The Exeter Advocate, 1893-2-2, Page 4THE t.tx g1/4bx oo.iat Se.NDERS c DYBE., Props. TRURSDAY, Feb'. 2nd, ,,,mw,w.urr.,.:-.,,.,....., .,..� :�•...-.._„-,m,,m man....,o,...ov..m..m. ..p+�. DALTON i o0.11; 7'1[Y°>_y' BOLT! It is within the knowledge of our eenlers that for :i good while past the member for North h&uil. oe, has been playing last and loose, or, as the Toren to Erraples termed it, "1 obbilu with his quondam 'frie;tids--the Liberal Cou- e0erativeparty. Every mail has a right teeebatige hi oeleloes; aiid if. Mr. Dal- ton Miteartliy is sincerely convinced that the 'atlo,,al Poli'yhas riot fulftli, ed its expectations, he of course is at perfect liberty in tal:itlg sides with the Opposition and voting for free trade But 11 lien a public man attempts such a serious somersault, he is espected at least to fortify his position by solid facts:aed good reasons for changing his policy. Now, in his lengthy ad dress last ween before his coustituent- —when he proposed to submit his pub- lic acts for their approval or condemn- ation—Mr. McCarthy uudertoolc to say that during the last decade the num tier of operatives employed in manes :facturing industries had not material• iy increased, compared with the num 'her so employf:d during the decade from 1871 to 1881. He put down for the first ten years of the National Pole tcy's operatiou the increase at 40 per cent, whereas (as he stated) the in- crease for the last ten years up to 1891 was Duly 41. per cent. Now; as shown any the Hamilton Spectator, Mr. Me, earthy has allowed himself to be mis- informed or led astray on an important. matter of fact. according to the Cen' sus of 1871, the number of hands em. played in all manufacturing industries in the four older provinces—Ontario, Quebec,_ New Biuuswick a"d Nova Scotia—was 187,942; whereas by the Census of 1881, the number employed' in the same provinces reached 244,293, The increase was thus 30, not 40 per cent., as stated by the member for North Simcoe. And that increase it- self was, owing to the working of the National Policy. Again—in the next decade the increase was 40 per cent.-= in other words, close upon 100,000 more operatives were employed in the same four provinces than during the previous ten years. This, however vnas not the only miscalculation made by Mr. McCarthy to, justify him in his abandonment of the National. Policy. Be is reported to have said that "the duty at present runs all the way' from 5 to 100 per cent, which moans that if you buy $10 worth of goods, you pay $20 for it. This is not a tariff for rev entre purposes, but a tariff designed to prevent importations and protect the home manufacturer at the expense of the people." Now, , a candid man would have told his constituents that 41 percent, of all imports into Canada were altogether free fion duty: The total imports for home consumption last year were valued at $116,978,948 —of which sum the imports free of duty reached no less than $47,818,2061 The member for North Simcoe must have known this. The average duty of all imported goods into Canada last year was 17i. per cent.—so that, taking .,the worst view of the case, the man. who buys foreign goods which cost $10 would have to pay $11.75. But Mr. Dalton McCarthy is in error not only on matters of trade, Ile has acted most inconsistently in regard to the question of the Manitoba School Act, and the cause of Protestantism which he professes' so zealously to champion. He now questions the right and propriety of members of Cabinet sit- ting es judges to listen to representat- ions made on behalf of the Catholie min rarity in Manitoba. Why slid not the member for North Simcoe object on the same ground to government hear- ing what the Protestant minority in Quebec had to say on the Jesuits' Es tate Aet? .Again -at the Barrie ban quer. Mr. MtCarthv sought . to stir up seetarian strife, and to embitter the public mind on the IVlanitoha School uestion white (3 C is was 5tt�r jud2ce; whereas, yvhen in England before the Judicial Committee of the Privy y Corin eii, the same advocate of Protestant rights sought to put a stop to the P l whole proceeding's bycontending that the Courts had no jurisdiction, and than if the Manitoba .Act was ultra xir�er the appeal should. have been to the Governor General in Council, But the highest court of the realm overruled his contention. "0 cousist- ou thy irate is jewel ” What d yt Y o- J o Protestants think of, their champion', who could "be one thing to' 1 ty and another to morrow"—and who, had he s•tr>ec:d:eded in itis contention before the 'iritistt PrivyCouncii, would have had 1 the satisfaction of kriewing that the. Y Grand t Railway b1 1 H Manitoba ieislation on the public schools •15'ould now be a thing of the past, Certainly, on every ca1lsiderat, ion --in the matter' of theFJesuits' Acts the dual language question ill the North West, and now oe the subject of trade and the National Policy, the gm. pire appears to have been fully justi' ,fled iii ronouncing Mr. Dalton Mi p Carthy's course as nothing short of "wobbling!" : ,But the secret of his withdrawal from tho ranks of the Con- servative party, as be now admits, was that Sir John 'Thompson never consult- ed hind in the formation of the new Cabinet. Traits -meal Excited. A.L:LA'iDauxl, Jail. 30—`There is a good deal of excitement among the members of the local lodge of Railway. Trainmen over a4 peculiar case that Happened near Gravnnhurst. It ap pears that a member of the lodge named Samuel Mural/ was disabled while engaged as a hraloe man, and for several years lay helpless at his house in Gravenhurst, lie had lost. all the power of bis lower limbs rata lead all the symptoms of kidun r tom- plaint coupled with a complete collapse of his nervous system. His ease was given up by seven or eight prominent doctors, and the rand 'run: au way paid him 111s total dtsa i sty ,claim. is total disability claim was passed by the local lodge here, and sent on to the Grand Division. The strange part of t •r• has the shrug comes now. Murray ay a been completely restored to health and want the that he does not 1 1 nt mone ,v while the lodge members here claim he is entitledto it and should have it Murray was cured by using Dodd's Kidner Pills. Farquhar, There is some talk of haying another shooting .match. Al! the shooters around are eager for practice and wish to try shooting spar- rows at the trap.—The football match between the Plugtcwn and Farquhar schools, played on Tuesday, was won by the Farquhar boys. Score 2 to 1. Although the visiting' team had the largest boys they were out played- by the better combination play of the home team. The game was played in'a pleasant and:friendly manner. Return match' will be played soon. A number of young people; from her and Ribbert went to Exeter on Wednesday eve., 25th and spent a very pleasant time at the house of Mr, Wm. Horton. All who were present speak well of the kind manner in which' they were used.- The Revival meetings in Bethany church are still going on, and are' be ing conducted with more earnestness than ever. REV. SYLVANUS LANE Of the Cincinnati M. E. Couference, makes a g ooa point when he says: " We have for years used Hood's Sarsaparil la in our family offive and find it ful lye9ual to all that is claimed for it. Some people are greatly prejudiced against patent medicines, but how the patent can hurt a medicine and not a machine is a mystery of mysteries to me." ' S iq S A i . y v ref 3 �. Stephen. Providence association, 1?. of I• is again holcliog: a series of debates, the first of wlieli took place on Thursday evening last, Subject "Resolved that the fraauehise be eetencled to woman." `1'lie captains were FR, llogarth for the affirmative and Geo. Penhale for ne 'ativo. The subject was ably heed - led oil both sides.' The decision was given in fayor of the :negative. .Clic next debate will take place ori Feb. 9th when thcesubject of "'which has been the greater power, the pen, or the sword" will be thoroughly. venal:Seeil,' The same captains will be the contes- Q1 m . tants and supported by our on. each C e- Ef r ,d9 Avis side, This promises to be very interes _..: ting. Doors will be epee to any per.. Son wishing' to attend. Viso a9 eve 7?k'oct htieY 4ha-10alp'16 c K forii e 1G 5tt�TTLE .6111E 9 Dashwood. Just arrived at the Comige tial ho• tel—a miniature guest w#io' has come to Stay and add one to our population. The revival meeting held hereby Rev. Mr. Crupp are quite successtul notwith- standing the inclemency of the weather The church is well filled nightly. "B,' Line. Mr James Latta, who has been laid up for the past three weeks with a very sore eye, is able to be, on the road again.—Mr Andrew Wilson lost a val suable driver one day last week, caused by over feeding. -A taffy party was given on the townilne last week.. Sev• oral from this line were present, and for a few days after it was thought that serious results would follow. -=A pleas ant time was spent by a few select guests at the residence of Mr. R. J. Taylor one day last week —Miss A. English, of Boston, who has been ivisi,t- ing in this neighborhoodhas ettirned home:—Mr: Bobs. Pollock,. Boston, was visiting his parents on Sunday last .-- Mr. Wm,. Wilson. has purchased a hand• some driver from J. Green, Port Blal:e- -Mr. Jas. Wilson had the misfortune to cut his foot while working in the woods recently.—Mr. S. Pollock, who Inn been laid up with a sore throat,is able to be around, again. -Messrs. Lat- ta and Gamble are going out to dis pose of a toad of tin this week: -Mr: Gamble, jr., who has beenliving at Chatham for the past year, has return - home with a bride, PREMIUM PUZZLES. 1- ,. ,--.. r 't o. I In No. 1.-A Lady and her Companion, CAN RT QCT© ki T FIND 7 E va ' No, 2. -Two or more Ladies at Home, V a ll� l ►' 8 No. 3, -One or more of Our Boys and IL Girls. The LADIES' CO\IPANION is a high-class Illustrated Magazine of 34 panes and is devoted to Literature, Art, Fashion and FIome fife, Its matter will be of the best -elevating both in its Literary style and purity of sentiment: In beauty of pictorial embellishment and excellence of letter -press it will take front rank, and to this end it will be printed on a fine. heavy, calendered paper such as is used in no other Canadian journal. A perfectly fair and legitimate premium sys- tem is adopted by its publishers. at great outlay, in order to quickly place it and rte stator publi- cations at the head of all Canadian periodicals in point of circulation. The most exact good faith will be kept with every subscriber. . LADIES AT HOME will be rue Home Magazine of Canada, "par excellences' Nonesuch has heretofore been offered at the price -only 50 cents per annum. OUR HAYS AND GIRLS is a atanvim at the price -t5 cents per year. Every boy and girl will want it and, happily, it is within the reach of alt. Who will send in the first club and secure a boys orgiris GOLD WATCH ? • weesseeeees NO. 1--LADIEs, COMPANION NO. 2-W,01ls'.- AT HOME NO. 3-0UR330 S AND GIRLS PREMIUM LIST. PREMIUM LIST. PREMIUM LIST. To the first person solving puz- We want every.ladyin the land Fertile first correct solution of z1acitt Rosvre evvoodlPinna.ivt1•,.to eudus30centsforahal£-year's puzzle No. 3, will be given a tgted at 5'.�;1; the next will receive 8ubacription to I.enzr s d t HoMR boy's or git'! s Gro•1d Watch; a tnaen iicent Csioigh. Robe, and at trio same time, while thus to the second, a £i.9 Goz,n Coix t valued at in5; the, third, fou tat a receiving wonderful value for to the third, a Sin van IVsmcti Daii3e'PAT'ILEN, the t tethe fourth a •,5 GOLD COIN; Swrss MUaic Boz; the fifth that small amount,.tatryandse• + aSrr,prn W.ATCIT; the sixth a .nureoneet*the following valuable tothe �MTh, a fell sized C7Ayo3 Goals BROOCH i_ the seventh B. premiutii8.• For the first correct PORTnAlT ; to the sixth, a girl's 13esteuse L.tMr; the eighth a solution of pussle No. 3, we will Sir,vi o WATCH to each of the SIL'VRR Pen (YOLocx Tea award a Gold Watch ; for the next ten, n Gotta PiliabCIi. To Saar; to the next ten will be second, a beautiful Site DRESS given a CRAYON' PoRr AIT of isieeLIth; third, a line Srr,vi:A the middle sender a Sr vitR either the sender or any friend, WATCH ; fourth, a Ildstc Box i WATcn ; and to the five precod- Size 20x25, and valued 0410. To fifth, a ether) BttboCn • sixth and 3n eacha handsome 0 - T themiddleeenderandthe ten fol- the five following a' Cuev ig gr tawingwittbeatvaulr l enelegant PoitraAi r each. TTo the middle CAsi ; and to the five following 0BA7roo Pon�rrarr of sender or sender, a Sr Exult. WA'.1 Cn; to any' friend- The sender of tetter the five followin , a CRAY" beat ing latestpostma,rk,pt'eviaus POnTtAIi.. To elastctreks to March ist, nett, will receive a ensn,r mailedprevious to March God> WATCH. The sender next : ;rat next, a 0010 WATc71, and to to last will receive a Slr,0'1rt tate five preceding;, each a w/Astir;ten preceding, each a OitAtirost PORTRAii',,valued at CrAro,t Pot•rnAL'r. tic, B,e000i1 each. Conditions: Rech. douses- Con.dltions,-Each edittes• (fond' flow:- canted, tantmust mark faces in puzzle taut Meat mark faces to pnvNe tant must mark faces in puzzle in ink or pencil, cut advertise- in irtk or pencil. cut advertise; in ink or pencil, cut Advertise. Moot out end forward to'1i5,witti'ttrentrput.a,rtti fawn I'd touS,vSh inentoutand forward to ns with as cents for 3tnoriths slit, e' hption 31 cin ti for stxMoe O Sul ,se rip. ti,, antis ter one year's s ibserip to the LAnt}s'CoMrAerIOn. Ad- lion W the. Ls 1 10p AT 3 0:1 ' iron toOtri1 Bove Aria Ge ni,e,. dress, "A"LAnII S'CO'IPAN• Addi'essr ''R" LADIES Ai? Andreas, "C"OCL; BOYS AND ION,136King St. West, Toronto, HOME, 1.IS Ring Street West, GIRLS, lets Keg Street \Vit,,' Cartedit. P, L'bwnto Csinatla,' Ioronto, arra a. ' N1",F3,-Be slim and write addreas p11,in1 . ill frill. giving 1'1.00 nee: or State, (13 Ufa. I.Lr1.11 1. -To rvnryiity, ni, f;3•i , , i' •Il'r iter t ,•,t re' '-nt) s,'ndit+xi; ns 10 yearly . . elibielibels at ss swag each We Will g'lie a /Ms lea) oo portrait, Bait, ,'alit fuel at •0: Each vine sui)seriber. 440hail an o,,,,, ,unity of o Editing nue of the al,oi 1i:colleted Valuable premiere . the middle each a ti otn BRo'ocri. To the last mailed previous to March let, next, will he given SWlss Music Box, and to the ten preceding the Inst, a GoLn Crediton. The roads have been iii a very bad condition on account of the very bad pitch holes end holes madle, by the hor- ses breaking throne b, while the snow was soft. --Revival meetings are on ward its the English church. We hope they may be successful and that a great deal of good lnaS' be clone -'The lecture and magic lauteri1 views, gi- ven in the Town Hall, on Friday even last, under the auspieces of Royal Templars by Mr. Bell, of Hamilton was asucI,bbss,—A1 leeturo Was given on Monday eight dOth ul ,, In'Dawn Hall, the subject being "Health."—Mrs. Sam ue1 Esser,y and fai.mrly are at present visiting in St. Marys under the parent- al roof, -Albert Haig .and wife, who have been visiting friends in Grey, have returned looking' hale and hearty Robs Essery is at. presentpaying a vis it to friends i1 Longwood. We wish you a jolly good. time Bob:—Alex Clark jr., while'` felling a tree; on his farm at Shipka, met with what might have. been a serious accident. It seems that while cutting -the tree down,a dry limb 3 inches through fell, striking him on the shoulder and cutting his clothes through. Had it fallen lengthwise it might have proved more serious. Officer A. 11 Braley of the Fail River Police Is highly gratified with Hood's' sarsaparilla. He was badly run down, had- no appetite, what he did eat caused distress and he felt tired all the time. A few bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla effected: a marvellous change. The distress m t]ie stomach is entirely gone, he feels like a new man, and can eat any- thing with ;old -tune relish.' For all of which he thanks and cordially recom- mends Hood's Sarsaparilla. It' is very important that during the mouths of March rch April Slay the blood should be thoroughly purified and the systembe given strength to withstand the debilitating effect of the ,changing season. For this.purpose Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses peculiar merit and it is the Beet Spring Medicine. 2' The' following, just i received, demonstrates its wonderful blood - purifying powers: "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Gentlemen: I have had seat rheums for z, number of years, and for the past year one of my legs, from the knee down, has been broken' oat very badly. 1 took blood medicine for along time with no good results, and was at one time obliged to vaalk with ' crutches. I finally con- cluded to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, and before I had taken one bot- tle the improvement was so marked that I continued until I' had taken three bot- tles, and am now better . than I have been in years. The II aiintanntation has all lett iny'leg and itis entirely healed. I have had such benefit from HCOd'S' Sarsaparilla that I concluded to write this voluntary, state- ment." F. 3'. TB LS,: Ridgeway, Mich. 1-IOOD's acteasily,mptlySl- etontly on thePILL8 liver and bowels. ileacprodinneanrdepi1L Jir:ewster Miss Mary A. Woods, of Berton, who has, spent the last two months with her sister, 51rs, J. Ousts, has returned home, Mr J. Certs spent Saturday in Park hill on business,• -,-Mr. J, Baxter, of Parkhill, was the guest of Mr, John Carts on Suuday last --Mr. Robt Tay for spoilt part of last week in Forest.— Mr, R. O'Brien is atpresent seriously ill with the tirunips,•--111r. S, Ross, of the: B, line, was the guest of R, Jennison on Sunday last• --Capt Babb, of Goderich, was in these parts last week looking after the cargo of the wrecked barge Nashua,—Mr. and Mrs•` R, Campbell spent Monday at Mr. Campbell's fath• el•, visiting a ,brother who is very ser- iously ill with brain fever, .:LLP+"- ae sees.eese,•,rVercA:uea`JLV29:C1A?e•=$21irY, Mrs. M 11. Merrick s Of Toronto, Ontario, Cured of Catarrh and Neuralgia Good authority has said that "neuralgia is the cry of the nerves for pure blood." The prompt action of Hood's Sarsaparilla on the blood, combined with its toning and strength- ening trength-ening effect upon the nerves. make this a grand medicine for, neuralgia and also for catarrh, ete„ .We commend this letter toall having such troubles, and especially to Suffering Women "Foragood many years I have been suffer- ing from catarrh, neuralgia and General Debility 1 failed to obtain permanent relief from medical advice, and my friends feared I would never find anything to cure me. A short time ago I was induced to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. At that time I was unable to walk even a short distance without feeling a Death -like. Weakness overtake me. AndI had intense pains from neuralgia in my head; back and limbs, which were very exhausting. But am glad to say that soon after I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla I saw that it was doing me good. When I took 3 bottles I was entirely Cured 01 Neuralgia I gained in strength rapittly, and can take a two-mile walk without feeling tired. I do not suffer nearly somuch from ca- tarrh, and find that as my strength increases the catarrh. decreases. I am indeed a changed woman, and am very grateful to Hood's' Sarsaparilla for what it has done for me: Itis my wish that this my testimonial shall be published in order that others suffering as I was may learn how to be benefited." Mats. M. E. Manures:, 57 Elm Street, Toronto, Ont HOOD'S PILLS cure all Liver Ins, Bilious- ness. 'Jaundice. Indigestion, ilious•ness.'Jaundice.Indigestion. Sick Headache. THE BEST GROCERIES! AND WHERE TO BUY THE11 IS AT THE PEOPLE'S GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE F. J. KNIGHT, --Proprietor.— New goods are ar- riving every -day, therefore leaving no chance For old stale groceries being sold over the counter to our c u s t o m e r s. What we want and what we intend to do is to sell the best goods awls: Ono Door South Opera Hall. ..19CIEN 11111111•01.0910•P 0, Bisstt's Livery. .`list Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissebt Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention, TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT READ AND LEARN a That o um Planing Ishii, Sash Door & Blind Factory is fitted ap with the latest improve ni.ents. We are prep;ired to do planing and matching, band and sorollsawing turning moulding, grooving and all kinds of mach- ine work on. shortest notice. lis our I:U&I13ER YARD you will find a large and well assorted stook of all kinds of bnildiug materials. Pine and ltentloelc lum- ber dressed and not dressed. Sae our stook of x x and x x x Pine Shingles ma iuiuctnred by the best makers in Ontario. Wo. also 'lusve it, large stook of A 1 Cedar, Shingles whieh tyre excellent value. No. 1 Pine Lath oon- stensly in Stock We have a large stook of barn sash which we can furnish with or without glass. Vire axe fitted Ito with mach- inery specially aclapted.formaking all kinds of Teniks and Cisterns. which we can furnish to our customers on short notice.' We show something new in this line for watering cat- tlein the Held or barnyard. Our celebrated Raking Cabinet is stin at- tracting ranch attention, and giving entire satisfaction whenever used. Call and examine the nammed sto c kt all of whih'will beslat lowest prices ROSS & TAYLOR, Main St., Exeter INThAL flU A complete stock of Pure andRcliable Drugs ALWAYS REPT. PatoljilogioiRs, Spogps, llriiist's $ll1iC3 At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Receipts � p Carefully Prepared. llh1it!OR F the best in the market. C. LUTZ. PROP. When in need of a FALL SUIT —OR— l�lCl' OIC�COaI CALL ON BERT. KNIGHT, The Clothier, Who gives the best satisfac- tion obtainable in the village. He also has a �hti to Unt fum In his quarters: Over F J. Knight's Grocer Store, Your Patronage Solicited.' BERT. KNIGHT. 57-4 cDON ELL BN OTHERS. .S. E LL Having renewed our lease of the store and been request- ;�.: : - . edr •in Exeter and vicinity to con- tinueby our numerous patrons y • tiliue business, we have decided to remain and are determin- ed with. the choicest stock of'Hardware in ed to fill the store Ontario We will commence at once and will never' let yap on most wonderful bargains in Hardware and Tinware. We OF THE TRADE AVE and tickle the hearts will open the EYES Ula `ods must go. Hardware and tinware of our customers: Goods ,, will move at prices so reduced that must fetch intending �purchasers.t , When we say a thing We make no mistake, ,.,e , 1 .. re night in an•1t Stoves a right we ale generally uYkdel s o '•�' understood our line, and we are leaders in furnaces, E LL