The Exeter Advocate, 1892-1-21, Page 4THE H E SANDERS cTC SWEET, Props. TTE0' tSDAY, Jan. 2itht 1892. A SECOND VICTORY SCORED. Major R. R. 112cLeunon was returned Met week as 1VI,P. for Glengarry by an increased majority over the returns of ISIareh 1891. The Conservatives, 'are jubilant, and the Grits are terribly dis- appointed over the result. The county which formerly voted Liberal, was car Fled by the government against fearful ends. THELATE PRINCE. We have to record with feelings of. :iorrow the death of EI,R,II, Albert Vic 't'lor, eldest sou of the Priece of Wales, who alien on Thursday moh'nia,;• last of congestion of the Wins. The Duke of elarenee,who was the heir presumptive est the throne of Englend. had just eat Bred his 28th year, and arrangements were being made for his marriage in February with Princess May, of Teck The Royal family are plunged. into grief over the sad event, and the whole ation has been moyed with profound :sympathy. TVITICII POLICY?' Now that the bye -elections are a close at hand, it is well that the farthing. eommunitb—whose interests are so deeply involved in the fiscal policy of the Dominion—should intelligently- decide between the Liberal -Conserva- tive and Grit policies, In other words, shall they by their votes approve Of our present British connection or adopt an American basis of political and fis- cal arrangemen;? Much has been Braid and written upon this subject, but the whole question may be summed up ie.* a nutshell, which is the better alar. !tot for Caeadiaa farmers,—Creat Brit. Ain relied States? s? Who 'arc. an 't,r or the 1 e'er test friends, politically tied cum :nereialiy? Seethnetit and material iu c1 it :Interest both pr.sdoti nate lg ?zreat Britain, making the United States to kick 1.12; beam .-•silclr is the peestedereting 111f1;reltCt; both in sent', meet and in Undo favor of the Mot conspiracy against the government .ter•buid. Let us look at the facts. We stands for trill at the next assiees in :hell not argue the question of loyalty ; Ottawa. etc rnnse wt' take it for grantE'd that, all thcr_tllings beteg equal, our people DOES PROTl C.Titre; PROTECT? with a very few despicable exceptions Certainly, in one thtitance. it docs. :a, loyal to the core in their attach- Hood's Sirsaparilla i the great protec- �. all I THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR GILT . ery thought of the; several dependen- I diseases of this class. Is has well on mere closely together, ulitfi (as it ryas I itg many remarkable cares. so asanar-r•Wi= SPANISH NERVINE TUE G 1i::UA9r SP•Q.NrSFL REMED'it, easily., quickly and permanently restores Weakness, Nervousnes. s and boat Manhood. A GUARANTEE)) specific for Fits and Neuralgia, Hysteria, Dizziness, Convlsions, Nervous Prostration caused by the use o f Tobacco or .Alcohol, Loss of Power in either Sex, Involuntary Losses caused by overindulgence. We guarantee six, boxes to cure any case or rotund the money. $i a box. 6 boxes for $5. Address II, S. Agents Span'. DSI�ORIt AND Ak'TSR USN. Ash Medicine Co., Detroit, Mich. Sold by .druggists, A� or bale in Exeter by J. W. Browning. turn and by Professor'Saunders of the tIodel. Experimental: farm. It does not need the wisdom of a Solomon or of a Daniel to deeide which policy Canad- ians ought to prefer. FACTS WORTH KNOWING. pared by the ladies of the seetion,which reflected credit upon them, After par taking of a luxurious repast, the re mainder of the classes were examined. Mr. E. J. Jory ,occupied the chair and e lengthy program placed in his hands, consisting of quartetts, duetts, instru- mental music, recitations, dialogues, addresses, etc„ Very able and approp- riate addresses were delivered qy •Mr. 1. As to Cabinet reconstrictions, the Downing, Mr: W. Ponliale, Mr. McKay, Mr. S. Sanders, Mr. E. J. Jory, Mr. S• Sweet, and the teacher, Mr, J. W, EIar- rison. The quartetts by Misses Gill & Gregory, Messrs. Snell and Harrison were exceedingly well rendered and met with rounds o$ applause, The in strtunontals, consisting of violin, cornet and aecenipaniment by \V, and J. San- ders and J. W. Harrison were worthy of mention and were well received by the audience, The chikh•en who took part in the program did credit to them selves and.,tpacher. But what brought down the house was a dialogue by Mr. Geo. Penhale and^Miss Lucretia Jory, After the program was exhausted a hearty vote of thanks were tendered to those who took part in the program, especially those -of Exeter Who kindly assisted in making the affair a success. Mr. S.. Sweet then moved a vote of thanks to the chairman and the whole proceedings wound up to the satisfact- ion of all present. . following appointments have been made: Hon, Mr. Haggart, Post Master General, accepts the vacant portfolio of Railways and canals; Hon. Mr. Oltenia lately admitted into the Cabinet, rakes the portfolio of Public Works. 2. A Royal Comnhissiun has just issued at Quebec to investigate the wholesale system of 1)aodling practiced by the Mercier Government. The Commissioners are Judge Mathieu, of the Supreme Court; D. McMaster, QC.; and D. Mason, a prominent merchant —all of Montreal. Over twenty charges of malfeasance are made., involving hundreds of thousands of dollars. 3. The Government at Ottawa Have deckled to hold a number of elections in Ontario on the same day fixed for Lincoln County; viz: Thuesday; Jan'y 28th. The constituencies to be opened are Kingston, Prince Edward, Lennox, East Simcoe, Lincoln, East Middlesex, Peel and Ilalton, 4. Baroness Macdonald has given instructions to her counsel to proceed against the Toronto Globe for an un• founded and disgraceful attack con cerning the alleged. Regina town site speculation in 1882, unless the Globe retracts and apologizes. 5. The Attorney General of Quebec has has instructed. Counsel. for the Crown', to proceed against Ernest Pacaud to recover the 8100,000 lie received as t'boocl'e•' in the Bay Chaleu's case, • G. Vigorous proset•ntions are being carried on at the instance of the Abbott »m(nt a'Must all ^ lliltyoefenders r0 e g g who may slave violated the Civil Serv- ice'. Act. 7, The McGreevy Counoll:I case for ME FTS! When I say I cure I Co not mean mo cly to stop thein for a time and the, lave them return again, I mean a radical cure. I ha\e made the disease of 1 ITS, EPILEP. SY or I�'ALLII G SIC MESS a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to. cure ti a worst cases. Because others have felled is no reason for nut now receiving a cure. Send et once for a treatise and a Gree Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give. EXPRESS and POST.OFP1Ch. H. G. ROOT, M. C., 186 ADELAIDE ST. WEST, TORONTO, ONT. cY' ,S J "277E BEST AR3fOR .4 G.112iIST DIS, .ISE I.S GOOD DI ES'1'ION." 7t is a hard, uncontrovcttible fact that more disease is directly attributable to disorders of the Stomach than to all the other organs combined ; this is not hard for even the unprofesoienel to understand when we take into consideration the mass of food that it is,nade the receptacle of for a time, there to be churned,. die rested and so assimilated. rdAL T OPRPSVI P:n nrti inial ;;oetr is jn ire= formula on every label) will rid the weak:anna,h0rd ,<ru: in4iii;rsir.t 1l spcp- c;inner,and m101,11'0,!r t .a itiaor•lyad' nantra mm,unt ofgastric ] u, e , 014.31161m intutate, a.l(100 there is no re:artinn. Endorsed by phye:id: us. Sends ets. in postayo for valuable book to Ii.1ZEN it.I()l:irr, leeesseereseete.eiretun �)\1'A,MZO. "ne`lit to British institutions, A,tel the teen Against the dangers of. impure 1)1)0(1, :incl it will cure 0r prevent a .ss, tics of the British l:tni ire drawing ; ofi its name the best blood purifier by , ern � �'� � ' �� 1 f pF bi?: expressed by the Finance Minister i The highest praise has been won by rsia etc. Sn fact, it is a ywei aid to dit.e st a ^.a:•ty f t his speech at Perth) "until i1 feels I Hood's Pills for their easy yet efficient from which this paper is printed action. Sold by all diuygrsts• Price was supplied the the beats of a great central heart and - p by the pulsating' of every yein and art- erv."--this of itself is enough to make British blood tingle in our veins, in -tr.k w of the Imperial possibilities of the near future.' But leaving sentiment altogether aside, our material interests all lie in the direction of the mother tcounrry The United States contains a market of only sixtymilliono, where :u; Great Britain can with her colonies give us a market of between three and .our lhundr,:ed millions! our trade with Britain has gone ou increasing iu volume ever :since Confederation, the United States market for Canada is steadily decrees ng. Last year we sent to the United States market a little over Thirteen Million Dollars worth of farm products. while they sent to ue ten and a half million dollars worth of goods. But compare with these figures the state of the British market, Great Britain con- sumed over twenty-one million dollars 1704311 of Canadian produce last year while we in return received only a little over one and a half million dollars 'worth of British goads' Which then is the best market for Canada? Judging .11.om the published returns for the last tan years—which bave more than beetled in volume—it has been esti- mated that in give years to come our.. grade with the Motherland will have reached over two hundred million dol- hars,--nearly double the amount, of trade in the early days of ConfedeXat_, len! . t What will be the result if Canada should adopt the novel theory of Etre. • stristed Reciprocity? The present nenso volume of our trade with :the United Kingdom would be completely destroyed by the poliey of discrimitiat- son, and Canada would be saddled with 11reet taxation, As matter now Stand, •we have an increasingly large trade -rith Great Britain in cattle, 'sheep, logs, butter:, cheese, ego, o pples1 pote- ;