The Exeter Advocate, 1892-10-6, Page 8Exeter FairI ISToti.ce. Visitors and Ticket Holders are requested to hunt up The Mart where a FREE EXHIBIT of FANCY GOODS will be given entitling callers tet a choice selection bought to meet the wants of AT LEAST 4000 YI'SIT0R1 —11 — The• MART, Sept. 20, '92. J o CfL IGG, Sec'y & Treas. AT THE 1G © zq,. BAN RU T ST s'RE will be found the Largest and Most Complete Stock of Snow made its appearance on Wed- nesday more ittg. Get your Tweeds and underclothing at the Woollen Mills, Buy your blankets at the Big Bank- rupt Store and save money. Ladies! fall and see Grieve's sea - lotto before you purchase elsewhere. Burdock Pills never gripe, iscken or in- jure, 'They cure Constipation and Sick Headache. A Wounded Spirit who can heal, Viciato, Carbolic Salve heals all other wounds, cutsr bruises or hu,ns. Mr. Chas, Neil has disposed of his residenee on Nelson street to Mr. S. Neil, of McGillivray tp, Hood's Sarsaparilla absolutely cures all diseases caused by , impure blood and it builds up the whole -system. Buy your new mantle and hat at the Big Bankrupt Store, 9 heir stock is all new and values right. Try. Pure Cod. Liver 011 combined with Wild Cherry and Iaypophosphites renders Mil burn's Emulsion the best on the market. Mr, William Hawkshaw, of Seaforth, has rented the Royal Hotel In Parkhill, and has moved in to run it personally. Mr. Wm. Bawden, Reeve, has purch• ased Mr. W. H, Verity's residence over the river paying therefor a good fig- ure. Something special and women's and girls' good strong walking hoots at the Big Bankrupt Store. • Do you want a paw. The time for holding the Sunday school in connection with the English Church has been changed to 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Messrs. D. Spicer and James Taylor are busily engaged this week painting the outside woodwork of the Main St. Methodis tchurch. Bissett Bros., the well known hard- ware merchants of this place, have made an assignment to Mr. C. B. Arm- strong, London, for the benefit of their creditors. Mr. Ed. Treble met with a painful accident on Saturday last while re• rpoying a screw from a casting, the screw driver slipping and running in- to his hand fully three quarters of an inch. Major Bauglr,of the London Division, held special meetings in the Salyation Army Barracks here on Saturday ev- ening and Sunday. Several soldiers from: other stations were present and a pleasant time was spent by all: The following mistakes appeared in the prize list last weak (not printers' errors): --Mrs. T. H. McCallum, 1st for bread instead of Robt. Bell; William: Dearing,; 1st fol ;sBronzettletstek AND Mantles; in Town, and at prices that defy all kinds of Opposition. J. A. Stewart. LOCAL JOTTINGS. Why is the AnrocArn like a good wife? Ans:—Every man should have one- Since the 'fire escrpes have been placed in position in the Exeter Public school the children have had several trials as to how long it would require for them to get out in case of fire From the time the alarm sounded un- til the last pupil was outside the build ing occupied the space of two minutes, and was done on one occasion in one one minute and a half, this includes the child gathering his or her books together and carrying them out. A pleasant time was spent at the. residence of Mr. James Bissett, Sr., on Monday afternoon and evening, the assemblage being 'gathered together for the purpose of celebrating their fiftieth wedding clay. The family, composed of Mrs. "James Creech, Mrs.. William Creech, Mrs, John Welsh; Miss Fanny Bissett, Messrs. Richard, John, Thomas and Jaines Bissett; ' including the aged couple, had a family group taken and afterwards spent several. hours of social chat together, This is the first time they have all been home around the family circle for a number of years, some being seattered in differ ent parts of the province, Another re- rearkable feature is that all the child. ren 'are Hying slid from all appoaran ccs enjoying good health, Mr, and Mrs" Bissett are old pioneers of this section, having emigrated here when many of the now called farms were nothing but a denee forest. Enduring the trials of early Settlers' life for a number of years, through economy they sueceeded in amassing consider Ole wealth, which now gives them a eornfortable living without much hard- ship, Mr. Bissett has been en Barnet worker in the Masters vineyard, and with the netted zeal of his partner has made many warm friends and ac- quaintaMces, who we join within wish• mg a pleasant time during the re• mainder of their lives. May each live toenjoy many such gatherings as the one which has just occurred, and when WI is o'er, luny they receive the wet come, "Enter thou into the joy of thy t' ore." An n "t'roe, 'Tilled -by lightning while crossing a field to borrow his neighbor's'pnper. Why not subscribe for the ADVOCATE and have it sent to your post office for the balance of the year for 25 cents. Be economical, a void all dangers and subscribe for a paper that contains the latest home news. The public are often very unjust but never consciously so. What they see clearly to be justice they always ap- prove. It often takes a long time to bring them to see things as they really are, but in the end their verdict is al ways right. It was faith in this idea which induced the manufacturers of the "Myrtle Navy” tobaeco to sand by their superior brand under eery dis- couragement at the outset. The pub lic verdict has.beea given at last, and it is emphatically in their favor. On Wednesday eveningof last week the teachers and Sunday school schol- ars of the Trivittli1emorial church,also the Ladies Guild, took Mrs. Ed. Dyer by surprise at her father's (A. G. Dyer) residence on Carling street. The ob- ject of the surprisewas to express re gret at the departure from their midst, and also to present her with a beauti- ful 5 o'clock tea service and a prayer book and Hymnal companion, as a tok- en of sincere respeet .and esteem in which she was held by her co workers in church and Sunday school. The fol- lowing presentation address was read• by the rector, Rev. F. Hellin Fatt, aft- er which Mr. Ed, Dyer, on behalf of Mrs. Dyer, thanked the Guild, Teach- ers and Scholars in a few well chosen words for the handsome present and. kind appreciation. To MRS. CLARA J. DYER. DEAR Mits. DYER,—Orice more, we, the Teachers and Scholars of the Triv itt Memorial Church Sunday School, meet to bid farewell to one who ranks high in our estimation. While ` with us we have learned to appreciate your great work as an able and efficient worker in anything pertaining to Sun day school or church affairs, Your cheerful face will be sadly missed by your class and all of us. But though you will not be with us, we know full well your labors will not cease, in the city you are about to call your home, for we are certain that your nature is of such a temperament, that you must be doing good wherever youare. Kind ly accept these presents from us as a token that wherever you are you have our best wishes, love and sympathy Trusting the'Alrnighty Maker of all things tnay guard, bless, and keep you, we are Yours in Christ and the Church, Mrs. Fish, Miss Dennis, Miss Hardy, Mr. Richardson, Mrs. Richardson, Miss Hynclmau,•Flossie Jeekell, Capt. Kemp, Maggie Sweet, Susie Case, Frankie Fish, Edith Gidley, Annie Fish, Chart: otte Peterson. Flutt :rllmtralt14(31 FA`rr, Rector. While engaged • working in the swamp hist week a horse *belonging' to Mr, Thomas Sweet became mired and itr trying' to release the animal a stick is su ppdsed to have penetrated the belly SO badly that the miler vitae forced to shoot it, Overcoats for men and boys at close st priees at the Bi„ Bankrupt Store, The Exeter Woollen iviills have just made a large stock of the best wearing stoeking earns in all sizes andshades. Gents underwear 20 per cent: below regular prices at the Big Bankrupt Store. Mr. Richard Manning is confined to. his beet and meagre hopes for his re- covery a:e entertained. Mrs. J. Reynolds and child were thrown from a buggy a few days zg;o by a wheel running oar. They escaped unhurt. Capt, George Kempt has purchased the swelling owned and occupied by Mr. Wm. Verity, Jr., situated on And- rew street. Mr. Richard Atkinson, Palmerston formerly of this place, has disposed of his property on William street to Mr. Alex. Dow. "Wrestler", the trotting horse,owned by Wm. Bawden, Reeve, has been par chased by Wm, Write, Robgerville, for. a good sum. Judge Toms was in the village on Monday in connection with the sale of property in the suit of "White vs. Stan: lake," The property was not sold. We notice in a militia report from Ottawa that Mr. Clement B. Mars"land, of the Molsons Rank here, formerly of Owonsouud, where he held 2nd neat- enantship in the Kit Grey Battalion, has been sua'ceeded by Chas, Eberle, owing to ;4 Ir. Marsland's absence: One day itecently a horse ,belonging to Messrs Dyer & Eowaid, met with an accident which might have caused its death. Mr. Howard had diiveneiu the yard with a toad of shingles when . the horse reared up and in coming down the point of the shaft nasi into its body behind the front left leg; inflicting• an ugly wound. The Perth Fall Assizes opened in. Stratford on Monday, Hon. Mr. Justice Street presiding. There being no psis• onei•s in jail awaiting trial he received from the sheriff the white kid gloves. The civil list contains 18 cases, none of which are important. Four of them, have already been referred. An action for slander, Mackenzie v. Woods, was in progress when court ad foamed. The grand jury have found a true bill against J. P. Thistle. indicted under the Charlton Act. He pleaded.not•guii- ty, and will be tried to -morrow. Mr. Kelso, the secretary of the De- horning Cominission, has a large}tum ber of petitions of late graying the commissioners to report against the pr .. trce; 1ljost„,o from R'i'trtrtt& asci Zrit e had 4 �';�.orl. fthit elf 'tn'the' Lon doe dehoning case,requesting the coift missioners to recommend the Ontario Government to pay therm 91100 exlpetis es incurred during the trial. ' The commissioners decided not to tom.ply with the request. The farmer who finds any vegetable market glutted when his crop is ready to sell ought to prepare to protect him- self by canning the surplus. Most of tho canneries make a large part of their profits by purchasing when mar• kets are glutted and scarcely paying anything for the stock. But the big establishments haste no motiopoly rn the canning business. If it will pay them to make at: exclusive business of this it should pay the farmer better to make it an adjunct. The only diffi- culty in -this arrangement is for faun• ers to get suitable help. But if they make a beginning, those who are will- ing to work will settle in their neigh- borhood to the advantage of all. *enrortit Dye Works.. All orders for the above Dye Works can be left with E. H. Fish. Tarin for male. The undersigned has several first class farms for sale on easy terms. J. SPACKMAN. Exeter. Change of Service. The time of services in the Main St. Methodist church has been changed from 11 o'clock a.m. and 7 p.m: to -10.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Trost. vee tv . n Main Street Methodist Be parsonage and Town Hall, Exeter, a lady's Fob chain. Finder will be suit: ablp rewarded by leaving same at this office. wanted. Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing to be left at the leading boot and shoe store next door to the post office. G. Manson. A'Wonderful Alanana.c. The publishers of the Montreal Daily and 1Veelely Star are getting out a magnificent almanac to be known as the Star Almanac, said to be the finest almanac in the world, contain- ing nearly four hundred pages, with colored maps. 'It is looked forward to with great interest. Preparing for the 'Wet Season, Members of the Trivia Memorial church belonging to the Case settle- ment, London Road North, assisted by Messrs. Wrn. Casae and Mills did a first rate job on Tuesday last, in gravelling' the church sheds. All who drive td this church may now feel quite ;at rest about the comfort of their horses dur- ing divine, service, whether the weath er be foul or fair, Look* Like An Imposter Yesterday, a short set, Clark cotnplex- ioned young man was soliciting alms in Clinton. fie had his left arm in a sling and claimed to have been Severe- ly scalded in an accident at Owen Sound The .eiws Record viewed the 'Welded" member and would pronounce it a "blister" and the tramp a fraud. He wanted money to take him to Exe- ter. Our people should not eounton auce or encourage dead beats' of any kind. Exchanges, please pass him around,—News Record. Great Risco-verses. The astronomer who discovers a new o r fin s a d to • star, the scientist who new fec e, or the geologist who alights upon new species of fossil. becomes deserved ly factious; but the actual good such discoveries do is notching when compar- ed to the finding of a medicine which is an infallible cure for certain diseases Such a discovery was made nearly half a century aeo by an Eastern gentle- man namedPerry Davis, and his pre. paration is now known to the world as Peary Davis' Pain Killer. It is a sure cure for Diarhoea, Cramps, Cholera Morbus, Cholera, and, indeed, all bowel complaints. 25e. only for Big 2 oz bot tic. coarsing to London,, St. Thomas and Stratford. CFaAS, CLOTHE, the web known truss and appliance manufacturer for de fortuities, sueh as club feet, white swelling and curvature of the spine, may be consulted at ST. Thomas, Grand Central Hotel, Friday, Ost, 14; LoNDON, Grigg House, Saturday, Oct. 15; and at STRa'iroj D; Mansiotr House, Saturday, Nov. 5. If you or your children are ruptured or deformed call on me.: With the experience of agnate. ter of:a century, I have become a,mast er in my profession. The AUTOMATIC TRUSS has gone through the regular and t evere trials, and with stightalter- ations of details is now the simplest, lightest and the strongest, and in real- ity the cheapest truss made in the world. Come and see it. Personal Mention. Miss Kate Frise, of St. Marys, spent Sunday last in town —lair. Thomas Powell returned to his home in Turn- berry township last week.—Master Lloyd Glanville, of London, has been in the village on a shot vacation, re• turning on Tuesday.—Mr. John Bissett wife and family, of .Brantford, were. here on a visit the beginning of the week. -Mrs. Wm. Carling returned to her home in St. Paul, Minn,, on Wed uesday, accompanied by Mrs. S. Tait, who intends remaining uutil spring,— Mr. Richard Bissett, wife and family,of London, have been visiting in the vill- age during the past week.—Rev. Wm: Martin has returned from Toronto, where he has been attending the Pate Presbyterian Council, whi;li has been in session during the past week.—Mr. W. Manning, of Clinton, was in the yil• lage on Monday,—Mr. D. Davis was in Toronto this week with a carload of cattle.—Mr. and Mrs. D. Dyer were vis iting in Zurich on Sunday. -Mrs. Jas. Pickard was in Seatorth,judging fancy work in connection with the fall fair.-- Mrs. air.-Mrs: D Davis and Mrs: E. Dyer are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Steinbach, of ---Mr. anel oho Smalls- Combe are visiting friends in sc. re as this ` week..—Mr. Wes Trevetry left on Saturday for Glencoe, where has secured employment. Mr: Geor Weir, wife and family,who' have been yisiting in town, returned to their home in Ridgetown on Tuesday.—Miss Maggie Walper, who has been visiting in Berlin for some months, has return ed home.—Miss Maine Sanders has re- turned from Hespeler.—Mr. Charles Knight Sundayed with his parents here;. —Mise May Kenner, who has been Vis- iting at the Central Hotel, has return- ed. Stephen. DISASTROUS FIRE.—On Wednesday night of last week the barns of Mr. Thomas Vincent,of lot 6, concession 18, were destroyed by fire, together with this season's crops,a threshing machine and two good teams of horses. The machine and horses were the property of Mr. James McWilson. The general opinion is that the fire must .have orig- inated from an incendiary, as the threshing machine had not been run- ning on the premises, nor was there any fire in the engine. Loss yery heavy. Small insurance on barn and Crops.Mr. McWilson, no insurance. -- Mr. Wm. Dearing is making preparat- ions to build a now brick house on the premises opposite his old homestead: He held a brick bee yesterday (Wed.) and a largo number of brick was haul- ed Architillitt11/11111,1°1-1'fic? IF SO, VISIT OUR ---- Pall Fair on Monday Tuesday. We offer a Magnificent Stock for Fall and Winter it Prices the lowest for strict- ly first-etass goods. High Grade in all Departments. True merit itt every article. Honest quality everywhere. Nothing missing. An immense Assortment. Everything the best. The quality will tell it. The price will sell it. Those are the reasons why you should come and inspect our large and varied stock before going elsewhere. fury -Cods, Cr cedes, Crockery, Boots & Shoes, Hats, Caps, Furnishing Coods, Motions, etc. We show all the Le test Styles. We keep the yery finest selections. We make it a point to have every article in stock the best of its kind The dollar you spend with us goes further, lasts longer, gets more quantity gets better quality and does you more good in services, worth and wear than any money you spend. Remember it is an established fact that it pays to trade with CA .. .LI.€, EVERY PER0 SH0llLD BUY ar1arfs Soilitaro La ,p Filier. It is better than all others. TEN REASO S WHY: 1.—It will not get out of order. .—It ie cheaper than any other Can, 6.—It will not soil the floor -tend shelf; 7.—It never sweats oil. 8. -It gives you perfect control of the oil. 9.—It is always neat and safe. 10 -It will strengthen the lungs. This Can has been examined by experts and pronounced to be the best they ever satin. Handy, Healthy, Reliable and Cheap. They are wanted in every house where coaloil is used. The fastest selling article in the market. COBBLEDICE & FtLLMM®. For Fall 92 We have the largest stock of Black & Colorerl Dress Goods Ever Shown in Exeter. We are showing an Immense Stock --or— German Mantles AT POPULAR PRICES. & Co's. E� J. Sp aok n SAMWELL'S BLOCK, EXETER. HAVE YOU LOOKED To see how your stock of FALL and WINTER SUITINGS is for the coming seasons. Of Course You Haven't And when the cool Days and Nights come you will be in a BIG HURRY to get one of the NOBBY TWEED SUITS that GRIEVE is selling efoi 1.0.00 arld. Or perhaps you want a fine OVERCOAT, if so, we have a Large and Complete Stock to Puck.from. And in Black suns we do them all for quality and cheapness. DO YOU WEAR PANTS? If so, see what we are making for ST 75 WO TH $3.76. and we make all these goods up IN -GOOD STYLE with the best Trimming See our 75e. Tweeds, ani'. we out our own, goods free of charge. Remember the Place. JAS. H. GRIEVE. Tin. Amidst all Slow & duster RO 1/if E Hlo Still takes the lead in the Furn- iture business. I am too busy to call' on people in need of furniture, but please drop in my warerooms and see my stock and L will try and suit you in this line. Ordered work neatly diose on shortest notice. Remember I have also a handsome line of Ulldertaklllg Goods always on hand. Any calls in this lite will be promptly attended to and p p Y satis- faction guaranteed every time, Stand next Molsons Bank, ROST. N. ROWE.