The Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-02-06, Page 1141, .• M • ra GOD$1R.tC I SIGNAL -STA x 1' tJ8SDAY, PEI3 R TJIE ULUE THUMB BY G. M.ei EOa Ross The following 'effusion was sparked by an obituary notice in the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers of Colonel William Teague Everall, who died on December 27th, 1967. Thus there is no reason why the name Everall. should 'be brought to your notice, other than my own personal desire to - dwell for a few , moments on the North West Frontier of Pakistan. Everall was one of the giants of the. Frontier. I-fe was the bridge designer for the North Western. Railway, with •an office at , Jhelum on the Indus river in the Punjab. His claims to fame were bridges all over an area half the size of Ontario, but his greatest feat was the strategic bridge over the Indus at Attgck, which gave access to and from the mouth of the Khyber Pass, one. of the traditional passes of ingress for the conquerors of India proper., Technically this bridge was much in advance of its time, for it carried rail and road, one above the other, and as such was a most impressive structures When India had no further use for his ser ices, he came home to England, where he solved many of the problems connected with' the Mulberry Harbours which ensured supplies to the Allied Forces after their landings' on the Normandy Beaches. - His departure ffom Indian service was- marked by some endearing wo?'ds from his native . Staff: "The name of Everall • Sahib has' become renownecland respected throughout the Punjab, wherever men talk -of civil engineering....you will become a legendary figure....Our children's children will know ' you as a mighty builder of _bridges....a man who compressed,. the work of dears into months.;..Witli only a few Mahsud village of -Makin, might induce a peace or at least an easier surveillance. Bannu, on a Metre gauge railway running from Kalabagh on the Indus, became the railhead for these operations. Bannu was far from being a prepossessing spot in which to find oneself. It consisted of the usual bazaar, built in sun-dried brick,. and occupied for themost Part by .the usual Hindu bunniahs. Water came from wells which had a reputation for drying up. A few .pepper trees were kept alive by the rains which always came on the 31st of • July, to the day. The cantonment buildings were also in sun-dried brick; The fort, the ,telegraph office, the dak bungalow and the few houses occupied , by the Deputy Commissioner and the Commander Royal Engineersa More recently, a fine burnt -brick hospital had been erected, and there was a much -patronized medical mission bearing the name of Pennell. The cemetery was a forlorn spot; overgrown, 'with trees and covered in dust, t4 yellow dust from the few 'unpaved roads. But here you could almost trace the History of - successive attempts to quell the unruly Pathan.. Andwhile the headstones did not commemorate any famous soldier or statesman, nevertheless the dates upon their worn faces, conjured up the days when Roberts Sahib, the little gunner, marched from -Kandahar to Kabul, in 1842, for he was still proudly remembered in 1922 by men 'who had marched with him as camel sarwans. The Second Afghan War of 1878. The days when Durand demarcated the boundary with Afghanistan from Chitral to Baluchistan in 1893, until the day when we buried our dead from a sanguinary ambush of a convoy returning nonchalantly from Datta Khel, .up. the Tochi. It was the political -agent who hears all-. the 'details later` from the Pathan leaders, who boasted of ,the thousands of rounds of ammunition, not to mention the, Lee Enfield rifles, they had captured. Enough to arm every - tribesm'an within call. And while - their womenfolk disfigured the . corpses,.it was *counted ho'W ' the Sahibs hull' ought like tigers before being despatched. 'Bannu. was -no upstart. It had been - -a settlement long before the British appeared. . But in 1920 imagine dust, moist heat, little shade, ' bhail gharris trudging along in 'clouds of dust; Indian soldiers drilling or playing hockey -on the hard mud maidan outside the fort. About this date there. were other living names with which to conjure._ Sir John Matfey, the Governor of the. Province at 'Peshawar; George Cunningham, the political agent, Tochi, stationed at Miranshah; Andrew Skeen; a ---renowned' frontier general, who always inspired the' greatest confidence irr his troops; Bruce Scott;, commanding the Tochi Scouts at�l IV_Iirarishah_and.. j_ust albout�.ta,.,be 'ieved by Claude Erskine of the Guides; Fitzpatrick,- the resident in Waziristan. It ' is ' exceptions, the Brea ridges of the Punjab are im ressive and enduring monumen s to your. name."4' * *•, •- - The Khyber is not the only way invaders can enter India from the west: It just happens to be convenient. There . is the ' Tochi valley for example, which „debouches into the _ plains at r Bannu. But during the years 1,920 to 19 4, a foreign invader was no „I�g �K.'f€ared; it was rather ti►'''t` bit.'''stirred up u N among the Waziri and., Mahsud tribesmen by the:.Fakir of Ipi. It was he who, from time to time, rekindled the 'jehad', the holy 'war, against the,.British and the peaceful , reminders of the Punjab; a continuation of the guerilla war which had persisted for 400 years, off and on; a war which was never won and never lost, but - which became a running' sore in the flank of India and therefore of the British Raj. Perhaps it should be added that the Fakir was given an obituary in the London `Times',, so great was his fame. Thus, when the Government of India decided to- try once • more to pacify tho wild country • • to the west, occupied by these tribes, .t-. as....trighi. th t the' i � of r ` a the \hu !d ig \ .s elf rel establishment of a tronghold at Razmak, .right against the 'r. interesting to'` recall what some of these achieved in later life Maffey, the first Lord Rugby, was Governor General of 'the Sudan. Cunningham, after being political secretary to the Viceroy, Lord` Irwin, became a much , loved Governor of the North West Frontier Province. Bruce Scott led his Gurkhas to undying *fame against the Japanese in Burma. Erskine, who knew the Frontier better than the:; next 'than; and understood the Pathan Bike a book, fell foul of' an ignorant general commanding . Northern Com.mand. and decided to retire to his orange farm in Natal. But when I arrived on this scene, after the first World War, all these professionals were functioning, at the job they knew best. It was rather awesome, after barely a year in the „country, in Baluchistan, to be plunged "amongst them; all of whom were able to 'converse with the animals', so to speak, while I only had a smattering of Urdu: But the challenge to survive with such a handpicked crowd was tremendous. I settled into the only place in Bannu to offer me a bed: the dak bungalows --B"eyond - the verandah played some very small Sikh children, aged perhaps four years. Their father anneared. "bearded like the bard", to explain he had come to take over the postal duties alt Bannu'. When he became.confidential, he amazed me by saying the boy I saw had ` his name down for Eton. I did not laugh. I was becoming used _ to such anomalies of which th,e .,,East is full.' For example, one of my best Hindu suboverseers, who had supervised the building of the hospital, had his son kidnapped. Theoransom was one lakh of rupees; from a man whose monthly pay -was perhaps' 250 rupees. Could: he find the money? Of course he could and did, and no questions asked. But it is just thinkable that he had The Rehabilitation Foundation for the Disabled (March of Dimes) is dedicated to helping, physically handicapped adults.-Suppo_r,t_.the ,March of Dimes. fTAG —RAID -OF -HE DRYERS means economy of operation - because heat other ,dryers waste is used to pre -heat incoming air.- Means fast,' efficient and uniform .drying because the warmed air eters tbeQdryer drum in a circular pattern to completely surround the tumbling clothes - no "hot spots."' See MAYTAG at M1 • rendered the contractor of the hospital some, `service' and received a loan as a quid prop quo. There is only one road out of Bannu and it led up the,Tochi valley. A few. miles of plain and you arrived at Shinki-- canyon, guarded by a tower from which size Sikh soldiers walked out one fide day, to be scuppered almost before they "knew ,�i,t. And it was •here that the first evidences of the Jverall touch became apparent. Two' 'of his old spans had been used to circumvent ar outcrop of rotten shale through which no road ' was feasible. Several miles further up there was' another Everall bridge. It was close to Miranshah, where I lived in their fort with the Tochi Scouts. The bridge consisted of four or five 120- foot spans, supported on concrete piers across the Tochi. When the clouds bu` .n July, 31st,1922 it was the -rs, the footings of which were swept *downstream by the flood, with all the spans sunk ih the moving bed of the river. No blame to Everall, but to. -the local contractors who had built the piers. Beyond Miranshah, up Cowards Datta Khel Post, the Pathan had managed to destroy the ,bridge at Boya, but as the 1 4 , . (river bed was wide here, it caused little concern. Then when in 1923 the Government of India decided to open up, the country and build a road for wheeled traffic to lta�r.mak, to supply a brigade t� be established there, we had to negotiate the 'Tochi river at a spot caller( Thal in Tochi, to distinguish it from the nearby Thal •in Kurram. There were several 'suggestions as to. how the river obst�a ,might be kept open in all weathers. One was for a ropeway and I trundled off to Peshawar tri', look " over the disused Khy er Ropeway to'see if it wasdaptable to our requirements. But a ropeway is no substitute for a bridge, for it can only handle stores and it is too vulnerable to defend against the ingenious Wazir. Did I say ingenious'? He used to steal down by night . and strip all the brassware from•the roadrollers. On one occasion he even fractured the front fork of a roller .with stories. So a bridge it had to be and Everall was again called' upon to send us yet another of his old railway spans. The Survey of `India was only just beginning to make us a map and one day, in the ruins Of Thal fort, a buddy from the wear in France appeared out of the gloom, gathering spider's webs for his theodolite graticules. It happened to., be the spinning - season. People always ask: "Wouldn't you love to see the country again?" The answer is NO! I would hate to travel to Tochi today, berefit of all the personalities who made it live in that prior existence. My trusty orderly, Zer Khan, has long since gone tb the Valhalla reserved for men who wore the Indian gistinguished Service Medal and the Belgian Croix de Guerre. On one occasion he• became detached from the Scouts during an affray. His subedar found him at the top of a, gully from which he had picked off twenty of his enemy, one 'by ` one, as they clambered up towards him. How could one return without Zer Khan? And where is Deed, the Sapper, who pushed the Razmak road' through, with no protection whatsoever? A ,road which ran through unmapped mountainous country rising to 5,000 feet. Deed, who -would return after a hard' day in the sun to wrangle with hoardes of Wazir contractors, each demanding bits road ' to construct: and 'incidentally, filling the office with the acrid smell of goat. There will be no Hughie Herdon either; the Brigade Commander who pushed the last s l iding camel over the' snow-covered Razmak narai to occupy the ground on which Razmak was built. Herdon: small and fiery, yet amenable to reason. Claude Erskine is missing too, together with his magnificently trained Scouts, professional anti•guerilla fighters recruited from among the :>;emoter tribes, ever in the forefront of any incursion against the recalcitrant Wazir. A superb .leader and an astute tactician. He sent one of his men, disguised, to meet the Fakir "of Ipi, who was found declaiming to the faithful how he ,,the Fakir, could help them, if only they would combine. He bared the pit of his arm and so hypnotised his hearers that they swore they could --~see., men and horses all passing to their aid. As for George Cunningham, the political agent, Tochi, ,,it was hard on occasion to tell whether he worked for the tribesmen or for the government. But it was a sound position to take. He enlisted khassadars from the local villages through . whose country we surveyed, paying, them a rupee a day and all ammunition found, in return for • which largesse they Wei. expected4to protect' a -from any wandering barimashes who. might '.appear, Qnl' once did the ten ptation become too great .• and young Dixon was, killed' at what became 'Dixon's Corner'. on the road. Birt the policy of ' buying off the potential enemy with money, even if it did come. from Army rather than politica funds, • was . §ound—under the - - circumstances. Our worry ;Was that we had to , explains,, constantly to Simla or - Deihl why the rates we paid for the same work differed so grossly. Sometimes it pays.tb sit remote, on a hilltop. Forgive this personal intrusion. Memory got the better 8f me. The expression: ;`,'Never mind the maps; tell us about the chaps" is particularly apt when dealing with the Frontier whose people, whether Pathan or British, combined. to make it such a fascinating experience. It goes to bear out the • oft 'exp'ressed belief that the hill country breeds a race of men to whom God has oiichsafed the .qualities,.of great mour, great courage, and a love w of independence transcending life itself. l shall be returning there in spi.rit`again and again. SUPER -RIGHT QUALITY CANADA'S ..FINEST' RED. 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Price 47c — SAVE 5c makastamrson 11;66#51313: •L.,9iSL:rub1F(aMIZSIYCNOft fall 8 -inch 24 -oz pies • A&P BRAND. 100°0 • 0 OMBAN COFFEE PERCOLATOR OR DRIP GRIND Mexican Large Size, Slicers, No. 1 Grade cumbers. A Sho13v For Every Member Of The FaMily, Presented' By . GODERICH FIGURE SKATING CLUB At_. GODERICH MEMORIAL% ARENA FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FEBRUARY 28 &MARCH1 s.oa P.M. Adults -- S1.001 50 -lb- - bag SAVE 10c Mexican, New Crop, Valencia Sweet, Full of Tuice, No. 1 Grd. • ORANGES 5 -Ib cello bag Choice Quality, Cream Style Aylmer Corn' Aylnier, Diced MIX or MATCH Ontario Grown, McIntosh, Controlled Atmosphere, Fresh Picked Flavour, Fancy Grade Harvard Beets Aylmer, Choice Quality . Peas & Carrots 14 -f1 - oz tins -- APPLES A&P Brand - 3 48 -FL -OZ TINS 79c OMATOluite-144172-410CV2-1"kirlifrr29C M1 Children 50c, ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8th, 1969 • 3 -Ib Cello •beg=