The Goderich Signal-Star, 1971-01-28, Page 160
R10:1''SIGN, #L -STAR,, THURSDAY; JANUARY 28, 1971
tide and-. Brownie News
• •.
Japanese Brownies
and sleigh rides -
BROWNIES we closed our meeting we
Pack One •thought of Brownies in Israel
r� oi�rowni s for Taps.
_Our Brownie friends in Japan and bow(e „
play, • a_ gaffe, 'called '
Jingle" Dohelda Smith who has • . Pack Two " '
been learning about Brownies in The highlight -of the week for
,''that country beganour inek,ting Brownies in our ,Pack was a
lay leading tis in playing this sleigh ride. We met after school
,garne..O. ir• only ,problem was in on Wednesday and were driven
pr,otiouncing the . :word out to Bluewater Ricl where we
."si;ikiyaki", which is a Japanese met Mr. Hindmarsh` with his
' "{'' 10ikcl rs?Pri, tC°"I2 i� 1t ,02nu .'t ,t 1 4*4 kl , sw.-
•„vegetables.. _ - *gave us a thrilling ride” and we
• Our 'Weenies, were learning: ' all want to thank him very very
about the 4LPromise, Law ,and . ,slued,.
'Motto which they were told At Brownies last 'Friday we
must be memorized before had a lot of fun acting out and
becoming real Brownies. They , gu,essing. plays -w-hich were
also were given' their Brownie--•••--,in•derella, Rutnplestiltskin.,:....
dolls to colour. When they pass Snow•J&i1ite and, (loldielocks and
their tests they may ' paste the 'Phree Bears. Later we played
various items onto these dolls —;. 4,gaine of stepping stones. Thep
such as Brownie pins, ties, we put -more mroney in the little
emblems, etc. camp house for the camp fund.
Some of our girls were After' this' we had Pow Wow.„
practising the correct words to O" and soon everyone had a sad
`Canada and brought several, expression on her face for we
"iiictures of our country to show were told that we couldn't'bring
' us and tell us about. Brown anything. to show, unless'it had
-Owl, was 'served a tray with tea something to do with Brownies.
aid toast by two Brownies wlh (hecause Pow Wow was getting
are working toward their Golden ' much too long!)
Hands. The other older Brownies
*ere knitting and doing other
.► test, wdrk. •
During Pow Wow Celia
Drennan showed us her plant
which she has grown from a
bulb, and told us about the care sleii ride!
she has„given it.
Our "Brownies ha`e been- • * THIRD GODERICH •
returning their camp fund `"y GUIDE COMPANY.
en�:egs.romptly y and amour _ The Third Guides had an
fund,is',growing. There are,stiil a exiroTrili3iit fietemtiri 'at" it C'a
few more to come Iri'tiidugh..As . meet,ij g.
For a delightfully different touch to the versatile muffi}i, try adding -the mellow, nut -like taste of
imported 'Holland. Edam cheese. Edam muffins are great with coffee for breakfast or brunch, with
soup for lunch with dinner or as a late night snack.
rnuffins nice - snac
any time of the day
For a delightfully,. different
• • :ourlj to' the versatile muffin, try
idding the mellow, nut -like taste
)f imported Holland' Edam
,:heese. Edam muffins are great .
with coffee for breakfast or
brunch, with soup for lunch
villi 'Tdi neer ' or' as a late lug ,t,
;rack. '
2 cups all purpose flour
imported Holland Edam.,. coating .
the cheese v./ith . the flour -
mixture. Add the unbeaten egg,
milk and melted fat; stir•quickly.
and lightly until mixed (do not
beat). Spoon into well -greased
ow to
Entolled as twirl Guides were
Debbie Elliott, Lynn Goddard,
Janet Young, and Anne Marie
Captain Ainslie., pre:sentesi
,Swimmer's Badges', ;to Lisa
Scholtz and I;,ol?.erta, Hayes and
the• Camper's Badge to Sag
,Mrs: Coulter, .Joan's mother,
is helping "us out again with our
cainpf'ire ..»:$.nil% .
':� .
wcirk1tig with us on otrr
Citizenship badge.
We're lc, oking forward - to
having a sleighride followed by
a winter cook -out this weekepd.
muffin pans filling each cup
two-thirds full. Bake in hot oven
(400 degrees F.) 20-30 minutes.
The smaller the muffin the
,shorter the baking -time. 'Makes
16 medium muffins.
WomaIit� woman
2-4 tablespoons sugar
2' 2 teaspoons baking powder
-t-teaspoon salt
1' cups shredded imported
Holland Edam ( about 6 oz.) •
1 egg
1 cup milk •
'14 cup 'melted -L. -butter- or
Sift the flour, salt, baking
' powder, and sugar together in a
mixing bowl. Fold in shredded;
Kinettes plan
Mardi Gres
Thefirst ,Kinette ,fleeting of
the new year was held January
18 at the, Kinsmen playground
with 19 members present. •
T,he 4 treasurer's report was
' given and a motion was * made
that the bills be paid. ”
The minutes • of the last
meeting were read and approved.
A thank -you letter was
received from the, Christmas
welfare family as well as a large
oil painting given to• the Kinettes
in appreciation for the help
given to them at Christmas time.
The painting will be framed and
hung in; the clubhouse.
The second babysitting 'course
begun. Volunteers-
olunteers•were. asked to'help with the
classes each Wednesday night.
Preparations are being made,
for the Mardi Gras dance which
is coming up February 20. This
is the big event of the y' ar for
the club so each tsiember does
,her • best ,to help make it a
success'." Tickets are - now-
available from any Kinette. '
A work party will be held
Saturday afternoon to prepare
lunch for the Kinsmen Carnival
dance at the arena: e
A.Lte..i.,* the_ meeting,
lunch was served. •
Continued from page 2A the argument' about farnsers, and
Hating cash ,available' when you business people not being able to
need it throughout the year , pay their taxes before the end of
reduces the amount, of money the year — or at least until 'the
that must be borrowed to meet '. end .- ,oj , June. It "is "generally
current, expenses — and the less accepted that' it iso a simple
money fou borrow, the less matter for the working man to
interest, you pay, and the o less rustle up his t•aa,• `money almost
money that `needs to be any time of the day or night. but
collected in'the long run.•, the business.folk_and.the farmers
At least, that's what the are not in a position to budget
school board is saying ..:. and its ' their money in the same manner.:
does soundlike a valid I, guess that too is a matter of
argument. Of course,. as a opinion• •,
ratepayer who knows a little -R o Y• 'B D u t°i"1 o
about how •government and —.superintendent of business
municipal government works, affairs, says that in some cases
the ratepayer seldom sees the (riot all of course) municipalities
savings as a reduction in -pave money in •the bank • in'
taxation. The "sayings" 'seem to .current accounts which do not
get gobbled up in the machinery ' produce interest. In • some
and * it costs just -as_ much . .'instances,. says Mr. Duirlop, ,t'he
school board may be borrowing
Still, from the viewpoint of thfit money and the taxpayers
the board of education; there are, in effect. paying interest on
could be savings effected if the their oWn funds.
boairl eouid have its tax money Dunlop believes . that if •
money in
four times a year.. • "' •
the current ities have
On the other hand, 1
municipalities argue that it costs purposes. it sho4id be forwarded'
money to send out, tax bills four to the board of education. That
times a year instead of the »way, says Dunlop. it is saving,the
customary once ortwice. Special taxpayer hard cash.
forms must be * printed, extra Dunlop also, li lieves ; that.
pri`s••tage purchased and people Who' -have the money to
, additional manhours-required to pay their taxes foiir times a year
- get the tax,;...the mail.. In ',(and thereby save money in the
fact, one county councillor, Bill long run) • should have the
• Elston of Morris, told Elliott and opportunity to, do so. And I
Broa..dfoot , at Wednesday's would suppose there are even
meeting it mould be ,just as some A ' farmers and • some._:
pay—the for'board of
c Ape • people to
businessmen who would fall in
• education borrowing", as it would
• . be to 'pay' for the billing four
times a year. ' '
That sounds a little expensive
to ,me' — especially since -the
board of education ,has .the
' poww-er oto borrow' up - to
.•POA.. 1.1: 4,th`arsevefr a a d ;:. :,.lns go;o r,cY ; .;:
?'�i�l`'V)ILGI�"ctotlar :t 'is •a -but in actual diet, they come out
known fact that in 1969 we, the .a little less than you expected.
taxpayers of Huron, spent more
than 5115,000 on interest for -I would • li•ke+,to see, though, .
the board of education alone. some actual figures -`produced by
Last: year, because the board of " the board of education and the'
education 'collected taxes twice local municipalities to . show
instead of .just once, our interest their savings or 'losses on Plan A •
payments ,amounted to about (four times. a, year' collections)
5$5,000. That's not peanuts, is and on Plan B (collections twice
it. " annually). I'm sure it would bea
And 'then, of course. there's fascinating study
rr:,, I. ,.{ "va ,
RED _ 0,
W.e .sang some -songs -rounds
'ending with Taps And all` went-
home, happy. P.S. Attention
fellow Brownies). There is •'a
rumor that if we are on our good
behaviour we MAY get another
4 :Hour
2nd and 3rd Mortgages
Arranged in thea Convenience
Of Your Home.
LOW cost. You can call to 11
p.m, today for ,helpful
courteous service. Prompt
Inv stment Corp. Ltd., 330
Bay Street, Toronto. all
366-9586,' EVGS., 231-8146
on your
There's always hay making. ' ._ •
at your nearby BLQ•CK of- COMPLETE
A, dice„ Trained tax. men taxa • :ILTURN$'.
"`fast so you have every tax INDIVIDUALS
deduction. you've got com- FARMS
,ing.• Make hay now at' E3U$I1\1,E,55ES
tl & R BLOCK.
. m:Y• •a367dr.
0 " a .LOCA, 1971
We—guarantee. 04curate preparation of every, tax return.
If we make ony errors ' that ' post you any penalty of
interest, we will pay that penalty or interest:
(Opposite CNR Station)
.Weekdays 9---a..m..8 p.m.•
Saturdays 9 a.m, to 5
PHONE 524-8658
Take it ,from the
tope for 'beauty!
this category. .
So, you see, it is . a very large
question .... and a touchy one
when you have municipal 'people
and * • board of education
representatives discussing it.
There is no easy answer .... a_and
s every ' housewife •-knows; the
1' r cups flour
1 egg, beaten
2 tsp. *114
1 tsp:•bakitrg ,powder
2' cups -sliced, preserved peaches
. w
-cup bran ,
cup milk
.4 c -up sugar
1 3 cup shorterding
3 cup peach`'juice
Doak bran in. egg and milk for fiv• einutes. Sift together
flour, sugar, baking powder and sat. Cut in shortening. 'Add
to egg and bran• mixture, stirring only until�ingrediients are
Arrange-peaches in greased 9" x 9" x
:Add •juice.. ' D"rop batter by spoonful „over peaches. Bake in
hot'oven 400 degrees. for 35 -.m nutes. • Serve warm with
Let ,our experts � 'STREAKING --
style, color or,
hair soon•!
10% OFF
(Till Feb. 27)
January 28 - February 27 "
BARGAINSk 4,/,•41A-Okite.0 17...›04,,,,
,.� ,�ws�,P�R,z•P�,P
wishes . tp.. annourlce t� his patients the
establit ` ent 'of his own private pra6tice in
Goderich on Napier Street (opposite -the
Assessment Office). The date of ,opening 'of the
new location :wi'll be announced in the Signal -Star.
Until then he will continue to sqe his 'patients at
the 'Church Street Kited"real" Centre. '
M ^
,',r1L.r..a:1,.PIaRYtil�1 �DaZYM•
. LCy W
Ya•i •d erti">d << ,�t'Y!t¢ i:c hr.a