The Goderich Signal-Star, 1965-02-18, Page 3y wt r
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Mrs. Earl 'Westbrook walks through an archway of flowers as
she models a het during the show.
. Canaries cooed caressingly in gilded cage=s
set in the floral eentre piece as guests re-
laxed and enjoyed the Valentine tea held at
1 road"
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ncil .p
• Air -Conditioned For Your Comfort •
NOW, THURS., FRI., SAT. =- FEB. 18-19-20
George Hamilton and Susan Oliver
In the new and popular Hank Williams' story
Everybody loves a parade and particularly when the parade
means hats and there are women in the audience. Members of
North Street United Church modelling these .Bats' are: Mrs. D.
MacRae, Mrs.\H. ,Gardiner, Mrs. I, McLean, Mrs. A. Hamiltdn,
'Mrs. G. Math.reson, 'Mrs. E. Westbrook and Mrs. G. Kerr.
In .the most •disastrous Great-
Lakes storm, in 1913, a dozen
ships were sunk and two dozen
more ,driven ashore, and 251
sailors drowned. •
North Street United Church.
N. Clairm:,nt,, R. Bogie, A.
.Curry, J. Cook, J. Brown, A.
Linklater, J. Davison, W. Mill,,
- L,. Cole, J:.
a Bean, S. Shanks, H. Hibbert.
In charge of -kitchen ts,. Harm.on
lia Kitchen
ments were Mrs. H. Bettg�er and
Mrs. E. ;Crawford. Their a•`•
The first rules for ice hockey,
and still the game's basic rules,
were laid out by students a
McGill University, Montreal, in
SIX NIGHTS — Mon., Feb. -22 to at., Feb. 27
ONE SHOW ONLY EACH NIGHT at 8:00 o'clock
James Stewart, Carroll Baker and .Gregory Peck
John Wayne, Carolyh Jones and Richard Widmark
^ Plus a 'lost of top-flight stars in an epic adventure
that you will never forget!!
— In DeLuxe Color -- '
-No advance in our regular prices
COMING: "GOODBYE CHARLIE"— Adult Entertainment
Two Bands — Saturday, February 20 ,
The Viscounts of London
The Mo Jos of. Goderich
Dancing 8:30 to Midnight. Admission $1.00 .per person
Phone 524-9371 or 524-9264 ,
Valentines, flowers and hats
were featured• at the annual
Valentine tea held. by the wo-
men of North • Streets -United
Church on . Wednesday, Fesbru-
sry 10th. A large heart crafted
of ,red roses, and standards of
sebite"-'fn imsesgreet "`tihi"''tstrests'
at the entrance.
•A" spring garden• centred the
hall. An• apple tree i nblossom
grew in the midist of spring
flowers. • Tiny' birds nested in
fhe•tree and reposed on the
nim • of an attractive, white bird
bath:- Canaries in cages chirp-
ed throughout the ,afternoon.
Potted red tulips bloomed in
the windows and on the 'stage.
Sprigs of appte blossoms cen-
tred the small -tea tables.
A white trellis, enmassed
with hand -made red roses and
set in a beautiful garden on the
stage, formed a background for
the models as they showed gay
spring hats -to the many women
Mrs. W. G. Moorhead was',in
charge of •decorations along
with Mesdames. J. Warren,. J.
McLaren, G. McGinn, J�� Kin-
kead; A. Hubble,.
H. Sturdy and
Miss G. '_McD.owell. .
Potted Plants
Potted plants were from Den-
omme Flower Shop; •canaries
from F. W. Woolworth • Co., and
si: `.ants were ;Mesdames J.
Wright, J. Remington, A. Green,
Signal -Star photo:
Spur ng; . c :ars •
r,. R. Smith, G. Smith, G. Muir,
1. Boutilier, J. Iloffineyer, J
,,lehring, G. 1'e : ris, J. She, •
hoof F Tyer n • A. Beath
{. D e olf. Iii s E. `Drive
Jlise and Grace- Robertson.
Mrs. R. Bushell and. Mrs, E.
Suchard and members of the
'.G.I.T. entertained small chili
tin in the .nurset. Mrs. H.
Dotterer was publicity convener.
wrought iron furniture from
° _. t •'s LcidiRsMiss Esher Hume; president
of . the U.C.W. s. L. ed the old..
Feb. !Vieeting
guests and with Mrs. L. Thorne- r
loo received at the door. '.Mrs.
L. Westbrook and Mrs, W. Han-
iy presided at the.contribution
*• afire.' . .•
Mr -,s. 0, L. Day was commen-
tator and piano music was pro-
vided by Mrs.. E. Jess•op and
Mr. E. Stiles. Mrs. R. W.
During the next 10 days orders
placed for drapes will be Cus
i--- tom -Tailored to,; your windows
and installed at NO' EXTRA
Drapes -,must be $2.50 per yard
yT or over, full width and not less
than 2 yards long. Drapes may
be 'lined or unlined. •
This Offer Ends on
Saturday, Feb. 27
DIAL 524-7232
Goderich residents may be interested in hearing about a
practical demonstration that raised some scientific eyebrows
recently -- •though 1 hope it never happens. here!
A group of professors at a major technical institute were
holding a conference on "component reliability," a matter of
considerable importance in those space-age days.
.One,__engineerinq professor. ._.fidgeted, while the discussion
rambled bn-at length in profound scientific terms. ,Finally he
jumped,. up, grabbed a nearby" telephone, and slammed it—
gainst the wall.
As the dust settled, he asked one of his startled colleagues
to pick up the phone and dial . operator. T-
swered immediately. ,
•''Now that, 'gentlemen," he. said triumphantly, "is reliabil-
ltol_�`.�ies featured the Fe ru- 1 A numiber el',,,,,_ interestilig
ary meeting of St. George's , hand •made articl�b-ade by
Churcyii,, ma "i's— "ld; •wntc'1Tr .V tis• 7It _-Brei,dTle;-:-Nis: J. ,Craig___
was presided - over by
Mrs.. Mrs. H. .Ti,chborne, - d
Frank Bowra. - which included wool and arvgoanra
Mrs -J: Wilson was pianist i hats, sweaters, suits, baby eaut
b , fits and poodles, were displayed,
and the Scripture was read
y i explained by'Mrs. H. Tichrborn4 .
Hughes made arrangements for Mrs. H. Dodd. Mrs. D. J• Pat
the hat show. terson gave the financial state She also s�hawed' a tray of fanny
Hats were courtesy of Mrs. L. ment and -Mrs. H. Palmer read
whieh were later sere-
of Marion's Hat Shop, the list of replies from sick ed
dMrs.It h Tichborur.
ne intrroduc� �l
and Mrs. A. Lang ,of the West and shut-ins remembered dur-
End Hat Shop.
Soft and tailored spring bon-
nets. of every hue -were 'model-
led by Mesdames H. Gardiner,
A:•-HamzltonssJ. •Hrn•ton;--G. -Kerr-;
H. Lyon, G. 'Mathieson, D. Mac-.
Rae, J. McLaren, "I. McLean, CVI.
Raithby, E. Westbrook and R.
ing ,the month. Mrs. Paul Hill
spoke re choir vestments and•
asked for volunteers to do
Mrs. A: T. Lamb wbo spoke on
;crafts and showed music stand's,
pictures, jewellery, block•print-
mending, etc. She also toted • ing, aluminum trays. She also
�lho- nerd Lour ...•fau.: _._nom a i'�f_ explained the fascinating art of
ments for rector's servers. It making cards. andnotepaper
was decided to purchase these. for various occasions frc,nu
The date was.chosen for the everyday household items.
The hostesse --were• Mrs.
Wilson. , leigjzt. tea and the 'following eon-
..,. named- Supper, Mrs. C. Dodd and Mrs. H. Tiehborn°e.
Delicious home, made candy. _�
was sold from a, canopied booth , Videan. Mrs_ T. Legg' and Mrs.
oily decorated with Valentine Rc, Bridle; tables, Mrs. L. 9f the outlays of all govern ,
t - motifs.. Dainty traa:s of pack- ,Bannist-er and Mrs. M. Martin; gent, in Canada one dollar
aged candy were circulated candy, Mrs. J. Wilson and Mrs. four goes to tran.efe-r pasinent.
among the'gtiests as •they en A Ilueill; .miscellaneous and to per ons-•--i.e., welfare and say
joyed tea. ... ! apron. Mee RS „ Harrison. Be- ial security spending.
cause of the high tea, the next , --
Candy Booth meeting will be one week earl- Three out of four households.
Mrs. H. Young convened the ler; ° combining with • tfhe col- 'in Canada now are equipper
candy booth with Mesdames R. lectors meeting on February/ ;with a passenger car:. five 'year:
C. Procter, R•.' Round, C. W.or 24th when plans will be final- ago She proportion was on!ny
sell, B. Bradfords.B. Feagan,.G.' ized for the high tea. ; two out of three.
Chambers, P. Blundell, H. Pot-
zel, H. Dotterer and Miss Mary
Tea arrangements were Made
by Mrs. E. Pridham and Mrs.
C. Murray. Mns. Wt Harrison,
Mrs. W. Moorhead and Mrs. R.
Alexander acted as hostesses.
Serving the •guests were: Mes-
dames R. 1VIeDaniels, .•Wro Tuck -
7 Transistors, Reg. 59.95
.6 Transistors, Reg. 49.95
If folios sometimes have difficulty hearing you over the
telephone, it may require only a ,slight twist' of the wrist to
make your voice corse in loud 'and 'blear.: Seeing television
tverfdrmers talk or.'king over -microphones that may be located
18 inches from the mouth or suspended overhead out of sight
may give us .the impression that we can do the same with the
telephone. We may carelessly talk with the telephone trans-
mitter held anywhere from beneath the chin to above the nose•.
But the telephone is not a broadcasting device. It is an
instmetlt desigrfed for personal L•- ,and pri•'vate — conversa-
tion. It has been engineered to operate most efficiently when
you speak directly into the mouthpiece — with your lips about
an ,inch away.
You need speak only in normal tones ,to. be heard clear-
ly . . . if you hold the telephone directly in front of your mouth
and speak into the transmitter.
Between 17 and 23
Looking for a Steady
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care, a clothing. allowance, 30
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apd an ear1r1 1sT h -are all
included. Many sports and hob-
bies ge available to.•fill in your
spare time. Anyway you look
at it, it is hard to beat.
Among the many openings there
should be one that just fits you,
so -if you are between 17 and
23,' single, with at least grade
contact your Army Recruiter
I at the address below. He'll give
you frill' information at no oblig-
ation — OR = mail in the
coupon. 1t mrs"s the bpport•
unity • for a steady job and a
career with a futUre, serving
Canadian Armed Forces
Recruiting Centre,
120 Queen's Avenue, LONDON;
Ontario. Phone 433-5124
Please provide me with details
of Career Openings in the Can-
adian Army.
Address " _.. ,, .:..
Age .. Last 'Grade
7. Transistors, Reg. 49.95 .32:95
6 Transistors;Reg. 39.95 24.95
6 Transistors, Reg. 24,95 . D.95
Seabreeze Automatic
Record Players, Reg. 49:95 .. ...... R.... 39.95
r •'
22 Cu. Ft. Freezers ° 214.00
_2 -Door Fridges, W.T. -� 259.00
Seamless Nylons 19e
30" Automatic Ranges, WIT. 199.04)
Stereo, 6 Speakers, Reg. 840.00 440.00
Sport Shirts - .... 1.99
Heavy Duty Clothes Dryers .......... 139.00
Tape Recorders, Complete • 19-n
Laundromats, W.T. 2.49.0¢''`
v S_
Esmond Blankets
`'Washing ..Machines, W.T.
Wabasso Sheets, Full Size pr, 6.¢;'•;
Instant On TV Y from 139.04xAs:.
U Can Be Twice As Sure If You Get If 'From