The Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-03-24, Page 14derieh ignal-Star, Thursday, Mash 24,`*966 Close to 500 IGA (Independent Grocers ,Al - Hance )grocers ,and' their wives flew to Jamaica on Pan American Jet Clippers for a week's visit to that Caribbean island. Shown prior to their departurepfrom To- - ronto on Sunday, March 6, are Mr. and ----Mrs., H. Remington of Wingham, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. L. Slade of Clinton,. Ontario, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Remifigton of Gode- rich, Ontario. They were awarded the trip to Montego Bay through a sales incentive program sponsored by M. Lobb (London) Ltd., IGA wholesale supply house. Art Club . To Buy Reproductions The Goderich Art Club held its regular meeting on Tues -1 day evening at the home of Mrs. G. Clingan, ' Colborne street. The pres!dent, Mrs. W. Legg,' conducted the business, and re- ports were read by the treasur- er, Mrs. Alex Smith, and the secretary, Mrs. M. McKee. A report from the centennial con'imittee was given by Miss °Mary„ Howell, who, tiogether with Mrs. W. Rath'bufn is a re- presentative from the art club. ... Mrs.. _.Legg,_statPd.:. that _the. Wednesday classes held at the studio . in Victor Lauriston school and conducted by Mrs. J, • Prest and Mr. Tom Pritchard are being well attended. Mrs. Alex Sir♦ith -arid Mrs. Fred Fester volunteered to help the telephone convener, .Mrs. Barry Johnson. • • Mrs. J. Press and Mrs. Anne Finnigan were appointed ` to look after the ° paintings to be; hung in the library. It was suggested that •the members discuss the paintings at our April meeting. The club decided to purchase a set of 29 full color -reproduc- tions from - CBC publications': Mr. Tom Pritchard ° showed slides df Mrs. Clingan's trip to Bermuda last tall and Mrs. Alex Smith's recent trip to Scotland. Lunch was served by the hos- tess and Mrs. Prest. OUR SPECIALTY FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES -Head Lettuce Ceeiery• - Bananas — 2 ,Lbs. .25 I' o • Shrubs --- Nursery Stock — Plantsa Lawn Rolling SKYWAY MARKET Hwy. 21 N. at Texaco Station, .1.1411-12 Goderich Grocer. Ffies :To Jamaica: Close to 500 groebrs and their wives ' from Ottawa and area, Sudbury district, southwestern Ontario, Amos and Sherbrooke are flying to Montego Bay, Jam- aica aboard Pan American Jet Clippers during March for a week's visit to the Caribbean Island. All of these retail grocers who are members of I.G.A. (><,n - dependent Grocers' Alliance). The retailers, all independent business men, have been award- ed the trip. to Jamaica thiougli incentive sales programs spon- sored °°by the wholesale -hotises which supply them. Among those departing from Toronto on March 13 were Mr. and Mrs. D. Shewfelt of Gode- tiring the visit to the island, they attend business sessions and seminars featuring special- ists in variousareas of food merchandising and marketing, flown in specifically for the ses- sions. • Three Pan Am Jet Clipper flights are transporting the group to Montego Bay. The first flight from Toronto on March 6 included about 100 from The London, Ontario area and approximately 50 from Sud- bury area. The second flight on March -13 included in. addition to retailers from both London and Sudbury, groups from Amos, Quebec, dis- trict and -the Sherbrooke region. The third flight from Ottawa on March reh 2u includes more than 1.50 from the Ottawa' Valley. Participating , I.G.A. supply houses include M. Loeb Ltd., Ottawa; M. Loeb (London) Ltd,,,•London, Ontario', and A. A. Drouin Ltd., Amos, Quebec; M. Loeb Ltd., Sudii iry and Kirk- land Lake; M. Loeb Ltd., Sher- brooke. These are part of a total group of more than' 1,50 ean- adians who as members of .‘the I.G.A. organization are 'partici- pating in a convention holiday at various Caribbean destina- tions. Other Pan American Jet Clipper - flights leave Toronto, Montreal and Winnipeg later in March and early in April carry- ing similar groups. ENJOY THE FINEST FOOD IN TOWN • Chinese . Food Our Specialty' ALSO TAKE-OUT ORDERS OPEN DAILY 7 a.m. to 10 -p.m. Open Friday and Saturday Until 12 Midnight ' The Esquite SIGNAL- ,Re Sta9urant STAR PICTURES If you want a print of a picture that appeared in the Signal -Star you may now get it. Prints of any picture within the Iast three months or prints of pictures .that appear in any issue` may fie obtained by order-: ing through our office. 5 x 7 — 2.00. Each 8 .x 10 — 2.50 Each ONE WEER DELIVERY Call The Signal- ' Star 524-8331 W.1. BAZAAR AND TEA r' Shamrock 'Theme For Tea Shathroeks- and spring Blowers set a St. Patrick's clay theme on wedn esday, Marc 16th, in MacKay Hall for Goderich W.I. bazaar and tea. ., The tea table, covered with a white 'Men cloth, cornpliment- ,ed. the_ 019rful flor a hyr ge -' ment which centred the table, flanked by a pair of green' can-, dies and new Canadian flags. The' president, Mrs. K,, Wily kinsonWticomedguests assisted by .Mrs. A. Straughan. ;• Mrs. J. Cools presided at the treasurer's table. The bake table, candy and miscellaneous were well .patronized by the many guests or the day. A `duster coat, won by Mrs. Riehl, , was a donation to the W.I. by Mrs J. Jerry. • During the ztfternoon; ° Mrs. J. Sn'-der played • mapy familiar Irish -tunes adding to the day's theme. ' •Louring 'tea were Mesdames N. McInnis, 'H: B. Tieiiborne, .A. Wilkin and A. Straughan; -bake `table, IVIes4an'fes H::_Tal may; 'Wilson, J. B. Milli, H. Van. Arman, E° Zinn; hiseellan- 'eous table, Mnsdames p. M©Mil- lan, H. Bradley Q. Straughan, G. Procter, F. Hawkins; candy, Mrs: IL Dodd, Miss C. Sproule; dining room, Mesdames J. Ryan, G, Moore, R. Hoy, E. Johnston, C. R`hffell, G. Inglis and N. Clair- mont; kitchen, Mesdames L. Bannister, J. Bissett, J. Kerni- ghan, A. Butler, M. Barr, . H. Larder. ° Get- your TORO Now and Beat the April 1st Tax 90Trouble•free withh a capital "T"! if.:u- yo nwn,a:elieap, powermower.now, yuU,.prolaubiY k0ot, all #beut expensive repair, bilis and miserable summer Saturdays. You're probably ready for a trouble Come on in and'see one! OUR t LOW COVER READ LOCATION SAVES YOU MONEY stSt STOREWIDE SPRING SALE NOW ON - HUTCHINSON RADIO -- TV --- APPLIANCES 308 Huron Rd. 524-7831_ 66 Whirlwind®by 0R0 THERE'S A,,TORO DEALER NEAR YOU • Argyle Marine & Small Engines 88 BRITftNNIA' ROAD EAST - 524-9201 - i:(t111111111110t i 1111M0111wiiEma 101: ,JUST PRINT YOUR' NAME, ADDRESS and TELEPHObIE, ;NUMBER ON'T.HE PACK OF AN IGA'CASH REGISTER TAPE .0R.' AGSiiv11L,E AND SEND IT TO ANY! O'F THE; F©LLOw1NdRADIO OR .TELViISION STATIONS - e 5=1b. BAG G ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE MARCH 23-26 INCLUSIVE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 11111.111112111111111.001 - 4011 - FREE 5= Lit BAG OF' FINE- WHITE ...-Yommay'notoicktirt IMMCIOrry, but-yop. can... big sell SHIRCEY. 24-0Z. A lent fAMILY SIZE' net TOP VALU FROZEN up a bargain from t selection of priced tom sed Cars and True s at your Goodwill Pontiac - Here are some thins you -should know about Goodwill usti cars: III Only the best used cars are chosen to carry the Goodwill emblem IIII Eacb has been thoroughly inspected and reconditioned: MEach carries a written warranty 1 And remember: only a Pontiac -Buick dealer sells Goodwill carst- GOODW/11 +mom* gp sure to watch "Telcseope",“The Fugitives,' and"The Red Skelton Hour" now showing on televiAinn rahrek local listings for time and ehannej. • IREG MiGEIE 41i SONS LIMITED'. 37 'HAMILTON St. GOliattei ORANGE MICE 4 6i: 69° TOP VALU PLAIN CHEESE SLICES 2 6Te FRES Avcrpge SQUIRREL (SPECIAL PACK) PEANUT BUTTER 2-1b. 010 jar DILL PICKLES . HI -C ASSORTED :FRUIT DRINKS ,9 jar a tins Tr 0. BRUSSELS SPROUTS • U.S, NO. 1 FLORIDA ONT. NO. 1 HOT HOUSE CELERY 2Zgkes 490 CUCUMBERS 2 for 3 9c 690 ellitiWOHlirill 35*c FRESH ,(31/2-41/2 c DOUBLE BREASTED FRYERS 47' ROASTING CHICKENS CHICKEN TI7E BASKET BEST OF FRYERS:EiZt CHICKEN 5 CHICKEN NECKS or BACKS 3 ...." 39' LI. 45 BURNS WIENERS ,...1"... 59' C COTTAGE ROLLS I" w Tit LS. 49c BORNS BOLOGNA 4:..":. 39' ' Pii6MEAL BACK BACON ' II 99' 5nc. FARM or LINK SAUSAGE ...„ it:. 59' a FRESH SMELTS , lb, LEGS AND BREAST L. smoKeD (.0.KLEss, JELL-O ASST'D Winn! CHILL .DESSERT POWDER 2 3:1;e:. 550 JAM sl=tay 21-: 99° BEEICIST LIQUID HONEY , Jar 31° CANDY - 1.00 REMINQ.TON'S IGA