The Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-07-06, Page 10e • e$eh Signal Star► ThursdaY, Ji y 6l is i Ery r Lauriston School Graduates Honored With Dinn Oraduatlon fon members of the', 84"40e eight class at Victor 3#41411sten public school was obi seyedy a dinner, a program and presentationa;of awards Meld. 'Tuesday, June 23 at the Vic• tOla; school:: 'Sponsored . by the Goderich home• and schoolbassociation, a .+d Per ,v! s served to the grade eight ,.,giraduating class prior to the px ogram. Chairman for the event was Mars, W. Craven, president of the Goderich home and school 'association, The program began 'With' it processional and the ' school song. Mrs. R. Cornish, led the assembly in the home and school .prayer. -A welcome to guests and ,visitors was ex. tended by R. E. Smith, super- vising principal. GUEST SPEAKER Marty Adler,. CKNX .radio announcers' who , was guest • speaker , at the graduation as. sembly, was introduced by. •Bruce Weary, a member of the grade eight graduates, Audrey Mariott, another graduate,,, of Victor Lauriston, extended thanks to Marty after his ad. dress. Presentation at graduation certificates was made by Mrs. J. Lewis, Afterwards, the \fol. lowing awards, were presented: Robert Park ,memorial medal for highest achievement in liter. ature, grammar, mathematics and spelling went to Catherine Russell. R. E. Crawford, prin. cipal at Victor Lauriston school, made the presentation. Mrs. Dr. R. W. Hughes presented the Maple Leaf chapter's I.O.D.E, award for general proficiency to Leslie Lambert. ,Goderich Womens' Institute award for general proficiency was gives! to Diane Gainey by Mrs. R. H. Wilson. The Ahnzeek chapter I,O,D.E, award for literature was pre. -sented to Robert Coulter by Mrs. M. Clairmont. Barbara PORTER'S HILL PORTERS HILL -.The UCW of Grace Church met at the home Of Mrs. Donald -Harris for the June meeting. The president, Mrs. Elgin. Coxlwas in charge of the meeting which ,opened with hymn 358. The Scripture was read by Mrs, Bill Town. shend ' and also the study book on «Eve"; The-tord's,Pr'ayer wase repeated in unison. The secretary and treasurer re.• ports were given and the roll call was answered with a pen. ny for each room in your horse, Plans -were made for the . ham and salad • supper. July.19. Meeting closed with the Miz. j ah Benediction and the hos. tess served a lovely lunch. • SPECIAL SERVICES Next Sunday, July 2,the reg• ular morning worship will take the form of a Centennial ser. , • In ,the evening at 8:00 p.m. there will also be a Centennial service in Clan Gregor Square, ,Bayfield. All are cordially invited to attend these services. PERSONAL Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell on the arrival of a baby boy last week. Miller received the "Goderich home and school' association award for science from Mrs,. R. Ashton, a member of the . home and school group. Following the awards preset'. tation, 'Catherine Russell gave • the valedictory. Members of the graduating class then sang the popular Centennial song,. "Canada",, which was followed by the national anthem. The graduates movedindoors to the auditorium of the Vic. toria school for a dance after the program was over. GRADUATES Members of ' the grade eight graduating group are as follows: Principal. R. E. -Crawford's Glass: Stuart Asher,, .Shelley ,Bradford,, Dennis Bricker, Ron, aid. Brown, David Cairruthers, Robert Coulter, Bruce Craw. ford, Brenda .Feaga i, Cberyk, Hamilton, Peggy Hailey, Bar- bara Haworth, Nancy dills, Anne _ Hopkinson, Blake. Tones, 'Lesley Lambert, Brice Levey, Lois Carrick, Dennis 'Little, Lisa McLean, Barbara Miller,, John Pa,>iriminger, Susanne Pa.' quette, Beth Ross, BrianRumig., Catherine Russell, Karen Such, Janet. Sutherland, Michael Ta. felt, Bruce Walter, Paul Warr, Mary Wilkin, Carol Willis, Jean Woodward and Sharon Mitchell. .Graduates from Mrs. R. Shad• dick's class are: Brenda An. drews, Larry Barfoot, Jim Bradford, Rosanne Deuomme, ')arlene ,Draper, Dale Fritzloy, Susanne Gardiner, . Dianne Gan, ley, Gordon Glaer, Nancy. Glenn, Gail Good, Glenn Green, Janis Green, Patti Jenkins, Rob. ert Jerry,. , Wendy Johnston, •Rosemary, Bowers, Anne Legg, Dwayne L,inner, Bonnie Little. child, ' John 'MacDonald, Seng MacDonald, Rdbert Macey, Wil- liam McGee, Boli McGuire; Ken Meriam, Brian Sandy, Penny. Sheardown, A11anSparling,Judy Sproul, Sherry Treit, Cheryl Youngblut, Tim Sheardown. Jr. Farmers Hear Guest AA The monthly meeting of the Clinton Junior Farmers washeld in the Clinton Town Hall with Ray Brown as guest speaker. He is the salesman for Chitman CREWE CREWE - Mrs. Crozier Sr., and Miss Lorena Crozier, Lon. don, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Crdziex. , Bill Finnigan Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Henry and twi granddaughters, Pine River, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Finnigan. This community would like to • extend sympathy to Bert Fin- nigan on tie loss of his wife. hemicals and he spoke on weed and insect control 'oa field crops. He showed slides of test plots to reveal his conclusions. The m^ening adjourned to the. board room _'f "the Department of Agriculture where • they join., ed the Junior Institute members. Plans were completed for the float to b' entered In the Clip• ton Spring Showi parade. Guest speaker of the evening ws•s James _,.Stewwart from Tre. land. He spoke and showed slides on agriculture in Ireland. At the close of his address he was prey sented with a desk set of clock and pan. The Clinton Junior Far. mers were honored to have him stay in H iron county for a week with Bob McNeill of R.R. 6 God. erich. Following the meetingthe girls served °lunch. Murray Hoover, president of the Huron County Junior. Farmers was also pre. sent. Joanne Cook presided for the Junior Institute meeting apd they had a demonstration on using make-up and creams by Mrs. Brian Hallam, R.R. 1, Auburn. 6. Graduates from Mrs, D. Hay. den's class are: Jeanette' Ain. slie, Jane Baxter, Margo Bet.. tger, Faye Bradley, Cynthia Campbell, James Daer, Kenneth Davidson, Carol Duckworth, Susan Erb, .Hent Gerrtts; Janice • Glen, Linda Glenn, Rolf ceps tschaik, Helen Hetherington, Marie Hibbert, Robert. Mao- Donald ,Sharon Burchill? Rob. ert MacLean, Suzanne MacLeod Gaye Mexo, Edward 'Miller, Nancy Miller, Trudy Nelson, Terry Patterson; Gerda Potzel Burt Robinson, Clare Sager, 1,otiise Schaefer, Cindi Watt, Bruce Weary, Richard Whet- stone; Susan' . White, hath A RONTO r, Prizes • Whitten and Bill Stewart. Graduates from M. Vroomans class are; Brian Allen,. Sandra. lee Baker, Ricky Ball, Mark Barker, Clare Burchill, Jen:" nifer Cadman, Cathy Curry, Steve Doak, Susan Duckworth, Gayle Fisher, 'Betty Glousher, David -Harrison, Randy Hills, Corrine Hoy, Marcia Luipby, Bruce MacDonald, Nancy Mac*'. Donald, Audrey Martott; `Bob Mathieson, David McConnell,, Mora" --Ann Miller; Jim Mots, Mary Ann Millar, • Jim Moh. ring; Shirley Mohring, Cheryl Stewart, Ron Straughan, Step. hen Stringer, Larry Thurlow, Ken Wettlaufer, David Will tam s., Total number of Victor Lau. riston public school graduates this year was 130, • ENJOY . THE FINEST FOOD IN TOWN Chinese Food Oirr Specialty ALSO TAKEOUT ORDERS OPEN DAI.L Y 7 cm; to 10 p.m. Open Friday .and Saturday Until 12 Midnight The Esquire Restaurant ",524.'4941 " Ask about convenient departure and return times For information, phone the local -CN Passenger Sales Office • ON E Wqy e�:uE W�� 4'E FARE 6p CANADIAN NATIONAL 40.65 Fruits and Vegetables! 444 but .the ea er- As-always; everything you buy qt A&P is completely guaranteed to please. We are sorry that we can't guarantee the weather — but, with you we'll wish fpr a perfect day. Lots of us will be picnicking, too. CALIFORNIA VALENCIA, SWEET, JUICY, No. 1 GRADE S=LB CELLO BAG z '�- A �I ONE PFIiCED .HIGHER AT A&pl k v h>r ti4- xn'4r yeur k iv 3« dao•« w '"' � 1St O A SA Ntf�t�]� 1sES N1d 1•'GftADE, JUMBO SIZENTALOUPE 36's EA 'ANN PAGE SAVE UP TO 6c OVER OTHER BRANDS! t it • SUPER -RIGHT t UALITY DA'S FINEST RED BRAN STEER • BEEF SHORT OR CROSS, CUT tacjiA.Nots-E. • SUMMER DRESSES • SPORTSWEAR • SWIM SUITS • HAND BAGS :•- • ALL WEATHER COATS M LOOK FOR THE YELLOW SALE TICKETS! CAPONS P'RK C WIENERS SUPER -RIGHT BRAND CANADA GRADE A EVISCERATED 5 " TO 7 B. 4 4 MAPLE LEAF - VAC PAC LEAN BUTT EXCELLENT FOR . BRAISING FRESHLY MINCED GROU-ND Dependable Grocery Buys! ' PAPER -- REta. 57c p{cg of rolls_51,1 SCOTTOWELS WHITE OR COLOURED 8AVE 6c lairiitarelur Regular, Super or Sienderline " Reg. Price pkg 51c pkgs of 12 79 l SAVE 230 ' DRINKS HI•C (4 FLAVOURS)REG. 4, FL TIN 390 2481 l -oz tins 69? FRUIT SAVE 90 . ..�, err' JAVEX t. 0 a king sizebar1'39 DETERGENT REG. PRICE BOX `$1.85 SA /E 400 • LIQUID BLEACH • ^ ' REG. PRICE JUG 89c 12$•Fiyoz plastic lug 7 9fi .,:_J SAVE .10c . , • ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SAT , JULY 8TH, 1967 511 n fN Jane Parker Large . • Regi. Price each 59c -- SAVE 20o ANGEL, CAKE each 39c Jane Parker Reg. Price loaf 24c -•• SAVE"7o WHITE BREAD 3 24 -oz loaves 6St Jane Parker •' ' ' ' SAVE 6c WIENER ROLLS pkgof 12 33c, expo67TQ 067 OCTOBER 2'( . sPONSOROE G THE "EC.i 004)040 f dt0 Y" • POULTRY SuiLIN o ."AGRICULTURAL SECTION ' '