The Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-10-01, Page 15.•••••• • The Green T h,u b OF THE FIELD GARDEN Truly the Liliapeae family is 4rmost diversified manifestation nature for it Tuns a gamut om, the anion, through, the Tiger and Madonna Liliesothe tulip, the trillium and the hya- ' cinth to end in the Joshua Tree and the Yucca. More immediately we will concentrate on the. hybrid lilies the ancestors of which came to us from China, Japan, Cdr- sica—and—the Caucasu,s ' in rtlr. ..shape of the Martagory, Henryi, Hansonii and Tigrinium etc. Each of these was possessed of an inbred set of requirements for its livelihood which could rarely be satisfied outside its original habitat and it was for this reason that hybridizing was undertaker l to fit them for uni- ,•-•-e‘Nueirezzsal culture Of thd, wild AND by G. MacLEOD ROSS Regal, Easter and the Specio- sum really achieved this uni- versality without hybridizing. It follows that lily Ileeding has for its objectives freedom from tribulation and quantity pro- duction. The MidCeritry hybrids are a Tiger lily cross and produce up- ward facing flowersf in red, orange and yellow in June, 2 to 5 feet high, They are stein - rooting, Which means the Toots grow horizontally outwards bulb - bulb and so must ,have 6 to 8 inches of oil cover to the tOp' of the bulb. Th best strains are Tabasco, En4aptment and Prosperity. Bloom In June' The 'Paisley Hybrids come from the Martagon lily and so have reflected petals,with nuin- ereys ..2341.p_tem. They lilies, only the Tiger, Madonna, bloomin'aune, afehighly dis- SPRING GARDEN" YOU WANT PLANT DUTCH BULBS The finest, Healthiest bulbs in the world are here. They'll' give you the loveliestr'gpring garden you could want— if you plant them now. All your favorites, reasonably priced. FREE DRAW WITH EACH $1 PURCHASE FOR' A BEAUTIFOL DUTCH TAPESTRY RYAN & SON - •rFfr.64 anommommr: ..0100400)01.74,000,011.1.611a411....0 ",,,,,,000,,,,41.4*.•••••,•.44•001001,11x.,P4M41.110.644..IIZIMII IDEALTSUPPLY • Is Happy To Announce The • ...•.•.•. •••••••• ease resistant and multiply well: However, they have an unpleas- ant odour which repels both mice and men. Colors are pink, violet, maroon, yellow, bronze and white. The Bellingham Hybrids are the result of a triple cross. They are of medium height with narrow-betaled reflexed flowers in red, orange and yellow. They are base -rooted and require four inches of soil above .the top of the bulb. They flower n OVne---arrffirk-e-gb'eRrEattth dowers. Afterglow, Buttercup and Shulsan are good healthy performers. • 'The Oriental Hybrids result from an attempt to fortify the Auratum which enjoys poor health. They have bowl..Shap- ed flowers, outward facing, and up to '10 inches across on five to six foot stows. •—They ar stem -rooters: Empresses of In- dia, China and Japan are all expensive, but lower priced are, Pink Diamond Pink Glory Other orientals with more flow- ers per stem and not so tall are Imperial Silver, Imperial Gold, Jamboree, Nobility and the Potbmac,„,,,hrids. Trumpet Group The Aurelian Hybrids ,are the trumpet group and spring from L.henryi. Selections are: Black Dragon—white to purple; Green, Dragon — chartreuse; Golden Splendoik—gold. The Olympic 'Hybrids differ from the Aurelian in'that the flowers open wider and are more bowl -like in pink, white and golden yellJw.- Royal Gold is virtually a golden ,regal but the trumpets include some OF, THEIR , GODERICH BRANCH We are indeed 'proud to become a part of the Goderich Community. Ideal Supply Co. Ltd. feels that Godericht is a progressive community and we look forward„to being of service as an Automotive and Electrical Wholesaler. WHOLESALING A COMPLETE LINE OF: At Automotive Parts & Equipment At. Electrical Wiring & Supplies TV Components Standing in front of one of the displays at Ideal Supply' are Manager Crawford Wismer (left), and sales representative Gordon "Whitey' Wilson. Crawford now lives in Goderich and, come b to this new location with ten years of experience. He has been with Ideal Supply for six years, four years as Assistant Manager in Wingham and two years as. Manager of the Mt. Forest branch. "Whiter has been with Ideal Supply for many 'ears and he will work out of Listowel. He can Comp- etently handle all your needs as he has had 22 years' experience in the wholesale automotive' supply business. If you opeiate a Service Station, Garage or are in the Electrical Contratting business either of these men will be happy to look after your needs. IDEAL SUPPLY CO. LTD. 145 HURON ROAD Manager: CRAWFORD WISMER OTHER LOCATIONS — Wingham • Mount Forest • Hanover • 524-8389 Kincardine coingiaminimaiamia • = G greenish shades too and .Lime, light is one of the best, flower- ing in late July. -Moonlight has lemon,' and apple -green shades. thrive in slightly acid, humui rich seri BUT it must be thoroughly drain" ed. This means that the idea that a ihand- ful' of fsand in the bottom of the hole constitutes drainage is a fallacy. Four .inches of stones covered with three'inches of soil, or even a four ineh clay pot buried bottom up, and in turn covered with three inches of soil on which the bulb will rest; these constitute real drainage and prevent bulb rot. Lilies' are heavy feeders and the soil around the area to 'be planted should be enriched with Imemeal. During:the growing season a liquid fertilizer, high 'in phosphorus and low in nitro- gen' should be watered in three or four times. The Tiger lily Ls a host for a virus which, -while-not--affeeting-the-Tib 'self, Ls very harmful to any Auratum strains which may be near, These 'two' varieties should be well separated in the .garden, Aphids have Ween found tb bo virus carriers so that both plant and the stir - rounding ground should be sprayed with malathion and the healUrof-the auratum watched. Leaves which yellow anti off should be picked up ,and burnt and, if the whole top of a plant yellows'prematurOly and. begins to die, dig it up rut l -i Telnry—aird-b-dit o, stem. Lily Bulbs Lily bulbs may be planted even in frozen ground if you enjoy that form of sport, but usually they should go in at the same time as Lilies are William Currey was born on expensive and if the better December 25;1911, in Colborne varieties are to Contiwe to Township, son of the late Dr, bloom after the first season, George Daniel Currey and Eliz - drainage and feeding must not abeth Jane Agin. be neglected. After ,flowering He derated a service station do not cut off the stems until on Huron road, Goderich. Mr. they have withered: Prepare Currey was a member of North •the lily bed in advance of re- Street United Church, the Gode- ceipt of the bulbs, which means -rich Lions Club, Maitland Lodge now. • — A,F & AM, and of the Goderioh Industrial Commission. , + OBITUARIES A. IVIRS. WITH BAN Mrs. Edith Ethel: Barton, 81, wife of the late JosePh Barton, 'died Friday at Alexandra Mar- ine and. General Hospital, after a lengthy illness. She was born in Baydeld, a daughter of the late, Mr, and Mrs. John Falconer, and .bad. lived in Goderich since her marriage in 1916. She was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church, and as long as she was able, was aptly° in church or- ganizations. Surviving are a son, John Barton, Scarboro; one daughter, Mrs. J. Burns (Catherine) Jerry, Goderich; five. grandchildren. Rev, G. L. Royal officiated at the funeral service -on Monday afternoon at the Stiles funeral home. Interment was in Mait- land cemetery. Pallbearers were Fred Weston, 'Bayfield;' H. -(IfirdrJerry,-Moses al in, •'Ralph Henderson, L. IL Hyde and Clarence Miller, all of Goderich. WILLIAM A. CURREY Rev. W. J. 'en Hoopen offic- iated at the funeral service on Friday afternoon atStilesfun- -era' ihome ofxjjliantiA. urrey, 6%; rwhose•-deth oote,urredlad- clenly at Alexandral-lospital on Wednesday of last week. In- terment was in Maitland ceme- te'fher allbearer.s. were Leroy Ryan, Jimes--M-cGregor, John Prouse, Paul Squires, Stu. Sutherland, Oz. Slemin, all of Goderich. A Masonic funeral service was also held at Stiles funeral home oh Thursday evening. * Members may Obtain a 20% Surviving 'are his wife, the discountjor bulbs' and lilies in former Edna AVIcVittie; two clau- " ,4134,grAJAUft,11Aft.aLariez, they send cash with order to' bine of Goderich and Sharilyn, Mrs. Malcolm Campbell, at .170 at home; one sister, Mrs. Wei4- 'East •%street, Goderich, before liam (Grace)" RoOpe„Goderiff; October 15th. Catalogues may 'two brothers, I-fiac and Samuel, be had by writing to C, A. both of Saskatchewan, and 'his Cruickshank Ltd., 1015 Mount step -mother, Mrs. Emily Currey Pleasant +bad, Torc;nto 12. of yanconVer. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 at 8:30 p.m. 15 -GAMES — $1.00 Tfie prize for each'regular gapie will be $12.00 • -4 Share -The -Wealth Jackpot Combined. JACKPOT OF $100.00 IN 57 CALLS SPONA9RED BY CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH, 109 No One Under 16 'Permitted To Play • 65s A HERE 1965 Frigidaire Latindry Equipment ON DISPL Highest Trade Allowance When You Trade On A '65 A A FEW 1964 DRYERS LEFT TO CLEAR There ares still a few of these 1964 models left to move. Our 1965 models are arriving 'daily and \ve need the room. 139.00 All This At'"Th• Store That Service Built" Gerry/ s Appliances THE SQUARE 524-8434 FY MISS ETTA. 1V1ABEL SAULTS The funeral service for.Mtss Etta IYfabel Saults, 74, lifelong resident of Goderich who Aied in Alexandra Hospital .on 'Sep- tember 22 after an illness of two months, was held at St. George's Anglican church Thursday afternoon, The ser - vise was conducted ,by Rev. G. G. Russell. Interment was in Maitland—cemetery., The pall- bearers" were Stan Prevett, D. J. Allan, Leo Walzak, John Morris, all of Goderich, James' Parsons Jr., of Windsor and A. B. (-Bud) Sturdy of Sarnia. Stiles funeral home was iri charge of arrange,. ents. Miss Saults was a. daughter of the late Benjamin J. Saults and Mary Ida Jane Johnston and was born in Goderich on January 1, 1890. -She- -was a nienib'er--0-r--S George's Anglican Chtirch and was active in all phases •of church work, including the Wo- man's Guild, Women's Auxil- iary and in Chancel work. Miss Saults was a member of the Alexandra Marine and General Hospital Wornen's Auxiliary and a member of the hospital's serving commiiteeShe served for many-tiggriitinber of the Children's Aid Society and was a life member of the Maple Leaf Chapter of the IODE. inS—=Vrire—re—TZ"—s-isters, Mrs. G. L. (Hattie) Parsons of Owen Sound, and Mrs. Fred (Irene) Sturdy, Goderich. • MRS. 'MABEL SUTTON Mrs„ Mabel Ray Sutton, 75, wife of the late George SuttrIn, died Thursday of last week at Alexandra Marihe and General Hospital, after a long illness. She was born, at Mattawa, a daughter of the late John and Augusta Hayman, and had lived in Galt before coming to ,Gode- rich some time ago. Surviving is one brother, in the Canadian west. The body wr,s at the Lodge funeral home where the fun- eral service was held Saturda TiTtiThTrir nrert7r:Russell of St. George's Anglican Churth. ,officiated and burial was in Maitland cemeiery: Amberle •. --t-A411;;BERLiSt. Chmphell attended a shower re- cently at St. Marys in honor of her niece, Miss Donna Nichol-, seri of Kinlough. • Mrs. Archie Courtney attena- ed a -recent-. demonstration of painting on cushions,. ;aprons and.othe;'.rnaterial.s•,. •Mrs. Allis- ter McKay WaY.hoste'ss' for the evenings interesting display which was well 'attended. - W.I. Meeting Reid's Corners W.I. met in the community hall 'with .an at- tendance of 14 members. Mrs. SVilliain Feituson presided. Roll call Was, "Bring a weed and name it." Quite a variety of weeds were displayed. The secretary. Mrs. Kelvin Hender-' Son, read a n'unber of resolu- tions which will be d'ealt with! later. • • The area convention is to be held at *Marton and the rally- at Port Elgin After the 1 business period, community singing was led by -Mrs. Bert' Irwin and Mrs. Willinam Court- ney, after which Mrs. Cecil' Hurhphrey conductod ,interest- ing contests. A humorous read- ing, . "When father carved the cluck," was given by Mrs. Sam Snobelen. Mrs., Etlon Bradley gave an informative history of , oil. She mentioned .that 149 products • were derived from it. Mrs. . Kelvin Henderson's ; personal scrapbook was passed ! during the evening and mem- bers enjoyed the familiar pic- tures find events over the years which -Mrs. Henderson had col- lected. • After the closing ode i and grace,-. Mrs Melvon Henry: and Mrs, Cecil Humphrey served lunch. • Services Rev.. Harold Pillen of Pine River United Church was guest minister at .13e: vie anniversary services while Rev. Martin Rule had charge of the service' at PineRiver. an Bethel. , „PERSQNAL , Mrs, George Johnston attend- ed the 'wedding of her grand- daughter, Caroline Kip john -1 ston, to Mr. Hugh William Mc- Kibbon, in the Church of the Redeemer, Toronto, and after- wards at the supper -dance 'at the King Edward Hotel. •!WHICH CAME FIRST?' puzzles eight-year- ' Its purpose is to govern, northbound traffic, old Tommy O'Brien, ashe surveys De- utility pole notwithstanding. The foibles tucked behind utility pole” about tWo miles of 'Skip", Tommy's. collie, who, after eye - south of Goderich along Highway 21. ing sign and pole with lofty disdain, Sign, with legend: "Speed' Limit 30", is ambled off' toward home, figuring the spotted within three yards of utility pole. whole business is i'too deep" for him. Signal -Star photo WHAT ARE THEY DOING? QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ The Signal -Star would be L Name the eight men 'Who pleased to list the academic have served as Prime Min - pursuits of the 1964 crradu- 0 ister of Canada since, 1900. at-eS' of "Coderich'District Col- 2, In 'Canada's 37,000 manufac legiate Institute who are tending universities and col- . legeg, schools of nursing on who are engaged in • other forrns of •postgraduate .;tudy. 3.0f the Alaska Highway's An assist frOm.,,,rea.ders--N414-4,--1150-frille length' how much produce news 'stories of in-, 1 lies within Canada? terest to the entire commun- 4. Personal income taxes repre- ity.• seat what proportion of all turing establishments is the average number of employ- ees per establishment 35, 350 or 3,500?, taxes' paid by Canadians • to all their,govermrAents?. 5. How many families in Can- •• ada are in receipt of family allowance payments? ANSWERS: 5. About 2.7 mil- lion: -.estimated rcost for this year, is 8546' million. 3. About 1.200 miles. 1. Laurier, Borden,' • Meighen, - King, Bennett, St. 1Laurent, DiefentakTr,--:'Pearsonly* . About -20 per ,cent 1 average is j htt over 35 per • i 'establishment. • savings • accounts deposit receipts, guaranteed certificates mortgages • trust services °tale. SERI Since 1877 ITISH MORTGAGE & TRUST 15 Offices in Ontario E. R. Rowlands, Manager GODERICH 524-7381 '10 • '0•••.„ EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 3 GODERICH BUILDING CENTRE WILL CLOSE SAT. 12 P.M. .40 '