The Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-08-12, Page 5rr • Sp - h WILLIAMS CEMETERY MEMORIALS And Inscriptions Stratford -- Ontario (. McCOIIum Representative ,, "::,1•:4-4-.'"" 215 Wellington Std S., Goderich , Phgma 52,4-6272or 524.7345 M • • Industrial • Farm • Factory Plain or safety toe. Choice of seven sole materials. SIfOE SHOP rri�42p• 142 The Sd'uare ,Goderich, Ont.. , 17tf • • • • a. MEMORIALS -+-MARKERS T. PRYDE AND SON „ Clifton—Exeter---SP.aforth N.N\\\\\\\\\\4\\\\\\\\\\\\\1% / / / / / The third round of Interclub golf matches, was played at Walkton last Sunday. Goderich won with 791/2 points, followed by Walkerton with 531/2, Kincardine had 52,, and . Wingham trailed the field. Goderich- is now irj first place with 2041/2 points and Kincardine is next with, 190 points. Each month at least eight different players are included on the teanf; in order that a number of our club members may compete. eam- last Sunday was composed of Tony Bedard, Stu Gilbert, Bobby Allan, Harold Walls, Don Shoitreed, Barry Deathe, Art Mumford, John Mackey, "2" Egner, and /Junior player, Don Bedour o had a 75, second low grass or the day. Tony Bedard's 7 was the best . score. The final found of the season is on Sunday, August 22 in Goderioh. The list is now posted on the bulletin board for. those who' wish to play to sign up. This league is not just for those wi't'h `low. handicaps, as most of the players are in the groups • from 12 to 25 handicapped and .play is fi 3 mac: r2 _ ,'�,1r'it 6®6 p�ayingr of ers'at their own level. In the .10 years that this competition has been running, Goderich has won it five times and Kincardine four. Tuesday evening, , August 3. Three flights were drawn up and' prizes were given Jor low grass. This excellent attendance has held up'all summer. , The Rose Bowl matches are about .half • over and 'the , Ladies Championship March Play is just commencing. The final round of ' thjs. competition is usually on Championship Day in September. ' Last Sunday, The Bluewater Sailing- Club held , invitational races on Saturday and Sunday at the waterfront. We were glad .to extend the—facilities ' of th Maitland Country Club to the Bluewater Sailing Club for entertaining their guests after the races. Pleased by Fed. of Ag. rection "It's great news. L'm extremely pleased," , That was dairy farmer Delmer Bennett's reaction- when he heard.. ' the .news Thirty-two ladies,were out on & CEMETERY LETTERING Goderich District, Representative Frank Mcllwain. 524-9465 200 Gibbons Si. . Reg. J. Bell 45 Cambria Rd. S. 524-7464 Agriculture as . •ect.e'd"'to go for . higher support prices ' for butter, skim milk powder and cheese, as well as lower levies on milk. ? ieetineiri- Pentictdd British Columbia, the directors of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture decided Tuesday, July 27, to press the Canadian Dairy Commission for higher floor prices and reduced levies because the surpluses that once threatened -the dairy industry have practically disappeared. They also said these adjustments were necessary: to..improve the ncomes.of dairy farmers. "I just hope the Canadian Dairy Commission -decides . to implement. these recommend- ations;" Bennett said. , "The commission should really have done this ages ago." re -game time-tin--StirldWangiiculture Park, Referee Carl Muller -(holding. ball), briefs members of the opposing teams on; some last minute rules. Representing the ,Soccer All Stars ares. (left to right) Bill Nurse, Lawrence Donnelly and MikePalmer. Representatives of the fathers team are (right to left) Aelean Wierasooriya and Helmut Krohmer, The All Stars won the game b virtue. of 1-0 score,—Staff photo r +�wz,;:+. Kyir'fMi�. ,see v'a'�`r• • • • ,�),^.,.R� ■/rye /{•1r�� N A (T�� /♦� R. {'.�y,�n{'. '�'uT+r !T' ERIOH $I111 T'.>T ,10-STdl�.f,,l}, " 4 T'+ ".ill s r R'•T' ' '1 4. Go �erIt. area o. JAMES KENNETH HUNTER Funeral service for Ja rles Kenneth Hunter; barrister -at -law was held Friday,, August 6 at Knox Presbyterian Church with Rev. C.L. Royal officiating. Interment was in the family plot at Maitland' Cemetery. Pallbearers were Mayor Harry Worsell, James Reddy, ,:Tony, Bedard; . Larry Plouffe, James Donne.liy, 1N,J. MacEwan Egerier, Bruce Erskine and Beecher Menalles. ' . Honorary pallbearers were • Dr. . J:W. Wallace, Dr, N.C. Jackson, Mr. Justice Crown Attorney William Cochrane, , D,M. Egener, .Harley Crawford, D.J. Murphy, William Sutherland, Police Chief Fred Minshall, . Frank Walkom, ----et ay t u-rr- E d w'a r ct, 'Saunders, 'Harry- 'Ford, William and Ebb "Ross, Harold Shore and Percy Sheardown, " Mr, Hunter, solicitor for the town of Coderich since 1947, died ' August 4 in Alexandra • Marine and General Hospital following ,an illness of just a few days. He was 59. He was born April 11, 1912 in Goderich to parents Archibald Cross and Grace (Cameron) Hunter. He attended Central School "'and high school in Goderich, received his BA from the . University of , Western Ontarid and graduated from ' Osgoode Hall in 1938. He enlisted in 1939 with the Essex Scottish regiment in the infantry. He was a prisoner of war ..after the Dieppe raid in May 1945 *hen he was The'road above Saltford in Colborne. Township, has finally gone under repair in' an upgrading program by the Huron County Roads Department. The stretch of road involved has long been a, dangerous piece and the repairs now underway are aimed at correcting this problem by rebuilding curves, grading down hills and widening. (staff photo) ED CRs Go toy church this• Sunday„. R S. IS ALWAYS THERE 1NITH YOUR HELP 2y • • HISEY F.AMILY: ,,,E -eemore's own singing ' family bring to yeti the gospel songs old and new in conte'mpor'ary country style. HEAR THE HISEY FAMILY SING AND EV.JAN MOLCJAN 'AN F,;X-CONVICT FitOM OWEN SOUND SPEAKING ON HIS AMA2ING_,EXQERIENCE ••FROM PRISON TO PLJLPIT”. SUNDAY, AUGUST 15 first Baptist Church - Goderich j 11 A.M. i-luron Men's Chapel - Auburn - 8 The HISEY FAMILY will sing at 2 p.m. at WESTPIELD COMMUN'IM CWURCN • All Welcome To These Services %N W Et% 1111145. "` h 30' ME% 4bt ° C TH.1Nt 041,4 4. SUNDA Y SERVICES promoted • to the rank • of Captain. •He was a 25 year member and past president of the Royal ----Canadian Legion Branch 109; a member 'of Maitland Lodge No. , 83 A.F. and A.M. and Huron _ Chapter No., 30; a vice-president of Goderich, Liberal Assbciatjon and a former executive member , of the Riding Association; a ° member of Duplicate Bridge• .Club and Menesetung . Canoe Club.: • .In honor -df the deceased, the ,Fpyal Canadian Legion Branch 109 held '.a service . at his residence, 66 Victoria St. North, when the body rested until it '.UNI'"TED H OLINESS, CHURCH 62 Cambria Street North SUNDAY, AUGUST 15 9•;50 a.m. •— SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00' a.m. - WORSHIP SERVICE. 7:00 p.m. - EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Prayer Service Wednesday 7:30 'p..m. "A WELCOME AWAITS YOU" Pastor:' REV. O. H,. LEE . PHONE 524-6887 WESLEY MEMORIAL :_CHURCH SUNDAY, AUGUST .15 1flrfl0 a:m. -- Sunday School 11:00--a,m. — Worship Speaker: MR, DAVE ROLSTON In Charge CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANGELISTIC — FUNDAMENTAL REV. R. 'BRUBACHER, Pastor 10:00 a.m. Bible. School For All Ages. • 11:00• a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Guest Speaker MR. MARVIN BRUBACHER, B.R.E. Galt, Ontario. Wedpesday, 8 p.m. — Midweek Service. I1'l:•l.a.nMML= 7'V TM; I•RII:ND Y CHURCH Knox Presbyterian Church` THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL,•B.A,, Minl er WILLIAM CAMERON, Diretgr of Praise SUNDAY, AUGUST 15 SUMMER SCHEDULE Service is at 1'0:00 a.m. rr Sermon: "THE INESC A`"ABLE GOD" (Nursery for Infants) The Minister will preach Guest. Organist: James- .McArthur, Satriia. , service on the Church lawn) ,.'f3h srt to:. Sei'v+e. p (Refreshments after Entet to Wbrsnip r+r,r./.wI'vIV/•r IYAAA •,V was MOved4O. the church 41 funeral„ servi ee. .Surviving are his • wire, the runner Margaret Ada Hunter' -iivhpm he married Jerle,,15, in Aldershot, Englenr; . threel ' sons, James Thornas, ,thestl► Kenneth Cameron,. Collingwo44 and " Archie Charles, at hole# . one .daughter, Margaret Halley,. also at home; one grandchild, two sisters, Mrs. Jean Ciopir'1and, New ' York . and ',Mrs, N sblttr (:$eatrice')' Oliver, Toronto; and. one brother, Colin + Hunter, Sarnia, ' • Funeral .arrangements were by Stiles Funeral Home, MRS. SARAH SELENA Hill " Mrs. Sarah Selena (Tena) Hill, 184 Picton St. E: died August 8 in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. ,She was 88. A daughter of the..late.Robert.— and Sarah (l•fesselwood) Bean, she was born November 20, 1882 in Goderich Township. She moved to ,Colborne Township when she was six years of age. She was 'a member Of Knox Presbyterian Church. ' ' She was married June 6, 1906 at Homestead,, Lot 2, Concession 8, West Division, Colborne Township to Hugh Hill who o . survives. The couple celebrated •. their 65th wedding anniversary this spring. Other survivors include her children Mrs. James r (Hazel) Feigan, Carlow; Mrs'. C.J. (Doris) Parton; Toronto; Mrs.• C.F. (Olive) Baechler, Goderich; Mrs. K.J. (Norman) Hazlitt, Duckworth, ' Goderich; ten ,•,x ,-". grandchildren and _ grandchildren; -one sister,' Mrs. William" (Mae) Doak; and one I- brother, Robert Bean,' Carlow. Funeral service Was Wednesday, August: 11 at the Stiles .Funeral Home with Rev. G.L."Royal officiating. Interment was in Colborn°' Cemetery. Pallbearers were grandsons Hugh and Gerald Feagan, John and Greg Hazlitt and Robert and Bruce Baechler. F 1 o w'e"rbearers were great grandchildren Phillip, Sandra, Paul . and Susan Feagan and Trudy, Laurie and Mark Kernighan. • Bethel PentecostalTabernacle Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS. - PETER G, SL DON, P-astor SUNDAY, AUGUST'15 10:00 a -m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m.-"MORN,ING WORSHIP. 7:00 p.m. -- EVANGELISTIC SERVICE 840' p.m. — Tuesday, Prayer and Bible Study 8:00 p.m. — Friday, Young People's Service YOU ARE yINVITED TO ATTEND THESE SERVICES "Poise is the art of raising the eyebrows •instead of the roof." • FIRS) BAPtIST .CHURCH (Baptift Cbnvention�of Ontario and Quebec) MONTREAL STREET near The Square — A WELCOME TO ALL — 11:00 a.m. — Morning Worship and Church School. Special Music, Si. GEORGE'S CHURCH SUNDAY, AUGUST 15 TENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY ' Holy .Communion at 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon at 10 a.m. Organist -Choirmaster: Mr. Paul C. Baker, ' F"R.C.O.. L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M. Rector: THE REV. G..G. RUSSELL, B.A., B.D. Victoria Street United Church HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP REV LEONARD WARR 11:10 a.m. — Worship Service The G ide.ons International Participatinv BENMILLER UNITED CHURCH, 10:00 a.m. —,Worship Service & Bible School The Gideons International Participating W -E -L -C -O -M -E North Street United. Church •• R V. ROBERT L. R'AYMONT - SUNDAY, AUGUST 15 10:0O--a..rn. — Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. — Supervised Nursery 10:00' a.m. — Junior Church School. Guest Minister: REV. ALAN E. GROSE Fullerton , Guest Organist: Mr. Ed Stiles_ la (Coffee will be served on the wn following the service) W -E -L -C -O 9111-E Mrs. Eleanor Hetherington, Organist ,arid Choir Director ;Rhriitit Chu'rch•OttictrandStuz3y •,5244611 'Churtit Building•''=-` 52':4951 41 4