The Exeter Advocate, 1892-7-21, Page 11 Subserfil)e ibr The EXETER ADVOOATE, Only 05 from now tiR.Tarroary tat i$9. Clive it a. trial. VOL. EXETER ONTARIO T The Molsons Bank. (Charterea by Parliament, 1855.) Paid up Capital. .. .... $2,000,000, Hest Fund. , . , 1 1,00 000 Head offiee Montreal. F. WOLFF,RS'rAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANACr1R, Morley advanced to good Farmer's on their OWn. nOteS With one'or more endorsers at 7 per cent per annum. Exeter Branch. Open every lawfal day from YO a. m. to 3 p. Saturdays 10 a. in. to 1 p. m A generalbanking business transacted CURRENT RATES allowed for loon- ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3 per cent. N. DYER III3RDON Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub -Manager THE O'zeeter Abtrocate Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, -- EXETER. By the SA NDERS' PUBLISHIN(3 COMPA.Nli. TERMS OF SUI3SCRIPTIOlaT. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance'. 61.50 if not so paid, .s.d.exertiotam.g. M'ao.tor.. oxa No paper discontinued. until all. arrearages are paid. A.k:Ivarbisemeut6 without speoific direetions will be published till forbid. and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for trauscieutadvertisements inserted for long periods. Every aeseription of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, arid. at moderate rates. Cheques,money ord- ers. &c, for advertising, subseriptions, etc. to be made payable to Sanders &.; Sweet PR0PITIET01116 NOTICE. The Couneil of Stephen contemplate pass- ing a By-law, on :Monday, 1st, for the purpoee of elOeing and selling the Devi- ation road located on lots 5, con 32, and 14 004. 21, owned respectively by R. 11 o bineon and 0. Crenyn. A_ny person having any objeetion why such lly-law should not 1,411,,3 may be heard. By order of Council, Datea this 4th day of July, 1892. OlcxIt. Nunez Notice is hereby given that a by-law was passed by the municipal eounell of Stephen on the 14th day of jane, 1892, providing for the issne of debentures to the amount. of $10,590 for the purpose of drainiug a certain portion of the township of Stephen as per by-law No. 8 of 1851, said by-law was reges- terect in the registry offiee of Goderieh, in the county of Huron, on the Atli day of July 1892. Any motion to quash or set aside the same any part thereof must be made within three neonths frora the date registration and cannot be made thereafter. r CHESTER PROUTY, Dated this 1411 day of .Tuly, 1892. Clerk, C,Peonev' CliatraltInveztoEY. • TRIVITT MIMORIAL, 0117.113.01.--711ST. F. Fiat. Rector. Sunday Services, 11 a• 01 and 7 p. in. Sabbath School, 9.30 a.en. Holy Communion,tst Sunday of each month at Morniog Service, anct in months of live Sun- days, after Evening Service of Ord Sunday of the mouth. Holy 13uptisfo. on 2nd. Sauday ot each mouth at morniag service. METRoDIST 01.11.1nu-Sa omes-st Bey. A. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunaay Services, 10.30 cs. ro . and. 0.30 p.m. Sabbath School, e.30 p.m. Mais STIEET-Itev. W. liuDonagh, Pas- tor. Sunday Servioea,11,00 a. ra. aad 7.00 p.m. Sabbath School 2.30 p. In. PRESIIVTERIAN CIII.111C11,--BoV. W. Nartiu, Pastor. Sunday Services, 1.1 r11. a1111. p. crk. Sabbath School, 9.45 a. a. ........motecosaFreu.alt,:voar.o.m±maparmipwronrArmis....... r reffessiona,.. 11. L.D. SI 'Fa neCai'S Z1.00k two door e north of Uarliat Store, MAIN STUNET,ENETER,extrans. teeth without pain. a.way ielHensall011 ast Friday; A.ilsa Craig on 211f.1 and. Atli Tueeday; and Zerich. on last H. DENTIST, Member Royal V. College Dental Surgeons, suecessor to H. L. Billings. (Mliee over Post Office Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for the painlese extraetion of teeth. Fine Gold Fillings as required. emasiaarromove.......woasommenrnatemsnomrom.........*.• 13 WHITELY, M.D., M., PHYSICIAN ••••••••••••••••mommas . and Surgeon. Oiliee and reside/lee- Corner Victoria aud Elgin streets, God.erioh, Outario. a.. ROLLINS. OFFICE -'--MAIN ST. Residenee-Oorner. Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. DR'T. P. toLAUGHLINMEMBER OF the College of Physicians and. Sargeons I, Ontario. Phy.ician, Surgeon and. Ai:601101I- eur. Office, Dashwood, Oat. MORTGAGE SALE 0]? iA YILLAPROPERTY. Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained, in a certain Indenture oi Mort- gage made by Wesley Bissett and Emily Hie - sett, his wife, to bar her dower, to the Vendor which will be produced at time of sale,. de- feult having been made in the payment thereof. • There 'will be soli. by Public Auct- ion at the CENTRAL HOTEL, In the VILLAGE of EXETER, DR. T. A. AMOS, It. D., C. 1St, Member of College of Phans ysiciand Surgeons,. Ontario; licentiate, of the Royal Collecae• of Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licen- tiate of the Eitealty of Physician. afid Sur- geons, Glasgow; Yellow of Trinity Medieal Uollege, Toronto. Office -Dr. Cowen's old s Legal. .a. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT- .] OR, Conveyanuer, Notary. Public:, Office -Over O'Neil'e Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. 1 fl. DICKSON, BARRIST EIL, SOLICITOR .1.4. of Supreme Court,Notar.y Public, Con" veyaneer, Commn iseioer, &c. Money to loan Oflice--.Fanson's Meek, Exeter. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- N. ELLIOT elt.111.1LiOneeP.14. SATURDAY:the 6th day of Au' &0,,,_ At 3 o'clock in the afternoon; by Ma. L. EMMY, Auctioneer, Subject to such conditions as shall then be produced. All and singular that certain parcel or tract of Land and Premises situate,. lying alai being. in thei Village of 'Exeter, n the County of Huron, containing by actin earn/re mne ent ORood, Thirty two and Seven 'Eights Perches, be the same more or less Beimg composed Of the Eust Half Of Lot nu- mber Five on the weet side of William Street, West of Gidley Street, in the said Village of Exeter. • This iS One of. the m os't desirable Residences in the Village, being a Corner Lot and aear- lv(14) One-kalf an acre in a central location. od. 1101.1,4w and Barn, Garden, Law n, &c. • TERMS OF'SALE: Ten per cent Clash on day of sale, balance in 90 da,y or as may he agreed. Per further particulars u.pply to" ELLIOT &ELLIOT, Vendors Solicitors, Exeter Dated 19th D Ly of July, 1e92. •--011111,011 in need- of,- lo ADVOCATE OFFICE Sale Pita liaod BUI. , Letter brewla &li Eievelopea-in 1301, all 1,Lilal,S of printing. e.eaeoirea-ereaeeeepeeee.....e.e.....e.e.eaaa URSDAY, JULY 21, 1892. N0267 As a result of the eletitioe at Wyonte Oentra.tia, ing, lacet option was carried by three — votes. On a recount the judge vomit' 1 , 'The' farmers m this section are ed these with the ligeor rete and, the through haying and a number have casting vote beitig.given by Inspector Taylor against local option, it WaS de foaled, • ' ' ' "While,, two youeg men :of Etteteta. a ccoin pan ied by 't heir e fair ones" .w ere nearing Hensel' 0.0 Sunday 'last, they began to indulge 111 a race, 'ahieh ie suited Melte orcupants of one of the rigs being thrown in the ditele The rig, was also badly ernaehed. Such vio- lators of the Sabbath deserve to be ee, verely punished and made an example of, as this is not the . first time euele practices have been indulged in." -Hensel! Observer • itore, Conveyancers, &c. B. V. ELLio'r. Bli3O°Z.f o\7f lirg;Itif"Lti Middlesex, also for the' township'sof IiTs'borne Sales promptly attended. toithatermereason e,ble, Sales arraneedat Poet office, Wincheisa Granton. Mr. P. Moivbray reearned on Satiir day from Toronto after consulting 'an oculist regarding his son Harvey's eye• On his way to the city the boy told his father that he iinagined he could see a little with the \N ()uncle() eye, but when the (lector told him the sight was en tirelv gene, the shock proved too great for Cite afflicted youth and he broke down, in despair. The Or. also inform- ed them that there was dauger of los, ing, the other eye and that for some, time great care must be exercies ed. groat sad affair has east a gloom over the entire neighborhood and he eas the sympathy of numerone friends and acquaintances as he has been a general favorite with all who have known him. We leatn thee a nu mber of those attending the St. Marys. Coll, Inst, carry revolvers. The trust- ees and teachers should ongutre into this aiid have it stopped. Ti sborne. Mr, Denied Hicks 01 1110 Gth conees sion, met with a very serious accident on Friday last. R appears he had driven in the barn on a load of hay an11 while endeavouring to' reach a pulley in connection with the hayfork he slipped off, falling on his head and received severe spilial injuries. He is under the doctors cal° and it will be some weeks befoie he is likely to re- cover. THE GENUINE MERIT. Of Hood's: Sarsaparilla wins friends wherever it is fairly and honestly tried. Its proprietors are hig•hly grati- fied at the letters which come entirely unsolicited from men and: women in the learned professions, warmly com- mending Hood's Sarsaparilla for what it has done for them. Hood'Pills curehver ills, •jaundice biliousness, siek headache, constipation Farms tor sate. The undersigned has several first class farms for sale on easy terms. J. SPACEMAN, Exeter :Itateaistrate's Court. On Monday last Mr, Harry Piper was brought before C. Snell, J.P.. in the,. Town Hall, end' was fined the sum of two dollars ami costs, which amouut ed le all to $5.40. for disturbing. the meeting in the Salvation Army bar racks on Sundae afternoon, July 10th. This should be a warning to yoneg men to behave thernselyes in the fut- ure or a like example will be meted out to them. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens- alosecl Auctioneer, for the counties of Bur - 11110(1 Micldlesex. Residence: 1 mile South of Exeter Ont. Sale Orders by mailer other- wise promptly attended to at reasonable priceS. BOSS.ENBERRY, Tier/sail Ontario. 1±6- .5.1. e11000. Auctioneer for the Countys of Huron aud Perth. Chargea moderate and s a tisfactien gnaranteect, .......•••*••••••.•••••••rogolasigamagem.....• T HARDY, Lica/need Auctioneer for the .1-4. County offluron. Sat . Condueted on reasonable terme, Harm itud'Earm StOCIC. 11 s peeialty. itil arrangements can be made at this office, 1131BED. W. 1l'A1LN0014B, Provineial Land 12 Surveyor and. Civil Engineer. Unice, Over Poet °time, Main street, Exeter, Out. 1-NAIVD M.ILLER, Veteriny Surgeon, I Gritauate of the Ontitrifto 'Veterinary College,' Toronto, (Successor to Wrn. Sweet, V.S ) Over 1.8 year's practiqe. 0100 and residence one hloelt east of ItichardPielearcls Store. Opposite Skating :Rink, Exeter, Ont. •••040.0111.00VMOVAVI.4...0.0•Ift111•01.110W010.1•111M.1101111•12171. T'i FAst-AiliisT ELLIOT. . AGENT FOE. The Western Fire Assuranee Company, of Toronto The Pluniiix Fire Insurance CO`y., of London, England. Sate Alllance Fire ASS1.1r.00'y., of Louden, Ten elitne aed The Confederetion Life Assoeiation, of l'oroato, , Offitet-Maineetreetf Exeter, bet. FOR SALE, An teriebtrtivoo (Ireton& ilise10-/ oats- eve-elmost eety. Apply at Ilia office. earenteueed teeir wheat Mioe Annie 13o'1,Aliteh-ell, is visit ing the Misses Nellel-Miss }fere IIand ford Ives yisiting friends in Granton last week. -Mise Ashplant. of London, le the guest of the Mrs. (Rev.) Allen, Mr, Albert Mentuls end F. Boyle spent Sunday in London Tp. -Mr. T. Neil Ives the guest of Mr, Win. Lewis on Sunday. -A large number of our young folks intend taking. in the ex- cnrsion to 8arnia. ou Aug. 4111. This will be thettieursion of the season and, is very cheats -fare only 95e. -One eveniiSet,lase,Witek Mr. Cobleigh's horse took fight end ran away, completely demolishing the cart to which it was hitched, Devon. Biddulph. 1.11/Va• pitiefiel accident. It appears he, wene to hiteh ip his horse and follow his We bave this Tezt-ek to record the father's runaway tearnarid while hes :- death of oue of our oldest residents in was putting on the harness the horse' the person of Mrs, McCann, ewife of the late 'Wilson McCann), who died on Tues. clitY, 191h inst at the advanced A.ge of nearly 80 yea.rs, The fun(,ral takee place from the Khiva Hotel to day, (Thursday) for the Exeter cemetery. Brewster. The haying is past and the harvest beg'u'n.- Miss Kate Hennesy is visiting frienda in Liu:am-Mts. W. Dt Hodgins returned home from Manitoba on Sat. tirday after an absence Of font. weeks. -Miss Maggie Hamilton (:Omn1:teach- er) is epeeding her vatatioe with her parents in McGillivray. -Mrs. Daniel liennesr, of Loudon. is the guest of Mr. James Hee riesee-A large crowd of :young people intend taking in the ex- citeSion 10 Serniteon Aug. 4111.. See posters. .Fare from Clendeboye Mr. Albert Mealls was the guest of his brother, of Corbett, on Sunday. - Mr. M. D. Boyle epent a few days in Loudon last week:. (Altuth joy Mike.) - Mr John McFalls, who hOs been on the sick list for the past few weeks, is slowly recovering, Around- About Us. Mr. Wee Snell was the first tib this section to cainplete .hay . her y estidge-e The brickwork of the residence' of Mr: W Rowell fres i completed • an.d the carpenters are busily enteagod patting ois the roof.-Berrypieltieg is the order March. Mr, lelurphyandehis esteemed family are highly respected, and we of the day with the women of Ibis vi cinity.-Flax pulling. will begin around here 'wordy as the crop is ripening very fast. -A number of men have boen busily engaged harvesting 01)Mr. Sidney Daris' farm and • ere long the task will be completed. Fern/erg in this vicinity are moetly through with their haying ..end fire: making ready for this fall Wheitt.whieli promises -to be it .good. vield.--The se. vse winditornkof Efiday night did geeat deal of demage to the pond nets and it will be several days before the fishermen eviliebe able to get them_ in fishing. shape again. -Mr. William Struthers, of Goderich, is at present spending a few daYs in these parts. - Mr. E. Whitmore, who for the past half Augal6 is nained for Mitchell's town holidey when excursions will be run to Goderich, London,Toronto and Ham ilton. Mr. Char. Astley, of Walkerton, who for seventeen years has tilled the posit. ion of Deputy Registrar tor the county of Bruce, has retired. At the examinetiatis in progress at the Listowel High School there are 45 candidates writhig at the "primary" or thied cless eatimination, 18 at the "junior leaving" oi second-class, and 7 at the matrituletion examination. Mr. John Murphy, of the second, eon- eeeeion of Hibbtirt, has rented hielatim to a German in iltellett, for the/ sum of $850 annuall1 . He gets possession in A Happy Event. A feet days ago the home of Mr Richard Pollard. of Leedbury, McKil lop, was made the scene of tt very int. erelong; aud happy event. On the 11th inst., surrounded by their filches, Miss Phoebe Rhein hart, of Leadbury, late of Tormito'end E. S. Hogarth, B. A., of Exeter, late of Woodstock, and son of S. Hogarth, Esq, of Stephen, were, unit- ed in marriage. Pastors Ottawell am! Sanderson officiated. 'Miss L. Pollard, of Lon ion, acted for the bride, while Dr. N. F. Harrison, of Detroit, assisted the groom. After an early dinner the btidal pair took the train at Seaforth and will visit Saratoga, New York, Bcston and other eastern points. On their return Mr. and Afrs. Hogarth will make their home in Hamilton, in the Collegiate lnstititte of which city Mr Hogarth has been engeged as modern language master. We gilt/ with the many friends of the bride and grt•om in wishingthem a most happy f uture. Football. The following is record of matches played by "The Brucefield Rovers." , 1891. G o nee SCORED. DA.TE orrotteeers 011,'0NENTS ROVERS .Tune te-Housall 1 2 a - June 26-41ensall July 4-Tuckersiniths July 8-Tu0kersm1tlis July 24- H ensall J ulY 28-Chiselhurst .. . 1892, May 21-McGillivr11y Beavers May 24-E0.e11 . 0 June 11-Bensall . • - 0 June 19-Egmondvi1le July 1-E0e11 0 1 The Biggest Nan in Ontario. Belleville Ontario: Leonard Whit- ton, of Brighton, 'brother of the cheese inspeetor, James Whitton, of Belleville, has continued to gain in flesh, and is now classed as the biggest man in Canada. He weighs 569 pounds. The Brighton Bysigo gives his measure- ment: Around the shoulders, 5 feet 6 filches; chest, 5 feet 2 inches; hips, 6 feet 2 inches; neck, 1 foot 11 inches; arm at shoulder, 2 feet 2 inches; am below elbow, 1 foot 5 Welles; thigh, 3 feet 11 huffiest calf, 2 feet. Hie head measuremenearotted the temples is 23 inches. Mr. Whitton atteuds daily to his business, and is quite nimble on foot. Ten years ago he did not weigh more than 150 pounds, and during the past few years he has increased in weight rapidly. He le coMparatirely young, under 40 years of Age, and may yet add au extra fifty or seventy. five poUnds to hie enornaeus weight, 2 2 11 0 2 Total goals G lost Gamesplayed, 11; genies genies &awe, 4. NAMRS OF PLAYERS. Goul, R. Gr. Simpson; Batiste J. McCoy - an, A. T. Scott; Backe, W. Simpson. R. Young, H. Monteith; Forwards, D, Dallas, R. McCartney, J. Snider (Cap.), J. Scott, J. Young. ' 1 18 won woe, 4; are glad they have ne intention Of re- moving from the neighborhood, FARM PURCHASED. -Mr. Wm. Kyle, of Kippen, who has carried on for sev- erel years bete, a Successful carriage melting business, has purchased the old homestead farm from his father, and intends moying on it shortly, and devoting hie attention to agriculture. Cn account of this change he is desir- ions of:selling or renting his property there. It is agood chance for a push- ing Man who understands his busi- ness. year hes been teaelatng school in Mn. is spending his rtolidays at home with his parents. As a result of very favorable weath- er most of the farmers in this vicinity are through haying, and comrnenc6d cutting wheat.- (,,fuite a number of our neighboring towns people are speeding their eurniner vacation at Grand Bend, arrangements having beep made by Mr. Spackman and oth- ers for the accommodation of all those who wish to enjoy tlie. fresh breezes of Lake Huron throngh the hot sumtner mom he. -Mr. Will Tapsou and Mrposite lot 15 in the 7th con. E C 11, re- eired the sum expeuded net to exceed: ten dollars. -Carried. E • Morgau-r Prest-tha.t the hereinafter named in- diyicluals be paid. the several amounts as set forth, viz: -J Belling graveV grant North Boundary n2.25; R Grune- dy putting in concrete culvert mane gravel road $2; T Cunningham repair- ing approaches to Hodgson's bridge 411°1 con $3 15; D Campbell removing obetructions from ditch W Williamst town line AleGillivray portion $3; A. Loudon account for plank $55.55; N. McLean gravel grant McLean's side - road $l M Eagan turnpiking. one Windsor's side road $2.50; N McLean, rep cutvert McLeaels side road $1,25;• J Heatherington ditching on Ailsa Craig road $17 ; D Parke ditching on Ailsa Craig, town line. hill MeG. portion $1; I Jones putting in concrete culvert Jone's side read $3,50; TBrown,cutting hill black bridge $1.25; Wrn Smithers. overseeing leased gravel pit $21,.25; Ersking commissioner gravel division -1 No. 7 $5; RH Paterson,plank and posts for eulvert 1411i con $1556; R I -I Pater- erson bididing c,ulvert 14th con $7; W Smith tile account $26.17; C Fairbanks tile for drain, per agreement (water comses account) $6; W T McDonald, gravelling on division No. 3 $16; G Lee commissioner gravel division Not 3 $2; W T McDonald gravelling divis- ion Nis. 2 $12.40; T Canning MaltniSS• loner gravel divisiou No. 2.$6; D Hen- necy shovelling gravel Foster's hill 7th con E C R $11; RMathers gravel grant W Williams town line $22.50; J Scott commissioner gravellieg division No,. 9 $4; W Hedges gravelling division No. 9 $50 17; W Hedges gravel grant lie,dges side road $11; j Allison gravel grata Allisoe's side road $12; A Glen- dinning gravel grant 24th concession $13.50; D°uri. Bros. sand account $2; Adams rep Parkhill bridge $5: G Sell- ars gravelling div No. 5 $40; S Gibson commissioner gravelling div No. 5 $9 e S Baldwin', gravelling division No. 8 $99; A Paxton coin gravelling div No. b84; G Grieve. ee•raved grant 20th on feuth $16; S MeRann puttieg 111 eon- crete culvert Ailsa Craig road 81.80; Me,Rann gravelling. div No. 1,2 $43.20e. .T:Joiles commissioner gravelling dly No. 12 $3; W Hutchinson gravel grant 26th eon $12; E Emery lamb killed by - dogs $2.60; A McIntosh, 2 lambs killed. - by dogs $5.32; W J Bromohr gravel - grant 7th con W 011 $15; 1? Kelly gra, yelling division No. 10 $97,60; J W Long overseeing egrayelling div Mo. 10 $6; F Kelly gravelling div. NO. 11 $98.- 254A Nichol cotn gravelling; div $5;- .1 T Amos gravel grant Glendinning's side road $10; W Mawson gravel afc 8100; W Mewson,gra_velaccounts,North Boundary $14.30; John Breen gravel! grant 20th con North $11; F Kelly grst yelling div No. 7 $34.95;0 Medeof rep Neil's and Moray bridge $4 50 ;Ilarlton and :freakier ditching and tilirig on. Presee side road $20°66; G Twtddle re. paring approaches- to bridge on the: 14th con $1; W Johnson wood. for Hall' and gravel account f225; C IVIedeof grading. on Pranie's Side road ,$16.75r. Patching and Amos rep cultert main grevel road 525,J$Haskett' buildinat bridge Bite's side road $11; Paterson making contretemoulde and Tepairillit,,` Siteoritoprell,:t'u8n3ie:11ci tAirviGolneea.8.1711‘up.,jesntnaitnuxtes,, Statute labor returned undone $4.- , C'truccl J D Dreenrnond.e-G T Joliet son -that this eouncil adjourn to meet le the, Town Hatt on Monday the firse day of Aug/1st at one o'clock pm, aa commenced kicking, strilein o' Ma !tier, ner o11 the leg, No doubt IPe will be laid up for some time, but we hope to see him around before lenge-Mr. John Rickbeil. of Dakota, arriyed hero Tues-' day and interds remaining for some' ttme.-Haying is the order of the day and the erop promittes to be a heavy one this year. --Next Sunday the Evan- gelical S. S. intend eelebratirig their' "Kintertag" featival and geed at- tendance is anticipated. MCG1111Vray 0011n011• Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment in the town hall, McGillivray, - 27th Juue, 1892. All present Minut. es of last meeting read, approved of and segued. G T Johason-E1 Morgan -that the reeve be and he Vs hereby commissioned to have guards placed on the approaches to Bice's bridge, 3rd, coucessiou, and the embankment at. Lintott's hill 8th. con. E 0 R. ---Carried, G T Johnson -J D Drunimond--thet \V II Pearson be and he is hereby commissioned to eeperal $10 in grad, ing on side road opposite lots 10 arid 11' on the 16bit con.-Cari led JD Drum- inonti-T Prest--that G T Johnson is hereby commissioned te have the south hill opposite lot 3 in the 16th con (tut,. providing the north hill is cut gratia amount expended not to exceed $20. - Carried. G T Johnsen -J D Drum-. aloud -that T Prest is hereby commis - stoned to have the hill on side road op- Ashton Mollardewho have beea spend- ing. the last few months in the litchi gen lumber woods,haye returned home for a short viste.-A goodly number of people from Grand Bond and vicinity took in the sights at Sarnia and Port Huron on July 12th, where a very pleasant day was speet.-The work on the cut between the Aux Sanble river and Lake Huron is being rapidly push ed forward, the. trees haying been gat down and all well under headway to eommence digging. -Mr. David Poll ock returned home from the Northwest ki.st week arid reports crops looking very poor in that put of the country. -The widstortn of last Friday did con- siderable damage to the fishieg .nets in Lake Huron;,eithich will cause both trenbletaini exPeetee 10 have - thein • re- paired, and Also lodged and tangled the Wheat se as to leave it in bad shepe for cutteng..---Mr. Stephen had the mis- fortune to lose a valuable cow last week by. what is commonly known as milk feven-On Friday evening of lest week some of the residents of Greed Bend saw what looked like a steamer on fire, but nothieg accurate has yet been heard of the disaster. - Mr. Wm. Hickey's new resideuce is be - rapidly erected. The bricklayers have their work hearly completed. Zurich. The son of Mr. Edward H. Snell, of Summerhill. who was seriously injured front the discharge of a gun, is recevt ering nicely. The lad did not have a loaded gun as reported, and the weap- on was Dot standing against the ve- randah post. It seems that Mr. Snell had loaded both barrels of the gun for the purpose of shooting cherry birds. After doing so he placed caps 08 both eipples, aud while irt the act Of letting the hammers down he accidently, dis- charged one barrel, the eharge strik- ing the hardwood floor and glandes; a distaoce of twenty feet and injurieg the boy as stated last week. Misi Jennie Coates, after ten months absence in the city of Detroit, has ,-c- turned to pay her friends a visit. -Mr. John Sic:mon sustained severe injur- ies while working in a hay mow at .Mrs. Jory's on Saturday last. The chain attached to the hay fork pulley broke, throwing Mr. Sleamon out of the mow on to the wagon. -Mr. Daniel Hicks also received a bad shaking. up on the same day by being thrown from a load of hay, striking the groud on the bstek of his head. Mr. Hittite hes been somewhat delirious ever since. - The choir was conepicuous by its ab. gence oe Sunday last, arid congreg•at ional singing was resorted to, which had one pleasieg feature about it at least, that of harmony. It seems the Rump Parliameet which has held the fort for the inlet fe,r weeks has finally dissolve,1 itself and we may expect tct be soun under the benign. infleerice of a new sidministratitm, 'Whatever be the perimettel of the new cabinet it can scarcely 11111 10 give us better meas. ures that the dormat one and it is like- ly the prineiple of flow/ Rule, which has. predotnietated in the past, will bo abatitioned,'-A great mealy people ti 11 neseed that ittagaifittent display of the antork borealis on Saturday night about eleven o'clock. It is some twen- ty years ago Mince the writer itatV any- thing of the kind to approach in splen- dor the display. The whole heavens seemed to be lit up with Ihrid deneing flarees, whieh eoeyerged te the itentret thekleg a epectaele lle'ret to be for Witten. A warrant was issued on Monday for the a pprenhension of Editor Mitcheleof the Goderich Star, on a charge ofcrim- inal libel. The warrant was issued by Horace Horton,J. P., and served by the Bailiff, the latter however did not jail the editor, but took the accuseds own bail to appear fa 11 a. In. Tuesday. CAMERON VS. MITCHF.Tet, ail-MR.9,1 libel, came before Horace Horton', Esq., J. at 11 rie in. OD Tuesday. Alt. Mitchell Opplied for an adjournment to consult his solicitor. The Magistrate granted the application, after 'Air. Garrowa who had dissented on =omit of his not be ing able to be present at the proposed postponement, had given his evidence and also Mr. M. C. Ct./Aileron. The case tame up again Wednesday at 10 a. A CLOSE Caere -During the sterna on Friday afternoon there were some s' range freaks of lightning. on the Base Line, about a mile front Clinton, At the residence of Mr. John Colclongh there was a lively scene for a few see. onda.Eddie Johnston, of Clieton, and Miss Colclough were near the house when the thunderstorm clone up. Near them Were several poplar ttees and a wire elothes Rue rt./ming from one of them te the h01.1.$6. • The lightning struck the tree with the wire and fol - !owed to the bongo- eplittieg in twain the lino prOp-and eftterinst, winded its way to the pantry and slivered a board off, thee disa.ppeered in the cellar, Mist; Cotelough and the lad Johnston Were in the meantime prostrate ootside, but soon recovered coesciouenese: A 6eVe dad shook Was eortunatety the but the dedth caIl was Very doge. Sev. eral young fowl elose by were killed by the shock. Mr. H. Deichert after spending sev- eral days in this vicinity visiting. re turned hothe last Thursday. -Mr. and Geo Kallefleish and sister of Strat• ford are visiting at Mr. K. Dumart's at present. -Mr. D. Stet ebach is cam pi tees at Gram] Bend this week. -The A.O. F. held their aernual picnic at Bayfield hist Wedeesday-The"K.intertag"fes that was held here in the Erangelical Church last Sunday The day being fine a great many from neighboring towes atteeded aud the many addres- ses delivered to the children were ap- preciated by all. -Last Saturday night a great many ef our citizens witnessed the wonderful manoeuvres of the Aur- ora Borealis. The sight was one not often to be eeen.-Some of the farmers in this neighborhood ietend cuttin,g wheat this week. -Mr. John Reckbeil, of Dakota, is home visiting his mother who is sick. --Mr. William Hoffman put in a 11 et4ks vacation in the neighbor- hood of Crediton. He is now refreshed for another year's work. (Too late for last week.) Miss E. Hess, of South Bend, Ind., is at present visiting at her home here, but intends returning shoitly.-Mr. Creech aud wife of Dundee, are visttieg relatives around these parte.--Quarterly meeting was held here in the. Evangelical church Sun- day. Rev. Dr. Wing oceupied the pul- pits -Mr. Henry Deichert. of Marlette, Mieh., is home on a visit. It appeers that Unmet domains agree with Harry.--Itheycle Notes. -"Shanks" and his wheel were doing' business at Exe- ter last Thursday. lb* "Hc Dentchee made a trip to Mitchell Islet Sunday and reports having met with am ae cident. He had better erect it 80011 p11010 10 order to warn the people of his approath. 1'Stub" and "Spokes," aecompanied by eFlomery," made a trip to Goderich mid returned home by the Wav of Clinton. "Sawed off" 4wi1' 111 thoroughbeed stock at present "Telegram" wain -ties hi enyeterous tripa-Some of our citizetie attended the Orange eelebration held at Bey field hist Tumidity. July 12. -Lest Sun. day while Mr Gotlieb Memelwee do ing bueiness at Hat tleib end Ketizing. er's his horses took fright and made for lime. Several men endeavtrred to ettsp there, but were `Unable to do so.' The team tan home and nothing , of Ithyeceount WAS demaged. During the excitement of the 1111114VAy Ur. AllAtlia;n 'Menet Met With rather a , WItt. nusint, Clerk.. seletterieS. EA(11LESON.-In McGillivray, on July 181111 the wife of WM. Eagleson, of a 800. WYLSON--Iii Stephen, Smith Boandarsets on the 1311t itist., the Wife Of )11180114 of a Sob.