The Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-07-29, Page 9and 444 lk t,a sty NS, $1141r dine and' trip to' bride 1 rlut ia, 0. on Ibt. w0;-1 Nide' /eke, CH 49306 1 *eak n men uuriced wedding plans have been announced by Judith Ann MacKay, Rog. N., and William Bernard Munroe, B.A. for August 21, 1985 at eleven -thirty o'clock in St. Michael's church, Waterloo, Ontario. The, bride -elect, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald U. gaeKay, Goderich, is a graduate of the Kitcherier-Waterino Hospital School of Nursing. The groom elect, son of Mr. and mrs, William B. Munroe, Niagara V,a11s, Ontario, is a graduate of the University of Waterloo. BUSHELL ---• CROZIER Marriage vows were exchang- ed in Dungannon United Church on Saturday, June 26, between 111 111: �.........W1 41 . ► ta�era in eend/labraadorned the altar and bel,R1Olet$. Were of White ,Aad pink ginda"uali The bride 1$ the daughter of•'ir. and Clifford' Crozier, R.R. 1, Dpuganitou, and the groom is Alto son of`M�i and-Ms.]Eie ,,/ILII ahhii, RJ .• 1. /lel 'reed /Ars, 1untly Gordon, Detroit; .pTv.' vtdeti '1,11avddi-n=-h3.usic: Mx, Crozier gave his daughter ,in marriage. Her floor•iength gown of peau taffeta over satin was fashituied with a bateau neckline and lilypoint sleeves aa;d .the ecntrolled shirt fell to .a chapel train. A crown of seed ,_pearls _,and ,aurora borealis 'held her boufant tiered veil of nylon ---netrRaitd',. she--earried-•a•-_bouquet of pink talisman roses. Miss Beth Cooper, London, was maid of honor wearing/a floor -length sheath gown of aqua. peau satin styled with a prin- cess -line bodice. Her accessor- ies were matching and she Car- ried a nosegay of aqua -tipped carnations and stephanotis. The 'bridesmaids, Miss Katherine Bushell, ,R.R. 1, IIolyrood, sister of the groom, and Miss Susan Nash, London, cousin of the bride, were similarly attired in twilight rose peau satin. They carried nosegays of matching colored carnations and steph - Grootxtsma i-7: was -. Ebner: M Varian, Wingham, and Mac Mc- Donald, cousin of the groom, and William Crozier, Dungan- non, brother of the bride, ush- ered. The bride's mother received her' guests in the church par- lor wearing an aqua lace sheath dress with white accessories. The groom's mother chose a sea blue embroidered organza sheath dress with matching ac- cessories. For their wedding trip to Eastern Ontario the bride don- ned a navy blue shantung jack- et dress and wore petal pink accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. They will reside at R.R. 1, Kincardine. Joanne Eleanor Crozier and George Edbert Bushell in a double -ring • ceremony heard by TOWNSHIP- OF GODER ICH AUDITOR'S REPORT The Reeve, Councillors and Ratepayers, Township of Goderich, Goderich, Ontario 2nd April, 1965 • Dear Sirs: In accordance with your insti:uotions we have completed an audit of the books and accounts of the Township of Goderich and its related school boards for the year ended necember 31st, 1964. 'Operations for the year resulted in a surplus of $1,110.77 increasing the accumulated surplus as at December `31st, 1964 to $35,605.95. - Again, details of the budget were not available for in-, elusion on Statement D. Section 297 of the Municipal Act requires Council. annually, to prepare an adopt estimates of all revenues --and -expenditures. _ _ .-.,,$.1 rety_, bond, coverage_ f or the.._ Serretary.Tx easurers of • School Sections 2 and 9 still had not been obtained by, the yes.r-end.. as required by Section. 46 of the Schools -Admin -- istrat.ion Act. Additional assessment under Section 53 resulted in in- creased taxes of $1536.21. As at December_ 31st, 1964, the ' school boat -Fad not -- been paid their share of these addi- tional taxes as required by the Department of Municipal Affairs. Subject to the qualifications concerning failure of the public school boards to have their treasurers bonded, and failure to pay local boards their share of taxes raised under Section 53, we hereby report that in our opinion: -1) The financial transactionsd which have come under our notice have been -within the powers of the municipality. 2) The audit has been conducted in accordance with the instructions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. 3) The financial statements present fairly the financial position of the municipality as at December 31st, 1964, and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date. In conclusion, we wish to express our appreciation for, the ca-ope.nation which we_receiyed•.from the treasurer and other officials of your Township with whom we were in contact during the..rcairse °L,:our.._audit. ,. Respectfully submitted, MONTEITH,_MONTEITH & CO., Gharter-ed Account -ants. License Number 26.36 - Date of filing, April 14th, 1965. CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 1964 ASSETS General Fixed (as per Schedule 1-8) - $ 39,881.80 . , Due from Schools (for Debentures) Public and Continuation $ 93,400• .32 Collegiate and High 104,039.10 Y 197;439.12 Accounts Receivable (Schedule 17) Future Tile Drainage Debenture' -Levies . _:_:. .... .._ . . 11) 'ASSETS Gash in Bank Aceounts. Receivable—Sundry DueArom_ Province of Ontario Taxes Receivable (Schedule 5) Other rAs ets--De€erred -Qha ges Total ' A:sets as at ,t e• s, n 8,353.34 $245,674.56 LIABILITIES Drainage (other than General) . . Schools -Public and Continuation". Total Deb'entur'es Assumed from Other Municipalities (Schedule 2) Invested in Capital Assets REVENUE-DFECEM BER 31,11964 tCE -SHEET- LIABILITIES DECEM LIABILITIES 4,014.56 Temporary Loans (Schedule 6) 30,050.00 24.00 Accounts Payable : 715.05 14,992,78" Debentures and Coupons Due—Interest 326.59 48,598.87 Due to Other Municipalities . .......... _ ... _ ... 289:47 - 420.52 _ _ _Due to Schools 780.90 Due to Other Funds Flolmesville Street Lights 60.84 - Police Village of Bayfield 221.93 282.77 Surplus (Form C) .. :.. 35,605.95 $ .8,353.34 91,870.32 '100,223.66 105,569.10 •39,811.80 • $245,674.56 $ 68,050.73 Total Liabilities and Surplus ..... _ $ 68,050.73 RE'If UE--FUND'--SUR•LU•S••-OR---DEEI:CIL AC:.COILT .. -.--. DECEMBER 31, f964 -" Balance at Ta-rivary 1, 1'96 Surplus or Deficit for the year Taal' of Debit and Credit columns •. 35,605.95 Balance of Surplus or Deficit at December 31, 1964 - — . 35,605.95 Debit Credit Balance 34-495.18 34,495,18- 1,110.77• ' -STATEMENT OF REVENUE , AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1964 REVENUE' EXPENDITURE M 1 Total Revenue from Taxation Contributions, Grants and Subsidies Ontario --Welfare Assistance 2,306.07 Highway Improvement 26,326.42 Payments in lieu of municipal taxes 272.51 -Unconditional Per- -Capita--Grants 5,982.00; Warble Fly - - 359.60 Licenses and 'Permits (include dog tax) Interest, Tax Penalties, etc. . Other Revenues—Fines :.. >.. .. . Service Charges - Miscellaneous Provision for Deferred Revenue -- .. Warble Fly Receipts ... ....... . Leafy Spurge Receipts 1963 Sales Tax Recovered , .. - Sale of Equipment ........ Prepaid Debenture Levy— Schools—Re Sale of Land Gross, Total Revenue ... y . Total Revenue Section . Actc7a I " $143,873.63 79.95 472.75 ' 35,246.60 1,129.81 '2,755.41 General Government _ Executive and •Legislative ..... 1,200.00 Administrative ... 6,088.63 Other . '. . '. , . • 467.52 _Protection to Persons and,. Property Fire ......- Flood Control Street Lighting . Reforestation Warble Fly . Livestock Claims 552.70 Public Works—Roads, Highways and Streets, etc. Conservation of health Social Welfare—Welfare Assistance 2,908.46 Welfare Administration 64.00 Education, including 'debt charges Recreation and Community Services . Debt Charges Long-term debt charges 26,794.05 Less own share, School debt charges 25,746.00 3,980.26 694.41. 62.61 05.69 247.12 337.09 5,977.18 189,535.33 _. 1;4.5-0-:00 _.. 384.10 112.50 337.67 1,169.78 376.20 1,048.05 Short-term interest, other charges 1,565.86 Taxes written off and rebated . Capital Expenditure out of Revenue Joint or Special Expenditures County Rates 38,083.16 Police Village Rates 429.11 Gross Total Expenditure Surplus for the Year . $189,535.33 Total Expenditure Section ' Actual 7,756.15 3,830.25 50,103.05 20.47 '2,972.46- 81,704.34 390.00 -2,613.91- `78:76 442.90 38,512.27 188,424.56 1,110.77 $189,35.33 NSBRiDGE i INGSBRUPC• .•Rev. ratifier Antone Van .B.00y and his flier, -Mr •Jobe -Vagi land, are visiting Mr. "and Mrs. John Van RQoy MA family. Mos. Florenee.Senzig qud..Mr's. Marcella Tomashek of Wiscon- sin visited their O'ConTnor rel- atives during the week. Theresa De 13ruyn ' is with the Miltenberg fannily far a few • .Mrs, Blaise • Martin has, been a patient in Goderich hospital r tho-pasriri oolr:_ -.-. .Mrs,._-Gbr.aerts-of� Holland, =is visiting her daughter, yrs. Van Diepenbeck, Mr, Van Diepen- beck and family. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray Lisa, and Diane and Mickey Kocenda of Detroit are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. P, E. Murray. Mrs. Dwyer is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Donald Frayne and family. Mrs. John Roslvot of Hol- land is visiting his daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Van Diepen and -family. Mrs. Theresa Lennan is vis- iting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. Lambertus. - Mra,_ Sans,aterra . and. clanglu. ter Mary, Detroit, spent a few days wit/•. Nor,nan O'Connor. Faith Skirke of Warren, Mich- igan, is visiting Patti O'Connor. Kerry Hogan, Stratford, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Con Hogan. Mrs. Dan Doyle and Margar- et Ann of Detroit spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Ed. Foley. Maria Dalton is visiting in London. weeks... _ Personal income tax was first levied in Canada in 1917 as a special war tax; it .was, not un- til 1948 that the name of the tax was changed from the In- come War Tax, Act to' the In - I come Tax Act. WIMAN HAS ONE MILLION FEET IN STOCK OF USED. BOAR S :.REPAIR:. BEA . IMPROVE • • • JOHNSTON--GILBERT Baskets of gladioli and chrys- both appliqued with motifs of anthemums provided the set- ting for the mariaige of Sylvia Gilbert and Bruce Johnston in Forest United Church on Satur- day, June 26th,- at 2:30 p.m. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Gilbert, Gode- rich, and the groom is the son of Mrs. Mildred Johnston, Sar- nia, and - the late Mr. Arthur Johnston. The Rev. H. Moore - house officiated at. the double - ring ceremony using the New Order for the; Solemnization of French chantilly lace. The mid- riff was styled with a Cummer- bund of scalloped lace, and led to a slim -line sheath skirt, wrapped in a spray of match- ing scalloped !ace from above the hemline. The gown was highlighted at. the back by an overskirt from the sides with a bouffant fullness flowing in- to a chapel train, and caught at the waist with a candy box bow. To complete her ensemble Marriage of -the United Church the bride chose a pillbox head Canada.. piece to hold her pure silk ill- ofusion finger-tip veil. She car - organza over taffeta insoft pluf- tel-'alit l o-shados -'*- vw girl, li . jtlpy- , `Y.011 e 1 - a a? olig Vrenoh, a cousin of the bride, wore a full-length drr+ ss. Uatching ,t #r e bridesmaids' gowns. Their la*titiquoW were of iceberg mums. J .The groom was attended by has brother, Brian: Johnston! Sarnia, _ and the ushers -were Paul Eeatherford, Kite enex�,. ; and Peter Bell, Sarnia. a r uring the ce er moony' lfrs 7 larj Wise . .f..: Sana --sang.t - "Nodding r Praye7rp' and. ';‘14e . Lord's Prayer" aecei ntpan'l . 1*. Miss M. Fawcett of Forest.. • Following the ceremony .a reception was held at the Draw. Midge Inn, Sarnia, where the guests were received' by the bride's mother in, a light blue lace silk. and. shantung dross, assisted by the greoxn's mother ' in, a two-piece shell pink crepe and alencon lace ensemble. Their corsages were of rose- buds and baby mums. . For their wedding trip to the Bruce Peninsula, the bride wore a three-piece . white linen suit with navy -accessories. _ .i ut of.. town .guests._ were _pre- _ _ sent from Detroit, Algonac, Port Huron, Windsor, Burlington, Long Beach, Toronto, Stratford, London and Strathroy. Both the ,bride and groom are graduates of the 1964 class, University of Western Ontario'; London, and they are members of the staff of the Forest Dis- trict High School. Pre ;Nuptial Events Prior to her marriage, the bride was entertained at a mis- cellaneous shower given by Mrs. it J. .Orr and --•Mrs.•- Goldie Al len, Forest. Miss Joanne Htun-t- er was hostess at a luncheon in her honor entertaining the lady teachers of the Forest District High School staff and other friends. Her two, aunts, Mrs. Jim Mab and Mrs. Amy Picot and her cousin, Mrs. Dorothy Dvernechuk, held a miscellan- eous shower in Go.der-ich.. "The bride. entered the cfiurc `rigid h 'bouquet' of -white --gait' during ..the -_ processional ---.hymn denies ,rand_ swphano.tis. "Praise My Soul The King of . The maid of honor, 1\liss Jo - Heaven". and was given in mar- anne hunter of Lueknow, and . + WEDDING + riage by her father.—She chose the bridesrhaids, 1Vliss Don71 "�` a floor -length gown eof 'shim- Carpenter of Burlington, and mering ice crepe, the bodice Miss Sandra Buzza of Owen fashioned with elbow -length Sound, wore similarly styled sleeves" and scooped neckline i full-length sheath gowns of silk Good for sheathing, flooring, siding, patch -up work for house and barn, 'etc. All lumber is clean and free of nails. FIX iIp e . -per--M- this is strictly a pick-up at our yard price. FOR. THE HANDY MAN Uncleaned USED BOARDS 2,5.00 -per thousand 'P.S.: Cheaper by the Truckload" NEW_ &_USED- PLYWoQD AT. LOW, - LOW PRICES, Compare Before You Buy. . . "No 11% . tax on Used Building Materials" Come and Browse Around We Have Hundreds of Items and ° Lumber of Every Description ALL - USED LUMBER FREE OF NAILS ONTARIO'S LARGEST USO 'LUMBER DEALER 136 VICTORIA ST, NORTH' On Hwy. 1 fit Kitchener Stock Yards $H 5"O27'1 KITCHENER.WATERLOO Open From 7 a.m. to S:iO p.m. Mon. to Fri,---Saturday>•to 4 p.m. 60DERICH MUSIC CENTER 33 WEST STREET -=--1JAl�l.��__ErQoi 25 00 GUITARS and AMPLIFIERS ALL MAKES 10% OFF •t DRUMS 10%o OFF WE° ARE THE MOST COMPLETELY STOCKED MUSIC STORE IN HURON COUNTY FREE LESSONS ON ALL INSTRUMENTS. - r PURCHASED THIS MONTH –WE—ALSO REM' Guitars, Amplifiers, Drums, P.A. Systems and Microphones 27-29 P. WAIN — McDOUGALL • 71. • In a quiet dduble-ring cere- i mony in the chapel of Knox i Presbyterian Church, the mar- riage of Mary Ellen McDougall and Charles Frederick Wain was solemnized. Rev. G. L. Royal ,c,j,ated. . The bride is the • daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las McDougall, R.R. I, Goderich, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wain, R.R. 1, Bay'field. William Cameron !presided at the organ. The, bride, given in marriage . by her father, wore a short It free tasei• taffeta dress, with shoulder -length veil caught to a tiara of pearls. Red rose- buds formed 1:er bouquet. iss siinron-earc old -was maul--- -A of honor wearing a yellow dress with white lace bodice styled with bell-shaped sleeves: Her' matching headpiece was caught - with' veiling and she carried a bouquet of white carnatifsiis. Fred Bruinsma was best man. The reception was held at Tiger Dunlop Inn where the to' st to the bride. was proposed by Mr. Arthur Curry, uncle of the bride. The bride's mother chose a figured silk "dress with- White ithwhite accessories and a corsage , of white carnations, The groom's ' mother wore an aqua sheer dress trimmed with rhinestones, lm ssorressand-•-a--eer-sa-go—. of white carnations. The couple left on a trip to -} or-thei-n.---O.ntari.a and upon_ - their return will make their home at R.R. 1, Bayfield. SALTER HOME r FURNISHINGS SUMMER SALE ENDS SATURDAY, JULY 31st SHOP N�W----ANDVE 2i0% TO 25% • CHESTERFIELD SUITES • BEDROOM SUITES • DININGROOM SUITES • DRAPERIES FLOOR SAMPLES, DISCONTINUED LYN ES .EW. SHIP NOW AND SAVE S A L T E RH0ME URNISHINGS 62 CAMBRIA ROAD NORTH - 524-7455 a • 4