The Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-02-06, Page 8t',irDEI Ir: H SKiNAL-STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6 1969 IA Sincere Thank .You A most sincere thanks to the "-`MARCHING MOTHERS" of Goderich and Auburn, to theirsCAPTA•INS, and to all others w. ho'\ so unselfishly gave their time to make the 6th "M© -HERS` MARCH" the"success'it was. n you also, to the kind people of Goderich "and Auburn,. without whose generous support, we could riot'. havi ` raised the sum we did this year, which helps the ,Rehabilitation Foundation_ for—the Disabled carry 'onits worthwhile task. • Sincerely Yours BETTY ROGERS Chief Marching Mother March of Dimes Sponsored by The Rotary Club of Goderich YES E HAVE • PAINT • r'• PAINTER'S SUPPLIES HAND TOOLS PLUMBING SUPPLIES LIGHT .FIXTURES ik ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES �T 'Speed Queen Washers & Dryers • SMALL APPLIANCES BASEBOARD HEATERS • V -BELTS . 4T^ Guides From !st and ,2nd Companies HoId Joint p., Enrollment Ceremony North street United church hall was a beehive of activity Monday evening when 1st and 2nd Girl Guid- Companies of Goderich joined forces for Entolment Ceremonies at which seven guides receive their Girl Guide pin.. Several guuides were presented with the Home nurse badge. Other badges presented were Laundress, ,seamstress, First. Aid, Swimmer ` and Housekeeper. Susan Freeman came nearer the All Round cord when she received The "Kittle , House Emblem." Kathleen McCreath received her , "Little House Emblem" earlier this year. Service Stars were presented to Janine Fisher, Cindy Fisher, Karen Harris and Nina Knight for four years of service. Wendy Ryan received her six-year service star., Brownies from 4th Goderich Pack with their Brown Owl dropped ' in. -to see a Guide Company in action as part of their Golden land test. Parents and friends of the Tenderfoot Guides were also in attendance, Eight guides, ' working: for their Hostess Badge, prepared PortAflbert United Church Elects Officers for. 1969 St. Andrew's United church held its annual meeting January 13 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. — Horace Crawford with the Reverend Glen_ Wright as chairman. Officers for the church for 1969 are: HQtiou_ary Elder, Donald Mckenzie; qes ion, Earl Bogie, Mel, Dickson; stewards, Rod McKenzie, Jim Graham, Doug. Young, Art Dickson, ' Horace Crawford; trustees, Jim McMillan, Mel Dickson, Doug Young; auditors, jack Graham, Art Dickson;, caretaker, Mr. and Bridge Scores The:e were four table's in play at the Goderich Duplicate Bridge 'Club Tuesday night. Winners and ;their scores were'as follows:,, Mrs. Bill TR ncan and Mrs. D.D. Worthy, 56' Mrs. Frank Reid' .and Mrs. Btuce Erskine, 46: John Evans and Tom Eadie, 45; Mrs. Ivan Papernick . and Miss Lena Robinson, 42. • SNOWMOBI LE RACES Plan To Enter ATTEND Clinton Feb., 16j LEADS In the 10 months since we became a Stereo Tape Puayer'Tea ef` r, vire \\\ \\OUfldt rta nt. b e c6`I\�thl� rchasin altows us to ma this ti age`' f1� ,00u clitYme\\ + \\'`\ AMAZING OFFER ! FRIDAY, FEB. 7& SATURDAY, FEB. 8 ONLY -tiaw.5»suw We Will Give Absolutely • FREE WITH EVERY PLAYER PURCHASE 1 FREE TAPE Up To S7 9,5 Value • �+' �` '" -..- _ . .. .. '�w� w�-wimru�unNnrrvnurc,u,m.eiru�u4 ' Itrra tt�••+�`uMxt" Y ry,,, rrwcmvn»nnwrnwn.,.,z�u<J''xruriri 3•95 Value FRS. E._._ -I -N 5 TA-MLA*1 O N-1 1 -. 0O :a--�--.._..�.....,�.,.....�,��<.�.,:�-��a..�:.,.�;,�-=tea• • „, • W '✓alue When You Purchase One Of The Fallowing STEREO TAPE PLAYERS ' Titan= 79:95 Artisan 840-L 840- 84.95 Satellite— 109.95 Artisan 880 — _n.f 29.95.y Tape—Dek Convertible 169.95 (includes 4 speakers) ro CHARGE IT on your Texaco- Credit Card slid RA x4898 an Your Tarte urr a t~i� too p Centre Highway 21 N. Mrs. Earl Bogie; secretary= treasurer, Horace Crawford;• organist\ Karen Rivett; manse committee, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hayden; anniversary committee: Mr. and Mrs- Horace Crawford, Karen Rivett, Reverend Glen Wright. •` SOCIAL CALENDAR • Ken Hutchins, Ted Webb and John' Eichholz are attending the National • Homebuilders Association • Convention in • Vancouver this week. Mrs. Ivan Papernick spent last week in Gravenhurst visiting her daughter Frances. Mr.. -and Mrs. Earl Cooper have returned to Goderich after a six week visit at Paim` Beach with their daughter; Mrs. A. G. Sawyer •and .family. It was the first Christmas the family" have spent,. together in twelve years. While there they also. visited .in Miami and Fort Lauderdale. Baptismal serviee for. Timd.hy Frederick Raymond Price was held at St. George's • Anglican Church on Sunday. Januar}' 26. The Reverend Garwood G. Russell 'officiated. Godparents' were \ir. and Mrs. •Clifford Parkinson, and Mr. Brian, Parkinson, all of Toronto. Art informal _party --waw held at Timothy's home, 153 Warren streiet• following the services. ° Sky Ranch Owner Appointed. and served refreshments; then entertained their guests with songs, skits and Nina Knight playing a- few selections on her guitar. The meeting was closed by singing "Taps.", - GODERICH'S OWN . . WELCOME SERVICE .could like to call on y.i with "housewarming gifts" and in-, formation "about your new loco - figs'. The Hostess will be glad to arrange your subscription to°the SIGNAL -STAR. • Call her at 524-9525 ca Small, Med. Lge. Checks, Plains, Stripes J Reg. Priced to $i7.95 ' ONE PRICE $495 •a. Pickett & Campbell Ltd.. The Square Goderich REDS WHITE GRADE '`A Foodmas Open Nitely Until T0. 91 VI»C-TORIA ST. IT e r .m. EVISCERATED PLUMP 2 1 /2 TO 3 LB: AVG. '► 4 LCHNEIDERS WjE-NERS' -BY THE PIECE ' William R. Clifford, owner of Sky Ranch Restaurant, has been electred as a • director of the Canadian Restaurant Association, London • and District Branch. Mr. Clifford has been ,in the, ,restaurant business for most of his adult life and has been in Goderich for the past six years. ��•A HTend\�tk�eof�\co'tC`dd4 to s\ce a4min.ist,rai oh and\ was HEAD. CHEESE MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED 594 COTTAGE ROLL BY THE PIECE BOLOGNA Ib. Ib. SWIFTS-. EMRIR•E Vv \ , AYLMER 19-0•Z. BLUEBERRY CHERRY PIE FILL MIRACLE WHIP FACELLE ROYALE PAPER TOWELS s For AYLMER 19 - .°° APPLE PIE FILL STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY 9 - OZ. 9, CRAFT PURE JAMS 2 For FACELLE ROYALE • 4 :$ 9.°°TOILET TISSUE `4 WESTON'S .1 n LB. • FIISE'N'SHINE 34/2 OZ. COLD TYME• 32 -OZ. • TABLESYLRUP supervisor of the Canadian Y _m- Nat.ional Institute for the Blind GREEN GIANT' 1 Irt`riCria11, • in,242.1fQttilen„RAN :1At67"F.e�T i7FNTYFCL'dlf3:li CRYSTALS Rolls S9 For. 59R-EEi-1JT 12 - OZ. . CORNNIBL4 thrtt est such r t� AM CORN For 4 894 .GEENorWAXEDBEANS 4 .For 9` organizations in the country. While with CNIB he served on a •MA -LING 10 OZ. team responsible for the catering for , the second Prince Philip "Peace "Conference, held Ottawa. Sky Ranch was the first restaurant�-in Canada to receive 128 -OZ - HALE '” MFiSHRQOMS 3 y.._,-A�ward� `-from .._ .,.u � ��� -BLEACH- thrti)- Coffee Brewing . Centre in New York. To qualify for the award a restaurant must have been TASTERS CHOICE 4 - presented with an' award for cof eke excellence far ' four IN -TNT COFFEE consecutive years and be the • holder of the . Gold Cup• for OLD COUNTRY 24 - O. PACKAGE coffee excellence. F I � � & 'CHIPS -` , Future plans for the • local food outlet call for the addition I:•• or 24 OZ T.°° CRISCO OIL RED -ROSE _1- _- LEL 754 COFFEE $Ii 00 4 ALL PURPOSE GRIN MOTHER PARKERS TEA BAGS 60's .GOTTSCHALK'S - POT' CLEANER 594 METAL' SPONGEr 66' 774 3 For 254 of a drive-in property next to INDIAN RIVER. -PINK OR WHITE NO. 1 RIPE__ the present site. The new area .,�..0 .ac�ee.,.-.x dr•.r'=�c�.... w�'Iliea"�tire so ice cr' GRAPEFRU117—'14"--For—sV'TOMATOIS—. �_ Jb. . Mr. , Clifford. is at present .. secretary of the Ontario- Retail -BEEF OR IRISH - 24 - OZ. Gasoline Association, Huron °`1 District. He is married and he SWIFTS S For 'I.") TEMPLE ORANGES 20F0e) and his Wife, Pat,,. live at 1111 6, a Goderich,