The Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-01-05, Page 11i
AnitTOmixON.Word, was re.
ceived here 4f the ;death 0t Mrs,
'Ben.. Caldwe11, 54 of•Windsor,•
the former. Marjory `liotibs;, The
▪ pneral,was held from theAnder.
ton Funeral Rome, Windsor Dec.
34. with burial at Windsor,;
I,eslief' ,Schultz, is a patient
Wingham. ' hospital; Ti. 14.
, Durnin is in Alexandra hospital,
Godertch, and Mrs, Frank Glenn
is In St. Josephs Hospital, Lond.
on, where she has undergone suit.
,The CGIT+� gi Is held their
Christmas Meeting on Dec; 22
"In the Dungannon United church
school rooms. Sandra Errington
rad .the •«scripture. The o•irtc
• are dning.ltqufid embroidery, with
the assistance of their 'leaders,
' Mrs. -Ivan Rivett and Mrs. Robt
Jeffergon. Carols were'sungwith
Karen Rivett, -a -s • pianist,'and the •
meeting closed with an exchange
-of giftsand lunch; The girls enjoy.
ed skating in Lucknow the week
before as_a social part of their
Rev. and Mrs. K..Knigiit and
• family. of Oak Park Michigan
• spent NewYears with her par,
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson
Mugford, and Wayne' Mulford of
Mount Clemens 'ent-the holiday
week with his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs, Mugford.
Relatives here received news
recently of the death -of Robert
Treleaven, of Brampton. tie was
a son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
James. Treleaven who resided on
Ashfield. He is survived
by his wife, the for}ner Mamie
Reid, two sons and - four
GDCI Newsfron
daughters, • Bur *Was 'at
Brampton . "a
The L.O,L, heldaEuchrepar .
Qn Dec. Oct Mr
with s, Alvin Alto
having high .score .for the ladies
and Mrs. Russel Brindley low.
Chas Fowler was :high for the men
andWililam Caesar low. The next
card, party will be Jan. 13. '
Mr.:.a ` "rs`: Warren Fain ford,'
Craig and Ruth visited with Mr,
and .Mrs..Robert Stothers.
Wednesda '
• -Cathy' and Arian Durnford, •
London;. Spent .t ie 'holiday' Week
with' their grandparents, Mr. ,and
M>i's, James Wilson, '
Flora. Durnin and her`:father,
R,. J. Durnin ;spent.the New Year
weekend with friends at .Sehom.
Jibe e.` _ c rr;'e-
Christmas guests With Mr. Bpd
.Mrs. J. M. Durnin were, Dr. and
Mrs. H, Hall, Miss L,%; Durnin
and Mrs. Whiteley, _of Goderich
and Misses Jean and Helen White-
ley, Toronto.
and 'Mrs.' Reber Eedy; patriots:"
Eedy with her parents Mr, and
Mrs. Irvine Eedy for the week;
Mr.andMrs Wright, Wheatley„1
with their son, Rev; .qienWright,
Mrs. Wright.?and children; Mr.
,and Mrs. Kenneth McAllister,
Sudbury, Mr. and Mrs, Robt Mc.
Allister, Con. 6: W. Wawanosh,
arta Mr. and Mrs. Doug „Ray.
nard and Diane, tion, with. Mr..
and Mrs. Mason McAllister; Mr.
and Mrs, William pradley*,
.1 renda,-• Faye and Alice, God.
•erieh, Mr. and Mrs, Ken Thomas,
Linda and Wendy, . Toronto, and
Geor g'e 'Hackett, '-Toronto, _.with.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos Webster; Mr,
and, Mrs. Art Danahy and child
ren and Mi' and Mrs Ron Lawrence ' Rexdalez Charlotte
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Congram
and family; Wingham, spdilt.New
Years with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
- Visitors for Christmas were
Mr. and Mrs. Thoma Fowler
and Dwayne, Shipka, with*. and
Mrs. Chas. F"6wler; Mr. and Mrs.
Delmer Maize and JiZnmie,Sca.r.
bora", with Mr. and . IMS. Bert
Maize;• Robt Sherwood with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Sherwood; Mr. and Mrs. Jack
E edy, Michael and Laurel Stirath-
roy, and.- Mr.' and Mrs.' Ralph,
Henderson, Goderich, -with Mr.--
.rw -'/5 Ora
_ lits ppa ent , Mr.` and Mrs.
Rev, . and Mrs; Glen, Miriam.
andisa spent a few days 'during •
the'holiday . ;with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Goodison and Mr.
and Mars. Wright, Wheatley. �':"'•
Mr. and We, • killia r S.,Reed,
Gary, and'Glorfa,,, Wingham,, . ax d;
Mrs; Anne Linklater, Paul, Barb.
ara, Jennifer and Roy were visit.
ors , •with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
-Brown and Wayne': pri Tuesday,
Visiting with :Mr. and Mrs.
Charles. Fowler for New Years`
'were Mr. and Mrs. Thos,,„Fowler
and, ,panel, Shipka. Mk. and Mrs. ,
Darrel: Norman -101)0004 ` anti
Tlfornpsoti,, Lueknow, With Mr. . Wokely, ` Toronto, Gordon Bali,
and Mrs. Frank Thompson; Mr, Mordin, 'Man., , and Mr's. 'Lois,
and Mrs, L, Ivers with Mr,, : Roleigh of Manitou.
.and Mrs. Harold Congram of ; •" .
Wingham; lv1r. and Mrs. Richard Kil.
Mr, and Mrs. Robt.Irvin-spent Patrick: ---and Grant, Wingham,
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil
Elmer Wall,' Teeswater, Blake for. New 'Years.
Mrs. Lulu ones•hasbeen visit, : Wilmer' Lxrington,•Dryden,.and
ing, with • her daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Mary Errington, Goderich,
Rudan, Mr:'-Rudan and family, 'visited with, friends in the village.
Elmira. during the holiday week.-
Barbara Blake spent the holi. �~
day. week with Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Sowerby, Scarboro, and
Bill Blake spent the holiday week
in St. Catherines and Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blake spent
boxing day calling on friends in'
Listowel -and Atwood.' ism -Irvin and Mr, and r Mrs.
Wayne Brown, Montreal spent Russel Irvin and -family, Ash.
New Year guests with Mr. and
Mrs; Robert Irvin were Mrs.
Bertram Curran, Beverley,'
Danny and Rose Ann, London,
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Blune11,
Goderich, Mr.. and M. Will.
a few r days at Chris%n.s with
-_.Not Poiificai:.=Speech.:_
- By, Nancy Bell
George Hees will be• the guest
speaker at the first assembly
is cif "the- same policy is used
this Year as has been used ether
of the new'year which will be held We have talent ite our- school-
on 'Jan. 11. rni
Mr. Hees, rthe fin -mer not only among the students,
Conservative Minister. of .Trade but also the staff! . The surprise
+-and Commerce, Wilt' :not be mak• of the Chri$tmas assembly, was,'"
ing a political speech. Rather; Sir the` staff quartet, Mr. Howe, Mrj
John A Macdonald will be his+. a Bouchard, 'Mr. Bettger, and ,addresses the student -1 Iadge. The Drama Club present.
body on the anniversary of the ed 1'T1 is Way To Heaven", a.
first_prin`le'Minister's birth. one -act. play with Marvin Mills,
In of the first • Jane Schneiker,, -,Linda -Corbett;-
curling draw,the .: rfi 'skfpped ' -Andy -PIrie r -and. _Ralph Moo ey
'by Don Edward defeated Joan " Paul Dockstader. and . Frank
Curry's rink. Wheeler•,. the Viking band and the
Next Tuesday,' ,,,the, basketball music . option ' students ,also.
Schedule gets underway with the . • .provided -entertainment.
GDCI Vikings, travelling to Mitch. Summing.up the Students' Colin..
e11 to.ihe firstgame of the -season. cil activities of the past term,
though the girls' schedule has George :Gotid praised . the grouper,
tt been • posted, • the Mitchel,' ' for their efforts aria Pordecfdifg
1 s wile obablr ,be, visiting •. on a definite `Centennial pro jec
derich� I� sanfb 4ay, (thiat ".Vtiich he then explained.
Saturday, January' 70i
at 8:30 p.m: ,
The prize for each •regular game will be $11,00
4 Share -The -Wealth Jackpot Combined
Sponsored -by Branch 109, ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION `•
,,No One Under 16 Permitted -To .Play_
It Ert rL R-497, TO— 9:95
1 ✓ Shop early and choose from imported .•woollencloths in interesting' textures.
You. will find tvwe.ed5' and soft plaids included. A large number of these coats
--- have-fur-coIars=o.r_cuffs of Lamlr, Fax Mink and many others.
Q . . '.ice"
In this sale we have included fur -like chats of "Borg, Persotta,, Somotta and
others. A good size range throughout. ° _ —
RE(xtT1;A1 39.95 TO 99.95
Choose your new suit from a selection 0 -walking suits,knits, velveteen,
-tweeds, textured;•sulk and worsted and_m ny other fabrics and styles. The..
size range is almost complete so y6u are sure to find one to fit you.•
REGULAR 16.95 ,-TO 55.00
. This is an excellent '•group ?of dresses and
they are the latest styles and 'fashion -right
.colors:, -Sixes 7 to 2416 in the group.
Supers -Deluxe
Lift•Out Elements
No ,Turn. Speed Broil •
„ Fully .4'ytomatic �, ,
•• -$1�4'9 w.t.` -�, r4�� t
13 Cu. Ft.'
With Zero Freezer
$249 : w.t.
2 -Door 'Models
Frost Free
$299 w.f.
REGULAR 8.98 TO '25.00"
We have many' styles irt. the group. We' do -
not have all- sizes or colors in_ any one
style. Shop early for best selection.•.
REGULAR 27.98 T€ 55.00
„ ,our Car 'Coats nd Ski Jankels are all cur- �r r
ixontly ,fashJona ble stylereratto' f torr
size and tolbr range is broken so you would
- e wise to shop early for your choice.
WINTER HATS REG.:8.09 to ,.1.7.00
at $229- w.t.
Considering COLOR?
Up To 300
Trade in en your present ret