The Goderich Signal-Star, 1966-01-13, Page 31
�r�w�xs To State Opinion
Acting on a request of the
Ontario Bean Growers' Market.
ing Boar d, the .Ontario Yarm
Pacluets 1',larkettitg Beard has
annouiicecd that Ontario ,bean
: ;re�wexs
-will- be -given- an :oppor
i;unity to 'express their opinion
on a proposed amendment to, t`he
Ontarto Bean Growers' Market-
ing. Plan.
. The amendment, requested Eby
the, Ontario Bah; Growers' Mar-
keting- Board, would provide the
•" "board with autlQrity. to ,increase
the.. licence fecal,= from six to 10
cents per cwt, R beaus deliver-
ed by growers 'to 'dealers. The
increase is• designed to provide
additional, marketing faeilitie
in the so.uther.n part of I-iuroz
The marketing board proposes
. _ to use the funds to build addia
tional bean processing andStor-
age facilities witha capacity of
150,000 ewt at an estimated cost
of- $400,000, It is, planned to
use fee levy,. e '7 cents collect:
C.(14 -eiw thfi ' 0ia-crop totiluad
the facilities' and make repay.
ment from the' increase in 41 -.
enee fees. ..
Growers will .be able to ex-
press their opinion on. February
8, 9 and 10. Huron county grow-
ers are asked Ito, go : to the On-
tario depa tmeit o1..agriculture
office in• Clinton,
Each grower will be 'required
to ce';tify, that. he .is a, grower
of beans and hal not 'reviously`
liallotE d on the question. Sixty-
six and two-thirds per cent of the
growers casting ballots are re-
quired to be in favor of the
fashioned with "a bell skirt and
in a Christmas setting of . oin-
, settias and candelabra on De-
cember 24, )✓liza:beth 'Louise Al-.
.glen of Londonn.becarne the bride
of Robert Allan of Port Arthur.
The double -ring ceremony was
held ---in- Knox Presbyterian
Church chapel with Rev. G.• L.
Royal officiating.
-The bride is the daughter of
Mfrs. Sybil Allen of Goderich
and William R. Alien of London.
The groom is the son 'of Mrs.
W. Allan. of Port Arthur -and
the, late W. Allan.
The • bride was given .in mar-
riage by her father and wore a
floor -length empire gown f
white French. cut velvet. Tye
controlled sheath skirt wa ..,
_k14ncecla.:detachahlo_._. flanr-
length train. Her wedding ring
headpiece held the bopffant silk
;illusion veil. A:rtraiiing bouquet
of poilisettias, star -burst mums
stephanotis completed the
Mrs. Ray"Mahood of Goderich
attended hr'r sister as • matron
of horror. Her fiotr-length gown
of .turquoise peau de soie was
▪ II la 411 op as us a No P + a
WED., TH URS., A FBI. -- JANUARY .12-13-14
.N' st Spng and Lai
fitted bodice and was. arcented
,with matching chantilly lace.
She, -carried a bouquet -of white
mums and silver -tipped holly.
Ray -Mahood of Goderich was
groomsman and guests were ush-
ered by Clyde Allan of . Port
"For a reception at Tiger. Dun-
lop Inn,. MIS. Allen received her
guests wearing a berry, crepe
sheath dress with dark brown
accessorie4 ,and a corsage of
white rases. •
Gnests from a distance were
present ..from Port ''Artfiur, Sea-
-Ter a v, edding-grip. to Pori
Arthur and Calgary, the bride
original suit with hand embroid-
ered French, lace trim. A brd-
corsage- of white roses complet-
ed her- costume.
In •Canada's first 'federal elec-
tion in 1867, Voting took place
from August, 7th to September
TeantS are -needed to participate in the
JANUAR'Y 15„ 1966
Anyone Interested Contact
was mADE
Inyon0Fpr Nigh!ies
By 5a�san cU
Wnrit; Vann•
'any doldrums at G.D,C 1. Read
yettr::k'ren h'a Spanish -supple -
m ntaryreaders:-An dight -pa&
answer in English would be just
.ire - ; a Lreat idea,. Public
speeches mut-be said not ,read.
Work on 'your history project:
Three seats apart. • in spares
:w'ork gets done this way, but
how, can we possibly have found-
tahle discussions on Hardy's use
Of pessimism or where cer}triu-
gal force •went?) It reminds me
of that old Mississippi song,
"Lilt that bar; tote that bale;
get a little drunk and you'll land
in jail."
Want a red and white striped'
"flannelette night ,`i}rt , --- three-
quarter sleeves, knee-length with
a scoopy shirt-tail bottom?. It
even has a MCI crest on the
pot=so you can life patriotic
evenin your sleep! Order one
now. If there,'s a big demand
the` G. .A.ean get them.
Doomed To Roam
In eight high schools in Den-
ver,`tolorado, there were smok-
ing lounges for the students ---
complete with leather chairs,
etc. They had no problems -at
The kids used the ash -trays,
etc. But with the advent of the
smoking -cancer combo, smoking
was outlawed. They Were doom-
Youth Bowling
Foy • Twosomes
A tetal of 98 bowlers, 49 jun-
ed to roam •the streets for
smokes: Therefore, we'rd'tnore
progressive. We've the end re,
'stt'le14110 - the - -inter diate
'Phase. a_
A new favi has hit G,D.C.I.
Like last year's way-out style
(wearing boy's ties) it ;has Started
with the Grade niners.
They're wearing their hair in
unbraided ping -tails. Last<.year's
fad didn't spread all the way up
to the Fiore staid Wens, . (I
think it stopped with • the 11ls):
This oche won't either, I don't
think. But it, coirthinecl With
this year's "Little. G1rl'Ellesses,
does give them the Inodern
"young . look."
Between The �.ines
So you don't Vvant ®i Year
For Swingers
Tomorrow ' night the G.A.A.
is -sponsoring a i11- idly dance
with the Del-Reys. It ought, t
be fun,
iors and 49 adults, participated
in ,the youth Bowling CotinciL
family twosbme toUrnament held
en„ Wednesday, December 29, in
the Little- lc,fowl
Results were:
and ,Mrs. Kay McAstotker. with
a score of 602; 2nd, Gay Mero
Juniors: Janice Glen. and. Mrs.
Kay Glen,. 825;• 2nd, Jane bean
and Karen Dean', 816. -
Seniors: Linda Moore and Mrs.
Marj. Moore, 879.
13anta'm: Philip Petrie . and
and Harry Little, 549.
Juniors:, Kevin. Rumig and
Wayne Rumig, 1275; 2nd, Lee
Ryan -and Eugepe Ryan, 1047.
SPniOrs:.Don Glen and Hugh
Nursing Director
Takes' New Post
Mrs. E. G. PrOsser, director 'of
nursing at jhe Ontario Hospital
how for two years, has been
transferred to the Ontario Hos-
pital in Kingston to take over
the duties' of director -of nursing
A dual pteserItation Was made
to 'Mrs. Prosser pilor. •to her
departure to take up her new
Mr. J. Wedlock, president of
the hospital welfare' hind, pre-
sented Mrs. ProsSer with an .en-
graved pen and pe.ncil set ,on
behalf of the hospital employ-
ed her with a camera on behalf
of the medical staff.
At the present time no re-
placemerit. has been found for
Mrs. Prosser at the Ontario Hos-
pital here.
To Bag Deer
- The, G oriel Si
A forMer Colborne Township
resident, Allan Alexander Buell/
anaii died giddexily at his North
He was the son of 'the Jute
James Buehanan'aiid Catherine
Sonds of Cplborne Township.
Surviving are this wife, Maria
and.' t 47.0 wins: -lames of Van=
ver aLd Allan off Niagara Falls;
and three grandchildren„:
In addition, he is 'Sfirvivecl by
Moritgemery, Colborne Town-
ship, and Mrs. Agnes Fisher, Of
Toronto He was predeceased
by his brdther David last Now
IODE Chapter
Nal"nes Delegates
At,the January xneeting of the
Maple Leaf Chapter, .I.O.D.E.,
held at the. home 'of Mrs.: Brian
Ainslie, St. George's Crescent,,
councillorto the national and
provincial chapters were nomin-
ated by the mernbers.
The 1965 archery season ran
some 2.0- days from October 25
through Noyeniber'13 solely in
the township *Of St. Edmunds,
Bruce County. Hunter returns
Were reee,ived from 38 of 4.1
hunters contacted which,' would
represent a complete count of
archers to within 10 percent.
No ricer %fere shot.
THIS vii -EEK — JANUARY 15th
THE COMETS of Port, Elgin
ORDERLY,At 7:15y.m. and 10115 p.m.
' LIVING IT UP At 8:45 p.m. Only
George Wraith
,524-9934 OR 524-7002
_V to midnight
Admission, $1.00 per person
Catering to Weddirigt,' Luncheons, Banquett,
For Rental Information" • .
DIAL 524-9371 or 524-9264
•aetive Worker for St, Gee- joint Philip Turner, 1).43f -fields.,
rgo's 'Anglican. "Church, Mrs. passed away •41.1.:04) ama., Jantt,
Irene Rose Sturdy, died in Wit- ary 2, in Clinton Public Hospital
land Manor on MoudV, JanUary after, 'aia. illness lasting, five
Born in TUrnherry Township, The funeral 'Service held. in
'she yvas'the danghter of the late Trinity' Anglican Church, Bay.
Benjamin. John SaultS;and .Mary field, and intertn.Pnt In DaYlield.
Ida Jane 3ohnstein. • cemetery were'conflueted the
came to Gederich as a Irev. g. 4,43. 'Harrison_
ehild and attended and , Pallbearers, were:
In 1927 she-. married Lt. Col. Gordon WeStIake, 'Wilton Talbot,
A. P. (Fred) Sturdy wh6 pre. Logan Cleave. and ',Alm Cani
deceased, her in *1958. • bell,: •.Plevverbearers, Peter .)?
At ono *time Sinrdy oper,. charine; James Cleave, William
Coal CoMpany. ' 4 Mr., "rurner was born in, Stant
She was active in work of the ley Townihip in 18a to Robert'
adiall-ean-S,,,ocietrantryar'a "andliVgaid aft:reeled-007f; ttp otiurl
leading member of the Chancel moVing to B
Guild, the Woman's Guild and iaars age, "
the Margaret Seager Club ef ,A member of Trinity Church, •
St. George's ‘nglican. Church. Bayffeld, Mr:'Turner,is :survived
In additien she was a -member by his widow,“"the former Bertha- .•
of the Women's Hospital' Aux- Westlake; whom he married
iliary and ti life meniber of the April 1, 1920; three sons; Robert
Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E. 111., Walter W,pBayfield
Surviving is one sister, Mrs. fred J., Port Burwell; a (laugh-
. L. (Hattie) parsons, Owen ter, Mrs. Fraser (Violet). Stirling,
R.R. 2, Bayfield; brothers, Wit,
Funeral service was held at limn, Windsor; „Robert, Strat
St. 'George's Anglican Church ford; Frederick. Bayfield; sisters,
with Rer-O. G. Russell and Rev. Mrs. Fforence Campbell, Handl-
Canon K. E. Taylor, officiating. ton, and Mr's. Elizabeth Frecket:
Interment was in Maitland ceme- ton, Brampton, and nine grand-
read correspondence„and report-
ed, a meeting of cohveners
heads of. committees to be field
on January 18 to review the
year's work and to present re -
Services at home and abroad
convener, Mrs. S. C. Anderson
told .of 1,,,,corsages having .thn.
sent to patients in local nursing
Public Schools
Jennifer Coolc Reports
homes and hospital at Christmas. onc6 a
'ilte season for basketball has
Mfs. j. Skeoch, convener .of gain started. The cap-, Surviving are: "sistei; 'Mrs.
the nominations committee, as- tains and the. teams have already Percy tJandt) Dryden, Harriston.
sisted by members of her com- been .i.!:is..eked and practise games
brothers, John,'Harriston; Dun- ‘,
inittee comprised of rs. . . are novrUnder way. * can, Minto TAwnship;. Apellie, '
distributed nominations Mr the for the real,games,
various offices of the Chapter. . *The captains qf the teams
-A report on'Opportunity Shop are: Vicki Chase, loyce Durnin,
finances froth treasurer, Mrs. A. Judy Gardner, Matanne Wolter- Interment followed'in Harriston.
G. Kerr,. *as read.' - • beek, Doris Stewart, Petra Teich- .
ert, Suzanne MagLeod, Jeanette cemetery' . ,,
PrOvincial services—Lucy Mor- Good luck tb.„,a)1 the teams, .
rison Membrial Fti d; piovineial Susan ,Bisserteports ' Driiers taggiqg
In Plates Race-- .
the field' of natioanl sex.: tic's at 10:00- a.m. every 1VIoncity
vices --Commonwealth relations; ni. orning.
Greek orlihan; Korean 7•projects; 8 ,and I'm snre ,will be of value
They can We seen on Channel
national shipping fund; peace
garden fund; ;second war mem- to everyone.
orial fund; Canadian scene; Dern- A * .ai + a
Local donations were made 4k s h it te 1 d
..cratic action. „ •
I A resident of White 'House
Nursing Home, Harriston; Miss
Sarah Elizabeth Wilkin died
there last Friday in her 85th „ •
God en eh
Funeral serVices were held at
the Kn,ox Presbyterian Church,
to the Goderich.and District. As- 'ASHFiELD. — Mr. and. Mrs:
,sociption for Retarded Chirdren. Wm. Johnson visRed recently
Mrs. W. Rathburn thanked the with their son-Jactc in Hamilton.
hostess for the use of her home and saw,tifeir new granddatigh-
+nil Mrs. It. Breckenridge and *ter:.
committee 'served refreshments -Alex MacKenzie, student • at
The annual meeting is to be
held at the home of Mrs. J. Mrs_ Kenneth Farrish has re-
, the weekend.
Skeoch on February 1.. . turned to Goderieh after a
week's ‘visit with her daughter,
;throtighout the province. •
The C.G1T. met on Monday . At the same date a year ago,
ev.enir4.and the C.O.C, on Wed -111.4 'per cent of .4rielw plates and
SHEPPARDTON. — Visitors nesday .after school. , permits 091,792) had been is -
'Motorists are lagging Islightly .-•
behind „last year's pace hi ob-
taining their new licence plates,
the Ontario Department of Tran-
spOrt reported today, '
By January 2, new plates and
permits had been obtained for
per cent of -registeWd pas-
senger cars. station wagons and
motorccles., The 1966 plates
and permits, wents on sale De-
cember 1.
With 191,327 sets of plates and
permits issited,'there are stillan
estimated ,580,000 to be ohtain-
ed betwe now and the issuing.
deadlin of February 28. They
are d at 280 issuing offices
with, 111r...and Mrs'. Horton Tal-1,..:The annual meeting of Ash-
ina".y inchided Mrs. Gladys Wallisifield ProsbYterian Church will
and' Mrs, Jennie 'Wise of Clinical be held on January -11.
and* -Mr, and Mrs, T: Salkeld; Douglas Farrish- of • Toronto
'Luoknow. I was home for the 'weekend.,
-A gin-u-ing movie
. A funny movie?
'MATINEE SAT.1.11tDAY AT 2:15 P.M.
Warrior -
cif Ali Time!
-tad Wilson
Fast recovery
tikes -the "wait" out of water heating. Flameles&—so safe and
Needs no flue — can be installed anywhere. .
Available in sizes to suit your needs — Purchase plan available
. . ands alt *ith the economy of Electricity. Call now . . . „
'•"lf motorists wish to avoid
the delays and inconvenienceS
of long liffe-ups, they can . still '
do. so .hy obtaining their plates
and perniits in' the next feW
weeks," said ,Transport Minister
.iod for isSuing plates—three full
inionths--giyes everyone an op-
pertunily to obtain them before -
any laSt-Minute rush develop."
St Augustine, s
The following 'took part in a.
eoneert .which was performed by
students frem St. Augustine's
school recently: ..
- -Recitations by: Wilina Van
Aaken, Delores Neves, Virginia
and Colin Chisholm, John and
George Hickey, Marie,. Arnie,
MAO Anri and Bernard Boyle,
David, Brenda, Irene; Tommy
and Dennis Yule.
Two playsx--"Samuel's Propos-
al,'" with Joanne Hiekey and
Michael -Boyle taking. part and
"Wanted—A Housekeeper" With
John Hickey, . Leo Redmond,
Lucy and Laudelina Neves„ Ma-
rie and Bernard Boyle, Willie
Yule and ,Toanne Hickey taking
- A Christmas pageant was pre-
sented with Delores' and Laude- .
ifickey, Leo Redmond, Den-,
• Tommy and Willie Ville,.
Marlene Finlenn and Limy Nev-
es. The remainder .of the class
sang earols. Marie Boyle sang
"0 Holy Night," and Michael
Boyle was narrator
The entire class ,took part' .in,
- the musical "The Wedding 'of
the Painted Doll.n`
Michael Boyle and Laudelina
en;itig"reteTd.4.-ufrdonilitiPaorruegvaelio *Cwanho-
in• teresting talk on. "Life in
I.. Portugal including 'CbriStraris
ettstops there."