The Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-08-12, Page 134
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♦ �4
124th YEAR 32'
THi.ORSDAY,; AUGUST `12, 1971
Where the Maitland River rises, a very short distance above the community of Listowel, the water
4 .
is clear and clean, the rock bottom of the stream is washed cleanand, with the exception of the
usual water lilies growing in places near the shore, there is no xcessive weed growth. Less than
100 yards downstream from this scene the story changes considerably. (staff 'photo)
Shirley J. Keller
Less than 100. yards downstream from photo ones this picture demonstrates how 'rapidly the
condition of the river begins to deteriorate as it starts flowingthrough the community of Listowel.
Although"fibrous material, sludge, and a great, increase in weed growth are, evident, it is important
to keep in', mind that this area of the river Ties upstream to the Listowel, Campbell Soup lagoon
system, "According to members of the Save The Maitland Association, thissituation is caused by
run off from septic tanks used by homes in that portion of the village whale no•sewer services are
offered. (staff photo)
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liquid in hopes that the present lagoons will be able to hold the ever,inereasing amount of sewage.
The new"inachines were installed last week and there has as yet been no indication as to their
effectiveness. (staff°:photo).'
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The two arrows on this photograph of the Maitland Hiver at
Trowbridge mark the only places on the stretch of river visible
where water, however polluted it still might be, can be seen
through the scum that covers the surface, ilia number of places,
Maitiand is sewer
direct to Goderich
"If the people in Qoderich
aren't interested in the „pollution.'
of . the' Middle Maitland `River,
they ' should be," said the
President of the Save The
Mai tJ,an'd Association; Jim
Vallace, Brussels as he pointed
to the greenslime sitting atop
the' river°water.
"All of this is on its way
to 'Goderich„” concluded
Vallance who scanned 1} -he,_
horizon wisth his index finger in
a sweeping motion which gave
an impression of vastness.
Wednesday afterno(in was
a great' day .for a drive through
the countryside from Goderich
to Brussels and later from-
Brussels via the secondary roads
to the town of Listowel The sun
was high in the heavens, and it
was a' welcome change from
office routine to get out,into the
wide open spaces in this part of
the country. •
Guide for the tour on this
occasion was , Jim Vallance, an
avid canoeist -who resides in the
village of Brussels right beside
the Middle Maitland. But there
have been other tours with,
various�metnbers of the Save The
Maitland' Association as guides.
It is a project undertaken by this
group oft concerned citizens to•
really show interested. parties the
true picture of the Maitland rivet
in that area.
'There's no doubt the
situation is grim....and from all,
reports, this time of the year is
the : season when things are at
their best on the Middle
-• • To the uneducated eye of
someone whd has always
believed that pollution .is almost
non-existant in thisrpart of the
province, away from, the large
centres, it was,an appalling sight
to see—and Smell --stagnant river
water in some of the most rural
areas of Ontario; far' from the
bi'g, cities, their belching stroke
stacks and their sewage and
garbage disposal, headaches. ,
The story • actually began
years and years, ago. In' fact,
during our trip „along the
Maitland, we accidentally met a
woman and two young girls who
were out horseback riding. The
woman observed our interest in
the river add told' us- -she
sincerely hoped someone could
do something to clean up the
"My father has been dead
for 20 years," she 'stated, "and I
can remember ,when he was
trying to do something about
According to the, stories of
people 'who have known and
loved the Maitland Rover-' for
years and"' years, it is one of the
most beautiful streams in ,the
country. Jack Vallance says You
- haven't seen the Maitland until
you have paddled "every inch of
,it in a canoe", but there seems
to be little doubt the people
have been using it for decades as
a recreational ' facility... for
Please turn to Page 4A.
such as this example, the river is so thick with sewage fibre that
farmers have r tt ell seeing birds walk right across the surface
of the river ,without getting their feet wet. (staff photo)
Winding its way across Huron County, the Maitland River seems to improve, at least in appearance
' if not in fact, to some extent. ,The surface of the stream still has fibrnus material and scum,
however, andthe river's bottom is'now•chUcked solid with weeds growing v4ith the help of bacteria,
created through the breakdown of sewage dumped into the stream. According to residents of the
area, not so long ago children •swam on stretches of the river close to the location where this photo
was taken. (staff photo) ,•
s-?ltii .0lbe linferw`fNJ ft14(id1 ffOYlidiiawaarei/nuk.Ll a>s-oRn.WatsicitUtitiiLQweln"vtW-reJ.
downstream edge of the village, an extremely serious situation has fully developed. The water novo
has more scum, fibre a • d sediment, more gtow'ing;weeds and, just,to complete the picture, floating.,
debris. This photo walftlaket above )the lagoorpsit As well, pOintirigi an ugly finger at'khe sewag /11
system in Lisiowel, in the opinion of the Save TZ.Maitland Association: (staff photo)
,Here lies" the source of the Maitland River, problem, On Apr 1
14 the com)nu"nity of Listowel allegedly, under the approval of
.the.. Ontar o. Water .Resources.,. mmissiop,R, iropCd 29611)01), y„mak
^+` ars: iterveavueae + ���, ;tttitii i tttbiin+cp"' t� r;'• 'ttIe netid ;.t l`.,,.
, weeks past its- highwater mark. The result, according to the
Save The, Iylaitland Association and residents of the area, was
arr Incredible stencli"and the 'near ,death oaf the river. (sttif,V,I