The Exeter Advocate, 1893-1-26, Page 8I,1 Impor � not i is 1, On T HURRAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY, of this week a Customers Benefit Sale will be held at the Mart, when a straight discount of 25 per cent will be given on all Fancy Goods purchases of c i .00 and upwards. Other than Customers will be allowed 20 per cent only. CTSTOMF.RS will please ask for Benefit TICKETS. JOHN GRIGG. Stock Taking at Thl hAkrut Ron Raral�S nter Gods . n Bargains! the go "Bigt at se"c>,s. B11 a1 ' Motaceto s,neverrice. Ocar- ry goods over from one season to another. Our stock of win- ter goods is still far too large to please us, we are bound to sell, we must sell winter goods. Our watchword Sacr hce will be sacrifice and slaughter, for the next month. Are you with us? If you want value for your money, come to us, we will please you in quantity, quality and price. SNAPS!!! 150 Ladies' mantles and ulsters bought at bankrupt sale. At A Prices were $5 to $1.0 each, Our price—your pickllank�pt for only $1.99 only $1.99 for choic Saloof 150 Ladies coats. Do you want one? QUICK! is the order if you do. Re- memoer, all winter goods are being cleaned out cheap. About 20 of this season's fash- ionable jackets at your own price. Don't offer �V I" us too much for we will positively refuse o�n any high prices, come Price and see the values. Slaughter All kinds ofooal at Cobbledick, and Follond's, Messrs. 1). Davls and, James Pickard drove to. London yesterday with a large load of beef and pork. Cobiblediek & Pollard .are sollieg clover seed la large quantities, The merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla, is proven by' the many wonderful cures it is accomplishing. Itis just the med- icine for you. There were no less than nine horse buyers in town yesterday (Wed.) It looks as though ho,ses in this vicinity wore in demand, Yes. Pain in Back, Constipation, Sick Headache, etc., are cured by us- ing Membrays Kidney and Liver Cure sold by all dealers. Try it. Mr Frank Ulrich, of Pennsylvania, shipped 19 fine draught horses to the above place yesterday, (Wednesday). He will return as soon as possible, A very severe winter has one ad vantage, it is likely to be a short one Ituis not the very cold weather, as a rule that lingers in the lap of spring. Representives of five different Mill Furnishing Co's were in town this week and interviewed Messrs Williams & Rollins regarding' machinery for the new mill. Mrs. Samuel Gidley, while removing. a pot of boiling water from. the stove on Tuesday last, had the misfortune to slip, causing the water.. to splash in her face and badly scalding it. The household furniture and black- smith stock of the late Isaac Handford were disposed of by auction' on Tues day last. Mr. John Gill wielded the hammer and good prices were realized. A Audette, proprietor House of Com- mons barber shop, Ottawa,:: says: --A number of my customers are using Anti -Dandruff and it gives best of satisfaction and I consider it a succe,ss. for the purposes advertised. Mr, Will Folland met with a painful accident on Tuesday last. whereby he narrowly escaped loosing a portion of a finger. Be was closing a large iron safe door which in some way caught the middle finger of the left hand and badly smashed it. Mr. A. Hastings, barber, has secured the agency for the Brantford Steam Laundry and is now prepared to take orders in that line. This is one of the best laundries in Ontario and the work executed by them gives the best of satisfaction. Rates low. Membray's'Kidney and Liver Cure has been dispensed by a prominent chemist and druggist fort years and hundreds of his customers have freely testified to the beneficial effects and wonderful cure of Kidney and Liver complaints. Ask your druggist for it. Cobbledick &. Folland are busy un- loading a carload of iron. This eater- prising; firm are making rapid strides in the hardware line, and to -day are the leading hardware firm north of London. They carry a very large and well assorted stock and are selling at a very close' price. Call and be eonyin. ced. Perry Davis' Pain -Killer taken in. ternally, it relieves instantly the most acute pain. Used externally, it is the best Liniment in the world. Its effect is almost instantaneous,affording relief from the most intense pain: It soothes the irritated or inflamed part, and givesquiet and rest to the sufferer. I • 1 A. Stewart. LOCAL JOTTINGS. A. evlew of Dr. to xton'�s Life. So many of our readers are interest 'ed in Dr. Sexton that we are sure all will be entertained if we give a" brief history of his career. The Doctor was born in England fifty eight years ago. His career has been remarkable, so far from the fact that he was once a skep- tic of the most pronounced type, and that, too, after having been ordained :an Episcopal clergyman: His recon• version to the Christian faith reads like a romance, and bisfstanding as an orator, coupled with a reputation of be- ing one. of the best known English pro- fessors of his day, makes his lectures all the more forcible. He was edueat- ed at British and German Universities, and. when twenty one years of age; was ordained to,the Christian ministry. He became a skeptic, soon afterwards, and resigned' his pastorate to begin the study of medicine. Five years were devoted to this re education .and ten more to the practice of the; profession, when a series of circumstances led him to a reconsideration of the faith he had adjured. From that time, which was. 1872, he resumed the ministry, and eight years ago he came to'America. Dr. Sexton is a member of nearly all the best known. European Scientific Societies, holds an honoray Professor ship of Natural Science in the Univers• ity of Naples, is a most voluminous author -his works covering almost cry branch of knowledge --and is now pastor of a Presbyterian church. in Western New York,- Personally he is a man of commanding appearance,and Speaks with an elegance of diction and a graeefulness of gesture which great- ly impress the line of his argument upon an autlienee.' irnatil .AAu:earlett but Grand Snceess, Through small agencies, grand sus cesses are frequently achieved whieh benefit the masses. This is particular ly true of Diamond Dyes, There is no other; article costing ten cents which has given such grand results, and add- ed soimuch to the happiness of the home and family. To secure the very best results for ten cents. you rust buy the Diamond Dyes;;take no other make that dcalersitnav offer, they are deceptive and misleading. s eminently the people's friend, and everyone should have it with them, or where they can put their hands . on it n the dark if need be. Put up - in arge Bottles. Lost. Between Exeter and Hensall, a right hand buckskin glove, with fur around top. Finder will confer a favor by leaving same at this office. Shoes Found. About two weeks ago two pairs of shoes were'left in Mr. Samuel Sanders' sleigh by a small boy. Owner can have same by calling at this office and pay- ing expenses. A Novel Text for a Sermon. "If a' letter was written in Heaven and addressed, The Church, Earth, what denomination should get it1"- A sermon was preached from the above named text, recently, in a small, but highly cultured community, .out in central Minnesota. The speaker is a Unitarian and no doubt gave his de- nomination the benefit of.the doubt. r. 0.1e. 13. S. Election of 011deers. At a regular meeting. of Plymouth Lodge; No. 63, S. 0. E. B. S,, held . on Monday evening last the following duly elected officers were installed'by Thos. Jackson,Sr",' District Deputy of Clinton. 3. Sweet P. P.; Jos. Senior, W. P.: Ed. Bissett, V. P. Geo. Kemp See ; B. Marsland, Treas.;' W. Dearing, 1st, Guide; J. Sweet, 2nd: T. Sweet,3rd; R, Crocker,4th; P. Roweliff, 5th;; J. Par sons,eth; T. A. Amos, Surgeon; W, Bawden,.Geo. Davis John Spackman, Trustees; H. Spackman, N. D. Hurdon Auditors, Palate School Board Minutes. Jan 18 -Meeting held in the Town' Hall at 8 p.m. Absent, Dr. Lutz. The following is the order of business duly despatched: -Reading minutes .of an- nual meeting-signin ' declaration of office by T. Fitton and E. 5 Howard-- appointment oward- appointment of H. E, Hueston chair- man, per W. Treble and T Fitton -Dr. Lutz Treasurer, per W. Treble and T. Fitton --J. Grigg, Secretary, per W. D. Weekes and T. Fittony-W. Treble on wood supply, per T. Fitton and W. D. Weekes -monthly meetings of the Board to be held the first Wednesday of each month, per T. Fitton and W. Treble --adjournment per order of the Chair -adjourned session and confirm- ation of minutes of Special meeting held Dec. 27, '92• -'-adjournment per T. Fitton. J. GRrgG, Sec'y, eoni►en l'rotteetl, The Qottncil met at the Town Ha seXeter,'20th January, 1893, Ali pre crit, The minutes of last nreetln read and confirmed. Spaelsmau -Cu ing-orders for this following sums, W, Parsons, $2, horse hire 1892; tl Clerk, $21.50, election expenses; Creech, $2, me'ils to tramps: do, liorse hire suow plowing; do $162 su dry amounts; S. Handford, $15.50, 1 bor at snow; \V, Parsons, $2.25, do Ji Parsons, 82:25, do; Geo. Oudinore, $1. do; R. Croaker, 81,12, �(10; S, .Powell, 5 do; . , Hunt, 81, do; J. Creech, $3 oha ity to i11rs Piper; do $2 Jas Gould; d 82 Mrs.McIntyre; the Clerk $ 4 postag do 81 sub, Municipal World; acrd th Collector $3:16, taxes refunded Mr Hutchinson. -Carried. Carling -Al Callum -that Jos. Peart, Jas. Will and W� 11, Parsons, with the Reeve an Clerk, be a Board of Health. -Carrie Christie -McCallum --that Dr. Amos b i11ed. H. 'Officer.- Carried. Spackma -Christie.-that Jas. `Creech be Sa Inspector. -Carried. Mr. Geo. Kemp offer fsr weigh scales, 825 per annum anp for ringing town boll, $40, be ac cepted, on motion of T. B. Carling -T McCallum. .Christie- Spackman that Jas. Creech be appointed lam lighter., collector of all rates and taxe truant officer, night -watch from 1 o'clock p.m. to 4 o'clock a, m,, all night of the year except, Sunday, when hi watch shall commence at 8 o'clock pm Almoner of Public Charities, care take of Town Hall, and village constable, a a salary of $350 per 'annum. T. H McCallum moved in amendment tha the duties aforesaid be amended - b striking out night watch and insertin Supervision Streets and bridges an removal of snow and that he kee watch until 10 o'clock each day. No seconded. The motion was declare carried. Christie -Carling -that W Parsons be Road Corn. and that he b paid $1,50 a day while•in actual em ployment.-Carried. Carling-McCal lum-that the' Reeve give instruction to the Road Cern. in urgent . cases. Carried. Tenders for printing from "The Times" and "Advocate" were ex amined. Carling -Christie -that th Advocate tender, being the ]ower, b accepted. -Carried- The Reeve, Dep uty Reeve, and Chief `Engineer wer appointed to report on requirement o the Fire Hall `door at next meeting Christie -Spackman -that. Mr. • Creed provide a hot air pipe to town clock apartment at the lowest figure offered -Carried. McCallum--Carling-ad journment until Wednesday, Feb. 8th at 7.30 p.m. -Carried. M..Eannum, Clerk 11, rl �G a. 10 12 Oc r 0 e; e, s. 0 - is d d. e n n. '8 • T, p s, 1 s s r t t v 1r d p t d Wm e m e e e f 1. Personal indention. Miss Mattie Penha!e is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Bailey, in London. --Mr. Mills and wife and daughter who have been visiting in London, Lambeth, De- troit and Windsor, are home to their friends in Exeter once more. -Mr Will. Stewart, who has been insthe employ of Mr. Al. Hastings, barber, left last Monday morning for London to accept a situation. -Mrs. J, N. Hooper of Ayl mer, is the guest of her father Mr. Jas. Pickard and other relatives this week Herb. and Ed• Muir, of Clinton, spent Sunday with friends in town. -Mr. N. D, Hurden officiated in the English Church at Hensall, on Sunday last in the absence of the rector, Rev.E.Softly, who is afflicted with a _very severe cold: -Ed. Willis commenced to learn . the art of barbering on Monday with Mr. A. Hastings, -Chris. Balsdon, of Mel- bourne, is visiting friends here. -Mr:. R. Terry spent Thursday hi London en business. -Mr.. Wm. Grigg daft on Thursday for it. Thornas.-Mrs John Currelley left on Thursday . last for Londou where he will take 'charge of a bankrupt stock. -Messrs. John Snell and Frank Ulrich were buying horses in Clinton on Thursday. -Mr. W.Dunn and daughter Minnie were iu London Friday. --Mev. W. McDonagh was in Sarnia Saturday -Mr. D. Spicer spent Saturday in London. -Mr. John Taylor spent Saturday in Parkhill on business. -Mrs. E. Braund, who has been visit- ing here for the past week, returned to Brantford on Saturday. -Mr. George Sam well spent Monday in London. Mrs. John Whitlock and son are visit- ing in Stratford. -Mrs. John Farmer and daughter returned home from the west on Monday night. -Dr. J. A. Rol lins, H. Spackman and R. H. Collins left for Goderieh on Tuesday morning. The former two will ° attend County Council. -Ray. A. L Russell and wife left for Blyth Tuesday. -Mr. J.A. John stop went to Lucknow Tuesday. -Mrd Fred Gidley, after spending several days with friends in Exeter and Blyth, returned to Detroit yesterday.- llr. H. Huestonleft for Toronto yesterday.- Messrs. John Gill and A. C. Bobierleft for Goderich yesterday. -Mrs. John Blatchford is visiting in Clandeboye.- Mr. John Spackman went to Parkhill yesterday. -Mr, .A. J. Rollins, who was on a business trip to Killarney, Man„ returned home last Friday -Mr. Chas' Miner, of London, was called to the sick bed of his mother at Rlimville, oiy Monday last. She is not expected ,to recover, -D. A. Cameron, of Strathrdy, representing M. T. Buchanan, of In gersol, in hay carriers, was in town on Wednesday. -Mr, Lon. Smith and wife, of St. Marys, visited relatives in town on Sunday -Mr. aiid Mrs Mc Ooomb,of.London, visited his father this week. Mr. John Evans has secured the contract to build a brick residence for A. Gaizer•, of Shipka.-Squire Leathor' has secured a handsome driver, for which he paid a fancy price, -Hr. W. J. Bissett has secured the •agency for the Stone & Wellington nurseries. The right man in the right place. - THF PLAIN TRUTH Is good enough for Hood's Sarsaparilla -there is no need of embellishment or sedsationalism. Simply what Hood's 'Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story of its merit. If you have never realized its benefits a single bottle wilt con- vince you itis a good medicine. • by you take Cold and Cough, Generally caused by exposure to cold, wet feet, sitting in a draught, corning from hot and crowded places, in thin dress, or wearing damp clothes, stock- ings, or any other cause tending to check suddenly the perspiration. The result produces inflammation of the lining membrane of the lungs or throat, and this causes phlegm or matter, which nature tries to throw off by In many cases she is unable to do so without assistance, and this is Why you use Allen's Lung Balsam., Three Size Bottles, 2 cc., SOC., $1.00 Seafor tit Dye Works. All orders for the above Dye Works can be left with E. H. Fish. Boy Wanted. , A good smart boy wanted to learn printing. Apply at this office. Earns. for Sale. The undersigned has several first class farms for sale on easy terms. J. SPACEMAN. Exeter, BIRTHS. CHAMBERS -In Crediton, on 19th inst., the wife of Mathew Chambers of a son. CoiLINGwoon.—In McGillivray, on the 19th inst., the wife of William Col- lingwood of a daughter, GLANVI.Lraa-In Crediton, on the 13th inst., the wife of Mr. Geo. Glanville, of a son. MARRIAGES.. DALRYMPLFI-FAIRBURN.-At the Manse on the 14th inst., by Rev. J. S. Hon• Berson, Mr, James D. Dalrymple, of: Hensall; to Miss Bessie, youngest daughter of Mr. Elliott Fairburn, of '1 uckersmith. HoFFMAN.--BALSDCN.-At the residence of the bride's mother, on the 25th inst., by the Rev. A. L. Russell, Christopher Hoffman, of Stephen tp,, to Miss Hannah Balsdon. Farquhar. The football clubs of Scholl Sections Nos. 2 and 3, Usborne, intend having a friendly match on Tuesday afternoon As the field is in good condition, at present, a lively game is expected. Both teams play strictly up to associa- tion rules. -Tena Gardiner, daughter of Mr. James Gardiner, died on Satur- day evening iast. She was apparently as well as usual up to the time of her death. The family have the sympathy of the community in their sad bereaue- ment.-The Thames Road Presbyterian congregation intend holding .• their an• nual tea meeting on February 20th The church is now very comfortable since the new Furnaces have been. put in. -Mrs, Robert Monteith, of Manitoba, who has been visiting friends in this neighborhood, left last Monday for the Prririe Province. or Fall 92 We have the largest stock of �lacl& Colord Dress Goods Ever Shown 1n Exoter. We are showing an Immense Stock —OF German Mantles. AT POPULAR PRICES, E 1 J Spackman & Co's SAMWELL'S BLOCK% EXETRR'. 1 e wish Ou Customers ad Friends a Happy and Prosperous ou . N i Exetell ? This great momentous question is the talk of the people. What we want is, two Grist mills (which we are about to have), Oat meal mill. Binder twine factory, Foundry, Electric light, Eletric street cars and in fact a'city at once. This is what we want, What have we now ? a lot of stores and a LEADING - HARDWARE - STORE with a stock that people can buy just what they want and at a price the city hardware establishments CAN 0 { t UT SELL Prices this week are still going; down.. We have the stock and our prices are better than some people's "cost" or "below cost" quotations. Call and see for yourself and be convinced that we have the stock[and prices just right. CO LEDIC FDS LAND. P 1 The cheapest line of fur goods ever brought into Exeter. Having secur- ed ed a large consignment at II 3 II 1111 4 II II II We will give the peo- ple of this vicin- ity the advantage of our close buying. . For the next FEW WEEKS we will offer Ladies' Storm Collars Ladies' Coats and Muffs at prices bound to sell them 'I1ie »' ST VALUE in Children's Lamb Boas in the 7.'rad.e. 11 '00 11 B t II Come and get the first choice of' these goods. We are also offering anything in the Dry Goods line at the lowest Cash Price and will be pleased to show you through our store, No trouble to show Goods. A J. MoTAVISII & Co's.