The Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-08-12, Page 14MS
em Ih , Disinff Side
Encompass. the universe
Ear,ly ira. July; Hong, Robert Welch, QC
and MPP for Lincoln County, `was
speaking to the 36th annual meeting and
- _national ' convention of the Canada
Jaycees at the Lincoln. Girling Club in St.
Cathari.nes Mr. Welch is, of course, the
Minister Qf Education for the province of
topic---wa "Accent-. crrr Muth
Some -:of his co_mments-are•-"oral-goring
• with parents. •
"We have often heard it said that you,
can know a man by the company he.
keeps. Let me add to this statement the
observation that we can gain a lot more in
dei-.standing.•.,•xfiem sal
today by finding out whom they, believe
in and trust — their heroes, mentors and
models — than we can by simply studying
e Ings they do.
"it is truly, unfortunate that in -our
.attempt to help young people solve what
we consider` to be their specific problems,
we so often make the same mistake twice",
and see problem -solving only in terms of
behavioural change. You know the kind
of approach 1 mean — seeing the solution
'for drugs in -terms of an absence of drugs,
the remedy for rudeness as deferential
behaviour, and a cure for radicalisrri in ttie
mute expression of passivity.
"This .1 consid'ir to •.be a fundamental
misjudgement, in approach. Where we
__should really :be focusing our efforts is•at
communication with virtually all aspects
of his physical and social environment:.
"One of the most frequent examples of
4a breakdown '.in this area is expressed by
young people in terms jf boredo°m. There
is perhaps no single expression which
• better captures the' feeling of
_indifference, apathy .and - . back of
stimulation •onthe •many of our
fhe part orso -