The Exeter Advocate, 1892-8-25, Page 1ISubscribe for
Only 30 from. nOW till JL1uLry
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' e'ele Bills,, R,and ",,:flillSi '.'I,4et,t!,,,
,... etas , en, i 1,avv.,?•leyeerin face,.
, 413i Italliti.OI printi1g..
NO 27I
The Molsons Bank.
(Chartered. by Pa,r11amente
Paid up Capital .... $2,000,000.
Rest Fund. 1,100,000,
Head office MontreaL
Money advaneee to good Farmer's on their
own notes with one or more endoyeers at 7
per cent 13er aurium.
Exeter Branch.
Open every lawful day from 10 a, m. to 3 p.
m., Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p. m
A generalbanking business transacted
CURRENT RATES allowed, for mon-
ey on. Deposit Receipts, Savings Bank at 3
per cent.
Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager
eNtter Abria,tette,
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at tile Oftle.e,
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance.
$1.50 if not so paid.
ele.a.-irextiniseg Rater; ore .F-vvlica.-
No paper discontinuee until all airea rages
are paid.. Advertisements without specific
direetious will be published till forbid and.
aharged accordingly. Liberal dise,ount made
for trauecient advertisements inserted for
long periods. Every description of J013
PRINTING turnedout in the finest style,
e.nd. at moderate rates. Cheques, m oney ord-
ers. &c.for advertising, SUbSoripti.OnS, etc. to
be made nava ble to
Sanders & Sweet
Church Direetory.
TRIVITT ME:HoniAL 0i' 1? It
Fatt, Rector. Suneay Serviees, i a m
and 7 p.m. Sabbath School, 9.30 a. m. Holy
Conamunion, iet Sunday of each month at
Morninee• Service. and in months of five Sun-
days, after Evening Service of 3rd Sunday of
the month. Holy Baptism on 3uil Sunday
of each month at morning SOrSine.
METHODIST CILERUII--james-st ,Rev. A. L.
Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, n.).80 a. m.
nude.%) p.m. Sabbath School, e.30 p.
MAIN' STEEEP-Bev• W. McDonagh'Pas-
tor. Sunday Services, ii.00 in• and 7.00 p.m.
Sabbath School 2.30p. m.
PansnyTERTAN 011I.T1WIL-Rev. W. Martin,
Pastor. Sunday Service*. 11 a. xn. and 60 p.
ca 0:15
H. KINSMAN, L. D .S, 'Benson' s 1310 ck
two doors north of °nailing Store,
MAIN STREET, ExETp.ut, extracts teeth
sovithont pain. Away at lieneall on let
Friday; ABB& Craie• on end. and eth Tuesday;
and 'Luria on lsWThursday .of each month.
0 H. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal
College Dental Surgeons successor to
IL L. Billings. Office over Post Office
Exeter, Ont. A. safe aelaesthetie given for
the painless extraction ot teeth. Fine Gold
Fillangs as required.
• . and Surgeon. Office and residence
Ginner Victoria and Elgin streets, Goderieh,
• Reeidenee-Corner Andrew and North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
1 -Ar the College of Physicians and Surgeons
Ontario. :Physician, Sure,eon and Accent:h-
ew. Office, Dashwood, Ont.
DR. T. A. AMOS, 11. D., C. M, Memlger of
College of Physicians and. Surgeons,
1)ntario; licentiate of the Royal College of
P.laysicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; been-
tiate of the Faoalty of Physieians and. Sur-
geons, Glasgow; Fellow of Trinity Medical
thillege, Toronto. Office -Dr. Cowen's old
-Ube on, Conveyanter, Notary Public.
Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario.
Money to Loan.
o of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con-
veya.neer, Commissioner, &e. Money to loan
Oflice-Fanson's Block, Exeter.
itors, Conveyancers, &c.
11 BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Ana -
e ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also £ r the township of Usborne
Sales promptly attended to and terms reason
able.Sales arranged at Post office, Winelielsa
A J. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens-
1-10eed. Auctioneer, for the e.ounti es of' Hur-
on and Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south
of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other-
wise promptly attended to at reasonable
.124BOSSEN BERRY, II en ss.11 Ontario. Li e-
. ensed Auctioneer for the Countys of
Huron and Perth. Charges moderate and
satisfactit,11 gnaranteed.
HARDY, Licensed Anet ioneer for the
L• 00110 10' of Ruron. Sales Conducted on
reasonable ternis. Farm mud Farm Stuck a
s pecialty. Pull arrangements can be made
at title office.
011ED. W. FAIINCOMB, Provincial Land
V Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office,
lever Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont.
DAIVD MILLER, Veterinar,v Surgeon,
Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College, Toronto, (Steceeeor to Win. Sweet,
V. S s Over 18 years practice. 011iee and
residence one block east of Richard Pick ard
store. Opposite Skating Rink, Exeter, Ont.
mower. votawromamarms.....
VIC Western Vire Assnraned Com pony,
Ot Teronte,
The Mantic Piro Insurance
of r.,o n don , E nglon tl-
The Allianoierre Aet r.Co4y,
of Londen, England.
and The Confederation Life Assooiation,
of Toronto.
°alba -Main -street, teeter, Ont.
nprIght Pittrit5 (Ilason 5r Tilsoli) -/ set-
IliVe-ainfonst neW. Apply wt this °Mo.,
the Tailor....
J. H. GRIEVE the Tailor.
SALLSMAN Wanted -Salary and expenses
paid. DROWN BROS. CO., NUrSeryInEn,
Toronto, Ont.
The undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 15, Con, Ord, Stephen, a thoroughbred
Berkshire Boar.
TERMS: -41, payable at time of service,
with privelege of returning if necessary.
•••••••••••ImamemnIVP alniee•••
the Townehip of Stephen, County of
Huron.-Notiee is hereby given -Unit I have
transmitted..or delivered. to the persons men-
tioned. in the"orcl and. 4t1t sections of the Vet-
ere' List. Act, the copies required by said seu-
tion to be so transmitted or delivered of the
Liston ode pursuant to said Act of all persons
app arip g hy the last revised assessment roll
of the said Municipality to be entitled te
vote in the stud Municipality at elections for
members of the Legislative Assembly, •and
at the Municipal elections, and that said list
-was first posted. up at my office, Stephen, on
the 411L day ofAnust.i89.awI rem am s there
for irweetion. Electors arecalled neon to
exLne the sai(1 list, and if. any omissions
or other errors are found. therein to take im -
m edia te .proceeding to have the said errors
correetee. aeco rding to law. •
• • Clerk of the said' Municipality.
Dated. this 3rd clay of August,1.892.
Sept. 15th to 24th, 1892
Canada's Favorite Life Stock Exhibition,
02,000 added to the Prue List.
Over $1,500 going to the Horses, Cattle
Sheep, Pigs and Poultry classes.
Visitors and exhibitors are promised m ore
for their money this year than ever before.
Stabling and space 8.11oted on. receipt of
Special attractions will be of an attractive
and elaborate kind.
Special ,E,4earsions on all RallwaYs•
For Prize List and all information
apply to
Capt A W Porte, Thos A Browne,
President. Secretary.
How Mr. W. D. Wentz, of Geneva,N.Y.,
was cured of the severest form of dys•
pepsia? He says everything he ate
seemed like pouring moultecl lead lute
his stomach. 1.-Tood's Saesepa.rilla ef-
fected a perfect cure. Full particutarS
will be scut if you snipe C. I. Hood &
Co., Lowell, Mass.
The highest praise has been won by
Hood's Pills for their ease- yet efficient
GAuLD-MuLLIs-On the 17th inst., at
the residence, of the bride's father, by
Rev. J. J. A. Proundfoot, D.D., assist-
ed by Rev. A. MeKibbon, brother-in-
law of the bride, Rev. Wm. Gould,
B.A.. of London, Presbyterian Miss-
ionary to, Formosa, to Grease 3roungs
est daughter of Robert Mellis, Esq.,
postmaster, Kippen.
EAT us.
MoIeTvrtee-In London, on August
18th, 1802, Thomas David alcIntyre
aired 2 vear s.
Usborne, on the 19th inst.,
Susan,beloved wife of William Webb,
aged 65 years and 8 months.
Coexiseta-In Ilsborne, on the 24th
inst., Franklin J., youngest son of
Thomas Corniele ae'ed 1 year, 2
months and 20 days.
80111tORDER.-I11 Stephen, ou the 19th
incite the wife of Johii Schroeder Jr.
of a sob.
.Atrkistsoisa-In Usborne,London Road,
oe the 21st inst., the wife of George
Atkinson of e eon
HeiterzEre-In Crediton, on the 17th
ins te the wife of George Ilertzel, of
a Son.
O'Burnet.-It Steplien, South 8otind-
ary, on the 24th intlt., the wife of
Michael O'Brien, of a da tighter,
Neatness In
Neatnessisa good thing for a earl;
and if she does not learn it wheii she is
young sae inever It takes a great
deal snore neatness to make a girl look
well than it does to make, a boy look
passable. Not because a boy to ' start
withis better looking' than a girl, but
his clothes -are of a different sera not so
'man! colors in them; and people don't
expect a boy to look so pretty as a girl
A. girl that is not neatly dre,ssecr is
called a sloven,and no one likes to look
at her. Her face may be pretty, and
her eyes bright, but if there is a spot of
dirt on her , cheek, and, her fiogers'
ends are black with ink and he,r shoes
are not laced or buttoned up. and lier
apron is dirty, and her color 18 not but.
toned, and her Skirt is torn, she cannot
be liked. Leant to be neat, end when
you have learned it, it will almost
take care of itself.
Around About Us.
A. very pleasant social event took
piece on 'Wednesday last week at the
reeidenee of Mr, Robert Govenlock,I
near Seaferth. This as the maeriage
of Rev, T A Cosens, of Belwood, Wel-
lington eountyato Mies Mary E.,yeung
'est daughter of Mr. Govenlock. The
important ceremonv was performed by
Rev. Mr. LiVingstone, of Listowel, in
the preeence of a large company of dee
relateves and friends of the you've
couple. The groom was supported by
Rev: George McKieley and by Mr. W.
Govenlock, brother of the bride,
while Miss Coeens aud Miss G'ovenlock
Waited pn the bride. After dinner the
peaty droye to town and else young
couple took their departure by the aft
ernoon train. As both Mr. and Mrs.
()ONES beh,:e. hosts of friends in this 'vi
einity, a lerge crowd assembled at the
station to offer their congratulations
My, Otisens is a rising; yo -ung clergy
man of the Methodist church, and he
has se,leeted as his life's partner a most
estimable youog lady, who will be to
him a real helpmate in his
important and sacred calling. Few
enter 'upon their life's is with better
prospects for a useful future, and we
but give expression to the heartfelt
feelings of all who know them when
we say we hope their future lives will
be cloudless and happy, and that they
may be lotig spared to walk and wok
together la the Master's vineyard.
Williani Christopher Atkin, one of
the oldest residents of Perth county,
died at Milverton 011 1,Veduesday. He
was 98 years of age.
Wm. Pex ton, of Parkhilawhile work-
ing in the harvest field during the re-
cent hot wave, was eunstrunk and died
rom the effects of the heat.
Smith MeLeans' buildings and 70
tons of hay were consumed by fire
from lightning, in Ashfield, las Tues
day. There was no -insurance.
On Monday last while Mr. Thomas
Sanders w as drawing in grain, he had
the, misfortune of falling from a load
abd hurt his arm seyerely. Medical
aid had to be sommoned.
The disease amallaS O.J. White's hogs
at Ayonbank is dying Out and he ex
pects to save 60 or ;a out of. 285. His
total loss will be over $2,000 after the
Government rebate has been Paid.
Mr. John White, of the concussion
Tuekerfmith, has purchased the farm
known as the David Elcoat farm, fpr
the sum of five thousand seven hund
red dollars He has secured a good
During a thunderstorm on Friday,
18111 inst„ the barns and stables of
Henry O'Neil, of the 2nd concession of
McGillivray, were struck by lightning
aed burned, together with a large
amount af grain.
Mrs. Peter Grant, of Kippen. died
Tuesday evening last. For some years:
Mrs. Grant has net been strong, and a
severe attac,k of grip last winter so
shattered her uervous system 45 to
make her recovery impossible.
The Strathroy Town Council and
Board of Trade are considering an of-
fer from E. Harrison to rebuild the
bureed knitting factory there. An ef-
fort will be made to have the heroic
conduet of 0. Fortner at Inc fire
brought to the notice of the R,oyal Hu-
mane Society,
A lamentable cn se of droWning oc-
curred in Goderieh on Wednesday ev-
ening the 17th inst. James end Roy,
youn .west soue of Rey J. E,
weredrowne,d in the lake. It appears
they were out boating; north OS the ,riv-
er mouth; when the yonnger Hbeother
fell overboard. The othet 'bother
jumped in to .save him, but both were,
droWned before ttesistanee. .could be
rendered. 'The body Of, the younger
brother as yecovered about 7,
In the criminal libel stilt aesaine Mr
W, F. aleLean, M. P., for publeshing
certain statements against -Mr. M. ea
Catneron, ex.M. P., West IIttrou, it is
stated that when the case at.sain corilee
into eotirt there will be some startling
developments. What the e.xact nature
of those de,v laments are cannot be
stated, seeing diet the case is Still stib-
jedice, but it is seid ohe of the princis
pie witnesses lute left Canada, leavitirs
behintl on ,ilirldaVit contradicting th%
previous statemente made 'by said Wit-
The direetore are busy completing
all neceesary arrangements for hold
ing the annual World's Fair at Grant-
° , this fall. The bills announce great
attractions, and the prize list has been
enrafully revised and improved. One
thousand dollars are'utfered in regular
prizes with a long list of specials do -
tutted btr friends and well wishers a!
Biddulph Exhibition, The grounds
w..11 be in excellent condition aud a
great crowd is hereby spoken for.
As the Shooting season will soon
comnience we are requested to priut
the laws "uow in f.rco" (changes hav-
ing' loten Made in the old law last ses
sion), that no person may plead ignor-
arm in ease of prosecution as we un
derstand 'the Gun Club" intend prose
mating ttny violator thereof.
Deer cal) only be shot or hunted be
tweets let November and 15th Novem
her, durina which time dogs may be
used. No person shall kill more, than
twe deer in oneseason.
No Fawn shall be killed or taken at
kscon only be shot between the
lst da Y of September and the 15th day
of December and no person shall shoot
more than 300 in one season,
Grouse. Pheasants, Pretirie Fowl or
Parteidge, Woodcock, Snipe, Rail, PloST-
er,31ack and Grey Squirrels,ated Hares
(litrge rabbits), can ouly be, shot be.
tweeneeleA.51,11 day of Sepecitaber and
the 15th day, of December.
Geeee, and Swans careonly be shot
between the 15th day of September
mid the lst day of May following,
Quail eau only be shot between the
15th day of October and the 15th day
of December.
Mink, Muskrat, Sable and »Martin
can only be killed between the lst day
of November and the lst day of April
followin g.
No Wild Turkey shall be killed till
15th day of. October 1897.
No Beaver, Otter or Fisher shall be
killed till the lst day of November,
No person shall sell or barter any
Quail, Snipe, Woodcock or Partridge
till 1894.
No Game Bird or Animal shall be
taken by means of nets, traps, snares,
poison, ete., nor shall swivel guns or
sunken punts be used, nor shall ducets
or geese be shot from any sail boat or
stream yacht. Bea.yer, Mink and
Muskrat may be trapped iu season.
No Person shall kill any Game Bird
or Wild Fowl between sunset and sun-
No game shall be bunted on Sunday
No Deer, Duck, Quail or any other
(game bird or animal ellen be killed or
taken for the purpose of exportation
out of Ontario.
A non-resident cannot hunt without
a License.
Dogs hunting deer out, of season
may be shot at sight by any one.
iction half the (Incgoes t
On cony o
the prosecutor and the other half to the
Any person accused of violating the
Game Laws is compellable to give evi-
Mr. Henderson and wife accenepani-
ed by Mrs. Rhoedoker, of Dotroit, are
the, guest of Mr. D. Steinbaeli this week.
-A Contingent of the Seaforth Bic-
ycle Club passed through town on their
way to Bayfield. -Sam Latta has a
smile all over his face this week. -Its it
boy. --Rev. J. Mush of Gowanstown,
and Mr, Jacob Hand; of Napierville,
111, a
are visitng friends and relatives
in this vicinity. --Two tramps were
lodged in the lock up this week for
vagrancy. This should be a warning
to such persons.
essee_ ea,
On Friday August 20111 the summer
race meeting will be held on the 11CW
half ini le track Brussels, commencing
at two o'cloek ;harp. The programme
comprises: -2.50 trot or pace; 4 mile
tun; open 'trot or pace, and 2.30 stall-
ion trotting race. The directors Of the
Association are giving $700 in purses.
This will insure gpod fields and per-
sons interested in racing may expect
.to see exciting Sport,. Brussels band
Will be present. New grand Stand,
with seating foe600 people, 18 noW com
Piet°. Special railway rata
We have in oily midst a brother and
two sisters whose united ages amount
e •
1o270 years, all hale and, hearty. -Mr.
Robert Waistell, a respectable young -
man, a, native of McGillivray, lately
. . • . .
residing 10 the. northern part of Milia
grace wee iu the act of cleaning- a re-
volver when one of the chambers was
discharged, the ball passing through
his stomach, causing his death in a
few hours, His remains were sent
home to 'McGillivray for burat1.-Mr.
Bernard Stanley is at present -suffering
from a severe attack of rheumatism.
Mr, Richardsoe Speere Spent Sunday
with Mise Lilly Park, --Mr. R. S. Rich-
ardson, of Exeter, spent Sunday visit -
friends here. -Scott seems to be rushing Mary pretty strung now, Go in
Scott Harvesting is about completed
in this section. The wheat ield aver-
ages 80 bushels to the aere.-The Rev.
-Jr. Craig, of Clinton, occupied the pul-
pit in Grace Church Sunda,v evening,
and administered the holy communion.
-Mr. George Hamilton and sister and
Miss Jessie -Gillespie spent Sunday in
Farquhar. -The residence of Mrs. Sate
ah Hogarth is about completed and
adds greatly to the appearance of our
Another of our excellent young lad.
ics has beeu captured and carried a-
way, She was, however, a willing
victim, so far as could be judged. Miss
Gretta Mellis was married on. Wednes,
day morning last 'week to Rev. W.
Gauld, B. A., pf the Formosa Mission.
The bride waeSupported by her sister,
Jennie Monis .ano. Miss Hatton, of For
est. The gram had for hisbest Men
his brother, Dr. Gauld, oi the Mimice
Home, Toronto, and Rev. Mr. Grant, of
St. Marys, who is also destined for
China Mission Work. The bride's fath-
er gave the bride away. Revs. Dr.
Proudfoot, oronto, and A. McKibbon,
Pine River, performed the ceremony.
The bride and her maids were all dress
ed beautifully in cream cashineres and
satins. The Revs. S Acheson, H. Ir-
vine, E..4. Fear and their wives were
among the guests. An excellent din-
ner was served under the trees, after
which anlidst showers of good wishes
and rice the happy couple started fel-
Toronto on their wedding tour. They
start for Formosa on September eth.
The Young Peoples' Society of Christ
ian Endeavor, of Union churchtheld
their lawn social on Tuesday ev'g last
on Mr. Dati41 McIntosk's lawn. The
attendance was large and a very pleas-
ant time was spent. The 33rd Battaa
lion band, Seaforth, was in attendance
and added much to the enjoyment of
those presentatud the result was a sue
cites in every respect. -Mr. James
Graves, of Seaforth, began painting on
the Union church last week. Altogeth-
er likely a furnace will be put in the
church. -Mr. Wm. Dixon, who has
been visiting in various parts through-
out Mich., has returned. -Mr. Fitch is
having the old Turner hotel building
so renovated that soon its old frienes
won't know it. It has had a stone
foundation placed -under it, has been
all re -arranged inside and is being
bricked up on the outside. When com-
pleted it ,will be one of the most con
venient and comfortable hostelries in
the county. Mr. Foch is a hustler
Azeoalt ER PIONEER GON).3.---nr. John,;
tPoheo tdhe ji),Lsrtt,e, tt itee aidQ vOA e edSa at g,“ i;fiaoly
78 years, ;et the residence oS his SOR in-
law, Mr, George Anderson, Ur, Foote
had been a resident of tile township of
Stanley for clearly fifty yeare. He was'
it man of sterling principles, a. Libera1i.
inpolities and a person well versed in.
the question of the day. Ile was sa.
great reader and was possessed (groove
than ordinary mtelligeoce. The re-
mains were interred in Baird s eemetee-
ry, on Tuesday, and the large number
of people who followed his remelts toe
their last resting place showed the re-
spect in which he was hekl in the neie,
ghborhood where he had lived so Ione.:
Flo was a native of Dundee, Scotlani1,.
FATAL ACCIDENT.-A most melan-
choly and fatal accident occured on
the farm of Mr. George Allan. 10th
concession of this township, on Satur
day forenoon, 1Sth inst. It seerns.that
a young man Darnel Wm. Allan, about
25 years of age, nephew of Mr. George
Allan, went to the stable to r(eet mare
to put her on the. e.aper. Not return-
ing as soon RS e,xpeeted, Mrs. Allan
went to the stable to leok for him when
she, was horror sticken on seeing him
lying on the floor imtnediately behiud
the mare aud apparently dead, She
got assistance and had theyoure vman
removed to the house and medic:lel aid
wee at Once summoned. It was found
that the skull was eeyerely fractured
and the poor fellow, never haling re•
gained coneiousaese, died about, ORO
OVOele. 11 11 supposed that as he an'
proached the mare its the atoll elle
kicked hini, inflietincr the injuries
which resulted in his death. He NYRE
a hard working, induetricres man alld
WaS triltch respected by those who knew
him, He was unmarried andmode his
home With his uncle, Ma, Geo. Allan,
where he was When tile accident occur-
McGillivray Council.,,
Cou.neil met pursuant to adjotirase,
intent at the Town Hall. McGilicaraya
lst of August. 1892. All present. alinasr:,)
utes, of lasi-meeting read, approved ore
and signed. J D Drurninond-TPreet •
-That as Samuel Peat son has refused,',',' ,
to proceed with the contract, of bui141.t
ing the culvert at al ,ek bridge the:tee
the Weider of J. C. Melienzie for $150e'
be accepted, providing. he Gives'. bonds''
with setisfaetoity security fOr the coma -
pletion of the same. -Carried.
sta,u--G T Johnson -that the hereinafe
ter named individuals be paid the senr---. '
eral amounts as set forth, VLl S alone: -
son gravel contraet division No. 2 N.,
Boundary $2; J Patching hauling ees,
meat from Ansa Craig $8.05; 0 Medea:
repairing Parls.hill, Bristow's and Dowa
k(r's bridges $18; W 11 Pearson turn..
pilting on Allison's side road $12; eas.,.
Smith grayer grant Windsor's side..
road $15; Robert Seili plank accounts
$31.37 J Morgan gravel cOntract
No. 1 N Boundary $66; E King seravela
contract div No 3 N Boundary ir23.88-e.
J McKeever gravel emu:met die, No. 4.-
N Boundary 02.66; H Bowman g-rayeh
contract div No. 13 $25.50; J McEwen
commissioner gravel eontract 4iNos.
13 82; J McCarthy commissioner grow -
el contract div No. 4 N. Boundary $
50; P Wright Iamb killed Reid 1 sheep'
wounded by .clogs $4.66- T Hodgson
("Tavel aceount $32.72; W Colbert ree-
ap,proactics to William's bridles:a
lath coucessiou $1; J D Drummondi
overseeing- pile driving of black bridge
$21; W. Johnson rep culvert Hardy's.
side road es...1.50,B S'nepherd part pay;
of appeal expenses, Water Coneses Azeat',
$3.33. -Carried. - G T Johnson -Ea'
Morgau.-that this council adjourn toe»
meet in the Town Hall on the firsts
Monday in September at ten o'clock::
a. na. W. FRASER, Tp.
Divis_ion Court.
The following cases were disposed of
by HisHonor. Judge Doyle, at the sit- • "
_dugs of the Division Court at Exeter,,
Crediton and Zurich.
O'NEIL vs. MeTacraeur-Action one
promissory note. The note in question
in this suit is ene of the many little.
paper tablets scattered about this sect-
ion, to preserve in the hearts of not ate
few of the more gullible of our tilleea •
of the: soil, an endearina memory of!'
that notorious scoundre°l and forger- -
"Yeroux." The note ha:s now founds!
itself in the hands of O'Neil, banker a-
Lucan. The ease nas for a second:
lime been adjourned. R. H. Collins fox:
plff.. J. M. Best for defendant,.
Action by the plaintiff, a lawyer'forme:
erly of Exeter, now, of Sault St. Marie,
for $14, amount of bill of costs for ser-
vices --.11., 11 Cellins for plaintiffs L. IL I.
Dicksen for defendant. In this ease
absence of counsel for defendant judg-
ment was rendered for plaintiff. A near
trial is beilisr applied for and will like -s-
ly be grante.d
Mont V. BbAeCHFORD and 'SNELL V.
Beasess. were examinations under
judgment summons and wore botk sta.
tled out of court.
GARNISUEE. This was an actiou ore
promissory note for $64, and to garn-•
ish that amount of wa.ges in the hanass
of Mitchell ---Judgment against Prim-
ary Debtor for $63 and. agaiust genie-
shee for $18, Ia. 11, Collins for Prim-
111.5c-8C:editor, L. 11. Dickson for Gerrit-
ed.. R H. Collins for pltf.
Zurtic,n, Anise 17Tir
MEtto y HENIIREPER.-Action for
$20, price of 'reaper -Judgment for.
pltuntit7 as against Wm. Ileahcifer,..
Action dismissed as against Mrs. Nan-
cy. I-lenheffer. R.11, Collins for plain-
tiff', L. H. Dickson for deft., Nancy;
ILearstax v• Curerz-Action for sva-•
(res. After a long fight tke judge re.
served judgment herein till 3011 inst.
R. H. Collins for pili, L. H, Dickson fotst
NATIeteSttatiett V. BOSSIDNIUnlitY an
Hittsr Ganaiisnist-Action 00 for $28,, ,
and to garnish wages in hands of gore .
nishee Judgment for fuil amounted eS
plff's a ceount against Primary Debtor c
but diemissed as acsabett garalekee. L,
IL DieleSon for plif.
were, eXaatinationt tiader jUdgtneuta
summons and orders were niade hOJ
bOtii eases,