The Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-07-06, Page 13i Grads A#tend! Banquet 01 f An awards night program, held Wednesday evening, June 28,. concluded the academic year for the public school - children of Colborne central school.' Prior to the program, a grad. nation dinner was given the 26 grade eight pupils who had suc. cessfuliycompleted their last year of public school. Sponsored by the Tiger Dunlop women's institute, the dinner . plate of ° cold turkey'was prepared and served at the . Colborne town. ship hall at Carlow. During the ceremonies at the dinner, Trudy Kernighan, a grade eight pupil at Colborne central, acted as chairlady. Philip Main;. principal of the 12 -room central school, form. erly known as Z ion public school, was chairman far the awards night program held •• in the ,school's modern, spacious play. room -auditorium. MUSICAL PROGRAM Following his opening re. marks, the audience was treated to a variety of musical numbers featuring pupils • from the school. Among those,who• per.' formed were Gerry Durst, gtli. tar solo; Ernie Efrimmer, drum solo; Ernie , incidentally, has become a seasoned performer on stage, having appeared in the musical revue, "Stereoscope 67" presented by the Goderich Little Theatre about two month's ago in the high school audi. torium here. A third number was an accordion solo rendered by Judy Robertson. Donna Bean, a grade eight pupil, introduced the guest speaker for the awards night program, R. G, ("Bob")Shrier, Goderich Signal -S tar publisher. 1.1 Personal Mr. 'and Mrs. B. II. Willings, 212 Elizabeth street, celebrated their, golden wedding anniver- sary on Tuesday, June 27th. It was a day of visitors, phone calls, telegrams, gifts,andnum- erous, congratulatory messages. Visiting with Mrs. H, Lednor oyer the holiday weekend were Mrs. Mary Dickson, Fred and Brian Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Balkwill and Karen, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shutter and. Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gibson and Miss Marie Fennell of Hamilton. Recent visitors with Mrs. Lednor were Mr. and Mrs. Ken. ne Dickson of Nassau, as. SEE THE WORLD'S TOPLADY PROFESSIONAL GOLFERS IN ACTION! LADIES' OPEN SUNNINGDALE COUNTRY CLUB LONDON, ONTARIO Highway #4, just North of London Don't miss this'outstanding sports event . . . the only Canadian tournament on the L.P.G.A. tour! Tuesday, Jt,tly 18 Practice Round $1.00 Wednesday, July 19 Pro -amateur Event $1.00 uCsday, July 20 t Round 18 holes $2.50 iday, July 21 2nd Round 18 holes $2.50 Saturday, July 22 Final Round 18 holes $3.00 Admission Tickets sold through most golf pro -shops, at Tom M'dnro Ltd. and Nash .Jewellers in London. Or, write Sunningdale 'Country Club, -R. R. #5, 'London, Ont. Buy a Weekly Ticket for $8.00 and save '$4.00. orne Centr The Signal'Star speaker in. troduce L 145 address with an invitation 'to the 26 members. of the grade eight graduating class to get up off their chairs and look . underneath them. After a second's . hesitationthe grade eighters followed this diregtion anda little, commotion followed while all 26 were busy turning their ,chairs, over to look for something' unknown' to them. When the noise had'subsi' ed, and the pupils were' resead, Mr. Shrier posed a question to them. "What did you And under- neath ..•?" No answer. "Did none of yowl find any. thing '-=?'' Finally one girl raised her arm indicating that she had found the hidden object; . it was a one dollar bill. "All right class, that was meant to illustrate to you grad. nates that you mot, get off your seats to make a do 1lar these days" . Mr. Shrier explained. POSITIVE ATTITUDE In a more serious tone, the Signal -Star publisher used the rest of his speech to emphasize the importance of developing a proper positive attitude towards one's job, one's career and fel. low employees. Following his address, Mr. Shrier was thanked by two grade eight pupils, Gerry Durst and Kathy ' Taylor,who presented him with a gift on behalf of the graduating class. PRESENT AWARDS Presentation ofawards and diplomas was next on the pro. gram , , Members of the Colborne township central school board and municipal council were given the honor of making the various -presentations. Follow ing are the awards and diplomas Presented, and the names of those pupils receiving them: , Sports awards,' based on the ..,<,:„1. annual• field. dal. competitions held earlier thin spring, were presented by Claire Harmon, Colborne' central School teacher to the following pupils who're» ceived medallions; Olin Stright Sue McKee,' • Sandra Feagan, Dianne Hardy, Elaine Graver, Doug Fisher .and Mark Kernig. A hookeyy .. trophy waft pre• stented by Russell,Vrimmer to. the .school's hockey"t`eani known' as Main's Mashers. .Captain Bruce Stoll accepted' the. trophy on be ` 1 ' of his fellow team - memo ` s who were: Laurence Ashb rry, Ivan Robinson, Jim Durst.!.aul McCabe, Jim Rea. burn" , SOlm. , Clutton, Bill -POI; lock:7'1 en Bogie, Jimmy McCue, len McNeil, EricScott, Doug , F. cher, Danny .Duncan, , Brian.rave, Roger Moore, Morgs;oore and Ernie Pfrim. mer. ', , HWr, ,bars, awarded to all ,pupils- tom grades three to eight whho achieve a 75 per cent average on their year's work were presented next. Mrs. Eric Reaburn, president of the Col. borne home and school assoc. cation, presented these awards. Sportsmanship awards were then• presented by George Rob. ertson, a member of the school board. Two pupils*from each grade, from three to seven, are chosen to receive this award who, ''in the opinion of their teachers, have been active part. icipants in the school sports program showing 'spirited corn. petition, yet co-operative and • respectful of the rights of others. Subject awards were pre. sented by Mrs. N. Durst, a member of the Colborne home and school group. Receiving this cash awards through the courtesy of the Colborne town. ship Foresters' lodge, were the following grade eightpupils: Win"ham' Memorials Quality-Service-CemeterysLettering PHONE WINGHAM 'COLLECT, 357-1910 • Or . WRITE BOX 158, . WINGHAM, ONTARIO Nmemeseiss Business Directory ona,cDonal d CKARTE1tED `ACCOUNTANT 39 St. David St., 524-6253 Goderich, Ontario Ro N. BENTLEY ACCOUNTANT 4 Britannia Rd. E. -- Goderich Phone 524-9521 i *0 'FINANCIAL CO,,•,,NSEL 23 WE,.1.144GTON STREET NORTH GODERICH, CANADA 524-9088 , Q Mutual hivestment Funds a Specialty R7 REFRIGERATION and APPLIANCE SERVICE All makes -- All' types GERRY'S APPLIANCES. The Square Phone 5248434 "'Phc Store That Service Built" Tel • Bus. 524-9531 Res. 524-9243' PE f tR S. MacEWAN INSURANCE AGENCY REALTOR 44 North Street Goderich, Ont. Alexander and Chapman GENERAL 'INSURANCE REAL ESTATE , PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Canadian Imperial' Bank of Commerce Building Goderich 'Dial 524.9662 6. C. WHITE Accredited P,tlic Accountant 88 Elgin Ave. W. 524-8797 Goderich Ontario R: W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Stjuare - 52"4-7661 A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT. • 55-57 SOUTH STREET TELEPHONE • GODERICH, ONTARIO •.44. 5244562 to Before Investing ... Investigate UNITED ACCUMULATIVE . FUND LTD. ALBERT J. SHORE R*pre*entative UNITED INVESTMENT SERVICES LTD. 9, A QUobiic St. ' o 148164 rod utates Trudy Kernighen, English; tied for the Socail Stud4es award Were Gerry Durst and Trudy Kernighan• • Gerry Durst, scieneel Sherry Moore, math.. erratics, • Receiving proficiency; wards • were two young scholar's whose na.mes are no'w familiar, having .-already' appeared in previous awards lists, They were -Gerry: Durst andbTrttdy Kernighanwho each r."eceiVed .a • mint set of Canadian denteonial ' ".coma.' These .awards were sponsored by _the .Colborne t'Avnshipladies' chapter of the Canadian Order of Foresters, and were pre. sented by Mrs. Leonard Fisher, secretary of the chapter: The William Watson awards, were then delivered to their winners by Tom Moore. These awards, made possible through' the will of the late William Watson, longtime secretary of the Colborne township school board, are based on outstand. ing English composition work, amongst grade 'eight pupils. The three winners of this awa"d based their composition • o• school bus trip to Tor ` W.J. Denomme FLOWER SHOP PhoPN ��LEGJtgp� 524. 11132 DAY OR NIGHT Agent for 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOPING { YOUR VACUUM CLEANER, STORE The winners were: first -* Glenn McMichael• second -• Trod Kernighan; y� rdi,f xerx y Durst' Glenn's first -place come. position will • be printed else, where in the Signal -Star, Final 'event. of the program were the citizenship awards presented by 'Mrs: B. Homan, on behalf of Colborne school board, of which she is a mem, ber. Characteristics taken into consideration . by the teachers when choosing the recipients for this award are a high stand. SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF QUALITY CLEANERS. BY EU EK4, EI7E d1. ELE�- TRIC AND . LEWYT BEFORE' YOU ' BUY.' Hutchinson radio - TV - Appliance 308 Huron Rd. 524.7831 o aid of. work and achlevement and a high standard of leader. ship in the school, The two - winners were Trudy Kernighan and Bruce Stoll, p Canada was sung to conelitde theawards .night program. ' Below are 'listed°the names of ' ° Colborne. township central school graduates: Donna Baech.' ler, Gerry Durst, Owen .Baer, Bob ' Daer, Donna Bean, Bruce Stoll, Karen Hodges, John r1 Stright, Lynn Snyder, Brad Van - stone, Elizabeth Chainney, WANTED-_ REAL ESTATE 'AGENT Interesting' work with better than average income pis open, to an ambitious man in the Goderich area Join a fast growing' Real Estate firm now by contacting,., RUTH VAN DER MEER, 55 Montreal St Goderich. On 524-7875 . or WILFRED McINTEE CO., LIMITED Box 549, Walkerton. Ontario. Phone 881-2270 26 - 7 ' t $444)41,0ts'l. T ubal► , igei Eusan. McKee," ,,.orne'Brindlo , Peggy Dustow, , ; Ivan i 4 s Sharon Siilib, Jixn • Raahhrn,. 'Sherry Moore J. W. ill s.. jthy Taylor,, 01044M440..01, Joanne lifoPue, 14turqnee >A. ` bet*, Betty Westlake lain. Schultz ,afd "Trudy Ke i Map , out a. change -of -place vacation with an 'NFC ,Traveloan A? JIUNT OF LOAN $ 100 '300 5511 1000 •1600 '2500 3000 4000 5000 MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS 60 48 36 i 30 ,months ` months , months months $ $.... S $.... 57.72 73.35 90.18 88.02 108.22 101.01 111.37 144.30 126.261146.71 180.37 23.73 4I.45 10 months $6.12 18.35 32.86 58.11 11 months $9 46 28.37 51.24 91.56 Above payments include principal and Interest and are based on prompt repayment, but do not Include the cost of life Insurance. Map out a change -of- pace Vacation, too, for' good health, good work. Do it with an HFC . Traveloan. It'll provide the' money for every travel expense. Later when you return, you can repay HFC • conveniently. Ask about credit lite' insurance on loans at low group rates HOUSEHOLD FINANC GODERICH 35A West Street -Telephone 524-7383 (above the Signal Star) • Ask about our evening hours tl REMINDER TO .MOTORISTS IMPOk'f`ANT.CHANGES IN THE ONTARIO HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT MECHANICAL FITNESS OF USED CARS • A used motor vehicle must be certified as mechanically fit by any dealer who sells,it for use on the highways. An unfit 41iicle-may only be sold after the plates have been removed and returned to the Department. The purchaser will receive a Bill of Sale. After repairs, registration ,plates' can be obtained for such a vehicle by subniitting,to the Department,' the Bill of Sale and a Certificate of Fitness signed by a certified motor. mechanic. EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1967. • RESTRICTIONS ON TOWING It is illegal to drive a passenger car or station wagon with more than one vehicle in tow. EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 196.7." SPEED LIMITS IN CONSTRUCTION ZONES New legislation now authorizes special speed zoning for marked construction sites. Motorists are required to obey posted speedjimits. EFFECTIVE NOW. REPORTING,OF MEDICALLY UNFIT DRIVERS It is the duty of'every legally qualified medical practi- tioner to report to the Registrar the name, address and diagnosis of every•peirson coming under his diagnosis, treatment, care or charge who is suffering from a condi- tion that in the opinion of .the medical practitioner is such as to make it dangerous for such person to operate a motor vehicle. EFFECTIVE -NOW. , • fttft .x10 MOTORCYCLES REQ'U'IRE TWO BRAKING SYSTEMS. Every motorcycle when being operated on' a highway shall be equipped with at least two, braking Systems each with a separate means of application with one effective on the front wheel and one effective on the rear wheel,. EFFECTIVE JULY 1; 1967. AIRCRAFT ON HIGHWAYS When an aircraft makes an emergency landing on •a highway, the pilot must have it removed within a rea- sonable time. When an aircraft is being driven or drawn along a high- way, its movement must comply with, the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act. EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1967. MUFFLERS •_ New requirements as to mufflers have 'been enacted, prohibiting the use of a muffler cut-oul, straight ex- haust, gutted -snuffler, hollywood muffler, by-pass or similar device upon a motor vehicle. EFFECTIVEJULY 1, 1967.. 1S or ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Hon. Irwin Haskett, Minister - x�:�• :::;..:,: is ;..:.::�:: CARLING LAGER BEER the satisfierl. ro. This summer, enjoy Carling Citsci Lager Beer. It goes down a little easier, satisfies a whole lot morel