The Exeter Advocate, 1892-5-12, Page 4NO PRIZES FOR STUPID PEOPLE, withouf TF yott are one of the bright ories and can real the above rebus you may receive a rewtrd which rill Iry vou many times nv r Lr your trouble. The proprietor of THE LADIES' PICTORIAL WEERLY ofrers either a fast -class Upright Plano or a cheque for Throe Hundred Dollars to the yerson v ho sends the first correct solution of the above rebus, a reward of a p:..r of rename Diamond Ear Rings for the second. correct solution, a complete Bust:loss :Cducation at a Ccanmercial College for the third correct tolut.on: it solid Gold Water() far carm ,of the next threo correct solu- tions, a Silk Dregs pattern (16 yards in any co/or) for erch of the next five correct solu- tions, an elegant Dianiond Brooch (solid geld) for cacti of the uext ten. Every one sending a solution must enclose with the same fen th Tee cent sting's, (ot cents in Silver) f a. one Month's trial subacriptiou (five copies) to THE LADIES' PIG. TORIAL WEERLY, Canada's in wh-class, ithit•frezioti ?1C(0.. The envelope • • which contains correct solution beating first poStmark will receive first revvarci, and the bal- ance in order as teceived. For the correct solution received last is offerer/ a Swift Satteitv laic Tele valued at fro, for the next to the last will be given a pair of genuine IDr14..,:ar. :D t,ion,Bangs, fOr the third, fourth and fifth from the last will be awarded an elegant d Gold. atelt ; to the sixth, seventh, eighth, n'nth and tenth from the lr-k will ,eaelt it;' rded either a Silk Drees pattern (t6 yards in any color) or a Swiss 'Music Box. p`al. ng ,Ittt pieces. If there should be aS many as one himdrr t eq.lseetss entre, t soltitions to this rebus, each will be rewarded with a valuable PT12:es .1, me. of t• ose reeeiving leading- rewards will be eebliehed in prominent newspapers throughout In. Extra prerniums w'll be offered to all who ai"e wiring to init In increasing the subscrip- tion list of this popular illustrated weekly. 'rhe Object in ro ring this pm.° rebus is to at- tract attention to and introduce out publication. It should iaat be classed with eatch-penny affhirst. You can easoy ascertain as to out salability by inquiring through ,nny aommercial agency. Perfect lin-ai•tiality is guaranteed :in p,iving the re.' warde, All solutions must be Mailed on or• before lune tst, gee, fidaress • LADIES' PICTOICIAL WEEKLY - (33) Tailoring) CANADA. • LV ree eineteenth eentury have thougelt of sVess. abandoning the Cobden theor and ad- Aboocate. .4. 'ES a SWEIZT, Props. 120., 1892. fl'RE CA,1?ON CHARGES. If ever there was an unreasonable, inconsisteut, obstructiee, and venom.• eeus course pursued by the Opposition it hes been in the matter of the charges made against Sir. A. P. Caron. First -of all, a resolution was tabled by Mr. Edgar pretereing vague and general •eharges gravely reflecting on the pres- ent Post Master General, in n conection w ith certain subsidies granted to the Quebee and Lake St, John Railway to t he extent of over a million Dollars; a -large portion of which •money, it is al-. legecl, was applied by Sir, A. P. Caron in debauching the con,etituencies through evelieh said Railway passed, Me position taken by Sir John 'Thomp on on behalf of the Government was that the charges preferred were not specific, and to refer them to the Com- mittee oa Priveleges aud Elections 'would involve a session extending into next year -if we may judge from the experience of last year in conducting the investigation into the Civil' Service irregularities. This of couree ralsed a hypocritical howl from the Opposition t hat the Goyerment wanted to hark the inquiry. To this the ltlinister of Justice replied that if any specific char ges were made against ante:Member of the Cabinet, the Government would pledge themhe selves to grata tfullest ;investigation ;and the Post Master Gen eral stated publicly on the floor of the • Haase that he was quite prepared to meet any charges that were specifical- ly made. In the course of the debate several allegations were thrown out by Mr. Edgar, Sir R. Ca-rtwright and Hon. David Mills, which were taken down and. reduced to writieg, and thus form- ulated into distiuct charges embodied in an amendment offered by Hon. Mac- Kenzie Bowell on behalf;pf the Gevern enent; thus throwing the burden of proof on. the instigators of those charg- es. The amendment concluded by re- •ferring the whole case to a Royal Com- mission, consistteg of e competent and unprejudiced judges who tit was con- tended) would be better qualified to in- vestigate the charges than a committee of. theyfouse.with strong bolitical bias on either side-. Did such:a reasonable proposal meet the wishes of the Opposi- tion? To men who were really desir- ous of doing public justice, and not anxious to gain a party idyantage,the proposal was the most reasonableNthat could. hare been matte. But no! Justice and. fair play was not their object as the sequel proved. In the amendment effered by the government, Mr. Bowell embodied not only the vague charges contained in Mr. Edgar's motion, but also theapecific charges in the shape of inuendos thrown out by him and his two colleagues in the course of their :speeches. in which they animadverted severely on the government for oppos- ing the motion-. The ;course pursued. by the goe-ernment in offering an amendment, which really gave to the Opposition an opportunity for substan tiating their charges, fell like i'bonali- shell on the party' who thougl;:all a: Hong pefeseing hypocritically to:be an- ions for an investigation, now fra.n- Ideally yelled defiance at the reasonable proposition of the govermnent to refer the whole matter to a competent trib- rune removed. from the arena of party politice. Want of space forbids us ifroin giving to • our readers the full =text of the amendment, which contains • ten counts in an indictment gathered Item the speeches:of the three Opposite -members. Suffice it to say, that after a pretty lively debate -in which --there was some able:speaking from:the:Min- aaterial benches -the amendmentre- -erring the Caron charges to a Com- . mission of:judges was carried by a -majority of 62, not counting absentees. • It deserves to be stated that all •that • the amendment contemplates is a thor- ough investigation and report by the • 'Commission, to be -finally dealt with by the High Court of Parliament. 41.111i= PREFERENTIAL TRADE. The world moves. That the subject Imperial federation andlof a 'United pErk.:nire Trade is coming to the front oratat of pressing questions nobody -3/m64,c:el:V. In common with many /eating 16, tirnelists in Canada, and .,,,,n,fth,ntootfof ,the leading politicians in „tho ue-e,have always' ad vo eea,ted a ,eloser rsmeen of the colonies. wish the motheeland- -t'c't only on ` the ground of national .0 ontfckent, bet als, t in the intereet of trade and com me re e. Who avonid tieve thoirght, forta fifty years ego, that free trade Eng , .e.vorrid, in Allis . the „ last decade Of it,113 voeati` a 1roielet4Y0 Volley? Who would have thought thet the London Tirnes--whieh hae always been reward ed as the leading organ of British sent iteent, and whose opinions have always been looked, up to with respect by Eur-‘ opean courts -should heye given forth such a.remarisably strong' deliverance as its editorial of April 27th, on the subject of an Imperial customs barg- ain and preferential trade between the Colonies aud the Motherland But so U is! In speaking of the recent discus- sion in the Canadian House of Corn mons, and the important motion of Mr McNeill, M P., which was adopted by the House, the Times remares that 'kir the first time since the great self- governin,g Colonies have begun to de yelop a protectionist policy we have had a distinct and formal offer of an interchange of Commercial advantages between the parent and the daughter nations which might well form the ba- sis of an Imperial Customs Union." The Times deals a Mary blow at the "hol- low and unmeaning subterfuge" re- sorted to by the Canadian Opposition fri Parliament to neutralize the trade policy of our Government; and it bold- ly expresses the opinion that if the Oth. er colonies will unite with Canada in framing a Customs Union, on a prefer ential basis, there would be a strong body of public opinion in England in its favo'r,-even thous.;11 it involved (as the London Times says) "a departure from the rigorous doctrines • of free trade," i tie fact is, England finds out that it is only a jug -handled policy to admit the exports and manufactures of foreign nations free of duty, while every European country -and the United States as well -ate biestling. with a high protective tarift which dis- c eminates ' against British exports, The policy for whi, n \ •• "' .1 and other rising statesmen have been advocating -which in principle is just our own ... t nal Policy,conceived for Canada by the late Sir John Mac - d •ad aud his colleagues -this policy is coming to the front eyen in free trade England; and the day is not efar distant, we believe, when Great Brit- ain and her enildren will be not only politically but out mercially • united, and thus form the greatest Empire the world has ever witnessed. It only re - ma - he other great colonies of the Empire to endorse the action of our Canadian Parliament, and the way will be made clear for deyeloping and maturing a poligy that will *he mutual ly beneficial to Great Britain herself and to the distant members of the great Imperial family. THE COLONIES ANp ENGLAND The New York Herald despatch of Monday last from. London shows that the apathy of the British public upon the subject of the trade relations of Great Britain with Canada is n.ot eof so insmoyable a character as we ave hitherto been led to think. The corres- pondent, supposed to be Mr. Justin Mc- Carthy, says that Mr. NcNeill's resolut• ion, offering trade relations to England in exchange for similar consideration extended to us has strongly affected the popular imagination. Even The Times, hitherto an unfaltering advo- cate of free trade, admits that the pro- posal is worthy serious consideration Col. Howard Vincent in England and Mr. NeNeill and others in Caneda are after all not the faddists and fools that worshippers of the free trade fetish would make them out to be. At a time when foreign nations are striking at English commerce with hostile tariffi hoe brightest hope for the future lies in snaring the markets of her own colonies. As stated by a speaker, Sir 'William Long, at a meetieg in the Sheffield Chamber of Commerce, "one Australian settler, with a wife and three children, is as about as good a eustemer'a.e sixty Aniericans, seventy. .fiye Germane, or StiYenty Frenchmen, One million such families would be worth as much to British labour as the whom Ameriean nation." The colonies with their, vest areas of fertile but un. settled. land must be the seat of rapid growth in wealth and population in the near future; it is in a clean' con- nection with them, and in the cultivat- ion of their trade that England must 'seek a continuation of thet commercial activity and aseendarteye ivhich has made her the object of so much hostile legislation on the part of foreign nat ions. AN awful state of affairs has been discovered at Sarnia -Jim Lister's town. Talk about his ten -times -more Ottawa exposures, something has been unearthed at Sarnia that make every Caeadian commercial unionist and free trader howl. The Unit.al States custom house authorities at Port Huron have discovered that many res dents of that city have been in, the ha- bit of buying goods in Canada --at Sar nia-and smuggling them across the lines! Great Scott! Right in 06 six- ty million market, these peeple come across to Canada, buy goods are' run great risk of smugglieg them" home, Upwards of 200 citizens of Port Huron have been caught at it. Most' of them are young men who bought clothing in time , saving ,$10 to $20 on each suit of clothes. They have been fined fr en e35 to $100 each mid will know better in future than tonsil up against Grit theories in that awful and reek - les.; fashion. Exeter Public School. The following me the names of those who obtained. the highest marks during the month of April. DEPT. E -Sr., M. Martin, L. Trevet- hick, W. Brooks, E. Shapton; Jr., T. Smith, A. Martin, E. Gregory,H. White Number on roll, 56; aggregate 717; average 43 T. A. Brrowre, TeaCher. Dne'r.ell-Sr., a Hoosier, G. ,Nelson, M. Westawa,y; Jr., V. White,C. kelland W. Bawdee, N. Quance, Number on roll 62, aggregate 555, average 37. Miss Voseem, Teacher. Dere. III. -Sr., F. Sweet, E. Brown - Inge A Handford, H. Dignan. Jr., N. Kinsman, L. Rollins, L. Manning, H. Gould. Number on roll 57, aggregate 610, average 41. Mess GREGORY. DEPT. IV. ---Sr., S. -Gregory, Broveii H. Ford, W. Moncur. Inter. -E, Mathe- son, E. Carling, J. Handford, E. Gilles - pi,,. Ji? E Srnallacombe, T ", tossM. Clarke, b. Rendle. Number on roll 56, aggregate 632, average 42. Mies GILL, Teacher, DEPT. V. -Sr., P. Browning, E. Mc Callum, E. Hooper, E. Dow. Jr., M. Treble, E. Balkwill, H. Gill, A. Patter. son. Number on roll 78, aggregate 842, average 56. Mree IV-Ai:Rome DEPT. VL -Sr., E. Frayne, C. 'Dyer, W. Willis, T. Tapp. Inter. -B. Welsh, J. Gould, V. Snell, 0. Southcott. Jr., L. Jones, M. Whitlock, G. Bissett, S. Bobier. Number on roll 79, aggregate 876, average 8. • • Kees ParnErm, Teacher. The aggregate attendance for the month 4232; average attendance for month 282. T. A. BROWN, Principal THAT TIRED FEELING Is often the -forerunner of serious ill- ness, which may be broken up if a good tonic like llood's Sarsaparilla is taken in season. This!medicine invig- orates the kidneys and liver to remove the waste from the system, purifies the blood and builds up the strength, Constipation is caused by loss of the peristaltic action of the bowels. Hood's Pills restore this action and invigorate e net. .• SY... kr ;1?-• Cu 9‘.411,9)'94.1..vettleeel:04.01L.. SPANISH NERVIZTE TE0ED catgAT srArisli rtgrorgrre, easily, quickly and permanently restores Weakness, Nervousness and Loot at 0131004. 4 GUARANI:IMP specific for Pits anti Nourolgia,lIysteria, Dizziness, Convlsions, Nervous Prostration caused by the use o 1 Tobacco or Alcohol, Loss of Power In either Sex, Involuntary Losses caused by over,indulgence. We guarantee sra boxes to cure any case or refund the money. Ss a box, 5 boxes for S$. Address U.S., Agents Span. T4K us" len Medicine Co,.Detroit Mich Sold by 'druggists. Per sale in Paeter by J. W.1Drowning. $75 000 00 -All persons who want - CHEAP MONEY at 5, 6 and PER CENT should call itt the__ Ohio° of It. L 00111IBTS EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel .. . $0.80 t o 0 82 Barley . . 38 to 40 27 to 29 Peas . • .. 55 to 57 Butter 16 to 16 Eggs • • • • ... to 10 Potatoes per bus30 to 35 Hay per ton „ „ 8.00 to 10.00 Wool. . 18 to 19 Clover Seed $7.00 to 8.00 Timothy Seed.... . , $1.50 to 2.00 Exeter Roller Mills. viA.IIIKET REPORTS. WHEAT 0.80 TO 0.82 per bush Our Selling Prices. Flour, strong bakers'-, n 50 per 100 " best family, 2.25 " " low grade, 1,75 ° " Bran, 70 Middlings, 80 " Screenings, 100 " " Chop, 1.00 to 1.20 " Chop -stone running every day. TERMS CASH. The Exeter Milling Co Zmis 11111 EltttoAgny IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farin IF YOU WANT TO Buy Cr Sell Town Property IF YOU WANT TO 34) r row oriLend Money IF YOU WANT Collections Make Call at Mr. Jno. Spacknaan's Real Estate Agency. Business Transactions strictly con- fidential. Intending purchasers will receive the best adyice itt selecting landortown sites. Also agent for Allan Line and State Line Steamships. Office- Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Address: -JOHN SPACKMAN, Bor 44 Business Change. 4.10.61011Wil.111111. Having purchased the interest of MR, ROBERT RICHARDSON in the Flour and. Feed business I wish to an- nounce to all customers that I will con- tinue to supply ell kinds of PLourt AND PEED to those in need of such and will be found in the stand, DREW'S BLOCK OPPOSITE TOWN HALL with a full line of • All 'tilde of Seects Provisions delivered to all parts of the village with promptitude. Highest cash price paid for Butter and eggs. JESSE YIESTCOTT, Prop. All accounts must be settled .nith the proprietor as soon as convenient for those indebted to the same. .111 0,11,1111BA CO. ROVE No ROWE Has been appointed sole agent for the THE HANANOOLIE DRY EARTH 'CLOSET. Cheap, compact and a splen- did arrangement for a bed- room. A want in every house- hold supplied at small cost. Call at once and see it. 11. N. Rowe. nE11111 or) UHL. ‘, A' complete stock of Pure and Reliable Drugs AL WAYS KEPT. -n- PoteRtjilogiliaos, sDaugs, Druggist's stratios At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions and Family Receipts Carefully Prepared. wo's cogitivi PRO the best in the market. C. LUTZ, PROP. London Huron & Bruce Railway Passenger Time GOING NORTIE. GOING SOUTH. a.m.p.ixt. Lonclon,dep't 6.05 4.25. LneanCros'g 8.47 6.20. Clandeboye 852 528. Centralia9.05 5.45, EXETER 9.16 5,67. Hensel). 9.28 6.09. Rippen 9.34 6,17. 1 Brueefield 9.42 6,26. Clinton 10.00 6745. Londesboro' 10.19 7.03. Blyth 10.28 7.12. Ii_o_slgrave 10.4i' 7,27. Wineham 11.00 7.45. Wingham 71:05 340. Belgrave 7.21 4.00. Blyth 7.38 4.15. Lonclesboro, 7.47 4.26. Clinton 8.07 4.45. Brucefield 8.26 5.04 Rippen 8.34 5.12. Hensall 8.41 5.19 EXETER 8.57 5.33, Centralia 9.09 5.45 Clandeboye 9.18 5.56 Luean Cros'g 9.24 6102 London a.rr 10 15 44.5 CAUTION. EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE NAVY T 1 IN BRONZE LETTERS. ,IS MARKED OE MER GENUINE 500 PAIRS' MU, nevus Neweet (Stratford P. 0.) has mgrtrer frritYing Canada Company business 1 11 1 11 to transact fitia MR. NEWELL at been appointed Local Inspector tor the Can - Ada Compaq in the place of Mr. lao Spa,c1c- i lAWICSHAW'S HOTEL EXETER,• The first Thuredrty of each month, com- mencing February 4th, 1891. CHRISTIE'S COMMpO. LYT) ) First Class RIOS And HORSES ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. .='errri'm : =2,taat,s3sele.a'islo Telephone Connection FFIVI AN'S HARMLESS HEADACHE POWDERS • cure ALL HEADACHE. They arc not (tatter. Used to cure „ every. thbut sint.pty head. aches. Zry them, it teat cost but 25 cents for abbot and.thev a -c itelllatt154. They aro not a (Alliefilf, TO BE SOLD AT Hai! Price. A LARGE STOCK OF AMERICAN WALL PAPER TO CHOOSE.FROM AT Spackman & Co's SAMWELL'S BLOM, EXETER. DOES PAY -- T ---ADVERTISE. And it also pays to get .your clothing made by a first-class tailor. When in need of suee call on X II + II X II + x II x BERT. KNIGHT, x II II X II II X Whois prepared to give you a neat fit and the latest iityle. The best andrcheapeSt spot in town- for ordered clothing. Farmers will find it to .their advantage to give me a Call. Over F. J. ICTfight'S Grocer Store. -READ AND LEARN. That our Planing Mill, Sash Door & Blind Factory is fitted up with the latest improve nient. We are prepared to do planing and matching, band and: scrollsawing turning E. monlding, grooving and all kinds of maeli-vAll.c. ine work on shortest notice. In our LUMBER YARD you will 'find. it large and well assorted stook of. all kinds of building materials. Pine arid heinlock lum- ber dressed and not dressed. See our stock of x. x and x x x Pine Shingles manufuotured by the best makers in Ontario. We also have a large stock of A 1 Cedar Shingles which are excellent value. No.1 Pine I.Jatb. con- staatlyinSteck We be.ve a large stook of barn sash which we can furnish with or without glass. We are fitted up with Ill aeli- inery specially adapted formaking all kinds of Tanks and Cisterns, which we can furnish to our cuStemers on short notice. We show somethin g new. in this line for watering cat- tle in the.ffeld or barnyard. ' Our celebrated Baking Cabinet is still at- tracting much attention, and giving entire satisfaetion whenever used. . Call and examine the above named stock, all of which will be sold at lowest prices ROSS & TAYLO,, • Main St:, Exeter .121Ziattlt. Furniture T.Indertalging HE DQUARTERS. CURTAIN POLES. The only place in town were you have an assort- ment to choose from. Pol- es cut any lengthdesir- ed. COVERS. A fine line of covers • 'just arrived, haye your furniture re eoveled and made new in the latest • styles. FURNITLTRE. In furniture we have the largest and beet stock in town at the lowest MOULDPITINee. GsS. An endless variety of picture mouldings. S. GIDLEY. Odd -Fellows Block. Opposite J Grig,g s Stationery. W. G5 Bissett's Livery. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES- WITH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros,'Hardware, Store, will receive peoiript attention. TERMS - RASPNABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED, W. BISSEn Exeter mum ifistrulltent P,MPORIUM. PERKINS & MARTIN, PROPS. We eery the most complete stock of Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS. VIOLINS, ADSO SEWING 'MACHINES, BICYLES. FARM IMPLEMENTS Sze, The above instruments always on 'hand. • • Tomtit° suit Purchasers. GIVE tTS A uALL. EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN.