The Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-10-14, Page 3• • N Polling .Places In Goderich Course 17 SALTFORD V Harbour Park Nelson 0 GODERt+ H SIGNAL, -STAR, THURSDAY, OOTQB: B 14'41971 '41• ContinueditOm COMM 4 TOWN OF 001)gR1VNO, 14 0,. . easterly to the east boundary of ,'(.4) $i (b) �3ou d_ of , >he the Town of Goderieh; on the 'east by the'east boundary;otrtheayBeld Road tlrar lgort:J4' Road to Town Linl Town; ori the north by" nglesea i,ts bo rndad: Street and its projection easterly on the north' by Britannia toad to the east . boundary of the ' from Bayff'e'Id -3490 to So tl h Town; and,on the west by North Street; 'bounded' on the wee t'tiy • Street:' South Street froria mina TOWN QV GODERICH No. 8 Ttoad to Town Li> arld Bounded on the south by' bounded on the south by the Anglesea' Street and' its Town Limits from South Street projection "easterly to east ext. to'Bayfietd Road. boundary of the Town of TOWN .OF GODERICH No, GoderichLon the. east and north Bounded on' the north key by the east and.no.rth.I aundades Blake .Street, en the west byw of the Town of Goderich; on the.. Lake Huron; on the sputh by the west by North Street and its Town Limits; and on the east by projection, due north--tili...,.,it......�Eldat� greet• intersects the north boundarof the Town of Goderich, TOWN OF GODERICH No. 9 That portion of the Town known as St. George's Ward. TOWN OF GODERICH No. 10 Bounded on the south, by Britannia Road; on the east by South Street; on the northeast by the Square; on the north by West Street; and on the west by Wellington Street. TOWN OF GODERICH No., 11 Bounded on the south by Britannia Road and its projection westerly to the west boundary of the Town of Goderich; on the east by Wellington Street; on the north by West Street and Cobourg Street to Lighthouse Street and the projection of - Lighthouse. 645), Huron, TownslI ,? 914 Street ,weso)t tilt it intersects the.......1.7.0).. West... Wawan_osh .752 west boundary of the Town; and (659), Ashfield, 942 (831), on, the west by the west Ripley 361 (288), Teeswater boundary of the Town: 652 (563) and Culross '986 TOWN OFGODERICH No. 12 -4858). (a) & (b) • .-,,, ' b According to George . Bounded on the east ,by McCutcheon of Brussels, who is Eldon Street from Britannia the „returning . officer. for the Road to Blake Street; bounded ,riding, .much of the increae is on 'the north by Britannia Road.. attributed .of course to the from Eldon Street to ttre I ke addition„ ,raf,,.:rr.:p�tear .bei)ecenn tt?e ... bank; hounded on the west by ages„of 18 and 21 being added to . the lake bank from Britannia the voters lists. An additional Road to Blake Street; and Orincrease in voters is- -alsb being, bounded on the south by Blake felt through 'the increase in Street from the lake bank to residents- in the area who are Eldon Street. affiliated with the'Douglas Point TOWN OF. GODHRICH No. 13 project, .he said. The number of Bounded ti on— the north by eligible voters in Kincardine Britannia`'Road; on the west by up about 500. ' Eldon Street; on the south by A poll was.,, set up for the the Town. Li°„its; and on_ the” camp area at,Douglas Point but east by South Street. surprisingly enough only produced 15 eligible voters. • Huron -Bruce voters increase According to preliminary enumerators figures the provincial riding of Huron -Bruce has 3,499 more voters'eligible to cast votes in this election than in the last public vote of 1967. rh that year the total number of eligible voters -was .19,705 'while the preliminary total for 1971 shows 23,304 voters in the riding. A- breakdown of voters by municipality shows the number in each community of the riding. In Luck -now 774 (lst'"election 683), Kinloss 725 (formerly • With the general provincial election only one week away, as • 'today the authorities have 'rele.. the information with regard Lt. the polling places on ,, October 2 The a ' - - r,ra” -- hows the various polling divisions. Voters in each' of the"divisions will vote ` at the polling station in their • division. In division number one, voters will cast their ballots at the home of Mrs. Robert Wilson located at 58 Elgin Avenue West; 'in division two, at the residence of Torty Visser at 264 Jones Street; and in division three, at' B. and G. Marine on East Street: Voters in division four will vote at the residence of Archie Johnston at 184 Britannia Road; in, division five, at MacKay Hall on North Street; in division six, at the residence of John McCraw at 171 .Brock Street; and in division seven at the residence 'of David Knox at 115 Victoria Street North. Voters in polling division number eight vote at the home of Mrs:°Thomas Thompson at 89 Wolfe Street; in division nine, at the residence of D. A. Rolston at 65' St. Patrick's* Street; and in division 10, at the home of Percy Blundell at 110 Quebec Street. In division 11, voters are to cast their ° ballots at k the residence of Earl Cooper at 164 Quebec Street; in division 12,'at Bedard's Grocery on Britannia Road; and in division 13, at'Mrs. J: Harold Johnstone's resideoice at 107 Britannia Road West. Voters in division 14 will vote at the residence of Jack ,Whetstone at 47 Raglan Street East, and in polling division 15, at the Maurice Hicks residence at '187 Blake Street West. The polling area breakdowns, according to .the .official polling station outline; 'are as follows:.,- TOWN OF GODERICH N''o. 1 Bounded on the south by Britannia Road, on the northeast by Kingston and Toronto Streets, on the north by ' that AINSLIE'S Home Dressed Select Meat EXTRA LEAN GROUND CHUCK •b. • SWEET PICKLED' OR SMOKED ,f ' 9 , ROLLS lb. 59 BABY BEEF LIVER 11).49' FRESH HOME MADEHEAD CHEESE Ib. 69 ' , r LET PUS FREZER.1 FILL YOUR WITH OUR WHot E PRIC 4. • c; ,. ,w:'.' :u We Buy Direct 'I~roti The producer -- Save The Cost Qf The Middle Man — All, Our Meat Is Government Inspected portion of Elgin. 'Avenue from Toronto Street ' to ' RIngston Street, on the northwest by the Square, and on the west by South Street. .TOWN'OF GODERICH No. 2 Comprising as follows: Bounded- on the west b5' Bayfield Road from Britannia Road to Town limits; bounded on .the north from Bayfield Road to Huron Road by Britannia Road; bounded on the northeast by the Huron Road froni ' Britannia ' Road" to Town limits; bounded on the south and southeast by, the, Town limits from Huron to Bayfield Roads. TOWN OF GODERICH No.'3 Bounded on. the southwest by Kingston and Toronto— Streets; on the south by that portion of Elgin Avenue between •Toronto and Victoria Streets; on the southeast by Britannia Road and its projection northeasterly 'until it intersects ,the projection of East Street -due east; on the north by East Street and on the northwest by the Square. TOWN OP _GODERICH Nos 4 Bounded on the southwest by the Huron Road; on tl'w southeast by the southeast' boundary ' of the 'IPown - of Goderich; on,,,,kl ,,. tiMilleast by .the ..northeast boundary of the Town of Goderich; and on the northwest by Britannia Road and its projection northeasterly to the northeast boundary of the Town of Goderich. ' TOWN OF GODERICH No, 5 Bounded on the south by' East Street; on the 'east by Cambria Road, on the north by Nelson Street; on the west by North Street; on the .southwest y the Square. OWN OF GODERICH No. 6 Bounded on , the south by East Street 'and ,its projection due easterly until it intersects the projection of Britannia 'Road northeasterly; on the southeast by the projection Of Britannia Road northeasterly;, , on the east by the east boundary of the Town, of Goderich; and on the north by Nelson Street and its projection easterly toy the east boundary of the Town; and on._. TOWN OF GODERICH No. 7 Bounded on the south by Nelson Street and its projection Continued in Column 7, CONSERVATIVE RULE HAS SEEN: .AGRICULTURAL POTENTIAL BEING WASTED . SOARING EDUCATIONAL COST . RAMPAGING REGION/AC GOV'T. .BUREAUCRATIC REGIONAL ASSESSMENT NIXON '71