The Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-07-27, Page 10'rIl aderich signa1.Sta1'I Thin'' tdaY. Jul• +' 'R+la UM° 47 • 1. • Surveying the world from the cc !fellable security of God• 'rich,, it is appalling to note the number of trouble spots. The question forces itself upon One; leave the uncoordinated foreign policies of the United States and Britain been as well ogisiclered as we are led to believe We seem to be in a twilight zone. The Old Guard Of Britain bas almosttcompleted its withdrawal from ars. long and farthing peace -keeping mis. cions, while the New •Guard has •not .entirely taken post. 'Peer. haps actin has been circum. • scribed by the emergence of a' second super power. - the S oviet Union - with which the U.S. has to try and share dominion. After World War II,the Am. erican policy was to liquidate all colonial holdings and turn them back to their sometimes. unprepared native inhabitants.' The Pax Britannica was not seriously challenged until 1914.. The Paas •Americana is not hay ing as smooth a ride, due pos. sibly to the ambiguous nature of its foreign policy; It has to learn while it works. THE MEDITERRANEAN Starting at its western end; we find Spain, with a dictator "'"'''signaling the end of his power with a gl;iawing covetousness of Gibraltar. He has jeopardised e‘ a the d..w ri.'val of aircraft to the Rock by setting up a Berlin. like corridornevertheless Gib. raltar remains an unique spot where the inhabitants want Brea, tish rule to persist. Malta, having..gained its in, dependence, suddenly awakes to a realisation that dependence also spelt economic support in the shape of c, Royal Naval Dockyard. The island is no logger self supporting and it has to plead for charity. Cyprus smoulders on, . with Greek and Turk no nearer a declared armistice. The mali. grant Makarios continues to dis. .grace his Church with his in. trigues, the while awaiting the plum to ripen and fall into his maw. GREECE , On April 20th 1967, the Greek Army effected one of those all too familiar coups, though in this case it should be 'coup' so remote was any challenge. Thus today Greece is a m'l. itary dictatorship. The country used to be. a favourite haunt for Bohemians, but since the 'coup' most of the beardies;. long hair, and bizarre clothed weirdies have gone. They did not bring in enough money. The new military Junta is obsessed with trifles and many of its decrees are absurd: The roubled action against beards is said ' to be to .improve m rats; School teachers have been" or*. dered to `watch students' be, haviour outside school.' (This should appeal to our own guinea. pigs.) Sunday school .is cam. PulSQx3;• The attitude of the newrulers is rather like that of the blood. thirsty saloon bore: "Pd put the Reds up against, ()Avail!" but the Communist movement is supported only by,, perhaps iS per cent of the population. from whoa all the arms have been taken away. Nevertheless, the excuse for the 'coup' Was.a 'Red Plot' and as a result it was accomplished with supreme ease. The Minister for the Inter. for, Brigadier Pattakos, is al. Mediterranean ready *ell known for his wild remarks. He. threatened to bar Archbishop Makarios ofCyprus from the country because ofhis .beard, but his colleagues failed to appreciate his humour, , It was the officers of the First .Athens Corps who Or, ganlsed the 'coup', but they first sought the help, of the Third Corps why -polices the northern border. This obtained,' the Second or central Corps and the Navy saw that coin. pliance was to their. advantage and joined in. The very ease of its accomplishment proved the 'coup' was unnecessary; True, the prior democratic sy. stem bad its faults. Members of Parliament were too many and too well paid. They .hick, IN PERSON T1IERINE cK,IN ered and exchanged blows in a manner so familiar to Ottawa, The Civil Service was overstaffed, corrupt and loth. argic. Many of the newspapers were bribable. Blit now there are no elected representatives. The officers who have taken their places are more mini erous and more costly. The new Junta claim'ng a -pay cut, awarded themselves $1800 a • month. 'The Press' has become just a government 'propaganda 'orgatr,. The purge of the -civil service was aimed, not at the inefficient, but at the left wingers. Before, the 'coup' you could pay a man 'to fill in the forms and to wait in a queue for four hours to get you a driver's licence. Now you have to do it yourself, losing a day's work, while the job -fixer is also out of a job. The Church is powerful but there is no piety, The belay. Jour of some of the bishops has become a scandal. Education has been debased. Some pro. fessors will not pass a pupil for the University unless he pays for a special private course. Lecturers insist their own books be bought by stud. ents. The expelled Papandreou checked.rany of these rackets,. He increased the teachers' pay while reducing .the cost of schooling. (Be should be asked to tour and lecture in Ontario to. explain his method,.) - .Now he hasgone and the officers are incapable of running the • country. Emigration Is on the increase. 200,000 Greeks work • in West Germany, for Greece,__ is no longer' a country of op. portunity. and the population is steadily decreasing. The King may not have liked the 'coup' but the 'coup'. likes him and there is small chance of a counter: rebellion for (Months. Jugoslavia, its Communist neighbour, despite its sins of bigotry and occasional terror, is advancing at a much quicker rate than Greece and while they are as free to emigrate or work in West Germany as the Greeks, the Jugoslays have lost far fewer in proportion, Greece stands as the last of the old Balkans, tired,cor. rupt• and despondent, with a ,brightened King and a stupid military government. Plato, who defended govern. ment by the strong, the wise and the few - a benevolent dic. tatorship in fact - forgot that an oligarchy depends on the cha. ratter of the oligarchs. Today Greece has fallen into a deep sleep. She _ has become Plato's banana republic, much to the chagrin of her best - sons. • Come And Enjoy Yourself In Goderich SATURDAY, 8:00 P.N.: Dance at Arena --- Miss Union Maid and two Maids of Honor chosen. SUNDAY, 2:30,P.M. Open Air Interdenominational Church Servitce- Special music. All aro welcome. MONDAY, 2:00x_P,M.: • Parade, speaker, soap box derby, barbecue, tug- of-war, children's races, ice cream eating contest, old time and modern street dancing from 8:3Q P.m.,. till 12. FOR FLOAT ENTRIES Contact EARL WILLIAMS R.R.' 2, Goderich SOAP BOX DERBY ENTRIES Contact G. OSMOND, 145 Widder St.. • ALL EVENTS' ON THE SQUARE PRE -FINISHED V -GROOVED Such a , beautiful lustrous finish! Will match any decor. Rustic Elm paneling formerly sold for $13.95 per .panel but you can choose yours now at Conklin's and save $4.00 per panel. No money down; easy terms arranged. Compare At $13.95 Conklin's • Price 4,x 8� PANEL. And here's another great Paneling Buy from Conklin's Pre -Finished, V. -Grooved • Also Available In A Rich • 'Warm Cherry Finish FAMOUS RADIO -TV STAR And THE TRAVELLERS' CANADA'S OWN FOLK SINGERS SPECIAI. GROUP 000MPHP SUPS WILD WOOLLEYS 5099 SHAGGYGROWING GIRLS FLATS 2.99 . . SPECIAL GROUP YOUNG MENS DRESS OXFORDS - • LOAFERS The finish is imprinted on plastic coated sheets. There are no flaws, no imper- fections . and it's so easy to clean, so easy to install. 6:95 SPECIAL . GROUP: CHILDRENS SHOES MISSES LITTLE GENTS 3.99 FAN.,, J; .� CLEARAN E ::w K• SUMMER SANDALS .99 • ROSS;SHOEThSHOP e Square Elmer's Summer Safety Contest(0.2) r~ PSI Saturday, July 29th30. ` GObERICH ARENA -- ADMISSION 51.50 - ., 1. Tickets Available . At Campbell's And The Arena PROCLAMATION TO THE CITIZENS OF THE • Pack up it's vacation time! Go with an HFC Traveloan AMOUNT oF LOAN $ 100 300 550 1100 11100 2500 3000 4000' SOO MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS .60 46 38 30 10 ll months months months months months;months 4' $ S. • 5.... $6.12 $9.46 18.35. 28.31 23.73 32.86 51.24 4L45 58.11 91,56 101.01 126.26 • 13.35 88.02 117.37 146.1 57.72 90.18 108:22 144.30 180.37 Above paymentt Inttuda otiOtipal and interest and are base!. on brenrptte7ay:nenl bur 6o fotintiudd iha toil Of isle rn%urance Don't put off your vacation because you're short of money. Get an HFC Traveloan, cover every cost; then' repay conveniently when you return. See HFC! Ask about, credit lite insurance on loans at low group rates H�USEH�ID FINAC ODEItlCH 35A West Street -.Telephone 524-x388 (above the Signal Star) n G � aboul our evening limits TOWN of GODERICH Monday, August lth Having Been Fixed By Resolution Ai Civic & Public Holiday All Citizens Are i .equested To Covern Themselves Accordingly. DR. FRANK IVCILL+S, Mayor. 29-30 , WIN IMPERIAL "700" .;... 81KES ONE BOY'S. cif.' ' GIRL'S 25 LYTEh ACCESSORY • K4fi5 Each Kit contains bilcycle lock, handle' grips, mud - flop and Streamers. xr, How to . enter - Cut this contest out of paper along dotted lines and 'color the picture_ Or drove• a 'picture that looks like this and color if. 2. List on separate sheet of paper the seven things wrong in the picture. 3. Moil contest and list of errors . to address on Entry Form. 4: All entries become the property of Elmer the Safe- ty Elephant and cannot be returned. 5. Children of employees of this newspaper, the Ontario Safety League and C.C.M. 619,y_not enter. 6. Any Ontario child of cit.': rnentary school age may enter. . 7. Judges' decision is final. EVERY WEEK mail before,.. AUGUST 2 to: ELMEit c/o ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE 208 KING STREET WEST TORONTO 1, ONTARIO - - r NAME ADDRESS ('Town or Cityt TELEPHONE AGE boy Girl