The Exeter Advocate, 1893-1-26, Page 5is the latest trinntpli l pharmac y for the owe of al the symptoms indicating P.RIN :X AND n'roa (Joutplatiut,, If you are troubled with i-tlat.fge,eess, 1)133uinessy Sow.. Stomach, Ileadaacine, Indigestion, PooltArreerru, TUMID Peril ce,: ItnaUMATIa PAINS ; Sleepless Melancholy, heeling, 13Autt Aceta, Meuibrav's Iaidney and Liver Cure 'WT4 9^ tui will give innnediate relief and Eiwi cr A Cure Sold et all Drug Stores, Peterboro'. i,Iedmine Co,, Limited. PETERBORO', ONT. 3 The i1'ltsissia�pl river is lull of icebergs and traffis is suspended at Memphis, .lenn� PRISONERS LIBERA. PED, Many who have been confined to their beds for years by rheumatism, lame back and kidney complaints, have been liberati.d from their sad prisons by the wonderful reg• ulating gild purifying action of Burdock Blood Bitters which drives out the acrid poi Eon from the blood and restores health to the afflicted. The Vatican has chosen Cardinal Gibbons to be delegate to the Catholic C.ongress at Chicago. NO COLD OR. COUGH too severe to yield to the curative power of Dr, Wood's Nurway Pine Syrup. The New York State Legislature yester- day elected Edward Murphy, jr., as U..S. senator. TRULY RECOMMENDED. GB/mum:N.—I can truly 'recommend Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam for all coughs and colds. Less than one bottle cured my brother of a severe cold. • Mrss MAOGIG THOMPSON, Vasey, Ont. A Swede who arrived at St. Paul, Minn.. 'yesterday is said to have died from Asiatic cholera, The action of Carter's Little Liver Pills is pleasant, mild and natural They gently stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels, abut do not purge. ''i'hey are sure to please. Try them. The Supreme Court at Denver has granted Dr. Thatcher Graves, the convicted murder - .ed murderer of Mrs. Barnaby, of Providence, R.I., a new trial, SPEEDY RELIEF FOR CROUP. GENTLkMEN.—I have a -little boy. of 5 whose greatest trou de is the croup and I find that Hagyard's Yellow Oil gives speedy relief, therefore lake 'pleasure in-recommen ding it to the public. Mss. L. •1 i Baldwin, Oakland, Ont. Representative Henry Cabot Lodge has 'been elected U.S. Senator for Massachus. setts. .. VARIABLE APPETITE and itching at the nose are signs of worms. Dr. Low's Warm Syrup is the best cure. The trustees of the Canadian Grand Conn cif of the C.M,B.A. met yesterday in Brock- ville and transacted necessary business. PERFECT SATISFACTION Gentlemeu,-I have found B.B,B. an .excellnt remey, both as a blood purifier and general family medicine. I was for a long time troubled with sick headache and heart burn, and tried a bottle, which gave me such perfect satisfaction that I have since then used it as our family medicine. E Baily, North, Bay, Ont. Mrs Simpson, relict of the lare Senator ;Simpson, is aangsrously ill at her home in Bowmanvitle from, a paralytic stroke. Why don't you try Carter's Little- Liver Pills? They are a positive cure for sick headache, and all the ills produced by dis- .oraered liver. Only one pill a dose. The stockholders of the Lehigh. Valley Railroad Comdany have ratified the lease of the road to the Reading company. BORDEILING ON CONSUMPTION When a cold is neglected it frequently de velops a con iition bordering on consump-• tion. No other remedy will so quickly re• lieve and cure cases of this dangerous kind as Dr. Wood's Nurway Pine Syrup because no .other remedy possesses such perfect a ur ative powers as does this prince of pectoral. remedies The London Times says that the Cape- town Government is about to send a com- mercial agent to New York. WILD CHERRY and HYPOPHOSPHI- TES are combined with Cod Liver Oil in Milburn's Emulsion, the best lung remedy. Matthew S. Quay has been nominated by the Republicans for U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania. Derange ment of the liver, with constipat- ion, injure the complexion,induce pimp - 'es, sallow skin. Remove the cause by us ing:Carter's Little Liver Pills. One a dose. Try them, • A combtme is said to have been estab- lished amour, the manufacturers of type ',writing machines. 'VAR WELL WAGED. What greater enemy of mankind than disease, and what nobler work than to fight against this death dealing eneiny of human- ity. The most successful war against dis-. ease is being steadily carried on by Burdock Blood hitters for dyspepsia constipatiou, bad blood, bilousness, etc., cannot resist its powers. The beautiful house of the Calumet Club in Chicago was burned on ;•uesday night of last week, with the paintings and personal effects of its occuyauts. Loss, $Joo, foo; in. $urance,. $005,OOo. FOR HEADACHE, Constipation, Bilious ness, or Torpid Liver, Burdock Pills are the hest cure. Piso s Remedy for Catena; is the nr•t elesiest to Use, and (heapest. Sold by cfruggists or sent by time, 50e. It T. Hazeltine. Warren, Pa. Geer;e Cutl bertson, of I'latisville, Ont., cut his throat on Monday night with suicid- al intent. .tie is not dead yet but his chan- ces of recovery are slight. DU MAL. FOR 9£ DAYS. Tbe finest, coirlpletesa and latest line of Elm; trical apula•tot-c'„ in the world. They have never failed to tufo. We aro so posithvo of it that we will back cur Belief and send you any Electrical. Appliance now in tho market and you can try it for 'Three ia'ie nth N. Largest list of testimonials on )earth. Senn for book and journal Free. IV. T. Ifaa.er it Co., 'tt'fndaor, Ont. _ ►nes{sd,in.uoi.nYr.w.r.x r•nw..b The owners of the Sattt mines in Germany inlend petitioning the Emperor to appoint arbitrators to settle the difheulty with the of Chicago, will demand on miners, April 1. CtIISUMES CORAE CO., (X.IMI ;f.'ME).). HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL, 1neo1•porated by Letters Patent of the Dominant of Canada, under the •e Com: n aures Act," CAPITAL, $3,000,000. iIn thirty thousand (30,000) Shares of one hundred dollars each.) 1)11SL1) TORS. JOAN F. STAIRS, M•P., Hallfac, President. A. W. MORRIS, M.P.P., Montreal, Vice President. EDWARD 3d. FULTON, Montreal, Treasurer. GEORGE STAIRS, Ilalifax. JAMES NI. WATERBURY,New York. CHAUNCEY MARSHALL, New York.. WILLARD P. W IWITLOOK, Elizabeth. SECRETARY. CHARLES B. MORRIS, Montreal. THE t9ANADIAN RANI Ole COMMERCE. THE UNION BANK OF HALIFAX. SOLICITORS. MA.CMASTER & MCGIBBON, Montreal. The Directors, who are now the owners of• the entire' Capital Pluck, have decided, at the request of numerous friends of the Company tllrooghout Canada, to enlarge the proprietorship of its stock, and to oiler for sale, at par. ten thousaud shares, of one hundred dollars each, fullypaid and non - assessable. Payments aro to be made as follows:— Five per cent. ou application ; s diteea per cent. on allotment ; twenty per cent., each in :one, two. three and lour months from the date of allotment. 'Applicants have the right to pay in full on allotment. Applications for share, will be re. delved until Februatry'15tb, 1893; at any of the-- oldieer of. the Canadian Bank of Commerce, at the olhces of the Upton Bantle of ikiaalifax, and at the bead otlice of the company, Y. Life Building, Montreal. Forms of application for shares may be obtained at any 01 the above elaees,'or thev will be segs by mail on request.: Should no allotment of stock be made to any applicant for shares, the amount paid wltl be returned 1n full; and In the event of the Directors finding it impossible to allot the full number 01 shares applied for. surplus of the deposit will be credited Lo - ward the amount payable onallotmeut. Tne 'right is reserved of withdrawing the offer in whole or part at any time before allotment, and of allotting to auy appli- cant any less number of shares than the number applied for. As the dividends of the Company are payable quarterly, beginning with the first day of iMarah next, alluttees of stock will be entitled to receive: a proportion of the quarterly dividend as deulared, correspond- ing to the amount paid upon their stibsseiip- Lion. It is proposed to apply to the Stock Ex- changes of Montreal uud Toronto for offi- cial quotations of the shares of the Com- pany. The Consumers Cordage' Companywalsor- gantzed in June, 1890; with a Capital of one mention dollars, to operate several of the largest Cordage and Binder Twine Factories In Canada. It, at first, operated these under leases, but its operations having been 'suc- cessful, the Capital Stock was subsequently increased tol'hree Mullen Dollars, and the leased properties were purchased. The. Company has no morti isre indebtedness.; and, senor arrow to the law under wlhich it was incorporate ed, none can be created .without the consent of two-thirds of the snares holders, 'represented at a meeting called for -the purpose. The Company bas placed in the banns of Its Bankers :— (a) Fult'statements of its affairs, certified to by Messrs. Caldwea, Tait do Wilks,' Chartered Aecountauts. • (13) The following letter from Messrs, Abbntts, Campbell' St Meredith. advocates,. • Montreal, upon the legaiily of its incorpor- ation, and the issue 01 its stock :— McNTItEAL,Jaauary 5,1893. Consumers Cordage Co., Ltd., Montreal :— GENTLEMEN.—We have examined the books and documents connected with the organization of the Consumers Cordage Company, Limited. and are of opinion that It has been properly incorporated, and that its capital stock of $3,000,000, as is- sued, -is fully paid up and non -assessable, according to the 'provisions of the " Com- panies Act."' We are, yours truly, trigned), AISBOTTS, CAMPBELL & MEIREDITH. ----'rlTr-,-- 7t SHAVING -.-, EXETER, = ONTARIO. A. Hastings, Prop. Every attention paid to Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting, A. Ilastimrs. AKING ROB BST N. ROWS, Proprietor oft'The Old. Established) FURNITURE WAREROOMS3 (One; Door north Molson's Bans.) ALL NEW GOODS, LOW PRICES. STYLES TO SUITE EVERYBODY, The balance of our Xmas goods must be cleaned out to make room for a large consignment of Spring novelties. wwm,myaamu,n...,,.+.,...a..o:.++�w+......�e^__....-..m.wa .ro.•:..'... ,roa A Specialty The undersigned having handsome - .y fitted up hia parlor and restaurant —will serve— ICE CREAM during the Summer Season. Also a large supply of Confectioner, Bread, Buns, Cakes &c Visits Exeter every Wednesday.. and Saturday afternoon. A11 orders left with George Sanders promptly attend- ed to. Oystersand fruits of all kinds in heir season. D, W, FOSS, Hensall. (c). A report front Messrs. Macmaster and 3ScGibbou, Soho! tors of the Company, that 1 he titles to 1Is Mills' have been duly exarul ued, and that no (melon bra nces`cxist. Applicants lol 51.1 ares lu ty examine these duct a cnts,cc pie or—Which may be seen at the (e,nlpeny i offices, anti at the various • offices of the Bank' mentioned above. ThoC'm.si.tnl 1srnrdageCompany Is;pro- babiy the .1ecoud largest hlanumeturer of Cordage and•Einder'1'wine lin the world,. end claims the ioliowing very material ad- vantages d- vaut a es over 111 competitors :— lat. gm}l.lc Cllptialto conduct itsbnsi- ness which enables it:— (a)'Io buy its raw material in larger gee ntilies, and at. lower pl lets. (b) Tu use only the latest and 111081 im- proved m-pro ed ) eehtug its mills in the lushest state of e tile, e ney Slid. Economy in o-0t1111!and distributing 111 14 auutaeL r d product.. fell The bly,iness t o t covers t'!dd 't tel r (Ary (its niatitinte Lured glitch 140 iu n1111001 1'.ly civilized count: y timid) that It cannot be seriously injured by local 3rou- b4,24 nit its Nlanttraa.tnr ut c.(tab11 lununhr< Life a seatterecl that, 1 he dander of severe Luse by the Is very slight nth Trnvererrstul pr.41not ion (a) Pyroeta tat ufug he she p ttc0nlpc- LItu,n btt<v01(1 its se e ratiuiiih.ltt vir•lblyd IL) Intivxluee in ail the best, niethuds: round In each. Qq fly spreading its commercial ex- pense:. over at 1st ger output. (e) .By ylateiug lar 008 hrnd the purchas- ing of the Raw Materials and Vianulael ir- iLtt supptiee itar the s1veiat Mb), bus S0 001)15 towes1 pr)eee. (01. Lty mu auVac htring for themselves many orihcti hupplics. The Company hes always Mourn; it 1n its 0) (511t 1 (11 4(4(11 the PC0110mt;„et; oeLed 1u 5.)(1tic ttun and 0Ietributton with the 1'on- mit aer, mid 8111841 1(8 exittola<•e 111e Con- sumer has, epee.) the average, !led a better 8111010at a lower 111100 he previously. The Com pithy does not elude (0l have any rrtonopc y, 0110 00111 rmruopoly )rums; 111 f1011. it bus notdOne 60. S1000 its oigan- Iztl1100 it Mils been able, uwitr0 io 1 he ad- vantages above referred. to, to eare 0 net reform on its present cant !al 01 101 10014 1111111 I0 per (lot. per 01111001 (0e (Lai0- ]]]eMh in their Bankers' hands vill show), and the Directors believe that these prol)ls will be malrttaiued in the future. 0e the east of produ0laon and dist: ibution shows each yeas marked decrease. 'lite 111ivittenal for iiia, 'year .eteclla,e' :ttvt tbrtarb,,r, 15192, nits at tale rata^ of ti% percent. per ,Let08,((1n `t":oe peat redordot the Coinmouy and els tine• Sent position .t usury the Ilireetor 4 In believingil;ot quatrterly divi- dends oioneand tbrte-qtr artcr?r per cent. eau be paid iiti d slhouitt first pi'otiti► for the present Year be ail iarxeeaa the outlook prQmisea► it►e final quarter's dividend ;night be ilabreasetl. Any farther ineormiet1ou isaOy ne lbnd at the hemi eAlatb ,of the Cerci• patty at Montreal: n • ., cit eel 1 teal ih t'i building trades 'Regulates the Stomach, Liver .and Bowels, unlocks the Secretions,'hu'r ifiesthe' l31ood arid removes all im- purities from a 'Pimple to theworst Scrofulous Sore. CURE -5 DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS. CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN: SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS. DROPSY RHEUMATI SM. SKIN DISEASES A. J. EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock I -logs Wanted. Dressed os Alive. Dressed Hos bought subject to the following conditions: -2 lbs per cwt. off; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3'Ibs for either bung'•gut or, gullet,' if left in. 411 Hogs to be cut through from Tail to Throat. Highest Price paid for Hops weighing from 100 to 200 pounds, dressed. SHELL BROS & Co. Aattian gad Winter 1 —SEND FOR— ILLI) IPR.ATETI GATA.LE GUI; of Specialties. S ecialties. ADDRESS: The Parisian Medical Appliance Co., 19 Queen-st. E, Toronto, Ont. Mention this paver. IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of. England Suitings and Trous. eringe, - Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser. Inga. French and English Worsted Cloth in All acle ` up in the Latest. Style, at nest Rates. 3. Irk' IJ L k And you may spend a lot of money in visiting' several parts and see lots of. excitement,but you tire of that and set. tie down some day, and when you do and have to buy furniture, call at GIDL ' S —All persons who want - CHEAP MONEY at 5•, 6 and 61 PER CENT should call —at the— Office of Pu. I. COLLIN'S Old established : warehouse and see their immense: stool: of FURNITURE, from the largest appointed manufact- uriea'111 Canada, who have the best machinery money can buy and of the latest improvemdnts, and also the fin- est drying kilns in the above "Round World" and first class A 1 finishers to the bftrgain, and then visit some conn try firms who icannot compete at all with them in wear or tear, and even in. finish, for their machinery is oldfash- ioned and in 00m0 cages worn Out. Some, 01 Can.rda's furniture men have won World Prizes, and from such we buy. Having been forty yea rq before the public we eat) without boasting ally* v 0 Mee 810041 the wear and tear of public opinion and still are flourish- ing. Come rind tree our crew styles just. in whether you buy or not, especially our patent Extension Tables. Ri'morn her we have the largest stock of picto tire moulds in the coned% ..✓. I . •q. Odd -`fellows Biock. Opposite J Grlg 's Stationery. EMI !d alt trI1 t EMPORIUM. —Bargains in— Harness, Trunks, Vali.ses, Whips, Rugs, Boots, Shoes,Rubbers —AT_ i9 Jole1 NOTE A FEW PRICES: Half fox Felt Boot, Grain, $2.00; Felt Boot, Loose Socks, Grain, $2.25; Men's Rubbers, 50c; Women's Rubbers, Bic; Misses' Rubbers, 25c; PERKINS & MARTIN, PROPS. Skilled Workmen are em- ployed to manufacture the goods, aiid the best of ma- terialls'used. Prompt attention given to all hinds of repairing. My Stock is well assorted and every customer is guar'anteed satisfaction. The Prices mean a Sale every time. Call and be convinced. JOHN TREBLE, Main Street, Exeter. CHRISTIE'S Ap �� yy1w1)� CIiL) - --�^ rtn) First Class RIGS And HORSES ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWE SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. We cary the mostcomplete stock of Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS. VIOLINS, ALSO SEWING MACHINES, BICYLES. FARM IMPLEMENTS &c, The above instruments always on hand. Terms to suit Purchasers. GIVE US A CALL, ► EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN Termas Reams:m.abla Telephone Connection !e11 f i ;t tl 4my sie.Pr, i AI'll ";1 • PO'dlo tiaiS 1,;.1„ 14 DA.1,.: -I E. isc tl #<• wee 0V003$- tht 1t! f o✓slvn,plyItega, ache:), 11,h -it tl010( '4t tett! 000E but «'"i coif* ee1.0,`rft01(3Oche!J TINY are net a'a(hertir.. t A brand new stock ;just opened: z --out at tilt H P.&aetutee 8r. ll 0•,y'lalnlla,n'$ (Mid *Land, 0 'z1 ---(0 dFIt1ul1 — 11 Teas, Coffees. Spites. Baking y C Powders, Bird foods, Starches, pj • Lints, Soaps,BruShes,13rooms :'y Pails,1R11sius,Cul1e11ts.Riee lt tzi Oatmea I, 001 (113140 il, t Wheat Germs, Figs, r+ En Nuts.Dates, Oran - ib es, Lemons, Peels Extrants, Fine t=i Ex Derry Salt, ▪ ' I�adts, t-• Oysters;diLone tl less Codfish Cis H cots, altd t t ery o thing a eneraik 1 epi t/J in a, first class Grocery. 1P- r-.) A I°Iandsonle Clock will 0 he given a01(3 O'tili prize. cc powder. owder. ' Give us a call. t G. Hyndrnan, M. Vincent,:. Man, Prop. CHRISTMAS ASTIME ti If you would wish an easy shave, As good as barber ever gave, Just call at `,my shaving saloon, At:inorn, at eve, or busy noon, I'll cut and dress the. •,hair with grace, To suit the contour of the face. My room is neat towels clean, Scissors sharp and vizors Been, And ever,vtning I think vou'II 'find to snit tee taste ami pl, ase the mind: And all that art and skill rap do, If you'll just call, I'll do for vol. I shave the old, the young, the gay, I'll shave yon all for ready pay; And give a .shampoo any time. And for a shave I get a dime — I do not mean a diene in trust. For that would make the barber bust. E1 1 • A IlV H Agent for The Parisian Steam 1 aundry TF YOU WANT TO Elly or Sell a,Farm IF. YOTT WANT TO Buy or Sell Town Property IF YOU WANT TO Sorrow or Lend Money IF YOU WANT COB Ceti 0 as Make Call at Mr. Jno. Spachman's Real Estate Agency. Business Transactions strictly con- fidential. Intending purchasers will receive the best 'advice" in selecting' land, or town sites. Also agent for Allan Line and State Line Steamships. Office- Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Address:—JOHN SPACKMAN, Box 44 Watch this SPACE Next Week. � V R. WOOD' y , pplylfY r •�v tkra / e 6 '��yt�'Tj• r. Syrtis Rich in the lung -healing virtues o: else Tine combined with the soothing and ezpeceorant properties of other pectoral herbs and harks. at PERFECT CUE Fon COUGHS AND COLS Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronehitis,SareThroat, V Croup and all THROAT, BRONCHIAL and. LUNG DISEASES. Obstinate coughs which resist other remedies yield promptly to this pleasant piny syrup. • PRICE 2'•SG. ARO SOC.. Pl0(5 Er7'cT .C1a —�—� TOLD DV ALLRUG'•Ct,cY,:ci wy.. ..... . I., j r•' u. r te, •. such low price i "furniture was there known before, as you will find at R Y.! Having purchased the Wareloons and Factory lately occupiedied by W. Andres s, wish to � ,: surrounding Country that, I am offering ail kinds inform: the people of Exeter and slil'ro1,11 � � ` �' P a All Goods g ,ranteed to be of furniture atm•etitly reduced rates. �, my ovhi''put to e,tl er in the hind make, of first-class dry material 'anti.p ,,� latest design and finish. All kinds of ordered ed stronmc,st possible manner and of the� �- .. r �. i WOOD taken in ex- change � ,d le airing receives myprompt attention. T�T7NILlCR and _, work c 1'1 � p ;, P change for F'URNITIII''E, M The ... only place in town where you can buy �' the Yale's Paten.t Dominion ole -Pia ted Wire Mattress—Best in the Market. W. Andrew's Olcl Stand 2 doors forth Town Hall; Exeter. :inso