The Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-04-13, Page 2r,
"Creeps" in: Town
According to Goderich Reeve Paul
rrro El -there -are a lot of,''Creeps' -••
Goderich, Now that may not sound I ike
'avery nice thing to. say but when you".
9lve h i•s rase, a fair shake 'one Must
agree: "
Just in case• there. is atiy
m i sunderstaadi ng on :.this point,,
however,,' let us define "Creep".
According to Mr, Carrot I, the word, if
'used in the context intended,, means an
area where the shoreline is being
eroded away b.&cause the natural slope
bias been altered. In most cases this
alteration is caused by the dumping of
-,refuse on those slopes. This is often
done, oddly enough, in the name of*
' Essential I'ywhat happens when well
meaning citizens pile their garden
refuse, broken cement or smashed
,bricks on such a slope is that it
becomes top .heavy and the downward
pressure results in the bank sliding
' away unti I it once.pgain•attains natural
slope. Natural slope is approximately
• 45 degrees.
Mr. Carroll points to -three prime
.examples. Along the lake shore at the
end of Cobourg Street and Sunset
Drive or on the .hillside between
• Gloucester Terrace and the Harbour
Road. A•closer inspection will reveal
a small ridge already forming. How
.long itwill take for the embankments
Stuti rall-y give way -i-s -anyone's guPss:,
' but past experience in the field of
erosion control indicates sooner or
later it will go.,,
It is embarra.ssi;nglytrue that -town
council has to date not only condoned
the- dumping afefusen,osuch...slopes,,,
ubut certain • cases actually
encouraged it. The town fathers seem
to have bel i eyed" until - now that such
action was awpositive,^ not °ne9ative,
move. Reeve Carroll pow questions it
,however. bo
What is the correct approach to
erosion, control on. lake .banks •.arid
ravines? Paul Carroll says seed it
out: Plant the area to vegetation with
strong, clinging an,d spreading roots
that will -knit the hi I I"side together and'
most important,don't dump any more
refuse at such locations.
Although this is, a slow process by
which the, slopes are .falling away it
may • be' happening faster than one
thinks. One incident points to this very'
clearly. Mr. Carroll arranged for the
planting of some Iris flowers on the ,
edge of the embankment near the
lighthouse on Cobourg last year.
inspection of the work this spring
reveals the plants are already three
feet down the slope. The earth is
moving and there's no 'denying that.
The -time to start corrective action
is immediately,. -Property owners
along the lake front who would like to .
ignore this warning, might keep in
mind that if they do not work to plant.
the area properly and stop dumping
refuse irnmediately it is their own '
investment that slides into the lake.
Yes, there_are ."Creeps" in
Goderich and ayone who, continues to
dump on the bake banks m i ght consider
-himself the same. --RS .
April 13, 1302
The West Huron Liberal
Association, at the nomination
meeting for the upcoming
elbction, named Goderich Mayor
,.a Calaar.O.u_ to_ run_ for the
legislature. Mayor Cameron
deferred his final decision on,.
accepting,•the nomination for 10
Theamayo'reported to council
on his attending the annual
meeting at the Goderich Elevator 4'
Company. The town was a
shareholder in the company. and
the mayor was named to
represent the community's
interests at the meeting: •
It was announced that an
agreement had been signed to
provide for the construction of a
new Grand Trunk Railway -station.
•-in Goderich.
N At town council • meeting the
councillors learned that the M
mayor had to sign a note at the
bank forthe-sum°o€r$ I ;500- te help -
cover $1,468 already issued for
which there was no money.
Election fever was beginning to
grip Huron County as the
politicians hit the campaign trail
with temperance being the main
issue at stake.
The public school board met
and heard the principal's report
on attendance. There were 211
boys and 233 girls going to school
at the time.
April 13, 1947
The Goderich Latiion Flyers
emerged from the O.H.A. Junior
C championshipsthe winners.
• -There were more than 800
entries registered for the Music ' r
Festival planned -ai d° os-ted•by-the
Goderich musical group..
The,new Bell Telephone
directoy was published and ,
contained • more than 5, 300 new
and changed listings.
The annual Mariners Service in
• Knox Presbyterian churca proved
to be of as much special 'interest .
as ever when it was held with a
large turn -out of sailors,
fishermen and others whose lives
linked closely with the lake.
Mrs. Edward Simpson
announced she -was resigning her
position - s--^--sc ary :.:at- the
Children's Aid office and that ,sh'e,
would • be replaced_ by Miss~_
Marjorie Henderson.
Protest in Good Time
• Since the week that Bruce Sully .
represented the Sully\Foundation at
Goderich Town Council, and
announced his plans to build a park in
memory of his father, A, ALM. J°:A♦
Sully, subject to approval by the
and informed, we concur with the.
,remainder of council that the' bylaw
questioned by -Mrs. Haydon is. not a
bylaw to convey property to Bruce
Sully, but rather a document to close..
parts of two streets and 'to open the
out the entire, matter -to the public r study
and -reflection.
d reflection:
little has been said in council ab ,
At last weeks councrI meeting,
Mrs: Elsa 'Harlon,. the town's ,only
lady councillor, was not happy with
what she thought • was . • careless •
handling of a , bylaw .to begin the
necessary action to close parts of
Wellesley and Cobourg Streets_ to
make way for the Sully park. She was
notpacified when she learned that the
proposed bylaw was __:only. being
introduced so that a legal opportunity
could be ' given to the . people of
Goderich to voice their opinions about
the proposed park:. She reiterated her.
feel ings that the bylaw should bei most
. carefully considered by council ,, s'o
that everyone at 'the council table
would fully appreciate the
implications of the bylaw, and all
aspects of its wording.
The porti on of the by l aw which "-most
concerns Mrs. Haydon is that part
referring to a strip of land (now
Wellesley Street). which Bruce Sully
has asked be deeded to hi•m for use as a
buffer- zone" between his personal
property and the proposed park. Mrs.
Haydon wants to know the ' exact
measurements. of that piece of
property...and its market value.
It should be noted at this point that.
Mrs. Haydon is not opposed to the
construction of the propes'ed Sully
park. If thereis, anyone in Goderich
who promotes green areas and natural
walkways, it'$must be--Elsa.1—laydon.
R is evident then, that Elsa Haydon
wants.• only to have . it clearly all parties concerned ---
tie • council, the ratepayers and the
Suily Foundation—just what is
involved in the bylaw put before
- counci l last Thursday evening.
While we ,sympathize with '.Mrs.
Haydon's eagerness to be thorough
Perhaps' it is the duty of Goderich
Town Council at this point to insist
that 'the total bylaw involving the
proposedclosino of•parts of Cobourg
and Wellesley. Streets be publicly
publ i shed so there can be no .question
about the fact that* every effort was
made to inform theratepayers of the
details in the •action..:We understand
that ' plans are •to publish ' only
notification of the proposed streets
closing and'to leave it up to interested
persons to visit the town hall to study
the'bylaw and register their
.complaints—if there are any.
Either Way., though, it *behooves
Goderich citizens now to . become
informed about fhe. proposed streets
closing. If then, there " are concerns
among the ratepayers of this
municipality, now is the time to make
them known to council through
Administrator Harold Walls.
Local gossip has it that there have
been concerns voiced by citizens
about the proposed Sully park. There
has not been one formal complaint
lodged to this point, •howeve r, at town
hall: As usual, it. appears the" beefs
wi l l••be a i red where no good can come
of them.•
• .
, As for Councillor Elsa Haydon,,we
suggest the lady is trying a little too
hard to fulfill' her duties on behalf of
the community, It may be
inexperience in matters municipal. It
may be misspent: energy. But in this
instance;we would urge Mrs. Haydon
toatake the advice of the majority of
.council and to accept the promise of
her associates that Godericcitizens
wil,l ,have their chance to protest—if
they will avail themselves of that
hard-won right.
tIe ioberttb
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Bueinilit and EditorialOfIt Dice
L•fHt�NI*,5 24533
Sri/ cods 519
Second classfn melt m ` etraibn number
Published by SignaltStar Pubtiirshing,Ltd, y
ROBERT G. WRIER —president and publisher
SHIRCEY i I ELLi t3 bolter el ietrtff
ft. W. SHAW—editeriel staff' .
0716 EDWARD I itYRSKf-advertising: manager
theE itor0
Dear Editor, With apologies, my first reaction
' 'I received a letter from a. niece is to judge in overview a certain
in England who looks forward to inconsistency.
the Goderich Signal -Star each What I would really -like to see
week, and likes" the Ministers' is a comprehensive editorial that
Study. She cuts the talks out, and reyiewed the existing tax picture
finds them very useful when. for Ontario in an overall
talking to the members of her manner... a manner that included
Wednesday. afternorin . cla-ss.' •so --not : only :those °°revenues raised--
,. would like to thank each of the from personal income -taxes, but
ministers. ' also those of the corporate
rm.-afraid we take t4iem for sector; not excluding the myriad
granted, but we do really muddle of rebates, • adjustments,
appreciate their messages. concessions, subsidies, .and
She asked if the Pillar of Salt incentives which have created a
mentioned in one was a memorial. veritable"- tax jungle 'this
so could you print the message on Province'. Such an editorial is,
• it "to the pioneers" as many of well within your analytical
the folk are new in town and don't capabilities.
know. Tax reform is needed—
When you get to be 86 years old, reform, that is, in the true sense
writing isn't as easy as it used to of the word, The continual
be, but I want the ministers to addition, adjustment, and
know they are appreciated. removal of rebates;; subsidies,
Thanks for listening. - etc• serves • only -the' cause of
Leah Taylor political expediency. TheY do
Dear Editor: very little, if• 'anything, ' for
Surely the Signal -Star has not justice, equality and a system that
become so boggled ' with the •pretends to offer socio-economic
continual emergence of `tax salvation to all subscribers.
reform' in the Province of Respectfully;
Ontario that you fail to see the
merits of the total removal of Paul Carroll.
Dear Editor, N
education costsirorn theproperty
taxas indicatedin your editorial: The recently released official
regarding the position of , the report on Huron County. 'tells us
Ontario Federation . of ` we have 56 miles of,shoreline.
Agriculture (and other farm Two Miles of this total'ate public
groups) onthat matter! Perhaps it property.
would do well to also consider the One 66' section of this public '
, continuing comments at Huron portion extends from the western
County Council regarding the end of the Sky Harbour township
monthly pleas "to keep rising :.road down ovet the lakebank to
social costs away horn my back. "high-water" mark. For all the
40". Perhaps .-a more careful use it is to anyone trying for a
analysis of taxation methods inplace in the sand and sun, it might
R this Proving is required before as well be in New Orleans or
an outright condemnation of the Nouveau;Quebec. What was once a
OFA position is taken. ' popular and passable trail is now
Your comments "it is,. the. one huge gullet' fed by township
middle income • urban 'working road ditches.
man who pays the bulk of income Frustrated by township apathy,
taxes in this country no matte- arid.the prospect of another long
what,.." almost seems to summer of, battling to reach
indicate are somehow • "public beaches via impassable
two and official township, signs
warning of stiff fines for littering
or breaking' bottles, •A student_
beach -patrol could be organized ..
to keep it clean. .
The writer would be interested
in hearing. from • interested—or
disinterested—parties, and also
fh'e.,.,re.ason why. Colborne
Township Co,unci•1 are so
studiously avoiding 'the whole
issue: ". R
J.C. Hindmarsh:
Dear Editor,
On behalf of my wife and
myself, I wish to express our
appreciation for the hospitality
shown by the people of Goderich
while attending- the assembly of
Jehovah's Witnesses.
We look forward to . a future' opportunity to return to your A leash -for Red Dog.
budget recently presented by the
Treasurer of Ontario,
As an example, the land
transfer tax on a sale price of
$5,000.00 would' be $15.00. • •
The only other levy which might
be involve0 is the capital gains
provision,in the new income tax
enacte'd try • the federal
government. Under this concept,
the' recipient • would .pay his
personal income tax rate ee'one-
Please -turn to Page 3
• April' 13, 1967 •
T --he ---limestone-- -house -•-and •
• workshop of a lighthouse keeper,
which dated back to 1851 was
named an official historical site
by the Department of Historic and
Indian Affairs: The buildings
were located at Point Clark -on
.Lake Huron. •
"The Board of Trustees of the
Goderich District Collegiate
Institute struck their budget and ..
• although the costs for the new
year were up: no increase in the
mill rate • was , required to meet
More than 50 private aircraft
-landed at Sky Harbour 'as
Goderich hosted•the•Farmers Fly
Iii. Flyingiarmers from western.
Ontario ,flew ,in at various
airports during the summer and.
Goderich had its turn.
Keeping it clean
with Bill .Dodds
• Sincerely,
Mr: and Mrs. Robert Allen,
Dear Sir:
Would the chaps who were seen
stealing•-4cur bottles of liquor
from my car parked in front of the
Legion on Sattlyday be good
'enough to return the same. .
The liquor was for my parents'
wedding anniversary,
Ken Crawford.
To the Editor:
A resident of your good
community has forwarded an
anonymous enquiry to me with the
request , that I answer through
Although not many details were
provided, the writer asks how
much tax would '•be involved in
selling small parcels of lands
from a 20 to 25 acre holding.
Before commenting on the tax
question, .l should 'point,,out that
the Huron County Planning Board
and many local municipalities,
have established criteria for
satisff d, or perhaps just accesses, (all