The Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-07-06, Page 11Dear Ann Landers: I live,
in a resort town and I hope
you will print my letter for the
benefit of , the big city JoIks
who come here (and to other
resort spots) for` vacation.
Every -Sunday oUr churches
are packed with people in bath.
ing attire, beach robes, slacks,
shorts, halters and some even
cine 'barefoot. They wouldn't
dream •of attending half
naked at home, but they seem
to think so long as they are
on vacation and nobody knows
them, it doesn't matter how
they look. b
I, for . one, am offended by
such bad manners and I said
so recently to a friend. She
replied., PI don't think it makes
any difference how,, people
dress. It's enough that they
bother to go to church at all
when they are on vacation."-
.... What are your. views? --VER-
Pear Vermont: �-,Beach
robes, slacks, shorts, hal.
teras and bare feet are out
If you are NEW -TO -TOWN or
have just moved into a new
of place in a house of wor.
ship. Moreover,. it Is an
inrsult • to. the other., wor.
shippers. Some churches
will not allow, half•naked
knuckleheads 'to . enter,
Which,, in my opinion, is
as it should be.
* *
.. Dear Ann Landers: Is our
16 -year-old daitghtezh crizy 'or
what?. She ' has an .unsightly
rash on her shoulders and back
and sometimes the • itcfiing
drives , her wild. She has been
to a skin specialist and he' told
her she is allergic toan,elastig.
ype bra which she . s been.
wearing. The allergy' is not
caused from the fabric, he ex.
plained, but from the friction
and pressure.
We were relieved to learn the
cause of her problem and as-
sumed- she. would change, bras
immediately and her skin trou-
bles would be over, When I
told her to go downtown and
buy new bras and throw the old
ones away she refused. I was
WMS Plans
July. Picnic_.:.
would like to call on you with
"housewarming gifts" and 'in-
formation about your new loca-
tion. The Hostess will be glad to
arrange your subscription to the
• CO her at 524-9525
The June,meeting of Erskine.
Presbyterian WMS Dungannon,
was held in the church with
Mrs. Robert '• McAllister pre.
siding and Mrs. Frank Jones
,at the organ.
The meeting opened with sing.
ing Psalm 26 and repeating the
purpose. Mrs. FrankJones gave •
the devotional reading from 28th
chapter of Proverbs, her topic
being on .Canada and the abun.
dance of goodness in it. The
roll call was answered by a
flower of the Bible. Minutes
were read by Mrs. Wallace
Wilson and approved. She also
gave the treasurer's report.
Offering was received -and bus. -
Mess conducted .
Plans were made for the an.
:nual picnic in July. Aprons were
made by Mrs. Wallace Wilson, _
and sold after close , of the
meeting. Mrs. Artfur.Stewart
read glad tidings prayer. Mrs.
William. Reid read a chapter
of the study book: "Church
Growth in Canada". Miss Iva
Carr read' a letter 'from a
shocked. She says sheloves
her' bras and is willing to put
up with the skin problem rather
than change;
Please tell me what to. do
with a girl ,who is so foolish?
Dear Mother: Obviously'
your daughter would rather
itch than switch. Say,, no
more about it. Part of tier-
er. resistance may he a reac.
tion .to • • your insistence..
When the 'rash becomes un-
bearable, she'll change her
tune and her bras as well..
• * *
Dear Ann Landers: Please
tell idle if ' I have been guilty
of bad manners all theseyears.
If you say. I have, I'll do some.
• thing about it. ---
When 'dining in the home of
friends recently, I proceeded
to sprinkle salt and pepper on
iicty food. The woman at" my
left informed me that it is an
insult to th hostess to season
food at the table. She said,
"A gourmet cook .spends hours
seasoning the food to perfec.
tion. When she sees a guest
add salt and pepper, she feels
she .has failed."'
What about this, Aim? Ts she
'right? -. SPICE OF LIFE
Dear Spice: Sorry but X
don't agree with your friend
Seasoning is a matter, of
taste. That's why salt, and
pepper shakers, are on the
tables of every restaurant
and almost every home. No
hostess should feel insulted, ,
li a guest wishes to season
the food. .
Three. Kitchener Teenagers.- Ride
Bikes Here For Old Home Week
As one example of magnetic
influence exerted on distantkin.
folk by the Goderich township
"Old Home Week" Centennial
celebrations, consider this
Three Kitchener teenagers
rode' their bikes all the way
to Goderich on . June 15, the
day prior ;to _ the opening of the
event, to the home of Mrs.
John Vickers at 181 West street.
They left Kitchener :early
Thursday morning, and after
biking- a long, hot 80 miles,
they reached Goderich about
5:.00 p.m.
Two of the youths, Bobby
and Tommy Ginn, are the teen.
aged grandsons of Mrs. Vic-
kers; -both of whom attend high
school in Kitchener; their teen.
aged companion, John. Heron,
is also a high school student.
Their final destination though,
was Holmesville and the God.
erich . township •'Old Home
Week" celebrations which were
scheduled there. 'The following
evening they reached 'the -end
4 of their journey, by a some.
what easier method of• trans.
portation, when they - motored
to Holmesville in their grand.
mother's car. Once at Holmes-
ville, the three Kitchener you.
the joined the fun wholeheart.
While enjoying the festivities
of the occasion, the two Ginn
boys, accompanied by their fr.-
lend, visited at the home of
the formers' aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs: Gerry Ginn, R. R. 2
Mr. and Mrs. Ginn, who took
a prominent part in the arrange.
ments for the Goderich . town.
ship Centennial celebrations,
were able to keep their visit.
ors -from Kitchener well infor•
med of activities. -during the
events of last weekend.
The following Monday they
mounted their bikes for the
return leg of their journey. It
is estimated that they travel-
led 160 miles to complete the
round trip.
Board Names
The Goderich district colleg.
late .'board met on Mondayeven.
ing, June 5, at which time app.
ointment of a business adminis.
trator for the GDCI board was
made • from applications on file.
It was announced after the,
meeting that Ben Straughan, of
R.R.4 Goderich, had been engaged
as business administrator/sec-
retary-treasurer of the Goderlch
His duties will begin Julyl. M::.
Straughan is presently the clerk.
treasurer for Colborne township.
An uncle of the bride, Rev,
Robert Rolston of the M.eaford
Nazarene Church, assisted by
Rev. Clifford West Galt United
Missio>za•ry Church, officiated
at a double -ring, ceremony, of
Lynda' Anne Rolstonand Ron.
aid Gordon Curl, 'at Chee$ev
Lake, Saturday, June 3,
The .bride, who is the laugh.
ter of Mr. and Mrs, ,David
Rolston, Goderich, is a. grad-
uate of Emmanuel Bible Col-
lege, Kitchener. The groom, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cux'l,
Sutton, is presently attending.
Emmanuel Bible College, Kit.
The bride wore a gown of
chiffon over taffeta with a lace
train, and had a shoulder -len-
gth veil of French tulle. She
carried a bouquet of cascade
red roses and pink mutes.
Mrs.,,, Ronald Leis, Guelph,
was matron of honor, The
attendants were, Marilyn Chow.
der, Kitchener, 'andSandra Maces .
Gregor, cousin Of the bride,
of Fergus, They wore Went.
ical gowns of French blue chili•
fon over taffeta A'and carried
baskets of blue mums andwhite
daisies. • .
•Sherra Lee , Bridle of Hes.
pelar was flower girl andBrad•
ley Rolston of Meaford .was
ring bearer. Ronald Traviss.
of Kitchener . was 'best man and
the usher's were Lloyd andKen.
neth Curl; brothers Of -the
groom. •
A reception was heldat•Ches•
ley Lake Dining Hall. 'The
bride's mother received guests
in a long, pale ,yellow gown of
chiffon over taffeta with mat-
ching,aecessories. The groom's
mother chose 400 ma,.ve;gawn
of taffeta with white ace*
For a " trip. to 1:404treal and
Goderich . (WIL
The Goderich C.W,L. ladies
met in pt., Peter's school on
June 14, with eleven members
present. The secretary and
treasurer gave their '.reports,
Motions' were. passed to have
and anniversary Mass; tb send
our Girl Guide leader to Cha.
thein; to have a bale oo cloth-
ing gotten ready for St. Vin.
cent de Paul over the sum,
mer months; to have a schedule'
written up of the C.W.L. act.
ivities over the past year and
its east; the brio* Wye .I
sem" navy snit wjtl White *Rev
e'tes and noxi ,` r
roses, The etre *111 r
sicle In #itcheneror
to pave a bake .sale Qat St
, at penommeflower o
• Marie, Bae ►ah gave a' report
on. the. conventi( • attended by
herself :and'.Phyllis POMO':
Madeline Wisner. gave Wit''.
quilt' patches to members. •in
terested. All, members were In
agreement to. have a lift; shop'•
at the back of the church on'
Sunday. .
The meeting was adjourned .
and lunch served.
A.?' • ft: m3r
401p -Yourself to Swim Better
-lba8+j , , .'.t3 iki{ • ,. �. off.• ..a• 1'h•Gi i
5.44 to
Kiddies' Flippers—As Item (8).
81-1Q23—For ages 3 to 5. Pair.. I.49
rri "Sea Master" Fins—Finii-quality
blue rubber. Comfortable, non -slip
foot adjustment. Per pair:
81 -1026 --Small (shoe size to 4)) .2.29
81-1029—Medium (sizes 4 to 8)., ..2.84
81,-1032—Large (sizes 8 to 12)... .3.49
an "Manta" Style Fins—From' Italy.
Combine comfort and'speed. Sturdy,
flexible "Gulf Blue" rubber.
81-1038—Sizes 4 to 8. Pair . 5.89
81=1039—Sizes 8 to 12: Pair • 6.89
"Weiersport" Fins — An ideal
lU combination of power, comfort and
durability — incorporating more ex-
clusive features than any other swim
fins in this price range,
81-1045X—S (68) or M (9.10)...6.95
81 -1047., -Large (11.12). Pair...A;.7.89
Nose Ctip—(Not shown.) Soft, good
quality rubber, with headband.
81 -1004 --Each, only ' .59
Ear Plugs—Soft, durable rubber
81 -1008 --(Not shown.) Pair .29
QFolding Hardwood Stool—Ideal
13 for the cottage; picnics,' on the
beach, eta. Folds flat—there's room for
' several 1in the Itr3unn�k,of.your oar. Size:
76-1-542--Lraoh, only ' .98
0 "Torsion-Flit"•Diving Board -
Suitable for use on docks, rafts,
pool sides, etc.—needs no special Mount-
ings or anchoring, Oinly 42" long over -
a110 weighs only 52 lb., yet compares
in Performance with conventional, 12 to
14 -ft. 'diving boards. Special 137 9�
81-3065—"'Mermaid" Value ..
12"Sea Master" Swim Goggles —
Snug fitting Surf -Blue rubber. Un-
breakable plastic ionises. -
81-1057—Adjustable headband...89
l3 Wide Canadlan-Mads
adjustable headband Sam and
single shatterproof plastic lens.
81.1064—Adult's size 1 ,49
"Sea Master" Triangular Mask—:
Shatterproof Mastic lens. Sealing ring
keep's water out. Adjustable.
81-1061—(Not shown.)'Medium....89
81-1083—(Nct shown.) Large. 1.19
"Volt" Mask — Professional design,
Universal fit. Amber -colored, double -
strength, oval glass lens.
81 -1085 -"Gulf Blue", rubber 2.69
less-steel rim. l Adj astable, dk — oubl
headband for perfect fit.
81 -1086 --Shatterproof oval lens . 3•.19
. 15 Imported from France — The
O "Caravelle" mask has unbreak-
able safety, glass lens. Professional type
with integral equalizing feature which
permits quick pressure -relief without
renlovinp mask. Large, completely
adjustable headband.
81-1068—Our best quality 4.89
16 Snorkel Tube ---Rugged plastic
tube with rubber mouthpiece.
81-1082—Adds to beach fun .89
fa Professional -Style Snorkel —
Plastic tube with flexible, . accor-
dion -type mouthpiece in -soft rubbe1r
51.1004—Like the pro's use 11.39
WVSanitary -Resuscitator—Pamous
"Brooks Airway" unit is"designed to.
facilitate mouth•to-mouth artificial res-
piration --eliminates oral contact with
mouth and nose. Helps prevent suffoca-
tion by stopping victim's tongue from
obstructing air passages.
, 66-4020--5peciail dnly 3.44
1.33 to
s. • ai , . e.',
inner construction
__-featured-in Sealy's nationally
advertised $6995 mattress.
fags �b1.��OM �`,`vr.ww."'••••v.M.r-n '+.r. wrYw. rw.W.'W..'.4. I.•1•OK•IM••••••..1A1.M1•.►V
EVInyi Air Mattress &tubo oon�
°�' % a .2.49
Same fine Golden Edde Same fine extra firm
border construction innerspring coils
n Re
Only the quilting is new!
. • • •:,
It looks, feels ,and is' built likeit should ,cost this 'a good value ,at $69.95 ... now you get
$20 more ! Except for a slightly'different quilt- the same fine inner construction and beautiful
- ing, you•get every luxurious feature that made cover for a big difference in price !
Queen Size 60x80" $13095
$179.95 value fol • 2 -pc. set
King Size 76x80" $19995
$279.95 value for 3 -pc. set
2" Tubular
Steel Promo
virest Street