The Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-02-06, Page 75. TO RENT FURNISHED apartment,- living •roo m, kitchen, bedroom, two-piece bath. Automatic heating. Central location. Immediate possession. 5248422 apply 48 East Street. -- 6 CUSTOM chain sawing, lots cleared, trees trimmed, ..firewood and logging. Reasonable rates. CaII for appointment .anytime,. Phone 624-6632,E-4tf KENT house, ' furnished rooms with living room, w-T,V. and kitchen privileges. $12 weelfly. *Phone 524-8433. - 6,7 TWO -bedroom apartment available immediately. Close to 12. TENDERS WANTED Square. Phone 524-7123. ,= 6 ' RELIABLE, woman will babysit in own home, five days a week. .1'h+ont .524-6.172: EXPERIENCED seamstress - will do sewing in my home. Call 524.8441.-6' WILL babysit children in my own home. Phone 524-6594. - ti NICE' two-bedroom apartment close to Square. Heated. $80 per month. Apply McGee's Garage. -6tf ONE bedroom, fully furnished apartment, heat and hot water supplied. Private entrance. T.V. hook-up. 59 North Street. Phone 524-9303. - 6tf 6. WANTED TO RENT 1HREE-bedroom home or ground floor duplex. Phone �r 524-7107 after.6 p.m. - 6 ONE small apartment, bedroom and living room, heate'd, close to Square. Apply Box 49, Signal -Star. - 6x 8. HELP WANTED ?'SALESIVIAN to sell aluminum windows, siding,' eavestroughing and associate, products: Liberal commission, apply stating age, experience, etc., to Signal -Star Ltd., Box 50, Goderich. - 6,7 WANTED TYPIST part time in local office. Apply Box 46, Signal -Star: —'5-6 WAITRESS wanted Must be over 21. Night or day work, full time or part time. Apply giving phone number to Box 45, The Signal -Star, West' Street, Goderich .— 4tf - HOW TO EARN' MORE MONEY, I ngsird .a full or part time man_to help meet the •demand for a much needed service for motorists. Pleasant, dignified, good paying work. No e_xperience.necessary but a car is.- For, s.For, full information contact Charlie Leer, Wingham, phone 357-1383. 6.7 AUCTION SERVICE' Allan Maelntyre Experienced,-- Licensed Auctioneer and Appraiser Complete Auction Service Phone 528-3519 Lucknow, Ontario 6,13 ' Goderich Plumbing and Eavestroughing. 24 hour service Phone 524-6872 15 NOTICE to CREDITORS Q. IN MENRRIAIVI ALL,persons having canes againsthe Estate pf MARIA LOUISE RENINS, Widow', late of the Town of Goderich, in the County ..of Huron, who died on ° or about... the ..401' days of November, 1968, are required to, file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 1st day of March, 1969, as after tilt, date the assets of the estate will Jaedistribute& DATED at Goderich, `Ontario, this 29th day of January, 1969. PREST and EGENER, ' Barristers, etc.,' . • 33 Montreal Street; GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estat+� '6,7,8 16. PUBLIC NOTICE' 'P OCTURI In.loving memory of Bob, w* passed away suddenly ��n �$� e' 0964. ' y Memory Icy of by gone -days And a sigh for a face un$een Alit a constant feeling that God alone Knows just what -should have been_ • " o -- Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Mom, 'bad and fami There will be offered for saleby sealed tender the following lands and premises known ag 98 Trafalgar Street, Goderich, Ontario, " being the premises more particularly described ' as follows: ALL AND SINGULAR- that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and., being in the Town of Goderich in the 'County of Huron and being composed of the West 97 feet, 6 inches, of Lot Number 765, according to Plan 7, for the said Town of Goderich. - Such • wale to be by tender addressed to Kaz Brudnicki, 44 Trafalgar Street, Goderich, Ontario, Executor of the Estate "of Christina McKinnon and Sarah McKinnon. Such tender to be clearly marked "TENDER", and tendert will close at twelve o'clock, noon on the 15th day of February; 1969. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. For information pone 524-8822. ' DATED at Goderich Ontario, this 18th day,of January, 1969. KAZ BRUDNICKI, Executor of the -Estates of Christina McKinnon and. —4,5,6 Sarah McKinnon4 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE 10. WANTED (General) COMPLETE household )effects or small lots wanted. Call C. & E. Furniture, 524-7231. - 42tf DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGEE'S Goderich Phone 524.8391 FOR your Antenna Saps and Service contact Alvin's TV, 162 Mary Street, phone'24-9089.—, 32tf ACE RADIO and TV -Service, Frank Wilcox, 60 Picton St. W., Goderich, Ont: Phone 524"7771. = ltf •,,�, TRI -TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Income Tax, T4's complete record preparation and maintenance. Phone Lawrence Beane, 482-9260. — 494fn • MOBILE Horseshoer, Aluminum, Steel or Plastic Shoes. Moe Hill, Varna. Phone 482-9866. — tf TAX TIME AGAIN! ' ARE you having trouble with that Return? Phone 524-6842 For quick specialized service! . T1 Shorts- $3.00 - $5.00•„ T1 Generals - $20.00 and up HURON FARM ACCOUNTING GODERICH, ONT. 15. NOTICE to CREDITORS v.,'bx. E. CARDS OF THANKS A RECEPTION and dance will . be held in the Auburn. Hall February 8, from 9 to 12, following the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lassaline, nee Joyce Leatherland. Lunch will be provided, °-- 6 CUNbAftf: We would like to express our appreciation and thanks' for the many lovely floral. tributes; Masses, donations to 'the • Cancer Society , and sympathy cards received during our recent bereavement. 'To those who personally. attended, ,your thoughtfulness will never ALL persons having claims against the Estate of JAMES McWHINNEY, . Retired_ Farmer,_e late of the Town -of Goderich, In the County of Huron, who died on or about the 21st day of December, 1968, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 15th ,day of February, 1969, as after that crate the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Godetich, Ontario, this 20th .day of January 1969. PREST and EGENER, Barristers and Solicitors, 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate ALL persons having Maims against the Estate of ALICE DONALDSON, Widow, late of the _Town of Goderich, in the County of -Huron, who died 9n or about the 1st day • oT December, 196.8x -are -required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 22nd day of February, 1969, as, after teat date thefassets of the estat °'w=ilt be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 22nd day of January,1969. PREST and EGENER, ° 33'Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario: Solicitors for the Estate. — GOOD second-hand typewriter. - CLINTON Phone 529-7203. — 6 We pay $5 to $15 for fresh dead or disabled cows or horses. We' pick up calves and small pigs as a_ TYPING wanted, to be done, at service to you. home. Magazine su iscriptiopsv� ' Call ,cope` t`4�2; 941.1 ken, h.Jh ne' .�a krenew0s.x- ,\: \ ,ic. 16'9- X6,8\ \\ \\\. IP elne 50tf RENOVATIONS: Rec rooms; lined wardrobes; all types of building and repair. Ed Vincent, -phone 524-6280. — 51tf VACUUM cleaners; sales and service for all makes. R. K. Peck, Varna, phone Hensall • 262-5350. — 48tfn The - -na-anagement'• of Family. Huronview, in taking special ' precautions to further MILLER: The family of the late protect the residents from Joseph • Miller would like to influenza, are asking" the express heartfelt thanks for all ' friends and relatives not to kindness shown to Dad in his EUCHRE and 500, sponsored, by the Sunset Circle at the,,Orange Hall, Thursday, February 13, at 8 p.m. Ad. missitslir .50c. Lunch • provided. - 6,7,8;9— -..- - GO DANCING in the Goderich Palladium (one mile south on Highway 21) .Friday," February 7, to the Country Boys; Saturday, February 8, 13, Confession. - 6 r ORDER. EASTERN STAR forgotten. The Cundari •Annual Birthday' Party, progressive euchre and 500, will be held Wednesday, February 26, 8 p.m., at the Ma"sonic / Temple. Turkey . smorgasJ org and salad's. Admission `$1. Everyone welcome. -- 5-8 visit at this time. The next recent illness, and for .flowers 01 kin of seriously ill and expressions of sympathy in GOD1 RioH SIGI 'A:`L-.sT % rwilmmx, 0,-- CPMING EVENTS A CHA RED bus'',will- ° be leaven Clinton .Marche ':14th tQ 23rd .for Florida, Very reasonable. For ' further information phone 482.7627, -�- - 6 GO DANCING -in -the Goderich Palladium •(one mile -south on Highway 21)' Friday, the. 7th,1a •_r_: the Country Boys, Saturday, 8th and 13th, Confession. -- 6 . SPEW l• !�� • Weddings • Children single or Group PortnatIl' and Paisspor.ts -524"4717 1111 bt, David Godwrkh residents will be • Kept our bereavement. s A special informed of their condition. thanks to the staff of Huro Wiew - 6 •for the loving care given during �-�-� his illness.- 6 19. LOST AND FOUND. LASSALINE: I wish to sincerely LOST: Man's ring with small diamond with white gold setting. Valued as keepsake. Reward. Box 52, Signal -Star. - 6x /O. MtGCELLANEOUS FORMAL WEAR RENTALS. Dress right for ;Al occasions' We are agents for Freeman'sa Formal Rentals. Pickett and Campbell, Limited, Clinton; and Goderich. A. BIRTHS BECIIARD: - At Alexandra. Hopital, Goderich, on January 31, • 1969, to Mr. and '.Mrs: Norman-Ilechard; RR 4, •Goderich, a daughter; Angela: DOUGHERTY: At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on January 31:, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs,. Bert t Dougherty, RR 1, Port Albert, a son. MOORE: At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on.February 4, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs.. Eric Moore, RR 4, Goderich, a son. Adam Austin; , M U RPIIY: • At • Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on February In the Estate of IRVINE -•MAURICE WELSH, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the aboye mentioned; late of the Village of Fordwich, in the County of Huron, . who 'died at the ,said Village of Eorawich on the 6th day of April, 1965, are required. to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 9th day -of March,1969. - After that date 'the Public Trustee will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have had notice. D T D at Toroto this. 27th J d \�l �anu, 19 \A\ UBL TRUS'I\EE, l-�1-5•Qucen-St: West; T-crrant-o:--• �-;�o;,treal•"Sf: =`-Roderic Administrator 3, 1969, to Mr. and".11rs. IIerbert rp-h-y (nee Linda Breckenridge) Goderich, a daughter. - C. BRIEFS thank-, my relatives and friends for their visits, cards, letters, flowers and gifts while a.patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and 'since my return`" home. - Eva Lassaline. -- 6 ' -BUCHANAN: We wish to thank our friends, - neighbours and relatives for visits, cards,` flowers, gifts and enquiries while we were patients in . Alexandra Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. N. C. Jackson, Father Moynaha 1, the nurses and staff on first floor and second west., — Dick and Marie Buchanan. —. 6 ELLIOTT: Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Elliott, Arthur Strf'et, wish to thank' the many'friends who sent message's of ' condolence upon • the death of Mr. Eliiott's brother, Thomas R. -Elliott, of Oshawa. —,6 ° G.—COMING EVENTS - THE AUBURN- - Community ;11emorial Hall Board will hold -a dance on (February 14, with music supplied by the Biuetones. Restricted tO 21 years and over. LONGING for -the warm sunny spring? Come on an Adventure in Travel with North Street U.C.W. at their annual Valentine Tea and Bake Sale in the Christian Education Building, W edneSday, February L2�-- Winder through the Travel Market and take animaginary trip to the Mediterranean, sunny Spain and far away places Two bake sales, 2:30 and 4:00 p.m., and supervised nursery. - Tickets Able' $1.00 from members, T oach House, The' Fashion Shoppe and Hibberts. The evening, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. -will feature Travel Market .ancd films Admission at door, -,25c. — 4,5,6., THE GODERICH KINETTES will hold their tenth annual_ Mardi Gras $all at the Harbeurlite Inn, Saturday, - February 15, 1969, music by the - _Revised Edition Orchestra, dancing ten to one. Admission, $6 per 'couple: For tickets and rese-rvations'"c"ontact Grace Patterson, phone 7616. — 5-7 At The Marbourlite Inn Saturday, February 15, 1969 The Revised. .Edition Orchestra THE ANNUAL MEETING AND BANQUET of The Children's Aid Society' of Huron County being,{ hetd in,aa.Egnnridville United. -_.._Church, .Se•aforth, Wedhesday, February o 12, 1969. Guest Speaker Dr. Finlay G. Stewart. Tickets' $2 are available from Starr or Board Members arrt"1"' 'trn'St be purchased by February 10, 1969. Public cordially invited to attend. — 5-6 DANCING 10 TO 1 $6.00 Per Couple ,For tickets and reservations contact GRACE ' PATTERSON, PHONE 7616 QUEEN TO BE CHOSEN .DURING EVENING Order Shell furnace oil and stove oil from Edward- ,Fuels, tank truck- dealer for all Shell Oil Co. products. Phone 32.1-8386. I Cemetery Memorials And inscription HAVE your rugs and chairs cleaned by dependable cleaners,_ Call Superior Maintenance,' phone 524-8892, Goderich — 24tf - FOR A LICENCED IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • o � I� —We Have a complete stock to suit everyone Chevrolets, C.hevelles, Carnaros, • Oldsmd iles, Chevy IIs and Chevrolet Trucks — all in stock now read for named te=del�vefry. . ., AN ,EXCEPTIONAL—,OPPORTUNITY .POR' THE_ RIGHT MEN • TO JOIN -IN-_,LAO€ -ESTABLISHED FO'1RD • /A/EA-LER-SHIP ..... ,, n, WE OFFER TO THE RIGHT MEN: , *EXCELLENT WORKING CONDlTtONB *BETTER THAN USUAL PAID BENEFITS •' *OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT *JOB SECURITY Il"F YOU AR,. INTERESTED IN GROWING WITH A PROGRESSIVE COMPANY CONTACT Mr. Stan Prevett or Mr. Clayt Arhbery GODERICH MOTORS (Ford) LTD, SOUTH STREET ; GODERICH hev-OIds Action Option Sale Of Our• Salesmen For Details ---:-Phone.---524-40' -- -Phoe524--73Q8- •ALL INQUIRIES TREATED IN STRICTEST :CO11t lDENCE 541.793 t VOUt1 CI•IEVFIC,LE1.OLDSMOBILE .DEALER 624.8311