The Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-02-06, Page 3•x7, 4, • MRS. VIOLA 1111. CUNo, fon Lvilett''ownship, a d*ughter of Mrs. .Viola Marie (Gultard) Richard 3rennan and the formg `Cundari, St. Marys, died at St, MarY ,Jane Gravelle. She �► Marys Memorial Hospital on. attended • schools' in Hallett Wednesday,, January 29, 1969. .Township and Clinton. and had She was 45. W ' lived in Hullett Townsntp, Mrs. Cundari was, bornin London and Detroit. Heatft, Ontario., on February b, • On June 11, 1929 she married 1923, a daughter of Donard and William James Chisholm in Louise Guitard. She°was married Goderich. Mr, Chisholm died in to Louis Cundari on June 26, .1938- I/ 194% at Kirkland. Lake, Ontario, Mrs. Chisholm was a and had lived in Goderich for, 19. hairdresser for 28 years. She,was years before moving to St. a member of St. Peter's Roman Marys. While in Goderich she " Catholic Church, a member of worked. for nine years at the the Catholic Women's League Major Store on The Square. • and the Hospital Auxiliary, and She was. a ,member. of , St. was Women's Sae.vice Chairman Peter's Roman Catholic Church, for the Goderich 'branch of the Goderich,and Holy . Name . C. anadian Cancer Society, Church, S. Marys. " Mrs. Chisholm' was' She was predeceased by her predeceased by her `parents and father. Surviving are her mother, her hushand. Surviving are a Louise Guitard; her husband, daughter, Mrs. John J. Louis; • two daughters, Mrs, (Rosemarie) Evans, of Goderich; Marcel (Diane) DeWinter and one song Lorne Martin (Bud) Mrs Raymond (Terry) Chisholm; one brother,' 'Dean Ducharme, both,.. of Goderich; Brennan of Guelph, and) four •one brother, Leo Guitard, North grandchildren. Bay; one sister, Mrs. Leo (Evie) Friends called at Stiles Armellini, Torontoand three Funeral • Home until Tuesday, grandchildren. February 4, when Requiem Mass Requiem Mass was celebrated wascelebrated in St. Peter's in Holy, Name Church, St. Roman Catholic Church at "10 - Marys, The Reverend Father a.m. The Reverend Father R, Michael Cundari, C.R., of North Moynahan officiated. Bay, brother-in-law of Mrs. Interment was in Colborne - Cundari, officiated. , Roman Catholic Cemetery. sIntejment was in St. Marys p.alltfearers were - Con Cemetery. Pallbearers • were: Baechler, Ben R. Chisholm; Fred- • Norm redNorm Tobin, St. Marys; Marcel Robinson, J. E. Baechler, Larry DeWinter and Raymond Plouffe and Joseph A°.Snider. Ducharme, Goderich; Tony MISS M. G. COLBORNE Cundari and Leo Guitard, North Bay and Leo Armellini, Toronto. Miss ."Muriel Gwendolyn ° Relatives .and friend' were Colborne, a resident of p resent from . North . Bay, Westminster —H-ospital, London, 41, Toronto, Tillsonburg and died at the hospital on January Goderich. ., 29. She was 88. STANLEY JOHN SPROUL Miss Colborne was born in Stanley John Sproul, 55 Goderich on June 6, 1880,- a William Street, London; died at daughter of John Henry , on, Colborne and the formers Ellen: Victoria Hospital, Londqn, Saturday., February 1. He was Bruce. She lived in Goderich 46 until 1910 when - she went to ✓ Mr. Sproul was born • in Johns o- Hopkins Hospital, Goderich on 'August: 11, 19,22, a Baltimore as a nurse. She served son of John • Sproul and the as 'a nursing sister in France former Evelyn Annie Baker. He during World, Wart from 1914 to 1918 and was. mentioned' in lived in Goderich until 1954i when he moved to+ondon. dispatches. On her return from He was an adherent of KnoxFrance she was in Toronto until 1962- when she . moved ' to Presbyterian Church,. He was predeceased by his mother. Surviving are his father, John, of Goderich; one brother, William, of Penticton, B.C.; four sisters, Mrs. George (Evelyn) " Chambers and Mrs. Harold • (Florence) Asliid1i7 both of Goderich; Mrs. Andrew (Gladys) Jondreau, ° Kingston and Mrs. Clayton (Viola) Steels,. Sarnia. ° - -- The fungi was held ' at Stiles uneral Home on Tuesday, February : 4 at 2 p.m - ,a with The Reverend R. U. MacLean officiating. M MESSAGES FROM THE WORD Pastor Kenneth J. Knight Calvary Baptist Church Interment° followed in Maitland Cemetery. Pallbearers were: James Ashton, Edward Sallows,. Robert Ashton, Kenneth Williams, Raymond Gilders and Wilfred Gliders. MRS. JOSEPHINE CHISHOLM:, Mrs.. Josephine Matilda Chisholm, 107 "Picton street east, died at . Alexandra Marine and General Hospital on Sunday, February 2. Mrs. Chisholm was born in Westminster Hospital, London. She was a member of North street United Church. She was predeceased by her parents and there are no known surviving relatives. The funeral service was held ° at Stiles Funeral Home at 2 p.m: on Saturday, February 1. The Reverend' & Donald MacDonald officiated. • Interment followed in Maitland 'Cemetery. Pallbearers were: Charles Robertson, Frank Walkom, Earl • Westbrook and George Johnston. SNOWMOBILE RACES Plan to Enter or ATTEND Clinton Feb. 16 Eternal Lif� -Now! Ther 'Bible says you can KNOW for an absolute certainty that you have Ipternal Life. "These things have I written unto you that, Believe ON the name of the Son of God; thathe may KNOW that ye have Eternal Life --"I '.John 5:13. It. is this "KNOW -SO" Salvation that is offered to each and every person ever born. Notice the emphasis regarding ' our believing; it says ON (Not just In) implying that we are to base our faith; on the person 'of Jesus Christ and trust Him for Eternity. A very pious church member, who thought himself to be a great Christian, visited the junior, department of his Sunday Sehrool. Nattlailly the superintendent asked him to say a few words to the boys. and girls. He stood pompously before them and asked: "Why do you think people call me a Christian?" There was a bried silence, then a small voice from the back of the room said: "Because they don't know you." Well, he asked for it! And that anonymous little ' child was probably right. Why are we "Christians?" Because we attend • Church? Because we don't curse, gamble or get • drunk? Or, are we Christians, because Christ is in us, because we seek to follow Him? Notice' , too that' his "Know -So" salvation . is obtained, "_` not Icy our own efforts, but by Faith, in the finished 'work of Jesus Christ at Calvary. Someone once said "A. halo has to fall only eleven inches to become a noose! • More than one.person has been strangled by his own halo! Satisfied with his own righteousness and ,achievements, a - man will become so •proud nobody can Live with him, and so perfect in his own eyes that: he doesn't need the Lord! "Do it yourself!" is the trend these days. No need to call in the expert; you can do it yourself. a Urtfdrtur ately, this attitude' has crept' into things spiritual, and we have a "do-it-yourself salvation" that is a dangerous combination of keeping the Ten Commandments; obeying the Golden Rule, joining some religious group,, and trying to do the best . you can' This is the "religion" of Mr. •Average Citizen today, and it is a religion that cannot save the soul. It may give a man a good standing in his - community, but it will never give him a right standing before God, Paul explains why many, many people are not salted: "But they...going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God" (Rom. 10:,$). - There's the pinch..."have not submitted themselves." It takes • submission to Christ by faith , to receive the : free gift of righteousness: The man who will not submit, but who insists on earning his own way,, simply cannot be saved. The world may admire your halo, but keep in mind that your halo has to fall Only .eleven Inches to/ become a -noose—and strangle you into eternity. Instead of merely ".hoping" or ".`thinking" that you are going toil Heaven by self -effort, why not accept the balvattop afforded by Jesus Christ,. and know for sure. Here. is how. '(1) Acknowledge y o urselr a helpless sinner Romans 3:23—"For ALL have sinned and come short of the. Glory of God. (2) Be sorry, genuinely, for this condition to have sa �. _ , given,—Acts .3:19 "Repen ye eerefore and be converted that yd.ur sins nay be blotted out." (3) Receive Jesus • Christ per naily "As many as reveived hilato them gave He Power (the right or auth9nty) to become the Sons of God, evem to them that believe on His Name'' John 1:12,; Do this honestly, by faith, then you too can say "I KNOW", 24-HOUR APPROVAL: 2nd & 3rd MORTGAGES .ONTARIO WIDE LOANS LOW cyst, up" to 20 yrs. You can call to 10 p.m. today for helpful courteous service. Prompt 'investment Corp. Ltd., -fit Richmond St. W., Toronto. 366-9586, EVES,. 239=4913 rODPRICII S .WN, ^S'I<' rO' 'O ok ` "EBRU R " 6,1 No Obligation CAMPBELL'$-GODERICH TS UNITID HOLINESS CHURCH 62 CP MBRIA STREET NORTH SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9°th ' 9:50 a.m.. SUNDAY SCHOOL.. . 11 :nn a.m. - WORSHIP SER.. ICE. 7;00 p.m. --EVANGELISTIC SERVICE,, Prayer Meeting , -- WEDNESQAY EVENING, 7:30 O'CLII'.K "4A AIT$ YOU,," - - Pastor: REV. A..IfJHNSONWELCOME, RAWSA. PHONE 524.6007 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13 - 1 -Batteries, accessories, repairs- to Most makes E. B. THEOE 17 HEARING' AIDS Hearing Aid Service Ltd. 88 Queen . fill Kitchener ECAPTUR The' Early Church - -Secrets Of Growth And Gospel netration DON'T MISS HEARING REV. H. A. VAN HORN . REV. H. A. VANHORN' Successful Home Bible Studi�- !vangelist 'n Special Music.:._ Nightly February 6 to 16 Time. - Evening Servi.ce''(ExcePt Feb. -11 & Saturdays) Sundays,; f -See Regular Church -Ad 7:45 p:m.. Wesiey :-Mernoriai - Fr�e Methodist Chur-cli CORNER PARK & VICTORIA STREETS _Returned; Kindled With New Enthusiasm V CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET The•.flecerd, The Red' emery The ,Rebi.rth ,.Iha.•. Return. BIBLE SCHOOL CLASSES FOB EACH AGE GROUP, iq,a.m. { NEED A RIDE? CALL FOR BUS TO .STEP, PHONE: 524.6445 or 5249229 REV., KENT RAGSDALE: Radio Missionary 11:00 a.m. =- Morning Worship a - EVENING SERVICE - 7:30 P.M. PASTOR REV: KENNETH J. KNIGHT "COME WHERE YOU ARE NEVER A STRANGER TWICE" WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURCH 'THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH Park Street at Victoria H. Ross Nicholls, Pastor Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Midweek Service - Tues., 8:00 p.m. FIRST -,BAPTIST CHURCH (BAPTIST CONVENTION OF ONTARIO AND QUEBEC) ' \,MONTREAL STREET .-NEAR THE SQUARE 11:00 a.m. — MORNING WORSHIP Minister: REV. ARTHUR MAYBURY, B.A., B.D. -. A WELCOME TO ALL - Sexacgesima Synday SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9th. 8:30 a.m.0 HOLY COMMUNION. 11:00 a.m. — MORNING PRAYER. —Seamon: "ORIGINAL SIN" Rector: REV. G. G. RUSSELL, B.A., B.D. Organist - Choirmaster — Miss Marion Aldous, A.Mus., Mus. Bic. Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. G. LOC-KHA t ROYAL, B.A., Minister WILLIAM CAMERON. Director of Praise SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9th - 10=00 a.m.--_CHURCH - SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m, DIVINE WORSHIP. • Sermon: "THE CHURCH TODAY EFFECTIVE?" (Nursery and Junior Congregation) The Rev. Robert Beattie, •M.A., Sarnia. '7:30- p.m, — Young People's -Society. ENTER TO WORSHIP DEPART TO SERVE Im perfanf t\'` \\\ OW••NI U 10:00 a.m. — SENIOR SCHOOL. • " 11:00 a.m."— JUNIOR DEPARTMENT. 11:00 a.m. — WORSHIP. ` A Ser` ., n:: A \\� •� A • 1 rA LTeOp is AT Ito HT \ \, \ \\y Supervised Nursery GOOERICH FROSTED FOODS SHOULDER PORK CHOPS Nua,SGt�ic+uzrats a= PEAMEAL BY THE, PIECE BACON ENDS Ib., 794 CENTRE McCANN'S 12 -OZ. FROZEN PEAS PLUS — WELCOME — Rev. J. Donald MacDbnald, B.Sc., B.D., Minister Rev. William J. Maines, B.A., Assistant Minister Mrs. Eleanor Hetherington, A.T.C.M., Organist and Choir Leader CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS. REV. ROBERT CLARK, Pastor . SUNDAY,' FEBRUARY 9th . 10:00 a.m. — SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m. — MORNING WORSHIP Tuesday, 8:00 p.m.= •PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY, Friday, 8 p.m. — YOUNG PEOPLE'S SERVICE. AI.L WELCCIIVIE For crowning glory . . • c,hic Easter bonnets, wit that pretty as a pictuee look. Find an extra glamorous you in the season's newest styles and colors. • r� Victori� Street United Church The House of Friendship . Rev, Leonard Warr 10:00 a.m. - BIBLE SCHOOL FOR- ALL GRADES 11:00 a.m.-,WORSHIP SERVICE. Sermon: "THE NEEDY WORLD" (• R - S'- V - P Sunday) 1:30 p.m. - AND BENMILLERBIBLE SCWORSHIPHOOLSERVICE . Mrs. J. Snider • VJ•E-L-C-O-M-E — Miss Patricia Durst Victoria St. Organist & Choir Leader Penmiller Pianist The Family That Prays --Together .... Stays Together 'Fh aN