The Goderich Signal-Star, 1972-02-03, Page 1Two committees, adminisfrat
streamline operatioflS
Goderich Town Council has waterfront and recreation
been revamped. The old every- facilities) and the Marina and
town -councillor '- a -committee- Snug Harbor.
chairman system 'is gone. In its , The Administrative Committee
place is 'a streamlined two- will have jurisdiction , over ,
c o m' m i t t e e p1 a n with an finance, property and special
ackninistrator to oversee the , matters.
re–organization,. x The Recreation and Communit
Although a- bylaw to appoint Centre Board will maintain' its
Harold Wali, townclerk as Chief role in the operation of the arena
Administrative'Officer for the and swimming pool and other
Town of Goderich was' tabled for programs of recreation'..Some
one week to give town councillors move is afoot now to combine the
,an opportunity to study .all° the Tourist Committee and, the
implications Of the document, the Industrial .Com mission into one
two -committee system is now in body, butat the present tirne••thate.-.....
operation ' has been no formal report to
Those •committees are the
° council on the matter.
Councillor Reg Jewell did
queston 'how the, work crews
would be directed without the aid
of a committee chairman who was
also a town council:1`or. He learned
that while committee chairman
would exist in a rather official'
fashion, the direction for the work
cr e w .w ou...
committee chairman to the
administrator to the supervising_
foreman to the sub -foremen.
• A new salary arrangement has
also •peen approved for 'council.
$ince the Munictpal Act •permits
,either meeting allowance' or
annual salary but not both, it was
Public Works Committee
The Administrator's c u ies ,
consistingofe Mayor and five would be specified by _the bylaw
"members of. council • and ,the likely• to be passed at the next
Administrative Committee made ,.meeting. However, it is believed
,up of the Mayor and three council his job *mild., be to • carry 'out
policy directed bLcouncil.
The public works committee A supervising foreman, still to
will oversee streets and roads, be• named officially, will direct
fire, traffic and safety., water, thetow•n work crews through sub
light and . po.11ution,- parks ' (to foreman from the public works
,-include • e'r•oundskeeping • at department and the parks. harbor
„ ,• •
4 #inns we�o�rna-tamed . _, r��dicair.ons_ _i��b�.acn:e�earl+jung° � mm�diate t. i- ,-
.F,..__.a...,ra.�,,.�..uv,�...�..._.. _tag-...•".�,. ,. _. _ _..__m�..._, ; . , ---- �, ..� _.-.�.,
that Monday.night's Ability Fund•,Blitz in -Goderich was very ' left to right; Anne Doherty, recruiting chairman an Mrs: Earl
...................... (to date returns total $1724. Canvassers turned -their, Harrison, a canvasser, watch as Ability. Fund captain Mrs. -lames
funds into campaign. organizers at-the°Victoria and Grey Trust Sherrett tallies• up the proceeds. -Staff photo ='
A meeting. of the Board of'
Management, Southwestern
t ' Region' 2 Workshop which
comprises Associations for, the
Mentally Retarded from Goderich
and South huron (Exeter) was .held
in Clinton Monday evening and
named Goderich Reeve ' Paul
Carroll as the over-all campaign
chairman for funds' to build a
workshop for retarded adults.
Vii -e achartrirrnnds Georgh Siumons-; ,
also of Goderich: "
Case Van Raay, R. •R. 3, •
Dashwopd,,as'arnieri was named
the chairman of the fund raising
• - campaign in the Exeter area and
.)14. Mrs. J. W. Wallace, - Goderich,
accepted this position • , -for
Secretary for the organization i .
is Mrs. Helen-Kneals, Grand ?end; , no county
,Iaions chairman Sti11 and.the Public ret
Reeve�:Carroll heads.
i sinfund r as
set for early _May
the.,people qin all of the- areas the
same things," stated'"Ca fclr''''
°Carroll.said there 'were strict
guidelines set out by government
which must be mete before .the
project would• receive.
government's financial support.
He insisted there must be a
"consolidation of various ideas".
and a `definition of the project"
before `fitt`Cotildi splicte�. '
• A report on land. and .-services
showed the greatest amount of
conflict. Tom Consitt, ,a member
of •the Goderich Association who
served on the:- land -finding
.cothmittee, reviewed the steps
which led to taking an option on the
is, Rev: Wilfred Jarvis, Cavan
•" Presbyterian -Church, Exeter:
Also named was an advisory
committee 'comprising two
persons initially, Mrs. Evelyn
Carroll, director of the Goderich
Workshop, for Retarded Adults
and Elmer Bell . Q,C.. Exeter
lawyer. However, it was clear
tb.atfurther. names may be added
to this list as the need arises.
The committee was
commissioned' to establish a.
proposal for the next meeting,
Febru ry 15, with regard to the
detains"'"'"'s"tirroundi,ng thk
establishment of a workshop,- One
-of the main priorities will be to
,find an activity or activities which
may be carried on at the proposed
workshop to keep the trainees
employed. °
Decision, was also reached.forr-
the committee to draft a letter for
Queen's Park advising
government of the intention ` to
establish a regional ,sheltered
workshop here. a "
_Although the South Huron group
came to. the meeting ready to
begin planning for the fund raising
campaign ,auL Carrol1 Outlined
,. his belief for the importance of
proper "spade work" prior to
going to the people for money; Ile
said it was necessary for both
Associations to know where the
would • be built' how
workshop w , , ,
large e it would be,, how many -
• di;
eo ple it would accommodate,
1? 1?
how it would' operate, .for what '
purpose it would operate etc. etc. �.
"All Of es must be telling all, of
propertyadjacent to former CFH
Clinton. • •
It was pointed out that ' the
newspapers had reported
incorrectly that the property had
been purchased. Mr Consitt said
the price ' of tie . property is'
$45,000 but - he added that the
Association had only taken an
option on it which runs put -April 3.
If the transaction -is completed,
$1',000 would be forthcoming from
the Association to Carman
.1Z-o�icliff"e;' �Seato<rth;�-=on-=°�Prrl== 3�
with the remainder due July 4.
The price of the land: was
questioned by,some members who
felt that land values in that 'e•rea
Were not that high. However; the
members of. the .land -finding
committee agreed the site was
ideal and the price of the 100 -acre
de• • +o piece of property was not out of
K• ien Car.ntvn�
department. ' -
A new meeting• schedule for
Town Council was also approved
under -the two -committee systems•: -
success mote'
_ The'Tifst and third Thursdays of
the month will•be regular open
come soon council meeting nights. In the
second week of the ,-month, each of -
.= mini n - l u .--7-the .t-wc�-co°min-it-tees-NA-II -rneet enc••-�••-
The Goderich Kinsmen Club ' evening. - These committee B
Winter. Carnival, held over. last ',sessions will he closed to the
• weekend, ' has been termed...a... public
� thera-n
felt that members of ,council
actually are more involved in
municipal work load in between
meetings and -that being paid a
meeting allowance really does not
represent the work. of council t, •
Council • membei.s will
therefore be pal anannua sa ary
as follows: the reeve, deputy-
reeVe and councillors will be paid
$1,200 per annum, $900 for
honara°rium and $340 for-
- expenses as per m4tted' under'..
Income Tax Act; the Mayor will
receive_; $2.100 per annum,
Please turn "'to Page 10
service 'this
There -is tobe a Lutheran Synod Lutheran congregations in
worship service in the chapel at Dasbwood and Mitchell.
Knox Presbyterian Church this Perhaps Goderich and district
Sunday, February 6 at 2p.m. This people would•be 'best acquainted
gathering•• -is -"of •an experimental' --wit utheraicb,ursh through
nature, fa determine the interest The Lutheran Hour which is heard
in Lutheranism in this vicinity. every Sunday morning at 9:30 on
The service will be conducted CKNX radio with Dr. Oswald
by Bruce•Bjorkquist, 'a graduate Hoffman as speaker, and -This Is
of St. Louis Seminary, class of ' The Life seen Sundays at 12 noon ,
1968. Mr. Bjorkquist is presently on CKNX-TV. Both_ programs are
a m e m e r, o f the staff a t Produced * by, • the Lutheran
�A�III:►�1lwl�A�MI�lII rJ►!1 _ _ �!_ .. Y i • • GI P' _ r
. 1� urst17.olri btrztre m --
ranch, and resides at 236 Margn`�r. Blor q �hhI
Street in Goderich with his wife ,: of the first Missouri . Synod
Janet and their .little da igtitef -Lutheran lay=priests. to., be n
working in the province,
SBnia. •
A survey of the Goderich, welcomes the entire community
G.lintoq; Auburn areas - to find to come out to this initial worship
persons of the Lutheran faith has•
beers going on for the past two . " . '-
years. Lutheran worship
great success„ by Kin spokesman However, under the. new?
Bill Fry.'thepress
"The Carnival ii'ance was sold • system.,
- ,". representatives will•-he-wele.o.ifed._
pu- L,4and - even over sold, the to all meetings of council
Kinsman, carnival— organiser to aifng the committee sessions
noted, "and the snowmobile which will be for' • background
races on Saturday evening had '
snore entries than ever before." information only".
offMOSRA snowmobile racing Theenew system was not
ictally kicked off the, events discussed at last Wednesday's
the of u derwa at meeting. It is understood' that full
Court of Revision
• services were held in Auburn at • .
one time and it Goderich in recent ;., c c c :wi. today.. wit s,- v
years by .the minister from St. .
Peter's' Lutheran 'Church in
as y g n y• discussion concerning the pros .
gricu ure parkatp.m.
A It 6 00 iscuss1 .
• In addition to the Zurich '
providing` a big turnout' of and cons of the plan was heard
during the committee s'essibn o1 • congregation which is a Canada
r like 4. rou there are Missouri
etr osa S nod
spectators and comp . t .council..);inuary 20. Y g p'
Wath thrills and spins during the•
evening. • -
Immediately following ,the'
races the Winter Carnival Dance,
with music supplied. by the
-Country Boys; got -underway at
the Arena Auditorium with a
se111 -crowd-attending: ---
On Sunday , the big
Snowmobile Marathon. 991',
which was - to have.beeeri held at
the Goderich ,Sunset Golf and
Sports Centre- on 'Highway 21
,north of Goderich, had • to be.
cancelled due to poor weather
conditions: Kinsmen organizers
report that there just was not
enough snow in , many places to
Only about 20 acres is required „ drive the machines. -
forthe workshop complex, it was . Sunday February„ 12 has been
° learned: The remaining 80 acres . set now as the alternate date for 0
about suppo�tt for F'DC. ref annual income, or sold at Fry the marathon will 'come off
•� � ac r�r
Members of Huron, County
Council have still not reached a
final decision concerning whether
or not to financially support
1Vl`idwe_ stern Development Council
(MDC formerly MODA) during
1972. ,
Although • the Planning and
Development Committee under
the chairman E. W.-Odaleifsoii,
could easily he rented at $25 ,an the event and according to Bill
people in decision-making $300 an acre' which would make this time. no matter. what the
positions. He paid he opposed this'the' workshop propertje "a real ' weather conditions are like.
trend and had eventually resigned, bargain. �' • " "We' would like to . have
from MDC's executive because -he Antoine "Red Garon,"president entries and pledges in ahead of .
felt there was no sympathy for his of the Clinton Lions Club and also time," he noted, " and those, '
`partnership approach". a PUC employee saw no problems : taking part could , do this by
However, Reeve Thomas stated in ,providing town water .for the calling me at 524-8180 or by
he had been heartened by the ,workshop. He said the town water - calling • Glen -- Machan - at:
presentation made to Huronis presentlyf piped to the main 524-6-822." r • -
County Ciuncil at the inaugural gates of the base, just across the
Bayfield, recommended to,copncrl
that -it continue membership in '
MDC this year, couri,cil heard a
surprise -presentation by Reeve
~Charles Thomas of -Grey who
believes hitnself to be ,one of the •
few MDC members" who has
served continuously since the '
organization was formed:
Reeve Thomas urged Huron to
take out membership -in MDC, this
year on the condition. that ,`the
people of Huron be permitted to
appoint - their own , members.
Thomas said re -organization of
MDC is scheduled for April and he'
Sul g 'steel that Huron's
membership iii DC he-withheid
until after re -organization to
insure that provisions had been
made fora '`partnership
approach". - •
A member of MD6's, executive -
fort Past .. ast six years, Reeve
Thomas said .he had been
concerned lately because of. a
sttirong'swing witiYiriDC to have
non -municipally orientated
The niAratlitiri- course on the
session in January when Manager road from the proposed site of the thirteenth will follow the same
Walter Gowing spoke about -• workshop. He said that while the course " of 33 miles iii three
,involving county council in a more " "` orkshop could not purchase circuits,,,
direct way.- •wateyr from John van Gastel who is Proceeds from the carnival
"I think we are starting to get the new owner of the base , events; with the exception of the
marathon, are earmarked to go
to various Kinsn...11 charities but.
Mr. Fry noted the new.
Association for the Mentall`'
Retarded Workshop was being
considered for some of the
funds. Proceedk from the
Marathon are to go towards the
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
what we wanted," said Reeve complex, it could purchase the
Thor as. • "What we're really water directly from the Town of
interested in is autonomy in that - Clinton because of 'its pending
organization. `l'think it is pretty classification as a government -
important Mr us to be in" on the approved institution.
planning. If it is'to be a provinciaL - Reeve Elgin Thompson.
government planning board, then - Tuckersmith, said that things are
let the cost Come from the still "ups in the air as far as the
provincial government. But if we hasp is concerned" but he
are to 0 be ' partners, that's predicted? some clarification on
different. We don't want to be fee many )natters in a few 'weeks.
- paying only:" tk., With 'regard to sewage, advice .
=.-frank-Crc k,, -deputy -r -- fo'rtite°prts " rk tmp_to - -_ ,�..., �. if
.,�N.a t,Clinton, challenged Reeve supply its own\system for?the time 1 ift_n .en-, -
Thomas by charging that he -was , being, and not to depend. upon The 58tti Mariners' Service
confusing couiiicil. Cook claimed.tieing ^into the sewage system at sinCeNaverrfbetY 9, 1913 is set for
it was' Reeve Thomas yho had'the base. Kai- Presbyterial' - Church
swung council s‘decision against There is still no exact figures t 7:30 gym;
- February 27,a p•
MDC in late 1911, and it was concerning the number of
. Music will h' supplied by the,
Reeve ,Thomas now who was •. retarded adults' who would who will be
,Ha `houraires
toward when
it s opinion enter the worksho
swinging counc pprobably p. erform'in for the iGtti time at
itis built but Mrs Alma Godbolt P g
Marines' event
this special event.
Please tum to Page 1(j'
Pleatte turn- to Page S ,
Court of_ Revision for the
Town of Goderich is sitting all
day' today, (Thursday:,.
February '3) .
the Town
Council Chambers: -
Again this Week the Signal Star isplaying'host ,tro another high school student from the Itusihes% arid..
Goniti+roeronurse atthe Goderich and DisttictCOI ieglateinstitute. Thisweekbot �White, i��
of 113
Koays Street irr doderich is learns . the ropes around hes r . ai Star .ffioa*aiid plant, it a,stuc ►t •
y' r{ Mil p d t 4 p1
. in garde 12 of the B.'sand «Cx program. 'staff photo • M•