The Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-10-01, Page 51 • • SUNDAY SERVICES sT..,....p.ERGE'S CHURCH Octo6.er — 19th Sunday After Trinity, 8:30 a.m. Holy -Communion Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon 'WIN" (Junior Congregation and Nursery) No Evening Service Rector: REV. G. G. RUSSELL, B.A., B.D. Mr. George Burgoin, Otgimist and Choirmaster,. THE ,UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA NOTth Street—United—Chur , 10:00, a.m. Sunday iChool 1100 a.m. Morning Worship ' The Mknister Will Preach • THE LORCr$ PRAYER (8) "And lead us not into.temptatien" The Sacrament of *Holy Communion (Nursery and Junior C,9jtgregation) The Rev. W. J. ten Hoopen, B.A., B.D., Min. L. H. Dotterer,,Organist • ." KirdriC —Pre"t""bYreTta—rr—ehtrreh- _THE REV. G. 1KHART ROYAL. BA-. Mill!ster William Cameron, DirectOr of Praisi SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4 The Sacrament of Holy Communion Services at 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. "To Be With Christ" Young People's Society at 800 p.m. Pray for the Knox Spiritual Crusade • THE UNITEDI CHURCH OF CANADA Ni-clOira—Sill-eTerthitte'd-quirc h 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m;Morning Worship "The Holy Communion: World Wide" • 10:00 a.m\ Benmiller: Church ,and Sunday ).School _REV....CECIL A. .DU KELQW,. Minister. - - Ms. J. bylDER, Orgamst. r. BLDG: PE Building permits for new dwelling and a•partments from the beginning of the year to the end of August in Goderich showed a total value • of $278,000. Total value of all per- inits to the end of August waoS $382,450: P'ermits fqr altera- tions and repairs to the end of August were $37,450. ^1. BOND CAMPAIGN James A. Lumsden, of, Strat- ford, has been appointed as an organizer in the 1964 Canada Savings gOnc}3 cArnpaign, pay- roll savings division, for Perth_ and Huron counties. Ills ter- ritory includes Stratford, Mil- verton, Listowel, Gpderich,, St. Marys and Hensall. •o, BEEF ,i,comppatEl A&P's LOW, LOW -PRICES! „.„ 11 ARANTEELDouble-YouvMoney-liack- IF YOU ARE' NOT ENTIRELY SATISFIED WITH YOUR MEAT PURCHASE AT A&P There is no /substitute for quality:7 1 Ad sells only Canada's finest red brand steer beef • SUPER -RIOT... - Canada's Finest Quality Red Braid Steer Reef Properly and Natui•ally Aged to Assure Tenderness •.• 111111Y PAY MOE A&P— - Savings Low Per Price! Pound SIRLOIN STEAK 89 8c 3 -Way -Cut fORTERHOUSFROAST----A-99c-8c- WING STEAK • ib 89c Sc FLANK STEAK ROUND STEAK PORTERHOUSE STEAK All Beef Hamburg MINCED BEEF Choice Shoulder Cuts - GROUND CHUCK Bonoless STEWING BEEF wor.u.s‘at.H4O.,..,OPF 05110RT RIBS Blade Bone Removed BLADE ROAST • lb 79c 10c lb 79c lb 89c lb 43C 16 59c lb 5 9c 10c 8c 6c A&P Low Pt. Come See; Come Sorel. rice!, Pound Round' Bone, Pot Roast 113 39c 14c SHOULDER ROAST Lean Boiling Cuts BRISKET PLATE PORTERHOUSE ROAST Rottom Pot Roast ROUND STEAK ROAST BRISKET POINT Boneless • 10OIN C T SIRLOIN ROAST End Cuts Boneless 10C BRISKET POINT tAroronumovon•na...K.IeiAlgoitIMP.OFWAF.I,, 1629c . 10c. 16 4-3c 16c CROSS RIB ROAST lb 5-9c loci.- ' ib.89c 8c ,ST SHORT RIB ROAST lb 59c lOc FIZtE METHODIST.. CHURCH Corner Victoria end Park Streets EV PELF -REX. B.A, a -D -J ,Pastor Dial 524-9306'. Schot4 -----100111W-GY§P'c"-17'470t. •-k's 11.00 a.m. Morning Worship • 7.00 p.M. Evangelistic Service Wed., 8.00 p.m. — Prayer Meeting .and Bible Study ' REVIVAL MEETINGS — OCTOBER 13 to 25 ' with Rev,,J. Clyde Flewelling, Grand Lodge, Midi. • .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••11,01,411,011,1,0,1,........4 '443. FIRST- BAPTIST CHURCH of the Baptist Conv,ention of Ontario and Quebec Montreal Street Near 'The Square • 11:00 a.m. Rally and Promotion Day 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship Mon., 7:30 p.m. — Young People's ' Wed., 8:00 p.m. —Mid.Week Fellowship Hour Fri., 8:00 p.m. — Dr. Walter Johnson speaks on Angola Minister: REV. HENRY de VRIES „Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Corner of Elgin and Waterloo Sts. REV. ROBERT CLARK, Pastor 30:00 a.m. Sunday School Classes for all ages. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service Tuesday 8 p.m. Bible Study and _Prayer Friday 8 p.m. Young People's Service THE SALVATION ARMY CAPTAIN and MRS. ROY WOMBOLD 10:00 a.m. Suncliy School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship . 7:00 p.m. Salvation Meeting EVERYONE WELCOME 1 r CALVARY -BAPTIST- CH RCH Bayfield Road at Blake St. (Entrance off Blake) SUNDAY SERVICES 10:00 a.m. Bible School 1100 a.m. Morning Service. ' 7:30 p.m. "Seven Churches- of the Revelation" Wed., 8:00 p.m. Prayer Service: "Daniel for Dark Days", Friday, 8:00 p.m. Young People's First Anniversary, October 11 Paster: REV. T. LESLIE HOBBINS, BA Warm Welcome To All The United Church of Canada UNION 'UNITED 'CHURCH 7:30 p.m. APINI*ERSARY SERVICE , The Rev. W. 'J. ten Hoopen, B.A., B.D. Anniversary Speaker tow • lb 2 3c 6c 89c. 8c •1679c 6c -lb 79c 10c. lb 8/C IOC lb 59i 10t 74,14iteirl....,,betrefefrkern,80/11,11+14/24.11,10117,1./....,.1.,01=0;11,14.1,1.10.rgit.1 ...",1•.**.• 4,4 PRIME RIB ROAST 7 -Inch Cut, lst 2 Ribs PRIME RIB ROAST Centre Cut- — Bone -in BEEF SHANK' 0 :pd -Skinless BEEF LIVER ,.Baneless Super -Right Quality RUMP ROAST 87c , 6c 'BEEVHEARTS D. In Memoriam LARDER—In loving memory of my dear -sister, Shirley Marie, who ,passed away September * 23, 1963. Eleven years have passed away • and none. Since one we loved so well Was taken from her home on earth With Jesus Christ to dwell. * —Always remembered by sis- ter Jeannie, brother-in-law Clem and Billy, Vera and Bobby. 39x E. Cards of Thanks BOULGEM.—I wish to express my sincere thanks to rela- - tives and friends for gifts, cards and flowers while 1 was a pa -gent in Goderich hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr: W. N. Watters, nurses and ,itp,ff, (et 2nd He.. Evelyn Boulger. 39x CURliEY.—The family of the late William A. Currey ex- press their sincere appreci- ation to all who were kind.. in so many ways during their sudden bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. N. C. Jackson .and the „nurses and staff at the hospiltal. * -39 • ,.."••, 1 • The Goderich Tburs0e3r, Ovrto1)0 1St, ).981# ' E. Cards of Thanks F, gitg4gOmPlitgl FISHER.—We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for cards, flowers, acts of kind- ness and messages received during our recent bereave- ment. Mr. and Mrs. Don Fisher. -39 • TAYLOR.—We wish to, express our -thanks for making our 50th wedding anniversary a happy one. A special thanks for gifts and cards and to those who called during the day. Belva and Btrt Taylor, -39 HADDEN.—Mr. and Mrs. Stan ' Redden wish to thank their relatives and friends for the many acts of kindness and messages of sympathy' extend - em in their --recent bereavement. 39x 111111111111111111111111 PALMER—Grateful- thanks to my friends for gifts, flowers and.,cards, and acts" of kind- ness to me and to' my sister while 1 was in 'hospital. Spec- ial thanks to Dr. J. R. Leitch, Dr. K. C. Lambert, nurses and staff on First Floor. . (Mrs.) ,• Abigail Palmer. 39x AMPBELL'S SUPER SPECIALS Dristan. Tablets REG: t25 99c SCORE HAIR DRESSING REG. 98c 89c Vicks Vaporub REG, 64c 52c lb 59c 10c • • lb 79c 10c 5 3c 6c 3 9c 18c 16.3 5c 4c TATOES:. MONS Ontario Grown White Table Stock No. 1 Grade 1 GRADE TENDER Native Yellow Cooking, Brushed US 111 00 CI U liflovirer 4. 10 -lb bag 3 -Ib. Cello Bag & Polished 3-16. Cello Bag ' Ontario Grown No. 1 Grade Snow White Ontario Grown White Best for Eating and Preserving PRUNES British Columbia Grown Washed and Trimmed lb • large head 216s29c SPINACH Ontario Grown 10 -oz cello bag 19c British Columbia Grown, Ideal for 1.4nches, Fancy Grade Bradford Marsh grown, Crisp and Tender, No. 1 Grade BARTLETT PEARS Large Size 6 for 29c CELERY HEARTS PASCAL bunch 25C A&P Low -Low Prices Monarch' 'ouch -Pak Reck Pae 2 pkgs 39c—SAVE 4c '0 Cli'('EariAlif(is 2 pouch 3 5c White or Coloured Reg. Price pkg 53c—SAVE 40 WHITE SWAN bkg4 4 9e TOILET TISSUE of r0 S Gerber's Strained BABY FOODS Crown Brand CO'N SYRUP , SPECIALI 4 43/4 -fl- 49 oz jars Reg. Price jug 57c—SAN, 4c 3 -Ib jug c not:rger, (With Terry,Tea Towel) SPECIAL! BLUE BREEZE (lpc Off DI) giantsizebox 79( Lancia (5 Varieties)' Reg, Price pkg 41c—SAVE'6c MAcARONlorSPAGNETTI 2-Ibpkg3 5c Geisha Albacore 114g. Price tin 69c—SAVE 10c TUNA FISH Solid White .1,/test 13 -oz tin 5 9c Tablets R6g. Price bottle 98c—SAVE 190 BUFFERENI btl of 50 79c THE GREAT ATIANTIC & PACIFIC TM COMPANY LT FOOD STORES AaP,MEANS DEPENDABILITY 1111111111111111111111.1.....P.MININI... 'Jiro omiiimorri. ACIP Bakery Products' JANE PARKER BLUEBERRY PIE f large 24 -oz size c Reg. .Price each 69c —.SAVE 140 Jane -Parker- Reg. Price each9cAy,E.10c BAR CAKE SPANISH each 29c Jane Parker Reg. Price loaf 23c—SAVE BEADWHOnHEAt 224-Atoaves 3 7c Jane Parker Fk`aisin twist Reg. each 45c—SAVE 6c COFFEE CAKE each 39, Jane Parker Reg. Price pkg 29c—SAVE 4c CHEESE ROLLS pkg.fi2 25c Hair Dressing • Reg. Price tube 65c—SAVE 10c ,BRYLCREEM(with free comb)largesize tube 55c Velveeta. CHEESE Furnitu're Polish PLEDGE Reg. Price pkg $1.23—SAVE 8c, PLAIN 2 -Ib pkg 1.15 61/2-fkoz aerosol tin 8 5 c ALL PRICES IN THIS AQ GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, 1964 RtG1_19 9c - Lady Patricia REGULAR & FIRM HAIR SPRAY REG. 11, • • NOXiEMA LATHER SHAVE CREAM REG. .79 55c Abs 4,1! ,,,thpaste REG• 1-09- 99c- JERGENS - Hand Lotion ItEG. 1.19 99c ORAFIX 6 -enture Adhesive REG. -.89 -69c, CURITY Baby Bottles Complete REG. .49 39c ONE -A -DAY MULTIPLE VITAMINS 100's REG. 4.49 3.19 WITH FREE TOOTHBRUSH — COLbATE TOOTHPASTE 1.98. c Bayer Aspirin - REG. .99 76e Antiphlogistine REG. 1.25 9c RESDAN TONI New Dawn MENNEN Baby Magic MEN'S SIZE FACELLE REG. .35 e WITH 1.00 PURCHASE — SAVE 60c 9.1 REG. 215, 1.99 REG. 2,00 1.49. REG. 2.25 2..05 CIGARETTES REG. .79 69c 2 for 59c CTN 3.10 a. We. Deliver Dial 7532h cAMPPEL.L'' tY, • THE SQUARE • • llar. and Mrs, tOegr,ge 8ctingt- der wish to announce t4(1' en- gagement of their seCO40. daugh- ter, lileen Nary Ellen. to At441, • old James Short of Weston,• The wedding will take place in St. John's Anglluan Weston; on Oettiber 24, 1984, • ,%,• at 3 , • -39 The engagement is announc- ed. of Donna Sharlene Cook, • daughter of Mrs:Watson Shear-. down, ,Goderich; and the late Harvey Cook, to Mn Burton Wil- liam Bean, son of „Mr. and Mrs. David Bean, Colborne Township. The marriage will • take place Saturday, Coctooer 24, 1964, at two o'clock'at North Street Un- ited Church, Godelich. -39 „Mr. William Gross, Auburn, Wishes to announce the engage - en Dorothy, to Mr. John Welling- ton Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brown, R11. 3, Walton. TOlicteo'bmearr.,39 marriage will take placein Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Vint, Goderich; wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Joyce f7leanor, .to Mr. Barry •Vietor Anderson, son of Mr. AnderSon, Van- cou-ver;- B.C. The marriage will take place on October 15th at 2:00' p.m. at North Street Unit- ed Church., Goderich. -39 • • G. • Coming Events Ahmeek Chapter, 1.0.D.E., annual variety sale, Friday af- ternoon, .Octeb'er 18. -39„ St. Gebrge's Churchwoman's, Guild will meet October 7 at 4 p.m., followed by the' annual - pot luck supper. -39 Plan now for your Than giving dinner at Tiger Dunlop Inn. et's -39 The Young People's Society of Knox Church is holding a car 'wash on the church parking lot Saturday, October Ord from 1.30 to 4.30 pan. -39 Ahmeek Chapter-- meeting Moneay, Otebaber* 5,- 2.30 p.m., at home of Mrs. C. A. Reid, East St. .The regular oneeting of the 'Maple Leaf Chapter,. I.O.D.E. will be held at the home of Mrs. Robert Smith, 251, Cather- ine St., on Tuesday, October 6,, at 8.15 p.m, • -39 Thanksgiving turkey shoots, Benmiller, October 12, starting at 1 pan.,, 22 tp 12 gauge shot- SplOi`nr'aSosrid""b7xCimOautreit•YBeln5-.. miller 86, C.O.F. -39-40 ' A series • of prenttale classes will begin Wednesday, October 7th, 1964, at 2.00 p.m. at Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich., These will be held at weekly intervals for nine weeks. Those • alted LcIf on --the . OVe -date --or --phone- --- - the Health Unit,' Goderich 524- 7441, between 9.00 a.m, 5:00 p.m -38-39 Notice to members of Gode- rich Community Concert As- scrciation: Dates for the 1964-66 concerts arc November llth, March Ath and March 27th. e inb e r shi p cards will be sent in late October -38-39 *OX SPIRTTUAL CRUSA- . tober 25th to Novem- berlst. •in, us in an Evgning •of praise to e Gibry of God. All denominations welcome. • -38-411 •. B IN G HarbOurlite Inn , WEDNESDAYOCTOBER Sponsored by Goderich bail Club OBITUARY ALBERT McLE,AN., Albert McLeon, 78; died sud- denly Sunday Li his home in Saltford, He was born -'in Salt - ford, a son of the late James and Margaret (McCabe) Mc- Lean, and lived there all his life, He.,was o cooper by trade, and for many years was an employee of Purity Flour Mills, until his retirement some years ago. Surviving are a brother, Roy A. McLe'aii, London:, and one sister, Mrs. R, 8. (Ella) Wed- lock, Saltford. The body rested at tbe Lodge funeral home where the funeral service was held Wednesday at officiate -d" and burial was in Colborne cemetery, L ----FIRST AID IT BLITZ WED., THURS., OCTOBER 7 -8 SPONSORED BY GODERICH KINSMEN CLUB o. PROCEEDS FOR CHARITY WORK • d •••