The Goderich Signal-Star, 1970-06-11, Page 10NA =ST,A , THURSD
�a J1. -in 1.1, 1970
Walking, -good excercise:
Woman to Wornan
My heartiest congratulations Brownie Pack was having a please. Most of the kidsplaying
go out this week to the Catholic rather special event. in the water looked to be
Women's League of St. Peter's It was presentations night, thoroughly at home there -- no
Roman • Catholic Church in and mothers and fathers were fear or discomfort at all despite
Goderich for their efforts on gathered for the event. As each ' the chilly breeze.
behalf of the senior citizens of Brownie made her way to the * * *
Goderich and area last front to receive her award or Speaking of swimming, 1want
Wednesday evening. - - awards, both Brownies and to congratulate town council on
About 65 . senior citizens parents beamed their 'pleasure. their decision to finance the
enjoyed the 'hospitality of the Mrs. Sylvia Brady and Mrs. repairs for the town swimming
CWL ; ladies. There was a Bev Wheeler are Brown Owl and pool. I have spoken to sortie of
delicious potluck supper with a Tawny Owl respectively ,in this the councillors individually and
well planned variety program pack. Mrs. Brady's handiwork told them how pleased I'am that.
following that. ° showed up in the most delightful action was taken by them to
I wasn't on hand for the setting you can imagine. keep the pool operating safely
dinner so .I can't vouch for the It looked almost like,a fairy this summer.
food. I do understand from garden complete with toadstools A f t e r h -e a r i ng Jim
some of the guests, however, and grass and water and flowers. Hornblower's statement during
that everything was just great. It was spread out on the floor in, , Friday's inquest into the tragic
When I arrived, Mrs. Dianne an appealling array of color and drowning, death of Mike Berry
Buchanan was just announcing imaginative construction. last month. I am even more
the first number a trio of I'm sure this isn't the only convinced that the pool is
rousing songs (?) by the Surfers.' Brownie pack in town which has heeded. Jim said that when he
In the group are Jeff Baechler, exciting things happeliing• all the was forced to jump into the
Tom DeJong, Gerard. 'DeJong time. I can only say "thankyou" water that day, he saved himself
and Peter Sartori. Peter and Jeff to all the ladies in Goderich who by using a drownproofing
are 11.years old, . Gerard is 12 and use their leisure time (and technique he had learned in
Tom is the eldest at 13. perhaps • some of their swimming classes in London.
The boys play in the modern• not -so -leisure hours) to provide a I understand that
vein. ;silo .._,drums, guitar, Brownie, Guide and Ranger drownproofing is taught at the
w :dan�i�auxme_ and_ ea anets .,"Fro m here "IT is -a ,wonderful= .local fool: seemstow.methatIf•., -walking
-youngsters. • teat- • out fairly • --venture nd'•it•zieserves your• f ill• he iggestt ra rority. a chijt ren:
groovy renditions of some of the support• in town learn how to save'
latest hits.By the way, I understand a themselves in the event of a
I 'took a look round the room move is afoot to organize some -water mishap, the community
and found that some of thekind of ra money making scheme has provided a necessary and
--senior zzled itize expressions. somewhat
what to aid. the orris rn earning—Sortie valuable • service•
P P of the funds for their new camp. * * *
have been- that they didn't Although I am not aware of any Another venture going on in
exactly understand the efforts of . definite camp site being chosen, town right now that is worthy of
the boys who, incidentally,weremention I think is the Kinette
Y I know the leaders are' looking ,
enjoying the whole thing for something suitable and have girls softball league. I am certain
immensely, found at least one or two there are other similar programs
Them there was the Scottish properties which would be ideal in Goderich sponsored by other
dancing of Miss Maureen Evans. if the funds were available. groups, but I mention this one
I enjoyed this' .part of . the I also understand that the because I know the most about
program. I don't know whether parents of Guides, Brownies. and it. ,
any Scottish blood flows in my Rangers have been invited to I dropped by .rhe Victoria
veins or not, but there is lend financial support to the School grounds last Monday
something about Highlandothersevening to watch the practice.
ro ect. Perhaps ops th
for those reducing
Lowcu1 es
Cou►lrtesy • .
Women over 40 often mechanization, is lack of time.
complain that they walk to ' But walks can be easily .Th e '
much. But experts who contend planned by parking the car u half•
that . "a,, good walk is good mile from one's destination. IrTnkTg
medicine" claim women hardly . The noted cardiologist, Dr. .
walk at all. , -... Paul Dudley. White, whir
While many w ►risen are recommends walking for health,
justified in saying they are "on pays off his taxi a mile from the
their feet all days" waxing. the airport when he travels by plane
kitchen floor - or rtishing to the and walks the rest of the way.
supermarket �- this is not the Little preparation is . needed
.health boostingexercise the for a walk unless plans call. for a
experts have in mind when they, day -long hike on a wooded 'trail, '
recojnmend walking...The' say Basically, only . seasonal,
that a good, brisk walla, taken comfortable clothes, such as
regularly, promotes health and slacks Or a wide skirt, and
restful sleep and helps to control • comfortable shoes are needed.
Weight and relieves y,tensions. While there are no "ifs" `about
Few women boast that trudging these basics, there are a few
through the aisles of the local "buts." Women with varicose
market is relaxing. veins should' wear supportive
Walking also offers cosmetic stockings. And all walkers who
benefits. Not only does it firm intend to pounid the city
the body and leg muscles, but it pavements should avoid
helps keep the complexion clear thin-soled shoes, which tend to
by increasing circulation; says be uncomfortable.
Dr. Harry J. Johnson, author of On a sunny day, the woman
"Creative Walking". -. over 40 requires protection
Walking enthusiasts suggest against the,.sun. "She should
walks with either a destination wear a wide -brimmed hat,
'or purpose. They 'can be taken perforated for ventilation and a
along a . lakefront, an ocean shirt with . a collar," says Ruth
shore, across a ,bridge at sunset, Goode, co-author with Aarbn tr
on a • scenic ail, through a Sussman of "The Magic of
historic village or an exotic Walking," a paperback
corner of a city. Some people containing a complete walking
walk to look, others to think; • guide for the United States,
some to relax. Many, walkers, Canada and Europe.
however, combine their exercise Lastly; Were is one other bit
with other in terests such Its of• advice from ,the experts: a
photography, nature study, walk is supposed to be a
bird -watching or the study of pleasure, not an endurance test.
architecture. So take a walk — but allow .time
A common excuse for not for • rest and refreshment along
:th:is::.. i+ge f s t1 e wa � . -
ere are . ,.a) wnmc+n�wQm with
lancing that gives -m ••n the area wao wou- w in
Maureen .was light on her feet,help e girls, watching them and
gtd in this way.Mrs. Hazel--
ad'visinaccording them to the
seemedsomething shehardlyintrigueshat hMcCreath would be happy'to best baseball 'form, °
Y floor hear from anyone in this regard. It takes time and effort to get
at all. -It was almost as though
she was suspended •by an * * . Wit' once or twice a week. with
invisible string which permitted .
her to hover over the dancing
area. In fact, you hardly ,heard
her 'feet at all even though they
moved very swiftly.
The thing which really took
me back over the years was some
violin and piano music supplied
by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Finlay; The
local , couple ,.played several
oldtime waltz numbers.
I recalled'- when I was a kid
(and for your information, . it.
wasn't THAT' long ago). I
attended a one -room sd'hool in
Stephen Townships and every
other., Friday evening or so, all
winter long, we had a
get-together there. It was a
community type outing, you
, understand, with the ladies
bringing plenty of good things to
eat. '
Usually, there was an hour or
so of progressive euchre to start
the evening off. Then some of .
the local musicians would gather
round the piano and rattle off a
fe '•. ,. itties. Before too long, the
des i and tables would get
pushed back and the dancing
would begin.
The music certainly wasn't
professional but everyone —
including the teenagers and kids
— could get into the sving .of it.
.. And _tliat's. _where i_learned _all
the popular dances of yesterday
- the waltz, the- heel and toe,''
the two-step, the reel, the
schottische and of course, 'the
good old square dance.
Those evenings were fun, such
fun. I remember them only with
' the . greatest of pleasure. The
music of Mr. and Mrs. Finlay•
brought all ' those memories
flooding back, and it was good.
Mrs:- Leonard Warr sang a
couple of numbers and then
joined ' with Mrs. Buchanan ,in
some old -favourite hymns.
Those hymns brought back
memories too. My mother and I
used to spend many Sunday
afternoons together at the piano.
,Sometimes I'd play; sometimes
she would play. But always we
sang those good old gospel
hymns which get the message
across with a brand of music
.that is lilting and fun to sing.
I don't have to tell you that
the senior citizens enjoyed' the
evening. During the singalong,
they threw, back their heads and.
sang lustily. When it was time to
go home, each one that had been
present carried avarm glow that
will last for a few days, I'm sure.
k. r. ;skiottrze`hi;
I'd •want• to join the Brovynies,
y` ,
041/efineitdo °etvenl434 . .
"! ntk"over dor" "'Robertson`""Schoo
*here the Seeond C oderieh
rl For anyone living in Goderich
who has the idea that this. town
has everything, your may be
interested in the comment I
overheard on „ the street just a
few days ago.
Two teenaged girls who were
obviously visitors here were
making a tour of The Square.
Said one to the other: "I don't
believe it. They even have an
Eatons and Simpsons in this
Our family took a jaunt down
to the beach Sunday afternoon.
•I was surprised at the activity in
that area of town although I
don't exactly know why.
,Somehow though, I'd featured a
deserted beach with perhaps a
few fishermen on the dock.
On the other hand, the beach
was coveredwith sunbather's.- In
fact, some brave souls (mostly
children) were swimming
happily in the lake.
I've always lived close to the
beach but never this close
where it is possible for
youngsters to pick up and walk
-to the beach whenever they
the -kids. There, is no glory to be
gained. I'm sure I speak for
many mothers and fathers' when
I say ``thankyou" to these
faithful souls. Your work is
appreciated in many corners of
this town.
* *
We',ve already had a couple of
questions for our new sewing
column being written by Gil
Rummenie. We're hoping there
will be many more. •
As well, °:.if, you have any
comments about the ' column
don't hesitate to call • me. I am
_-pleased .0 hear from ariy of you
on this matter.
* * *
Do you enjoy our low -calorie
recipe corner?
All the recipes come from the
members of the Shrinking
Violets, the new weight control
dub - recently . organized in
Goderich. Incidentally, there is
still room for a few more
members so why' not come out
to ,.a meeting soon in North
Street United Church
auditorium every Thursday
evening at 8 pm?
°1970 CENSUS
The Huron -Perth Regional Assessment Department will be
commencing its annual census and enumeration programme
in the City of Stratford, Town of St. Marys, and all towns,
villages and townships in the tvvo counties, June 1st.. It is
expected that it will take approximately two to three weeks
to complete this work •
The information required, is basically the same as that
required by the assessors in hast years and is necessary for
the completion of the assessment roll for each municipality.
Ail enumerators involved. in' this ' programme,' carry
,identificatio,' cards. Therefore do not hesitate to ask to see
these before answering question's or divulging information.
Your co-operation and assistancin this programme will be
very Much appreciated. '
�>ulter�, irigtulr.�r..nt~,�Yii��r�ara�l�a�r ,a:� .��
• either-Goderich 524-7325 or Stratford, 273.0510 or 2 pith °
..56500. for,JiF
'lo /,distance�
sI.. .. f. i'r°r _ ♦.. .. ,. t '�l .i .a... ��;titi�'1�
2 packages (10 ounces each)
California Brussels sprouts,
partially thawed and halved
'teaspoon monosodium
dash pepper
'/z cup sliced celery
'1/4 cup sliced onion
% cup low calorie Italian
2 cans (7 ounces eath) water
packed tuna, drained and broken
into chunks
1 .cup diced ®range (about 2
'1 cup low calorie mayonnaise
6 lettuce leaves.
Approximately 167 s
per serving. (Makes 6 servingscalorie)
lack ofcash
hinder a
bargain buy!
That house you hesitate to btly today because
of the cost of a mortgage... what will it. be
worth in ten years or longer? Just look
everywhere at the record of increased real
estate values over the years!
So come in and discuss a mortgage loam to
help you enjoy that dream home right now ...
and own it while its -long term value rises.
Borrow today sat „Victoria and Grey. •
The' senior Trust Company
devoted entirely" to serving
the people of Ontario.
Lealand Hill, Manager 5247381
Elgin and Kingston Streets, Goderich
This is the firstin a -series of
IGA advertisements highlighting-
individual departinents within°
the store!
Cream Roil 1 R 5
Filled Buns el a� 49s'
Brownies . "�,. 73`
SHIRLEY GAY i � l���,
W ESTON'S FROWN"c: 39°Coffee Cake
This week we hope to acquaint you with
"oven -fresh" bakery products through these
tremendous specials 1
"`' ;R j LEY; Gf►Yl v l �y ENRICH D'g WHITE
.:'oVE hppus piE 1.4SL.
P �
JUNE 10 - 13
TURKEY* (6-12 lb. • TURKEY t6•11 Ib.
BROILERS Site' w• 37 BROILERS s'")43�
COTTAGE lv■'■)
Bologna. r.. 39 ROLLS
,.1.'10*W s
FACIAL TISSUES ... of 340 111 (RUPi�HI K$N OR TURREYI `et.
37 -et. .til"i7I VAS iITABLES
�! CNils?
71011. r■rr■■ a ■rar � ---- �r�
99 515°
Z INN KA AN. 1.1l1PRICId1 t
44,4 I