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The Exeter Advocate, 1892-2-11, Page 5
66 Here is au incident fro n the South "Mississippi, ,Nritteu in April,189o, just after the Grippe had visitcd that 'country. " I am tt farmer, 01:le of those who have to rise early and work late. At the beginning ui 1Pitt Minter I was on a 1 ip to tilt City of Vicksburg, 3Ii , , , ,r1:Llc I 1(:}I: vV'41i drenched, in a E7no\.cr of rain. 1 went home and. wassooii after seizci, Walla dry, hael ,1rg cough. lila.' grew worse everycilpy, until 1. i.'t{� to seek relief. 1 co .,uited Dr, 7?,:c .ir i. ho has since ciic&l, ctllcl he to get a bottle:c'f Bo chu.'s 1CAi:1:.7 Syrup. _1\Teaatill Illy cot <,';1 and corse'trd.worsetheri t; tics..;,1 ante along awll c,:iu1*1 t Myt,:irt cry severely, condition. 1..e:•1' .ornpe?led rne to do something. got t'oo 1:rottletiof German ;,;rap .1 began Using them, and bcfo c t ,I , fuuch of the second bottle, S w I... entirely c'.t':ir of the Co'l..<;h that had Bunt, t0 Ilse so1ong., the .3rippc:, one all its bad effects. I fell tip tcni tind have felt 3that way e\c:.I Firm/ 1j, Bai_1Ies, Ir., Cayuga, .1 .-!line. Co, Miss. The Chelsea, Eng., Socialist cases are tag be removed from the County Court to the High Court of Justice, on the application of Sir Charles Russell. Oh, What a Cough! Will you hoed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of . that more terrible' disease Consumpt- ion, Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sale of saving 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it, We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your tough. It never fails. David Long, 29 years old, living iear:Owen Sound, has suicided by means of poison His brother George also took his own life in the same inan- ner;:several years ago. The Head Burgeon, Of the Lubon Medical Company is noiv at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted either in person or by letter on all 'chronic diseases peculiar to man. Men, young, old, or middle-aged,who find themselves nervous weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental' ,depres- sion; perm ature'o clage,"loss'of vitality, loss of mem.ory,bad dreams,dininess of s% ht. al- pitation of the heart, emissions, lack of en ergs pain in the kidneys., headache, pimples , o the face or body, itching or peculiar sen *Son about: the scrotum, wasting. of the organs,,dizzine'ss, specks before the eyes, twitching of tate muscles, eye lids,and else- 'ahhre, bashfalness deposits in the urine,loss of will powjer,, tenderness of the scalp and spine, wea1.?itnT1... flabby muscles, 'dfi3rre to sleep, failure to be' rested by sleep, constipa- tion, dullness' of hearing, loss ofypioe, desire for solitude, excitibility of temper, +sunken, eyes surrounded with LEgDEN. 9IBCTE, oily looking skin, etc., are allsymptoms ofnerv- ous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force hav inglost its tension every function wanes in consegnenoe. Those who •through abuse committed inignoranae may be permanent- ly cared. Fiend your addres, for book on all clisoases peculiar t o man. Books sent free sealed. :heart el [settee, the symptoms of winch are faint spells, purple lips, numbnesspalpitation, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart: with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second beat quicker than the first, rain about the breast' bone. etc., can positively be cured. No cure no pay. Send. for book. Ad.- dress 111, V. I UBON,.21 Macdonald Ave., Tor- onto, Canada, Jan 1-1 year Miss Anna S.Hanrahan, of Cohoes, N.Y., died suddenly yesterday when dressed for her wedding. The body was buried in the wedding dress. Nor Over Fifty Year's, 1Fri s. WINSLOw's SOOTIII\G SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their child, ren while teething.' If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by sick child suf- fering aucl crying with pato of Out ting Teeth. send et 01100 and get a bottle of "Mrs 'Win- slow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth- ing. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, moth ers.th ere is o mis take about it. It cures Diarnccea, r6 ulates the Stomach anis Bowels, cures find Colic, softens the Gums, reduces In- flammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Aire. Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup" for children teething' is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. I to twenty- five centsa bottle. Sold by c druggists throughout the world. :Be suroand ask for "Mas. WINSLOw'S SOOTHING SYRUP," The funeral of Mayor Goldie, of Guelph, will take place on Saturday afternoon. The C.P.R. Company will run a special` train from Toronto to accommodate the many members of the Board' of Trade and friends who •will attend. Consumption Cured. An old:physician, retired from practice having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and pernla- nouteuro of Consumption, Bronchitis Ca- tarrh, Asthma, and p11 throat anImng AffeCtions, also a positive and .adica] care for .Nervoas Debility and nail i\, rvous Com- plaints, after having testod its wonderful curative powers in thousands of oases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suff- ering fellows. Aetii ted by this motive and iadesire to relieve luman suffering,; t will :.rnifree ofrhat c, to all who desire it, this roti lo, in Gorman, J�`a unelr or Snglish, with fall directions for preparing and using. with by mail by addressing with stamp, nal -Mug flu.; paper. W. A. ;�TOtnS, 820 .Paioers f331och, f w taster. N. r William McNeil, London; G. W. Strong, Ononda,go, °Burn & Hansler, rrilsonburg, Bed 11, II. Wallace, of Woodstock, ca,pturld•a largo number of prizes at the Detroit poultry show which has ,just closed. 11I1. McNeil was especially conspiettolls, w F.Ip i S'ail' ! U BIDES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Rost Couglb Syrup. caste's, Good. Coo le timld by drug gists 4,1 Dr. LaA08'S COTTON ROOT PILLS. Safe and absolutely pure,Most powerful Feintale eguiater shown, The only safe, sure and reliable pill for sale. Ladies ask drug€fiste'for L.alloe'5 Star and Creaaeent Brand. 'Take, no other kind, Beware of cheap imitations, as they are danger- ous. Sold by all, .reliable druggists. Postpaid onreeeipt of price. AMERICAN PILL CO, Detroit, Mich, For sale in Exeter by J. W. 1irowning, Dr. 7, A. Slocum's OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE. COD LIVER OIL. if you are Feeble sand Emaciated --Use it. For ale by all druggists. 35 cents per bottle. The Wisconsin, Central and North- ern Pacific railroads have determined to meet the half fare' rates made by the C.P.R. for stockGlencoining east from Manitoba. SKIN DISEASES are most annoying because so noticeable. Dr. Low's Sul- phur Soap heals and cleanses the shin One thousand men are locked out of the Morehead, McLean & Co, mills at Pittsburg, because the men in the. steel department struck against an ob- noxious rule. BAD, WORSE, WORST. Cold, cough, consumption, to cure the first and second and prevent the third use Habyard's Pectoral Balsam, the neve/ failine family medicine for all diseases of the throat, lungs and chest..A marvel of healing in pulmo- nary complaints. The Anti slavery Conference Act was ratified by the United States at the Foreign Ministry, in Brussels, yes- terday, in ,conformity with the resolut- ion of the United States Senate. As a cure for paralysis, sciatica, rheumatism, female troubles, such as suppressions,, bearing down pains, etc,, general debility and that tired feeling peculiar to so many, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills stand unrivalled. Beware of imitations and substitutes. Sold by all dealers or sent by nail post paid oa receipt of price -50 cents a box -The Dr, Williams' Med Co., Brockville, Ont. One despatch says Governor Boyd, of Nebraska, has not yet secured his seat. as Mr. Thayer, his rival, refuses to give it up Another despatch says Mr. Thayer' will no longer resist. A GENERAL OVERCOME. DEAR SIRS. -I' suffered. from general weakness and debility and my system was completely run down and I found B.B.B. the best medicine I ever tried. I would not be without it for a great deal. Miss Nieman"AualsTRoxci-, Dublane P. 0., Ontario Mail wagon No. 36 was robbed of all its contents on the road from New York to Hoboken yesterday, and the job was so cleverly done that the driv- er miss his load until hereach- edeT did not his destination. BURDOCK PILLS cure sick head ache by regulating the stomach, liver and bow els. Mrs. Finlayson, mother of Margaret Mather, the, actress, died in Detroit ' on Tuesday. Miss Mather has always cared for her Mother in the most kind ly way, and it is said is now schooling two of her sisters in Toronto. ATTACKED BY AN ENEMY. . DEAR SIRS,--Abont a year ago I had a very bad attack of dyspepsia. For nearly four months I never ate a meal without suffering pain after. I had got so weak I could scarcely wall:; when one day I saw an advertisement or B.B.13. and thought I 'would try a bottle, Folli bottles cured me complete- ly, and I am now strong and healthy. MIss JANET STUART,. Muskoka Falls, Ont. Twenty messengers in the employ of the Adams Express Company have been diaclutr •eel within two days, says a Chicago despatch. No reason was given. The men think it is an attempt to exterminate the brotherhood. They male one feel as though'. life was worth living: Take; one of Carter's Little Liver Pills after eating; it will relieve dyspepsia, aid dig.stion, give tone and vigor to the system. Ered Ncedesl-, aged 68, of Milwauk- ee, killed his wife with a razor, tried to kill his 12 year old daughter, who escaped, and wound up by cutting; his own throat, severing the jugular. The panel arose Over money matters. FIVE TO ONE. Dint r. Stns, -Last' winter I had five large boils on my neck and was ad. vised to use B.BP.' Before I had used one bottle I was completely well and think B.B.B. cannot be excelled as a blood purifier JOHN Woo°, Round Plains, Ontario Ten wills were admitted to probate at the Surrogate Court in Toronto yes- terday, This is only another sign of the terribly high death rate, owing to the now prevailing epidemic of influ- enza. nflu-enza. That tired, languid feeling and dull headache is very disagreeable, Take two of Carter's Little Liver Pills before retiring and you will find relief. They never fail to do good, Trooper Chalmers, who recently joined the cavalry school at Quebec, has died from inflammation of the lul ;'s. Ile belonged to Napanee, Ont., s. and his remains wilt be interred there. I NIGI-ITS OF LABOR. The Knights of Labor aim to protect their members against financial diffi- culties, etc,, Ila,gyard's Yellow Oil pro- tects itis wen use it from the effects of cold and exposure, such as rheumatism neuralgia, lumbago, sore throat, and all inflammatory pain: Nothing coir• pares with it as a handy pain cure for man and boast. The remains of the ex -All John B. Mother, of Winnipeg, Man, were in- terred at Islington yesterday. The funeral u is private, owing to the ser- forts illness of Ml's. Mather, who has not yet been told of Nel'son's death. The National Association of Trotting Horse Breeders yesterday decided to. establish•' new stud book in couse- gllence of the proprietors of the old register having decided to admit patt- ers on an equality with trotters. EASILI CAUGIII' Croup, colds, sore throat, and many painful ailments are easily- caught in this changeable climate. The never, failing remedy is just as easily obtain- ed in Ilagyard's Yellow Oil, which is undoubtedly the best of all the many remedies offered for the cure of colds or pains. CAL7IION EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE NAVY . IS MARKED IN BRONZE LETTERS. i NONE OTHER GENUINE NN NE oo .s Coll ool COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully used montlil j by thousands of LADIES. Is the only perfect ly safe and reliable medic- ine discovered. Beware of unprincipled drug gin is who offer inferior medicines in plane ofthis. Ask for COOK'S COTTON ROOT COMPOUND, taste ?ao substitute; or inclose $1 and4 three -cent Can- ada postage stamps rn letter, and we will send, sealed, by return mail. Full sealedpar- tienlars in plain envelope, to ladies only, .2 stamps. Address Pond -Lily 4Coinpany,No 3 Fisher Block, 131 'Woodward aye., Deti cit Mich. reSokd in EXETER at Dn. LUTz's, J' W. BriowlvisiG's and by all druggists every- where. LondonHuron & BruceRailway " Passenger Time Table, GOING NORTH. a.m. p.m. London,depr't8.05 4.25. Lyman Cros g ,8.47 5.20. Clandebo e 8 5s 528. Centralia 9.05 5.45. EXETER Hensel' 9.28 6,09, Kippen 9.34 6.17. Brucefleld 9.42 6.26. Clinton 10.00 6.45. Londesboro' 10.19 7.03, Blyth 10,28 7.12. Belgrave 10.42 7.27. Wine:ham 11.00 7.45. GOING Serra. a.m. p.m. Wingham 7.05 840. Belgrave r v 7,24 4.00. a e Bl 7.38 4.15 Londesboro' 7.47 4.25. Clinton - 8.07 4.45, Bruee$eld 8.26 5,04 Kippen 8,34 5,12' Hensel].,8.41 5.19. EXETER8.57 '5,33 Centralia 9.09 5.45 Clandeboye 9.18 5.56. Liman Cros'g9.24' 6.02• London a,rr 1015 64.5 OTICF. Mr. G. A. Hy ndman wishes to inform. the citizens of Exeter and surrounding countrytthat he has secured an agency -FOR- FINE FLAVORED TEAS AND COFFEES -and also- , FIRST CLASS BARING POWDERS. Orders left at his residence, Albert-st., or at Dr, Hyildman's office, Blain-st., will receive prompt attention. Gr, A, Hylladman, Exeter, Ont. �� '� -THE- ENTR L.T- HA I -.- ARLOR. EXETER, = ONTARIO. A. Hastings, Prop.. Every attention paid to Lathes' and Chidreil's Hair Cutting. Eastingss CETMIII TMiOII SIIOP. Mr. George Smallcombe wishes to inform the citizens of Exeter and sur- rounding country that he has opened out a new- Tailoring and Gents' "Furnish- ing Establishment i.n Pal son's Block. Latest designs of hoods always on /land, and made up in the latest American Styles at Right Prices, A CALL SOLICITED AND A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. Ladies Jackets and Mantle making attended to, ���yy BMALLACOMBE . l71' a MERCHANT TAILOR, Exeter, Special Sale olForllitilro Tor 1.'" ort 3D ItlYS0 Now is the ti1110 to secure furniture at prices novel' heard of before in Exeter. For the next THIRTY DAYS I WILL OFFER THE WHOLE OF MY GIGANTIC STOCK Bed Room sets in Maple, Cherry, Ash & Oak; Sidebo rds in Maple, Cherry and Oak; together with a Magnificent line in Parlor Suites L u s i and everything usually found in a first-class furniture store. REIVIEMBER THESE ARE ALL FHtST CLASS GOODS, X70 ; SHODDY ELM anti the prices are from TEN. to TWENTY per cent BELOW the usual price CaII Early while the Stock lasts, Remember the Stand -Factory and Warerooms two doors. north of Town Hall, Exeter. WALT. ANDREWS. EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel.. $0.83 to0,85 Spring tt , 83 to 85 Barley 40 to 42 Oats . . . ........... 28 to 80 Peas 56 to 58 Butter •. 15 to 16 Eggs . ... 18 to 15 Potatoes per bus .. 30 to 35 Hay per ton . .8.00 to 10.00 Wool....:: .... , . .`18 to 19 Clover Seed $5.70 to 5.90 Timothy Seed . . ....$1.25 to 1.50 THE KEY To HEALTH. Unlccks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off, gradually without weakening the sys- tem, all the, impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the same time Cor- recting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dry ne ssof the S k in, Dro s , Dimnessof Vision, Jt17.- dice, salt Rheum, Erysipelas, S ero- Eula,Flut•©rlngof the lcart, Ner- vousness, and General Debility ; all those and many other similar Complaints yield to the happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTE13S. For Solo by aiI Daaisra. 'I'.P ILBURR C{I.,Pioprietors,Too'onto. FIIRNIIIRE t rj;,. tdI 0 A very large ge stock on hand now to select from in, the way of Parlor, Bed- room and Dining Room suits at nearic half the usual price. 150 Looking Glasses from l0c and up. Hundreds of feet of Picture Mouldings to choose from, cheap. Easy Chairs and'`great variety of- other: Goods suitable for Ninas presents and in :fact everything usually kept in a first classfurnishing. house all for prices away down. A good dozen chairs for $2. Come 'andsee our $1.75 panel Ben. that we "BLOW ABOTT", the reason we blow is we. have the goods to back it up. Bring along oour easy chairs and Parlor Fur- niture that need re covoring as webave a 'beautiful stock of covers with cord & ,;imp to match. `Drop.iti'even if 'you don't want to bus`, Will be happy to see you. UNDERTAKING A. complete stock of everything cin this line from the cheapest to the high est. Also the only, Embalmers. Ile. member t/jt�h�e name and place 0.pID 'S Odd -Fellows Block. Opposite J Grigg's Stationery. CLOT R.I ;,.G A. J. SNEER, lair.. st.. EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock Atttmii r hl a -00=s. IN THE FOLLOWING LINES e West of England Suitings and Trous cringe, Scotch Tweed. Suitings and Trouser- trigs. French and English Worsted Cloth All made up x i the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. Zr Ml�a!►TZLLi 1.0.URE FITS! 1Vhen I say I cure I do not' mean merely to stop, them for a. time and then have them return again, I mean a radical cure. I have made the diseeeo-of FITS, EPILEP. SY or FALLING SICKNESS a llfe•long study. I warrant my remedy to euro the worst cases. Because others bare faded ie no reason for not new.recelvin5 a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a. Fres Bottle of my Infallible reused . Give EXPRESS and POST -OFFICE. H. G. ROOT, M. C., 186 ADELAIDE ST. WEST, TORONTO, ONT, W. G Lisseit's Livery. .First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN, Orders left at Bissett Bros.'Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT. Exeter -North General Store Sivig Up Bus!oss A Clearing Sale AT and BELOW Cost. iitir stock f ." ;We'Offeroura B 6 OC 0 DRY' GOODS iIN` ALL ITS LATEST STYLES, AICD PRICES AWAY DOWN. A. nice stool: of Furs to be cleared out. Carppets and FloorOilcloths. OUR PRICES IN BOOTS AND SHOES away down below cost. A JOB LOT OF READY MADES. 5 lbs Japan lea for $L Full Stook of Groceries' No trouble to show goods. We offer a reduction of 2 c for cash. JOHN MATHESON. Exeter North NEMIli TORL A complete stock of Pare aldh iab.leDrugs ALWAYS KEPT. Ptiit J 111$, Sjoiiijes Druggist's supplies At right and reasonable prices. Prescriptions Rd Family,- Receipts Carefully Prepared. Wliiii's Whiart'sPowilor Bdo the best in the market. C. '- PROP. 1FREEMAN'S= « - . �:_`. - -. WORN POWDERS Ore pleasant to take. Contain Mae 5?r211.. Fuyrative. rs [d sa,ef sacs eine!ePcfumil daireyeeOJ^.vetlUS 111 Clzarinaoe"1Via,dam,.' When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoris. When she was a Child, she cried for Castor/ When she became Miss, she clung to. Castoria. When shelled Children, she gave them Castorls. CITY HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. 1 per day. J. & J i4 iMAIITIN, Proprietors. HRIT1E5S C�1i) iV Y ! ) First Class RIGS And HORSES ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK THE HOUSE 0R AT STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. mes=as c R,00.coa0, 1e Telephone Connection. HOFFMAN'S HARMLESS HEADACHE POWDERS are an honest medieiitt, for which only linnet, straxghtforward otate• =ants are made. See that you get the genuine Hoff - ion's. Insist on having them. ThY o Cure 8./.21 Headaches. They aro net a Catharilc. E. d. F1S, E11EL IS STILL IN . THE OLD STAND --where the is - READY FOR A CALL Morn, Noon or Night he Will -GIVE AN - EASY SHAVE, AND -®GB HAIRGT.7T, LADIES IHAIR CUT TO ORDER, Also LADIES HAIR WORK DONE. North of Post•Oflce. All hien can't be Apollos of strength and form, but all may have robust health and strong nerves and clear minds. Our treat- ment makes such men. The methoc1.1 are our own exclusively, and where anything is left to build upon, t10 �1� �F 1S ens y, Qirlia-. JiWfll a 1� 1 permanently restored. Weakness, Nervousness,' Debility, and all the train of evils from early errors or later excesses, the result of overwork, sickness, worry, etc,, forever cured. Fun Strength development, and tone giv- en to every organ and portion of the body. Simple, natural methods. Im- mediate improvement seen. Failure impossible. 2,000 references. Book,. explanations and proofs ilio,ilo - (sealed) free. ' Address, ERE MEDICAL, 0.t BUEFA,.;), Si. ....