robe.
Watson, Minister of Public Works for
Manitoba, signs next beneath as if his sen-
timents were like his associates. Ontario le
all right, wrote Mr. G. W. Johntoo, of
Upper Canada College). Mr. E. C. Eidmesnn,
of Maseouteh, 111., expresses himself this
way : The designs of the Ontario exhibit a in
the different courts are surpassed by none.
The quality of bhe grains and fruits rank
among the beet of any country on earth.
Mr. B. F. Justin, of Brampton, Ont., is
quoted as follows ; The Ontario exhibit is
artistically designed, appropriately arranged
and is truly repreeenhative of the varied and
abundant agricultural resources of the
Province. F. HOWARD AicNEs.
The llteporLers Say So, Therefore They Do
Brush—in Print.
The phrase "a blushing bride " has come
bo be a mere figurative expression totally
faeppllcable to the serenely self-possessed
young woman who forma the centre of
attraction au the modern fashionable wed-
ding. Her grandmother, in order be behave
becomingly, culbivatod the utmost possible
shyoesa of demeanor, but a couple of gene-
rations have changed all that, and the
modern beide exhibits a placid composure
that would have been frowned upon unmer-
cifully a half century ago. At a recent
wedding in Washington, says Kate Field's
paper, the bride showed more than rho usual
lack of trepidation. The church was filled
with is brilliant company, and from the
moment of her entrance she knew herself to
be the oynosure of every eye, but she want
through the ceremony as ti bring married
were an everyday occurrence, to be regarded
with indifference, if nor with positive dia.
dain. Tho climax was reached when, lean-
ing on her hushand's aro), she passed
through the doorway leading to the vesti-
bule. Just inside the door stood a group of
friends–young women who had arrived too
late bo be accommodated with seats beyond
the ribbon. Pausing on the threshold,
knosting full well that every eye in the
church was bent upon her, the bride de-
liberately leaned toward her friends and
whimpered load enough to be hoard by the
byebandere : " 1'11 chrp:iron you girls next
Facts Worth Hnow;ng.
Warm milk used as a welsh at night makes
hard, coarse or rough skin soft.
Ground cinnamon scattered in the cracks
teed corners of closets, pantries and bread
and cake boxes will drive away ants.
Never buy second-hand bedding unless
you know exactly from whom it came when
ib was new, and if anyone had been sick
on it.
One of the best cures for red eyelids is to
bathe them with water in which is dissolved
a little powdered borax. This simple lotion
fa almost mtracalous in its effects.
While the face should be washed for the
sake of cleanliness morning and night, it is
undoubtedly better for the skin not to wash
it through the day, but it may be gently
rubbed with s soft chamois skin.
To clean white ostrich plumes dissolve
four ounces of white soap in fear pints of
hot water. Make a lather and phage the
fathers into it, rubbing them well with the
kande for five or sir minutes. Wash out in
clear, hot water and shake until dry.
Do not Believe It,
Do nob believe that Nerviline will cure
neuralgia almoeb instantly. If your teeth
eche console yourself with the reflection
that pain can't lent; forever. Don't use
Nerviline—ib might stop the pain.
Rheumatism its often difficult to cure.
Keep oa rubbing the old fashioned liniments
as a matter of respect to your grandfather's
aunt. Norviline is a new discovery, that In
ibseif ought bo condemu it. Therefore
cling to the old ; suffer pain ; avoid the use
of Nerviline, t hemoet;powerful, penetrating,
and certain pain remedy in bhe world.
Cannon Firing and the Earth's Motion.
Ib would perhaps hardly be thought that
bhe earth's motion could have any apprec,i�
able effect upon artillery firo, but it has.
Firing from the north toward the south
there would be a divergence of projectiles to
the left due to this cause, and firing north
the divergence would be to the right. For
example, in England a deflection of five
inches would occur with the 12 -pounder in
a four thousand yards' range.–London
Court Journal.
The Summer
Comes and brings with ib aching corns.
Pubnam's Painless Corn Extractor never
fails to remove corns promptly, painlessly,
and with absolute certainty. TryPubnam's
Corn Extractor. Sure, safe, painless.
The shoemaker's favorite drink—sherry
Iea es wise stock that knows its own par,
at present.
There's a good deal of luck fa the horse-
shoe, but it's not good form to hurl meaner
a bridal couple.
" You aro nob in your set," chuckled the
old Shanghai hen, pushing the goose egg
out of her nest with her bill:
John irryau(, re Negro Who Lilted Lilce",a
Ming in Seattle,
John Bryaat was ane of the most noted
ohieractere that ever struck the Seand, says
the Seattle Press -Times. Re would a.bbraot
attention anywhere. C. A. Rideout, the
colored attorney, wno has known him for
many you're, says that twenty States
might he travelled over before a finer
specimen of physical manhood could be
found. He was tall, straight, well•pro-
portioned, a shade darker than olive and.
always feeibteaely d eased.
Just about a year ego Bryant was a barber
in Hefena, Mon. Fie invested fn a lottery
ticket and drew a $15,000 prize. He gave.
up hie trade, Dame to Seattle and parohesed
the Blue Front Saloon, on Jackson street.
Re reaped a golden harveab to his saloon.
Mosey was no object to him. He purchased
everything Haat struck his fancy. The
finest clothes, made by the most fashionable
tailors, were none too goo 1 for the colored
Croesus. Suite running from $75 to $125
wore the order of the day. El'a shoes were
alt made bo order in the East, and if
they coat less than $15 a pair
were deemed uaworthy to be
worn. He fauoied beaver hate at $20 e
piece, sick uxderwear at $40 a Butt, shirts
at $50 a dozen, neckties, kid and dogskin
gloves and silk hose by bhe dozen. Hie
cartes wore numbered by the score, alt of
the cosbtieeb make. He paid $25 for a silk
umbrella. He had a gold wallah made to
order in Chicago at a oosb of $800, and on
his costly watch chain hung a diamond
horse shoe fastened to a gold book,
costing $200. His diamond stud cost $.;00
and his sleeve buttons $200. He paid
$300 for the solitaire on hie finger and
$50 apiece for his four diamond collar
buttons. He fitted up a suite of rooms in
Oriental magnificence. In those roams ho
kept a scene of brands of the finest Iiquors
and champagnes, and boxes of the coetllestr
cigars. lie paid a wartime by the hour to
stand la front of his aalooa, so than when
he wanted to go anywhere he would not
have to waft, walk or take the street ear.
But the fascination of games of hazard
proved his ruin, "crape" being bis favorite.
Ile would go tato too People's and bet $100
at a crack. If he lost he, would
double the bet and doable it again as long
as allowed to do so. He lost $11,500 in ono
night in Tacoma. In fact, he never won
anywhere. He was a pigeon plunked by
The end came daally and Bryant left
Seattle broke–minus diamonds, jewelry,
fine clothes, etc. He is new hack at his
trade again in Livingstone, Mon.
A Rook for Advertisers.
B. L. Craps, advertising agency of No. 10
Spruce street, New York, is publishing a
book entitled " Publications That) Pay
Advertisers," a book for adverbiaera, com-
prising the names of about 500 weekly and
monthly publications that give results.
Nothing like it hes ever before been teemed,
and it will be found of great valuate present
and intending advertisers, and an aid to a
judicfoaa selection off mediums. Ib gives
the names of the papers, tale what they are
devoted bo, Lelia where they circulate, gives
the circulation (net guessed at), gives bhe
rates, with iliaoonnba, tells when they go to
press, and other information of value.
Care, dine and money have been
spent on the work, and every
advertiaer, especially those who do
an express and mail order banineras, will
find it of value. Order now. The book
will be iesued August 15bh, 150 pages,
bound in cloth, price $1. Address all orders
to the publisher, B. L. Crane, room No. 4,
No. 10 Spruce street, New York.
St. Thomas, Ont.,
has one ofbhe beab Schools of Music on the
continent. Full classical courae in
Pianoforte, Violin and Organunder Professore
trainedie European Conservatories. Grad-
uates take highest rank ab Leipzig and are
very successful in securing Collegiate
appointments. Besides the Music there are
graduabino courses in Fine Art, Commercial
Science, Eiscubiou and Literary csurse.
Send for 60 pp. illustrated Announcement)
A. Test of Cleanliness.
To find out whether the face is clean or
nob rub cold cream thickly into the skin and
let it remain a few minutes; then serape it
off with an ivory paper knife. The cream
will usually Dome off so deeply tinged with
black or gray as to shook the experimenter.
Water, or even soap and water, does nob
wholly cleanse the skin, and an occasional
treatment, as above described, will benefit
the complexion by opening the pores and
giving a fresh, newly -warned appearance.
A duet of ries powder wll( remove any
trace of greasiness.
Do you want to buy a farm in the finest
farming section of ellchiganl If tee, write
who iv agent for the celebrated Keystone
lands, titrated in Ogemare and Alpena
1 Counttee on the line of the Michigan Central
and Alpena and Loon Lake Railway's. Very
liberal berme aro offered and railroad fare
one way paid on the purchase of forty morel,
Young men, thio is a chance be have a home
of your own at very little coat„
Turned Into Owls.
The Mojeves believe that all who die and
are nob cremated aro turned into owls, and
when they hear the dismal acreeeh of one of
the above named creatures of the night
they tell you that itis the spirit of some
dead Mojave who has returned to advise his
people to submit to the ordeal of fire. When
one of the tribe dies his relatives and im-
mediate friends do nob eat salt or wash
therneelves for four days.
Improving the Occasion.
He woo the only son of hie mother, the
pride, the hope, the apple of her eye, Over
his fair head scarce three summers had
passed. "And be aura, Peter, and recol-
lect this," maid his fond and only parent, as
she shut up the good book—"never put off
till to -morrow what you can do to -day."
"A -b," maid Poser with glisttening °yea,
"then let's finish up the padding bo-ntghb,
mamma 1"
In Chicago.
" So she rejected you, did oho, old man?'
" Allow me to congratulate you,"
"13ub I said she rejected me."
" Yes, I know, but jest take my word
for It—I were married to her Mee myself."
Why safer with toothache when Gibbons'
tfloothache Gnm will afford instant relief 1
Why Ile Wasn't Called.
"Did you call the gentleman in No. 73 ?
He wants his breakfast at 7 o'clock."
Bellboy—No, he don't.
" Did he say so ?
Bellboy—No ; he blew oat the gag lash
The general run of mon–after the last
street car.
Nearly half of the West Point cadets
wear glasses,
An liukited Instuarlr,
Young Wife–Yee, father always glvest
away oxpeneivo tlriogs whon he tnaktg..
Husband–So J dfaooveredwhen he gayeel.
you away.
And thea he went to the library to draw
a check for the monthly millinery bill.
Pen•eone who speak of the fresh flea bee!ene
seem to forget that it's always salt.
Sllllcus”--1 didn't go far before I WEE et
my wit's Buri. Oyutoue—naturally.
laces tool aioasw,seam+m+aost essonseen,u, essay lee cess etc
MS' t„; re NO 32 W98„
ter renitriotrr /to any et theme astrani6 ..
memos 1)15505 iuesadeu Chir pepxer.
ley a,ea•13,2......rvenu-au,ruasav-
The Weak
of Noah
Is in Pure Rich
Blood; to enrich
the blood is like
putting money out at interest,
Of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Of
and Ify'pophosphites
posseses blood enriching properties ha
a remarkable degree. Areyou 2Jl ma
down ? Take Suttee Emulsion. Almost
as Palatable as Milk. Besureanil
get the genuine.
Prepared only by Scott t Bomme, llellcvl4Us.
,mavaa,avvroaaaau •,vvaRn+ms..w,ruammrmac,.avu. '
rocarAbe stout taatera+vrttsoimx+saegt
We sand the smarm:ton* N'ten•b•
manned:, C,IA4.IVICIILt taa,a, end
legt1 Orseree a+ttc t;uc i au,rnat rr8lk.
STOP BILL kwykaa.1's CT,vtizalosa,
C9lIa5 Eix7,.yca0n-A '9axtceoaee
r� atrtl'-5:'r,..i 0le:'1F S,sut ,eoi,
1 Jae it Anr# i•ny,y'.taleiyt ae9.
.uric , y+;t'l 91x45391.,
A mn.e9.vnr .a eara5, TAU,
1107:, O[.VallaaLV:ifiCI- 7`1iL1fu'`�571TETZE Ztili ..S DS.IDLt
.E can make money envaesing for ” P'atenaxet.
Friend and Aoeeuat Jacek". Send Car efrealaea.
W'Plltvm Fisiegr, P,• Risher, Toronto
Ael A.cademic Department nit
10Mc1TIastetr University,
Features—Physical Culture Manual, Matriculation, Teachers' Courses, $14l.
Calendar free.
J, I. BATES, B. A., Principal,
Woodstock, CAnb..
Belleville, Ont.,
Grants Diplomas in Commercial Science,.
Music, Fine Arts, Elocution and Collegiate
Candidates prepared for Matriculation ands
for every grade of Teachers' CertiFccates. Wile
re -open Tuesday, September 5, 1893.
Send for Calendar. Address.
The High Speed Farmlify K itfe
,, ,;,• _ Will knit 10 pairs socks per -
.11111 ms, 11 1,3 day. Will do alt worts any'
i!9!4411l 1:0 of plain circular knitting machine
II!I;II 111111.1r j•.: ; i! will do, from homespun or
- tory yarn. 'Ibe mast practical
fancily knitter on the market .8
child can operate it. Stream;.
Durable, Simple, Rapid_ We
guarantee every machine 00 sex
good work. Dcwure of imitations.
Agents wanted- Write for par. -
Oundaa Knitting ?t18cinne Co., Dundarc, Ontaric.,
Best in the Wcrit!!
Get the Genuine!
Sold Everywhere !
6,000 sores of Fannin Lan6. >, wlfhticc 966 mElav,
of Saginaw (pop. 90,080? and within 9 to 6 n*.!<?
of railroad. 'formai ed to 61iii per acre a
down, 1135 a year, 8 per. coat lnteeami. 19ohi>nl;ic
end churches near 1 vrefi Smbsred. Fitautdi, Cos
maps and airmail/re,
d,Wdld, Mi. TENNANi,
iii aveorioh Moak
feresinew, 5111:. 111,, 1'.HD!RTB.
ITP.A, QTS IDc000rnc alwaas papa,
si. tY. A t%e Trier besnbititl ceatimnx
of Punnets Rug L'abtmaram, S-9otalag;reee fr lra,.
Aiionto wanted.. Z. Z. 1�4.,!t,i;TATft°GltiT,. tbmtsbpse,,
HRIII a #F,IA�1U�OtF'S *1 dr.'�"!{ dirt"
FOR C9wit. e6110Y.P'L'iduu192 •
Mu, mode ap a13 Dro! l:pinia., t Goats tb $rEtRtu„
aeM1.Ni`V 4N,R,F1i V W N'M.•.a•LJ".Ai.GI•.;<s,�,.�.ayF, �.u.
Please mention this paper
this advertisment.
hen revisit/1g ke¢
With pleasure I give my testimony andram•-
commend Eby's It'loctric Salve to all suit'eeero
from Eczema or Salt 12henret. My bands were
very bad last year. Your agent called and I
bought a box of the salve and after bathing in
hot water as hot as could be borne .mod it, seed ;,
found instant relief. After two or three appli-
cations my hands became quite smooth. 11
have advised others to use it for Sore Byea
Run-arounds, etc., and they have exrperienceii
beneficial results.
Southampton, Ont. MRS. IL JACICSaiNdb
Who. the People Nay.
This is to certify that after using a couple 02
boxes of Eby's Electric .Salvo it compietetr
cured a frost bite with which I had boon trona
bled for about two years.
Mount Hope, (int. WM. SWIls/BUE!4,
I have used Eby's Ileotrio Salve and
recominend it as one of the bests healing saved
that can be had. It cured es sore on my eels
leg. It acted like a charm.
t lueeit; Bill, Ont. DONALD LA.mob TS
„Jilt t , t ARaahi�r„�i7M'ii' si�iWY �,Ok
ar Hi(pi c, ,stint alt it,l tAti,.,.
up 't, rr O4rpt,l..4
lt, rti1•4 0I0 �• qy r.rr Y
g41114:22/211P. ,`...,� ai•dsrep^"'t'`'