The Exeter Advocate, 1892-9-29, Page 8Var millinery aud, mantles the Big fl il 1.0 E. 1 154mi:rept Store is the spot. 111 me 1 Lll ti adles! Call see Grieve'e sea- lettee before you pttrcheee elsewhere, a , ' - I The best 15e, grey fianuel in Canada at the Big Baekrupt Store, Servant girl wanted to go to Lon- de); good wages. Apply at Mr. Brod- erlea's store, London Notice.• Visitors and 1iobUai are . requested to hunt up The art where a FREE EXHIBIT of FANCY QOODS will be given entitling canal's ea a choice seiection bought to Meet the 'wants of AT LEAST 4000 VISITORS, Th a MART, Sept. 20, '92, 3. GRIGG, Seely & Trees, BIG BANKRU T STORE. Cheapest spot in Western Ontar- io for the choicest Dress Goods, Mil- linery and Mant- les. Ladies, if you are looking for val- ues, don't pass the BIG BANKRUPT Store. Gents, if you need anything in Clothing either or- dered or ready- made, there is no house in town pre- pared to do as well for you as the Big Bankrupt Store. 3. A. Stewart. LOCAL JOTTINGS. The large brick block of Messrs. Wood Bros, is about completed. The northern apartment will be occupied by Mr. E. A. Follick as a bakery, and the southern by themselves as a but- cher shop. The hall over will be used by the Royal Templars of Temperance This is a magnificient and commodious structure and the proprietors should be congratulated on tbe enterprise. The Toronto Weekly Empire has produced a premium for its new sub- scribers Ude autumn whichreally calls for special complimeut. The propriet- ers of that paper have prepared a handsome picture of the Couservative members of Parliament, well arranged executed in the finest type of photo gragure,aed printed on exeelledt pap- er for framing. No premium given %may with newspapers this year eq, nal& it. The whole picture is large, and.when set a by the tasteful oak frame, which is so fashionable nowa- days, will make a very handsome adornment to the home. In the centre are the members of the Cabinet, while grouped around them are their sup porters in the House. The piettnes of Cabinet Ministers are large in size,and ayery one is an excellent likeness. In the centre the photo of the Premier is bey far the bast Sir John Abbott has ever had, while that of Sir Sohn Thomp son, the fathous leader of the House of Cemmone, who is represented standing wale his hand resting upon the table, a= attitude he often assumes while ad- dressing the House, is literally a speak ing likeness The photo': of the indi- vidual members are capital; they are riot small and unrecegniteable, regain. baga mioroscope for identification, but the Coueervatives of this group,possess %remarkable likeness of their member is a work of art this eroup picture takee high rank; as an aeceptable ad- dition to the Conservative houtes of the land it will ne petty sure to eir eulate from Vancouver to Halifax The pictiire, to give an exaet idea of fte importance, measures 3 feet 6 inch- es" by 2 feet 4 inches, On the Margin it a convenient key, giving the eames a every member with numbers donee oonding to the nannbere on the phote- tanapia, Bay your fall goods at the Big Bailie rupt Store and save mope?. Thankseit vine. Day has been set by the Domiuton 'Crovernment for Titers - day, Noy. 10th. , purp Cod Liver 01! Gomblned with 'Wild Cherry- end. HypOphi:)Ephites renders Mil - burn's Emulsion the best on the mareet. Hood's' Sarsaparilla absoely cures all diseases caused by impure blood and it builds up the whole system. Mr. Joseph Cobloledtck bad a horse killed in his pasture field on Sunday afteraoou :valued at $165. Mrs. John Sweet has disposed of his fifty -acre farm, 1 miles west of Exeter North, township of Stephen, to Mr. Wm Dearing, for the sum of $2,800. As usual .Mr. Alex, McPbersoe, Taxidermist, of this place, seeured first prize for the best collection of stuffed biLds and. animals at the West= Fair, London. air. John Moore succeeded in selling six new pumps on Tuesdav during the fair. People are now beginning. to fled eat where they can get their wants supplied in this line. It is understood that the next issne of the Canadme ,one cent post card will he larger in size than the one now in use, approximating more to that in. circalatiou in the.United States. Through the agency of Mr. John Specimen Mr. Solomon Manning suc- ceeded in selling his resideuco on An. drew street last week to Mr. „Henry Francis, of Usborne, who intends occu- pyung it shortly. Mr. Mackenzie, of Sheddan,has found the lower jaw, the teeth, tusk a.nd lot of the vertebrae and ribs'of the raasto don, some of whose bones were found a few weeks ago. The tusk is nine feet long ancl two feet in circumference, Mesas. B. and W. D. Smith, of the Lahe Road, were awarded the follow- ing prizes at the Provincial Fair, Mon - tree: -Bull 3 -years -old, 1st; Bull 1 -yr. old, 3rd; Bull of any age, 1st; Heifer, 2 years old, 1st; heifer calf, under 1 year, 2nd. Very httle wheat is being marketed throughout Manitoba, the farmers ea. Wanting an inclination to hold off for advanc:d prices. The wheat quotat- ions now are from 55 to 60 cents. The weather continues magnificent for threshing. On Tuesday afternoon Mr. Richard Davis, &ewes thrown out Of his buggy by a passing teamcolliding with his vehicle. .He escaped withbouS a sear but received a severe shaking The axle of the buggy was bent, otherwise it escaped without injury. A. Hamilton bicyclist got a verdict for $25 damages Feiday, before Judge Muir, against a gentleman who, drove into his wheel on the highway., • The wheelman got into a rut and could net get out in time to escape the buggy, the driver of which failed to turn out. The following are the ameunts of Government grants received by tie several branch agricultural sosieties in the South Riding of Huron this year: Stephen and Usborne, $140; Tucker - smith, $128.21; Stanley, $85.19; Hay, $69.56. The amounts are based upon the membership. The aim in the manufacture of Mes srs. Tuckett & Son "Myrtle Navy" to- bacco is to develop and retain the nat- ural aroma of the tobacco This re- quires great skill and a knowledge of very interesting chemizal laws, but the results retained are vastly super- ior to all forms of flavoring extracts. Montreal, Aug. 4th, 1891. My head was literally full of dand- ruff and nothing applied gave visible relief until using Anti Dandruff, a few applications of which has so thorough ly removedthe dandruff there is not a grain to be found. W. H. O'Rnenet, Ry. Mail Clerk. The Epworth League of the Main street Methodist church have engaged the celebrated elocutionist, Miss Sara Lord Bailey, of Boston, Mass., to give a grand entertainment in Drew's Op- era House on Monday evening, Oct. 24th. Miss Bailey comes with the very highest recommendatione. Further particulars later. The late Mr. James Trove having died without a will, his estate, estimat- ed at over $3CO,C30 will have to be di- vided equally among his four sons and one daughter after his widow has re teived her third of the whole. Accord, ing to the law, the Ontario Govern- ment's share of the estate will amount to about $16,000 in consequence of no will having been made. On Saturday morning last the G. T. It station house and the postmffice here were broken into and the safe at the station 'blown open. Nothing was tak- en from either place. There were ten coppers in the safe but were left. A report for the government was taken out of the post office and. ;left outside the back door where the entrance was made. Thera is no safe at the post - office. A ranchero in the Platte valley, in referring to his isolated life, said: "Oh, you see, stranger, I'll make a big stake here after a while, and the clim- ate is perfect. My family are well, ex cept in wild plunt season, when the youngsters git all tied up with Cramps and Dtarrhcea and cholera morbue and stet' like, but I kin knock all Sidi dorn plairits higher'n a kite with Perry Da vis' Pain Killer. I tell yon, it beet the world for complaints of the storn. ach, an there ain't a ranchero in the Valley that hain't got a half dozen boa ties lying around ready for emergen No better plale than the Big Bank- ItasseanSway. rupt Store for boots alid shoes, Thurstlay tnorniug last at an early hour jarnee S, Willis, a highly respeet- respeeted resident of tins plaee, passed' to his reward at the age of 46 years, Deceased wee born in Exeter in the year 1846. In early life he endured all the hardships insident to the clear- ing up of a new country, and under these influences dOVelOpOd #1, force of aharaeter which markecl him out among men in his after life. Like all others he had his difficulties, but with patienee they were in time everconie. About twenty years ago he left this place and took up his place of abode in St. Thomas where he was engaged for a number of years in the hotel busi- ness. He 'afterwards remeyed to Chic- ago and was employed in the stook. yards of that place until about six years ago vvheu he was taken down with a severe ttack of spinal disease, and from that time till he died has been an almost constatit bed-lier, and suffering much intenee pain on times. lie was recoguized as a desirable mem- ber of the I, 0. F. Society, the members of which were very faithful to their duty in lending a hand to their help less brother in a time of need. He was buried on Sunday with the ceremonial of the Church of England of which he was an adherent. His funeral was well attended, the I. 0. F. leading the procession. 'The bereaved relatives have the heartfelt sympathy of the en- tire community. gereonal axentiOn. Mrs. John Bissett and family, of Brantford, are visiting friends and rel- atives here. -Mrs. Samuel Sanders and Master Allan Myers, who have been visiting in Toronto, Peterborough and Cobourg for the past two months, re- turned Saturday evening. -Mr. Wm. Howard was on the grand jury at God- erich last week. -Mr. Richard Bissett and family, of Londoa, are visiting here. -Mr. Fred Pickard, of London, is here on a short visit. -Detective Day, of St. Thomas, was the guest of County Constable Gill ou Sunday. He is an employe of the Grand Trunk and. was here looking up several important cas- es. -Mr. and Mrs. David Tainof Tilson- are here on a short visit. -Mr. Theo. Sweet, of Mitchell, has been here dur- ing the past week on a visit and re- ports business brisk in -Mitchell.-Mr. Thomas Powell,of Turnberry township arrived in the villag,e last week and since thee, has been calling en his num- erous friends and. acquaintances, -Mr. and Mrs. John Chappel, of Hamilton, who have been the guests of Mr. Thos. Rowe, London Road, return home to day. -Miss Mame Sanders is visiting in Hespeler.- Thomas Greenway, Prem ier of Manitoba, is spending a few da ys in town. He speaks in glowing terms of the Northwest and the abundant clams this year. -Miss Bella Acheson' who has been visiting in Sarnia and elsewhere, has returned. -Miss L. Shute is visiting friends in Amherst - burg. -Miss Ida McFells, of Lucan, who was visiting at the Commercial House, has returned home. -Mr. Robt. Willis, of Marlette, Mich., arrived here on Friday to attend the funeral of his brother, Jamese-Miss Millie Davis is visiting friends near Clinton. -John Mills, of St. Thomas, nephew of Mr. D. Mills, spent Tuesday in town -Miss E. K. Shute is visitinn friends in Detroit. -Mr. John Farmer and wife left last evening (Wed.) for Denver, Colorado, where they will yisit for a few weeks. -Mrs. Whiting left for Chicago yes- terday (Wed) and will viait friends there for a few weeks. A Weunded Feint who can heal. Viciator Carbolic Salve heals all other wounds, cuts" beeiscs or burns, The partmersb;p heretofore eeisting between W. II Levet and John Demi- eeer 8$ grain buyers hero, has been tits - solved, Mr. Dauncev has again enter ed iuto parteersaip with Mr. Brown. formorlY conni3eted with the Exeter Milling; Co. Mn George Penhale,,of Stephen, se- cured the'foilowing prizes at the Ailsa Craig' fail show for ,Laieester sheep: -- Aged reap, 1st; shearling rem, lst ;ram lamb 1st, 2nd; aged ewes, 7st, and; shearifilg ewes, 1st, 2nd; ewe lambsnst '2nd; also Diploma for best pen of Leic- ester sheep, consisting of 1 rana2 aged ONVOS, 3 shearling ewes and 2 ewe lambs. The London Time remarks that Vis' itors to the World's Fair will see there nothing' approachiug in wonder to the city of Chicago. Siety years ago its site was in the midst of a wilderness where the Indira hunted the buffalo. From the 70 persons who constituted Chicago iu 2830 the census demonstrat- ed a rise to 4,710 seven years later. In 1887 in obtained incorporation, with the title and priyilege of a city. Thenceforevaid it advanced by leaps and bounds, and now its inhabitants number 1,300,000. Just reeeived from Toronto at Bred- erick's Bankrupt Store, Exeter, a stock of furs, consisting of Seal and Persian lamb evatkine. jackets, Persian lamb mantles, Sili'Velvet Brocade and fur lined Dolmans, Brown and Black Coney capes .and Storm collars; men's otter collars and cuffs, tneu's stiai and Pers- ian lamb caps, etc. This stoek has been purchase' a very low rate on the dollar and will be sold very cheap -nearly half peice-together with a stock of gents' furnishings and grocer- ies, all at a Bargain. hemerriber the place,' opposite the Town Hall. J. W. Baeonaigas An enormous cheese mould has been shipped from Ottawa to Perth, where' •it will be used, under the directions of Prof. Robertson, Dominion dairy. com- missioner, for manufacturing the mon- ster Canadian cheese intended for ' the Chicago World's Fair.. The mould stands 7 feet high and is 9 feet in di aineter. In order to make the cheese, arrangements E re being made for • se curing three days' milk of 600 cows. The weight of the cheese when made will be something fabulous, running into thousands of epounds. This tri- umph of dairy work will form, a port- ion of the experimental farm exhibit at Chicago next year. At a meang of the Soyereign Grand Lodge of L 0, 0. F., at Port- land, Oregon, last week, the consider- ation of a resolution declaring it to be the sense of the lodge that a person otherwise qualified who is engaged in the sale of intoxicating liquor is not of such "good moral character as contem patedby section 2, article 16; of the constitution, and is, therefore, not eli- gible for membership of a subordinate lodge, was indefinitely postponed. There was also a lively debate over a proposed amendment.to the constitut- ion reducing the minimum age of ad mission to the order from twenty one to eighteen years. It, too, was defeat- ed. The following from this vicinity were prize whiners at the Western Fair,Lon- don:-Durhamtattle.-Bull, 1 -yr -old, Jas. Suell, Clinton, 1st; Thos, Russell, Usborne'2nd; Cow, 4 yeays old and up- wards, Jas Snell 1st, ThSO. Russe11,2nd ; Cow, 8 years old, Tilos Russell, lst; Heifer, 2 years -old, Thos. Russell 1st and 2nd, Jas Snell 3rd; Heifer, 1 -year- old; Thomas Russell, 2ad. Fat cattle any breed. -Cow, 4 years old and over, H. & W. D. Smith, Hay, 2nd. Hackney horses, Jos. White, St. Marys 2nd; Ag- ricultural Horses, S. Campbell, Farqu- har, 1st; Foal of 1892, S Campbell 2nd, J. .0. Dale, Seafoith; Team horses in harness, Thomas Berry, Hensall, ist. Shetland pony in single harness, 11 hands or over, Geo. S. Skinner, Park. hill, 1St. Seaforth Dye Works. All orders for the above Dye can be left with E. H. Fish. Servant Girl Wanted, Servant girl wanted to go to Lon- don. Apply at Wm. Broderick's Store, Exeter. Farms or Sate. The undersigned has several first class farms for sale on easy terms. J. SPACKMAN. Exeter. most Between Main Street Methodist parsonage and Town Hall, Exeter, a lady's Fob chain. Finder will be suit- ablp rewarded by leaving same at this office. Wanted. Never too late to mencla 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need. repairing to be left at the leading boot and shoe store eext door to the post office. G. Manson. A.nother f3wind1e. A bright youngster read an adyer tisement in a paper a few daye ago stating a "safety" would be given away for nothing, and to write for par- ticulars. He wrote for instructions and found. that by selling a dozen box- es of pills, the advertisers would give hien, charges paid, a handsome safety. He wetit to Work at once and in a few days had seemed ordere for the pills among his friends and forwarded it to the company. The pills were sett on, together with the information that the safety would be along in a few days. He was RO delighted that he shOwed the letter to his young friends and eagerly watched every express wagen for the delivery of the safety, At last after a tedious delay it came, but instead of being crated it came in an envelope atad was none other than a large safety pin, such as is Used for pinning horse blankets Works Crediton. Walter Clarke, who recently sold his hotel to Wm. Cunningham, has again purchased it, and, we understand, he will run it again. -The Rev. Mr. Brand preached in the Evangelical church. in Zurich on Sunday last. -We are pleased to learn that Mathew Finkbiner, who has heen very ill, is recovering. -Mrs. Young has disposed of her premises to Mr. Ifni. Baker, who intends taking possession shortly. .10.114.1•1.111/M110•11•••=W se•Witelen•••• For Fall 92 We have the largest stoek of Blact&Colond. Dress Goods Ever Shown in Exeter. 'We are showing an Immense Stock —0E --- German Mantles AT POPULAR PRICES, Spackman & Co s. SAMWELL'S BLOCK, EXETER. rcrvrommrxr,,,,,,, .rsq, 1 4A IF SO, VISIT OUR Ptir.171 Fall Fair, on Monday & Triew.;lay. We offer a Magnificent _Stock for Fall and Waiter at Prices the lo west for striet. ly first-class goods. High Grade in all Departments. True merit in every article. Honest quality everywhere. Nothing missing, An immense Assortment. Everything the beat. • The quality -will tell it. The price ivill sell it. Those are the reasons why you should come and inspect our large and variecl stock before going elsewhere. Dry -0* ods, Croceres, Croek9ry9 Boots & Shoes, at Caps, Furnishing Coods, Notions, etc. We show all the Latest Styles. We keep the very finest selections. We make tt a point to have every article in stock the best of ite kind The dollar you spend with us goes further, lasts longer, gots more quantity gets better quelity and does yon more good in services, worth and wear than any money you spend. Remember it is an established fact that it pays to trade with ' REIN GARDEN ND FIE 1 Al) All Kinds of FENCE IRES. (.LAWNMOWERS. ALABASTINE in all Shades. DAISY CHURNS. Full line of Tinware, Cheap for Cash at MS'S= s. 11 T ISAmidst all Blow Sr, Bluster ° ROBT. N. ROWE Still takes the lead in the Furn- iture business. I am too busy to call on people in need of furniture, but please drop in my warerdoms and see my stock and I will try and suit you in this line. • Ordered work neatly done on sbortest notice,. Remember 1 have also a handsome line of Undertaking Goods always on hand. Any calls in this line will be promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed every time, Stand next Molson's Bank, R0131% N. ROWE., GEO. A. TEAS HYNDIVIAN, HilijIEBEST AND Exeter, COFFEES. EVERY PERSON SHOULD BUY Dr. Garlartg's Saiiitoft La;p It is better than all others. TEN REASONS WHY: 1. -It will not get out of order. 2. -It is cheaper than any other Can. 3, -It will last five times as long as any ordinary lamp filler. - 4.-Beeause it is non cotrosive, as it is zinc and tin, which fortri a mag- netic action and keep it from corroding. 5. -It will do the work in one-fourth of,the time. 6. -It will not soil the floor and shelf, 7. -It never sweats oil. 8. -It gives you perfect control of the oil, 9. -It is always neat and safe. 10-I1 will strengthen the lungs, This Can has been examined by experts and pronounced to be the best they ever saw. Handy, Ecalthy, eliab1e mad Cheap', They are wa,nted in every house where coal oil is used. The fastest Selling article in the market, COBBLEDICK & FOLLAND.