The Exeter Advocate, 1893-2-2, Page 5is the attest taitnilpll lit pharmacy for the cure of all the synlptonis indicating Emmy ANP Liven Complaint. If you aro troubled with costiveness, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, ileadaclle, indigestion POOR ArratInt, TIRISo PULING, rtultU iA'rte PAINS ; Sleep1osa Nights, Melancholy Feeling, 13Aolt Acme 1Ytembray's Kidney and Liver Cure will give immediate relief and EFFECT A Cui e. Sold at all Drug Stores. Peterboro' Medicine Co., Limited, PETERBOR0', ONT. ,oxen ship Stockholm City, which 1 ed .trni I.cndon'Jan. r for Boston, ha not Etc.)) 1tpultit' at her destination,and he ownus, the Fumes Co : are anxious: She i$ :t fiel8ht steamer. SAFE AND SURE. Not only safety from mineral poison (of which 13 B, B. does not contain the slight- est trace.) but prompt and certain actionin the cure of disease may be confidently re- lied on from the use of this unrivalled nater• alrspecific for Dyspepsia, Constipation, Bad Blood, Headache, Biliousness and all dis- eases of the stomach, liver, bowels, and bloou, Yellow fever has broken out in Guayaquil Ecuador. If there ever was a specific for any one complaint, then Carter's Little Liver Pills are a specific for sick headache, and every woman should know this. 01.ly one pill a dose. Try them, f Princess Margaret, youngest sister of the 1 German Emperor, was marred in Berlin Friday to Prince Frederick Charles of Hesse The affair was very'brillant DR, WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP positive:v cures Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hoarseness and Bronchitis: Geo. W atsc.n, brakeman on the M. C, R., was killed by slipping off the bumpers and I being ruu over at Tilbury Centre Friday. BRONCHITIS OURED GENTLEMEN.—I suffered four or live years from bronchitis and a severe hacking, -cough, and could get nothing to do me any good- A friend told me to get Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam and I did so with good re- sults. 'Two bottles cured me and I hardly i know what a cold is now, ARTRUR BYRNE, Guelph. The late Bishop Brooks is said to have left an estate worth $730,000. CONSUMERS CORDAGE CO., i NEAR OFFICE, MONTREAL. Dominion Sof Canada Letters " Com- paules Aot," CAPITAL, - $3000,000,`' bin thirty thousand (30,000) Shares of one • hundred dollars each.) TeIR EC'Tons, JOHN F. STAIRS, M.P., Halifax, President. A. W. MORRIS. M.P.P., Montreal, Vice - President. EDWARD M. FULTON, Montreal. Treasurer. GEORGE STAIRS, Halifax. JAMES M. WATERBURY, New York.• CHAUNCEY MARSHALL, New York,. WILLARD P. W HITLOCK, Elizabeth. SECRETARY. CHARLES B. MORRIS, Montreal: RANKERS, THE ' I C.ANAbIANBANK 01+ COMMERCE. THE UNION BANK OF HALIFAX. SOLICITORS. MACMASTER & MCGIBEON, Montreal. The. Directors,' who are now the owners 01 the entire Capital stock, have decided, at the request of numerous friends of the Company throughout Canada, to enlarge the proprietorship of Its stock, and to oder "e• sale, at par. ten thousand shares, of one hundred dollars` each, fully paid and non - assessable. Payments are to be made as follows : Five per cent. on application ; fifteen per cent. on allotment ; twenty per cent. each: in one,two, three and lour months from the date of allotment. Applicants have the rlghtto pay lu full on allotment. Applications for shares will be re. eeived until February 15th, 1S93, at any, of the cies of the Canadian Manic of Commerce, of the offices of the Union , Bank of Halifax, and at the head oHoce of the eompauj, N. Y. ]Life It atidinp;, Montreal. Forms of application for shares may be obtained at any of the above places, or they will bn sant by wail on request.: Should no allotment of stock be made to any applicant for shares, the amount paid will be returned in full, and In the event oe the DIrectors finding it impossible to allot the full number o1 shares applied for, the surplus of, the deposit will be credited to- ward the amount: payable on allotment.. The right is reserved of withdrawing the ofrerinwhole or part, at any time before allotment and of allotting to any appli- caut any less number of shares than the number applied for. As the dividends of the Company are payable quarterly,' beginning lvi tb the first day of March next allottees of stock will be entitled to receive a proportion of the quarterly dividend' as declared, correspond - ng to the amountpaid upon theiraubsorip- 100. It is proposed to apply to the Stock Ex- changes of Montreal and Toronto for Wh- ole], quotations of the shares of the Com- pany. xs. v Carica UU N t •ssslanatp &tops •21711'{ n! asp •p005 sasaaL •dnatis Veep meet S11Vd 3513 11V 3H3HM S3H09 r t +, 1?�.',i ; l �,R,?1, ,,a ,S,tO1S ► l r •'e'a4 Sir William Vernon-Flarcourt, Chancel- lorof the Exchequer, declines to advise the Government to adopt'de'•imal coinage. FOR COLDS AND SORE TUIROAT. Sirs.—We use Hagyard's Yeilow Oil in ,our family for colds and sore throat and it is excellent. My sister had .asthma since •childhood, buton trying Yellow Oil for it she soon was cured: Mrss LIzzIe CHAPELLE, Baldwin, Ont. TheFrench press continues to display deep indigoatiou regarding the . attitude as- sumed by England in Egypt. More cases of sick headache; bil liousness constipation, can be cured in less time, with less medicine, and for less money, by using Carter's Little Liver Pills, than by any ;oth- er means, Snow averages six feet deep in the north- western states. A HEALIING SOOTFIINC ' SALVE for cuts, burns, bruises, wounds and sores, Vic- toria Carbolic. Salve. Emperor William has conferred the de- coration of the Order of the Black Eagle of Prussia upon the Czarewith. BILLIOUaNESS CURED. GENTLEMEN,—I have used Burdock Blood Bitters for biliousness and find it the best remedy for this complaint. I used sea/ eral other remedies but they ail failed to do me any good:However it required only two bottles of B. B, B. to cure me completely, and I can recommend it to all: Yours Truly WM, Ron/mote, Wallaceburg. Itis believed that Mr. Harrity is positive. ly booked for the postmaster generalship in the , ieveland Cabinet. IN STRENGTHGIVING and h e teen g power Milburn's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion, excells all others. Gray anti black wolves are creating great havoc onithe'cattle ranches of Wyoming territory . Always avoid harsh purgative pitls. They 'first makesick 1 you and then en leave you con 5tipated. Carter's Little Liver Pills regu- late the bowels and shake you well. Dose, one pill. 01 TRIAL FOR 90 DAYS. The finest, complotest and Latest line of Elea: tricnl appliances lathe work. T,hev have never failed to euro. Tis aro so pnsitivb of it that Nye will back our belief and send you any Electrical: A pplianco now in the market and you can try it for Throe Months. Largest Ilst of testimonials on 'earth. Send for boolt and journal Free. •T.F. '.Pt. Faacr & Co., Windsor, drat.. The Sea View hotel at Fort Hamilton, N. Y, was burned Friday. ` Loss $roo,000; no insurance. NOW IS THE TIME. In this the season of coughs, colds,asthma bronchitis and other throat and lung com- plaints, it is well to be provided with a bot tle of;Dr, Wbr d's k`10'tvav Pine Syrup which effectually cures ail Such diseases- and that very promptly and pleasantly. Price 25and 5oc. Sold by all druggists. Adolph Sonnenthn•l, the actor, is dying; at i'rareue, Bohemia, of ]fright's disease, PURE IMPORTED WINE Prime Can , ��1r arta Beef and soiuble scale salts of Iron are combined in Milbuth's Beef, Iron and Wine, The volcano of Colima, Mexico, shows signs of ertooion, MAI<E NO MI',CS:"AI<E, 'seel:e. no n,istalce when buyinfe a remedy for dyspepsia heir dee he constipation', orha blood, he sane to got rhe kiwi that clref;. Burdock Blood Bitters. "it is an excellent remedy for headache."—•C, Blackett Rob son, Pah. Canada Presbyterian. A.nother ietetlsely coin ,wave is pronmised, rr,the Northwest. The Consumers Cordage Company was or- ganized in June, 1800. with a Capital of one million' dollars, to operate several of the largest Cordage and Binder, Twine Factories in Canada It, at first, operated these under Ieases but its operations, having been .sue suc- cessful, the Capital Stock was subsequently increased to Three Million Dollars, and the leased properties were purchased. The Company has no mortgage indetrtedness ; and, according to the law ander which it was incorporat. ed, none can be treated without the consent of two-thirds of the share. ••+;'AevAostt-uted at m meeting called for the purpose. The Company has placed In tnenands of its Bankers (a) Full statements of its emirs, certified to by Messes. Cold well, Tait ,it CVi1ks, Chartered AOoountauts, (b) The fol1 w)tug letter from Messrs: Abbot is, Campbell- & Meredith, advocates,, 'Montreal, upon the legality of lislneorpor- ation, and the issue 01 its stock :— Mo1vsBEAL. January 5, 1593, Consumers Cordage Co., Ltd., Montreal : G1:NT7EMEN,—We have examined - the books and doeumeiits connected with the organization of the Consumers Cordage Company, Limited. and are iii ()pinion that 11 has been properly incorporated, and that its 'capital stock of $3,000,000, '55 M- aned, is folly paid up and non assessable, according to the provisions of the "Com- panies Act." We are, yours truly, deigned), ApnorTs, CAarrnlsLL &MEn:EDc'rz . (e). A report from Messrs. Maemaater and McGibbon, Stele; tors of, the t;umjany; that tile Orme r:o its Aillls have been duly exsiinl net(, aixt lira. no on en ulbr•auces exist. douitn; ir�,cos pies or r'u which mayrOS rimy be Nee at the Comtri1Hye offices, and et the Various °Cities of the Bunko mentioned above. The Consumers Cul dsige Coln patty 10 pro- be bly tIna hvx- 3rd lalgcs1 illuuulactuver of Cordage and Binder Twine lin the world, and (1111i1118 thefollowing very material ad- vantages over its ei 'm heti tors :— 1 Of. Ample capital"tu conduct Its busi- Gcsswhich eunbit It: - (a) To buy 11, rate ten!c'rial in huger nitnIltles, eead at )(Aver prices. (I,) To use only the latest and most im- proved iu rtaslnt r j thus keeping its ,pills lh the hlghc•ststate or c encr. 2f,d. Iteononty In cel'tug andihstrIlnating its Leann lac Lured product. or d. The 11 t1 tlts, GU1t 1S so wide P t• • . l .. t • 11 tory (Its 1n11.uufuuuiecl goods go io •rlin n;lt Peary 01011100a rountry in the.. 'world) chat I t he xenon ly injured by loea1 hies ;1111(1 i2', hiuifat•ttninl cstaWl•iuuu111s are .o scattered that; the danger o1• severe loss' by tire is very hilah L. pith. Loiter cost, of Pilot pc t Ion. (n). By rnair:italn3 sg,the sharloeb.,conlpe- tition Ir 1Rren lis several m1I s,itis rnablr:(1 .o Introduce iu all the best methods found In each (5). 1a• • ser iling es 001111n0r0i1s1 ex- penses over a larger output. le) By plaeing in one bund telt 1)11; 01 las- rgofthe.taw Mal:erlals 13)1)1 muouatetur hag supplies tor the several Mills, illus se- curing Iowcstprices. (d). Ly hmama rtt tering for themselves many U1' their' sl1}Ip1105. The 'Company has id way's Yount: it In Its interest to divide the ciconanil:•s 1111 eted hl 1)' alu05ion and distribution w 11 1ht:Con- sutncr, and 51 ace 1to cxlstom,'e the Con. Sumer hid, upon the average, had a better art lulu ''It #t lower trice that: previously. i'Iie (Jin puny does not, thorn to have guy monopoly', 00 to earn n13 130poly profits; In tact. it Ira' La/L. 100e so `,Moe 116 (I'Va11- Izatiun i t hors been able, 0101 rex to 1 be 16(3 - van 11)105161)1)3)1) referred 1,0, to earn a net r0 11,3, t)11 lie present ea,pi(al., or hot less lbau 10 per relit per 3511nt)n1 (15$4 stntc- rnetita in their 11:a,iitors' husels will show), and the 1)i1.ept,or's believe thatthese prints, will be m,lnt i»e1 h trite future, as the,eost 021>? jdnel 011112(1 dist ibutlon shows cath year a marlred decrease. 'fete Divic1eud req.' the year .finding. 81st 41c'toiler, 1892, Was rel; the rate of S3 itereeiit. per aumrntnt►. The" ,►or5t reeoerdol'ttde C011nrcony Hitt" itg pre• 5eitt lwrii14o11 justify tete Ili rectors in believing -that ; Uttar!! esly aivi- (leans atone and Cht• e-t1tttalrtuers l►er ce5tt. can be 5001( Canal 9ttould the 1►rotits for the present :aeon, be as Las' eens the (Shelli= protniseta,tlia fisia alrtrartet'ss (11v:blend ins3113 tt Ste iaereaneu. Any further vntorutattoa see,T dna had nt the head etuce ,of the •4Jprls« paltry si Ale utt•easlt Food's Pills care Liver Ills. +."1"."—'11111E—a—^ _. MURAL— SHAVING NT ALSAVING —PARLOR. EXETER, = ONTARIO. A. Hastin.gs, Prop. Every attention paid to Lathes' and Children's Hair Cutting. I astrn,gs PALACEBAKERY The undersigned having handsome. .y fitted up his parlor and restaurant -will serve— ICE CREAM during the Summer Season. Also a large supply of Confectionery Breads Bu»s Cakes &c. ' . Visits Exeter every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon, All orders left with George Sanders promptly attend- ed to. Oysters and fruits of all kinds in heir season. D, W, FOSS, lensall. THE KEY TOUT& Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually without weakening the sys- tem, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the seine time Cor- recting Acidity of the Stomach, curing ' Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Sero- fula, Fluttering of the Heart, Ner- vousness, and General Debility ;all these and many other similar Complaints yield to the happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Bale by ail Dealers. T. LILMUR &G4.,Proprietors,.Toronto. SNELL, A. J. ��.. Srt;_ EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock stn gni 0-00=9., IN THE FOLLOWING LINES: West of England Suiting's'and Trous Brings, Scotch:Tweed Suitings and Trouser ings. French and English Worsted Cloth A11 made up in the Latest Style, at /tiq�1®I\E L best Rates.�epT A. J. aV L rile Worfti1 3IouEai V ,ca And you may spend a lot of money m visiting several parts and see lots•of excitement,but'you tire of that and set tea, down some day, and when you do and have to buy furniture, call at GIDLEY'' S Old established warehouse and ' see their immense stock of FURNITURE, from the largest appointed manufact. tries in Canada, who have the best machinery money can buy and of the latest improvemdnts, and also the fin- est drying kilns in the above "Round World" and fil'st•class A 1 finishers to the bargain, and then visit some coun- try- firms who cannot compete at all with them in wear or tear, and even in finish, for their machinery is old fash- ioned and in some cases worn out. Some of Canada's furniture men have won World Prizes, and from such we buy. Having been forty years before the public we can without boasting say we have stood the wear and tear of public opinion and still are flourish- ing. Come tend ,e0 our new styles just in whether you buy or not, especially our patent Extension Tables. Remem her we have the largest stock of pict- ure moulds in the county. .r S. GIMLET'. Odd -Fellows Block. Opposite J Grigg' Stationery. UNDERTAKING ROBERT N. ROWE, Proprietor of (The Old Established) FURNITURE WARE ROOMS, (One Door north Molson's Bank.) ALL NEW GOODS. LOW PRICES. STYLES.TO STJITE EVERYBODY. The balance of our Xmas goods must be cleaned out to make room for a large consignmentof Spring nouelties. Speciaity Alstlarannaniaris Egtu Pukilg Bogs "mato,. Drosses or Alive. Dressed Hogs bought sul.•,;ct to the following conditions: -2' Ib per , cwt, off' 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs for either bung•gut or gullet, if left in. All Hogs to be cut through from Tail to Throat. Highest. Price paid for Hogs weighing from 100 to 200 panic's, dressed. NEL BROS 86 COI li —SEND FOR ILLTISTRATE fJ GATALU SUE of Ladies Specialties. ADDRESS: The Parisian Medical Appliance Co., 19 Queen-st. E., Toronto, Ont. Mention this paver. —All persons who want- • CHEA'rMONEY at 51, 6 and 6* PER CENT should call --at the— Oface'of-R. R. COLLINS. Exef [�las��a� ►� EMPORIUM. PERKINS & MARTIN, PROPS. We cary the most complete stock of Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS, VIOLINS, • ALSO SEWING MACHINES, BICYLES. FARM IMPLEMENTS &a. The above instruments always on hand. • Terms to suit Purchasers. GIVE US A UALL, EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN —Bargains in— laarness, Trunks, Valises, Whips, Rugs, Boots, Sh©es,E bbers &eo -AT— John Treble's Jiain-st. NOTE A. FEW PRICES: Half fox Felt Boot, Grain, $2,00; Felt Boot, Loose Socks, Grain, $2,25; Men's Rubbers, 50c; Women's Rubbers, 30c• Misses' Rubbers, 25c; Skilled Workmen are ;era - ployed to manufacture the goocls, and the best of ma terial is used._ attention. Prompt p nt on g'iyen to all kinds. of repairing. Aly Stock is well assorted and every customer is guaranteed satisfaction. The Prices mean a Sale every time. Call and be convinced, JOHN TREBLE, Main Street, Exeter. CHRISTIE'S CiMMElf6110LWERY:) First Class RIGS.And HORSES ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Terms : Reaccoo.czble Telephone Connection Eatulal Eatl AP/107 IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm TP VOTT WANT TO Bny or Sell Town Property IF YOU WANT TO Borrow:or Lend Money IF YOU WANT. Collections Make Call at 112x, Jno. Spackman's Real Estate Agency.' . Business Transactions strictly. con- fidential. Intending purchasers will receive the best advice in selecting land` or town sites. Also agent for Allan Line and State Line Steamships. Office- Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Address:—JOHN SPACKMAN, Box 44 11/14lESS f'i:tli)liCtilg Po'atf0CAS ALL H cops llSrW . dlaa.p/ tr�'e1ttuC cclmet'" tfu.d 1''U (11011 i'Uery- th4i'f/ aietsi•i'r1pei,head. ezehes,;A'I^tf throi, it' wilt rota but P5 peti;t5 .r^' ca bore aayct thee/ ft.* '+r•„'natea.r. Thee are riot a Cathartic. �fY'` rat1'nry Ii Aw,d d. TT, * As the best THE F place in town. ALAOE for good fresh GROCERY * groceries. M. Vincent, * e-nd ` 'i'hy'? Proprietor, ,l< decaus we buy Geo,fyndman, ... often! Buy for „_ it Manager, ,sl.,ot c asl1,. Anti * sell cheap!!! The people of Exerer” and racially hcbVe been, clzr,iek to show their' ap- preciation, of aft i st-class gr"oce7' y Z7'b t%e77/' 7I /. tClSii, I1,e7t03 oz•Gr'r"apT1d l7 inrer'ea szrzg popularity. THE PALACE GROCERY Fanscn's Block, Exeter. If you would wish an easy share, As good as barber ever gsi s'e, Just call at my shaving saloon, Al morn, at eve, or busy noon, I'll cut and dress the hair with ;-race, To suit the contour of this face. My room is Deal), towels clean, Scissors sharp and razors ]teen,. .And ever••ytning I think you'll find to suit tee taste and pll'a,'•o the mind; And all that art and skit) c•audo, If you'll just call, I'll do for you. IShave the old, the young, the he gay, I'll shave you all for ready pay; And give a shampoo any time;, And for a shave I get a dime — Ido not mean a dime in trust, For that would make the barber bust. E. H. FISH3 Agent for The Parisian Steam I.aundry TEE PEOPLE'S TLTJ?& nu We keep on hand the largllst stock of Flour and Feed:iii Town, Our $1.75 F.1011-ir 1 likes the lead. .Any gnuntiif y .0#. Bran & Shorts at Mill Prices. 'Farmers will find it to their ad- vantage to give us a call and see our Stock before purchasing elsewhere. Highest lerice[i Paid for Oats. R. S. Richardson, Opposite 'I own Hall. Man. �, �vere,�am...�,�.um.emaao•�� X1:3 - -,r, •L 1i'c-"-'^',�,,.. vr.� r y Pire Syrup. Pico in the lung -healing virtues oftbe Pine combined with the soothing and expectorant properties off other pectoral herbs and barks. EAPERFECT CURS iF0 COUGHS AND COLDS Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sore Throat Croup and all THROAT, BRONCHIAL and LUNG DISEASES. Obstinate coughs which resist other remedies yield promptly to this Pleasant piny syrup. P - pRI C6 2GCr AND ©0%: C. PEfi Ft 0TrrS.6A BOLO BY ALLA O Tare, T... rddVO•peO.t. ��A3.L`ll3r¢'H�:nS.re..r.s�ceoait NI LT El unala T�`MfiHT. Never was there known such low price in Furniture f ber ®e as you will find at TT ,fi ,t t: g arerooms and"1 - Havin;�, purchased the �Factory lately occupied byW. Andrews, T p wish to o'Country . inform thea people of Exeter and surrounding that, I am offering all P P» Binds greatly reduced rates. gbe . of furniture e at ,, r y s. All Goods guaranteed to my own hand make, of first-class drymaterial andput together � e in the strongest possible manner and of the latest design and finish. All kinds of ordered sled work and lrepairing receives my prompt attention. LUMBER and WOOD taken in ex- change for FURNITL'R,;,; The only lace in town where • oar can buy the Yale's ' Patent Dominion : 1iT lckle Plated Wire Mattress—Best in the Market. 'Atkinson L: "� W. Andrew's Old Stand;:2 doors North W�B.�.Ji Town Hall, Exeter, •