The Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-02-10, Page 3e
Gerald MeMiebael Owes
presented With. his PHD diploma
in AerOriantical Engineering last
fall from the University of
Toronto. pis wife, Connie, was
presented with het PF1T diploma
at the same time from the
Aeronantical Engineer's Wives
Club. Gerald has been employed
since. last May with Monk.
EnergY-Canada Limited at Chalk The couple reside at Deep
River, have an infant son and
, both are graduates of ODCI.
parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Fr,ank
McMiehael arici Mr. and Mrs,
Norrean Durst . after which
Geralel flew to Newark, New
Jersey, for a • three-week
computer course conneited with
his work at AECL. Last week
the family ieturned from
Goderich to Deep River.
Gary** ' Courtney . received a
badly lacerated head in 4
snowmobile mishap recently; lie
was admitted to the ioSpital
overnight where -he received10
very painful injury. to a finger
144 week Willie Wing chaipsaw.
where it was neeefsserY tt)
eldn-graft the finger, lie returned
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Itassella
returned holuelait week, after a
IVIr. and, JIM Smnett pre
fevedays while jim helps -unload
Would like 't0 9111 40 y40,07,1•Vith
"houseWarrnial gifts? , arid
.to the 51(AtilAt,..STR.
Mr. ' and Mrs. Leonard
Chisholm and family, also
Michael Chisholm from
Goderich, visited .last Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Payne
and son at Ceylon. .
„Seventeen month old Cindy
McNall, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Cecil McNall, has returned
home from Wingham HoSpital
hav'n had neumonia the' pas
two weeks. 'All are thankful she
is welt again.
The leaders for 4-H project
"Sleepwear" are Mrs. Ivan
Rivett, Mrs. Howard Culbert,
Miss Cathy Culbert, Mrs.. Wm.
Tigert, Miss Linda Young, and
Mrs. Dan MacInnis, Training.
February 3rd, then.due to storm
the second, day class had to be
postponed' from Friday until
Wednesday February 9th."Any„
girl 12 years or older wishing to
take this sewing, class should,
contact one of the leaders.
.The annual meeting of
Dungannon United 'Church was
held on Thursday begLoning with
a• potluck dinner: Twenty-two
gOod reports on the year's work
fr m each department.
arold ,Culbert is home again.
after two weeks .as a patient in
Wingham. Hospital • and Wilfred
Pentland returned home Sunddy,
having spent One week in
hospital. Dynes' Campbell has-
been off work unable to drive.
We hesitate to give “fre'e: puiilicity to any company . hut the,
experiences of a Iota I man may wel I.preve that there is a great deal
'of truth to what Timex watches can stand during the "tort*, e tests",
we are all so familiar with. This torture test wasn't planned, to the s
best of our knowl edge, but it seern'S to prove 'that t i Mei watches. can
. stand a.lot less. On Jarniary 8, Stewart. Steenstra, seen
above with the watch'in questipn,' emPtied bag of Jrezen potato
chips into his deep fryer at theBurger Bar on K ingSton Street. After;
they had been cooked in boiling grease attemperatures in excess. of
ladi'es: watch had gone through the pr'ocess• as vvel I. The crystallt0
been melted completely away and the time piece was too hot to touch,
but still intact. After it cooled Mr. Steenstra wound itup and without
hesitatfon away it went. In addition tothe cooking it went through it is
interesting to note the wadch apparentlyaiso sui-vived the trip .from
New ,Brunswick where' it had been frozen with thethilis at the .
McCain Food Co. For those intereste.d the watch did not read ten to
two 'when jt came out of the fryer. staff photo
Round and About With Martha
This Saturday evening you can
see hock4-7-LIVE— at our
Arena,' starting at 8:30. For you
old stick-in-the-muds—who won't
use talking to you—but to those
• ikho Itke to sit and watch some
REAL.ACTION*—this is the game
T ..he Essex Legion Old
Timers—from -Essex--Essex
County—(my old stamping
'grounds) are going to 'give our
Firelnen a rough time—and you
are sure to enjoy the fun.
fight against muscular pystrophy
is VERY important and this is
your- ch*sis to do your bit. .
By the way, ou,r new
. Administrator, who came fuom
that area to Goderich will be right
if he is a wing 'rnan—defence—or
just a skater,so it will be
and appreciated.
The hundreds of dollai's spen
each year on junk—yOu find it in
the garbage the next' day—.-ebuki
help save your child from
muscular dystrophy --cystic,
fibrosis and other terrible
•diseases which 'we are trying to,
donations that go in each year are
hardly any more than enough to
keep' the scientists' and lab
technicians on the job. It's just an
So here's your .charrc,e to help
the Kinettes really put o'yer their
present birive--The Ability
Theonly thing that really hurts
is that these people who sayAhey
are sending their money to a good
what they would have ,wasted on
Christmas junk.
I'm.nat trying to. run the...stor_e_
keepers 'out of business but I do
think that if everyoee co-operated
for even two Christmas
seasons—and gave three-
. quarters of what they have been
spending on gifts, to just one of
.these Research foundations, we
could lick these diseases—one at
a time—;and NOW.
interesting anyway, no matter. Of course the merchants. would
WHERE he plays', It. seems toO bad. 'have te, be warned so' that they
that the drives for these worthy don't have huge stocks of this stuff
causes seem to all happen about on hand—also the manufacturers
the same time each yedr. , would have to be warned to make
heard—we should have one ' of of the throw-away.stuff—and the
t h e,s e dri v es j u st before population would have to be
, , Christmas—and you could ;Sc;rid a convinced that this is the best Way
'nice card saying you've donated to , to conquer these evils.
41. , this or' that fund awl put your T h e d r i b. s a n d -4 r a b s o f
There are a good many who
haven't been called -on--n.ot
intentially—as -you can't reach
them all, but.yod can be big about
it ,,and ' drOp. your bit: into the
weekend and feel goodabout doing
your share7---and, happy that yoU
are not on the receiving end of it.
noy, Youth in many
.differefit wairS-1-,--As making itself
One thing that really imDressed
me iS the effort of two teeners,
who are going to'give hie school
Grades 5 to.8 (Boys) a. chance to
learn Basket Ball, Volleyball,,
Touch football and other
interesting tiiingS like good
.---Brian.rIVIcKenzie. and_ Gary
L,ounsbury are the two ainbitious
lads who are going into this great
venthre every Sunday afternoon"
12:30 to 5 p.m. at the' Victoria. -
of the Other students to cont 01 the
groups. So we can say. Good Luck
and God I•41.ess!
You have already heard of the
"Folks" group who have an .
ambitious program worked.up for
this.summer in which they, will
entertain young and old—and ps
areas—not just Goderich—and 1
wsant fo wish them, also—Rots o'
great group of Workers who have a
Monday nite Recreation Group
_doing xelLat..,S,L. Marys School —
and I think theSe two groups
'deserve a par,on the back—also
fathers a little push at borne.
One thing which I hope will get -
off the ground is the effort mit
forth by the Signal -Star to help •
chart the dates ,of .upcoming
eVents by all the organizations of
this town—aed Surrounding area,
''so that the big events—or money
nfaking efforts don't all fall on top
of each other.
For years I hav een trying to
help by asking u to write items
_on your calendar. .The big
secretaries or presidents. or -
converters of the •groups to ask
someo,ne about a date before they
,.make a definite Zleci-sion.
YOU pay knoir You have Certain
yearly affairs—but othera don't
remember anti so yob are quite
• put out when another group has
something on too close to your
So now is your chance. to
register your yearly affairs—and
also check before you decide thai
THIS IS IT! It will stop a lot of
disappointments. So please check
the cal,endar —also call in your
upcoming events earl'Y:,,
she was enjoying the Sunday niteQ
`Jalna' onT.V. so much because it
brought' back memories of
happenings right here in
Goderich:She mentioned some of
_the,fine old homes and ;folks no ,,
longer here and Ilm'sure there
' are many of you who enjoy the old
"memories" of Goderich..
If you have any would like tile to
Home Dressed Select Meat
girowN COOKED HAM lb.
days.On Frida all elementary
,and secondary, schools in this
-area '. were closed due to. the
severe' Storm and blocked road
• conditions.
Mr., -and Mrs. Victor Errington
visited their daughter' Jean, Mr,.
and Mrs. Ivan Henderson and
family in VVesto e. past week.
They wer mpanied by Mrs.
Harvey Alt)on who .spent the
week with`her daughter Eleanor,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul' Henderson
and girls' in .Mississauga.
Mr. ancl*Mrs.*Bob An rew an
family, Kincardine, visited on
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
'Wilfred Pentland.
My, Boy iS cooking' Kentucky Fried
hicken just the way I taught him tising
my special recipe.: He's doing such a
great job that 411 you folks in God'erich
can be sure pldt Kentucky, Fried
'ChiCken will be liiiger good'
Goderich real soon.
We Spy Direct From The Producer — Save The 'Cost 'Of
The Middle Man — All Our Meat it GOverriment InspectO
If you have any you would lfke
rue to "TALK" about—justlet me
know, as many of our, far away
.friends like to recall these
events. AlSo they would like to
hear bits of news about YOU—and
I'm sure they will write and give
us some news about themselves.
'10ish and you will be happy to
hear —and surprised to know , 'how
many still take The Signal -Star to
enjoy passing en that bit of news
or enqntry.
, Martha
Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Archie
*Wilkirt—geecl going!
Call'ils-Today At