The Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-09-21, Page 17Seek n:d1ctes
Nuffield S�I�plar��ip
AppliCattOne are beingsaught
from, Ontario. farmers teres.!
ted In six 4nQnth'e Stilt Of'
sgriCilltuure $ . Britain, The
sctiolarshiPS, which have been
Offered each year since the
early nineteen fifties, provide
the tpel-stud ,experience for
one farmer each from eastern
and western Canada.
' Applicants from Ontario vie
for selection_with those from
Quebec; Maritimes, . and
Newfoundland. They may be of
either sex, but must plan to
continue farming after they re.
turn to Canada. • '
The applicants are expected
to be in the 30 to 35 age brac.
ket, but the committee has in-
dicated N there may be "some
latitude" on this,
.The` scholarship provides a
WBY PAt it?.
monthly 41Q*.ice $110, and
a travelling allowance of up to
75s .
Win�►era in.reoentyearstrent
Ontario have been Atex lrandon,
James Gormley, Donald Vicar; .
and Brian Ellsworth,
Full •regulations and Porins
for application,.can be obtained
by Ontar, e.residents from the
Ontario-F,ederatipn. of Agricul.
ture,,� Ste. 6b6, 696 Yonge
Street, Toronto; 5, Ontario.
Completed applications mustbe
in the hands of the OFA by`
October 6th tobe eligible for
Annual Meet
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The 'P'resident of the Liberal
Party in Ontario, Gordon 31air,
announced today that the Party's
annual meeting.' scheduled for
September 29 and 30 in Toronto,
has been postponed until after
the Ontario general election,
The decision was made by the
Party's provincial executive.
• Mr. Blair said that "the Lib.
eral. Party is eager to meet
the challenge of the long -delay.
ed provincial election and en.
ters the campaign confidently
under the leadership of Robert
Nixon." . .
. He said the executive's de•
cision was taken "in response
to a general opinion within the
Party that all its efforts should
be devoted to the
After the election, the execu.
tive will fix a new date for the
annual meeting.
A 12.foot, selfpropelledcombine makes short
work of the mixed grain lying swathed on the
farm of Donald Bean, R.R.•5, Goderich. Wet
weathe ,plagued Huron county -farmers during
the .eay weeks of the harvest season but
Alm should not be out Or
grazed during September %
tarso, beoalise this is the e
when, food reserves are being
stored • in the root, p"ood reser.
ves are o00,essfArY
Plants to survive the wlntet as
well: as ,spring and aftermath
growth. Each tteneal Joel*
e food_ reserve- In ,the
Less - Coi10ex Starots"
Lower Feed CQsts
Research has, indicated that •
starter rations for pigs sped not
be complex. Several aombina•
tions og, feeds were usedaud ey.
aluations were 'recently made by.
Dr, L.G, Young, animal nutri.
tionist, Ontario Agricultural
College; Guelph.
The basic ration ingredients
in the tests were - corn and
soybean meal. Other protein
supplements used' were dried'
skim milk •and fish meal: Re.
sults from . the tests showed
that there is " no difference
among the, various ration com.
bine- tiong when the pigs reach
100 pounds live weight.
The 20 per cent protein ration
conditions have greatly imroved over the
past few days. Although combining has become
the - most popular harvesting method in Huron;
there are farmers in the county who still
..use the earlier threshing -machine system. ..
(staff photo)
Pig anemia is one of the most
common and the most easily
corrected problems of pig pro.
duction.. Anemic pigs are un-
thrifty." They become a ghostly
white color, particularly in the
ears, ,and they "thump" with
short gulps of breath. The pro.
blem is chiefly cuased by a
lack of iron, according to Ont.
ario Department of Agriculture
and Food livestock experts. .
Pigs are born with a limited
supply, of iron and copper. Milk
is low in these elements and
unless pigs have access to a
supply from outsidesources,
anemia will deyelop in the first
two to three weeks of life,
Common sense must be used
when treating to •prevent
anemia, The most effective
means of treatment is to give
the young pigs a supply of iron
at about three or four days of
age, either by mouth or by in.
jection. Iron materials such as
ferrous sulfate or reduced iron
can be given directly by mouth..
Some success rias peen ob..
tained, by mixing iron com-
pounds with feed and spread.
ing the mixture lightly on the
floor for the pigs to eat. Con.
tinuous treatment up to wean.
,ing is necessary. Injectable
irons will do a good job of
anemia prevention. Follow the
manufacturer's directions. If
leak out is a problem from in.
jection, thufi ,use a smaller
needle such as No. 21, 3/4
inch long. I1ake sure the needle
and syringe are sterile before
Feeding iron to sows will not
increase the iron content of the
sow's milk enough for anemia
containing corn and soybean
meal along with mineral 'and
vitamin supplements; resultedinowth performance which'
agrsimilar to 'that of
complex diets;
Dr. Young :points out that the
starter rationfed to Pigs from
four weeks of age to the time
'when'they weigh 50 pounds would
;result in considerable savings
to the feeder if the less 4em.
plex'ration is Used
High cost animal protein in.
•.°gredients in the 'ration could
mean higher costs to the pro.
Work is continuing on the
starter ration project• to col.
lett m9re complete data.
declA then
the Crop proa1
Rjsearoh • O�
shows the
the tall ,storage
reserves ries
areas of the province..Alter :
the areas eonnot be clearly
defined at ,preseAt,rresults r...
di to that the oriticil storm
period be three to four
.'weeks, earlier in the
.abort -seasoned , arca*, of Phe
province than . to the longest;
growing ,sin areas,
For example; at Gu 1phih the
i<nost severe •T►,interki111ng has'
occurred when, alfalfa was cut
about S eptem►;ber Otbr at 'Mount
Forest, .greatest daage occur.
red ten days •earlier; at Bran:
ford;ten days, later.
Resting 'alfalfa in the, fall is'
good insurance for stand per.
sistence and also insures higher
yields of alfalfa the following
year. Cutting alfalfa during the
fall rest :period -•could 'reduce.
next hay yields up to 50Percent.
Therefore, " for long-term
stands. and hiyields a'l9Ma
must be restedduring the Sept.
ember to early October period.
Windowpane checks, tweeds and solid
colors to mix and niatch and switch
about. The Town and Country look of
separates that are impeccably tailored
from 100% pure virgin wool in fash-
ionable fall shades of grape, spice,
greentone, brown 'and red tone.'
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