The Goderich Signal-Star, 1964-06-11, Page 412 The Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday, June llth, 3964
edcI ing +..
Three Horticultural
Contests for Children
AUBURN.—The Auburn
1i -cultural Society met in the
Community Memorial Hall with
the, president, Mrs. Wes. Brad -
hock, in charge. SheawelcOmed
the members , and extended a
hearty welcome to the guest
singers. -
Mrs. Ed. Davies was thanked
for her attractive table display
of a banana tree and colored
coral Which sheobtained in
The ,minutes were approved
as read by the. secretary, Mrs.'
1,1oyd Humphr&ys,,.. Mrs. Bert
-a44,` treasurer, gave „the-
ancial statement. Mrs. Hum-
phreys reported that the •si •
Tr7fire-n HMI crab trees -had been
-dieffieVed-l'ild'fffftrele"ty's tree
had been planted in the centre
Ethelwyn bed. Mrs-..,
Thomas Lai,vlor•read an inforh!
ative article on this tree.
music stintions. Miss Brige"tle
Schlichting sang The Song of'
the Gondolier, accompanied -by
Miss Jel-ingIrS4Lame,.A deuble•
tr41-0-'"e*D'est4-of Misses 13"Fenda
East, Karen East, Diane Kirk-
connell, Joyce Leatherland,
Betty Moss and Jennifer Grange,
was also heard,
Mrs, Gordon R. Taylor was
in charge of the floral arrange-
ment contest. Prize winners
were: first, Mrs, Mary Johnston;
second, Mrs. William 'Clark;
third, Mrs. Russell Brindley;
honorable mention, Miss .Viola
Saturday, May 9; -when Janet ensemble_ with brown access 111°-'mP'ult
Marion Penelope Thorpe, daugh- Dories and a rose corsage'. .Mrs.- Robert J. Phillips was in
ter of Mr. and Mrs, John Thorpe 'rhgue.,s wet e entertained ned charge of the contest for nam -
:of Don Mills; formerly of Donalda Club, Don Mills ing Canada's centennial rose.
rith, became the bride of Dr. following the ceremony. She had pictures and spokeof
Earl Douglas Giebelhaus of Eck- For their' wedding, trip to each rose and described it fully.
flier Alberta, son of Mr. and Florida by ..,plane the bride . beautiful 'rose in bloom,
Mrs.John Giebelhaus of Hol-
c•harg,c1 to a pink boucle' suit, which had• been donated to..the
' -
' den, Alberti. The double -ring topped Witft a v,hite coat and isociety, was won by Mrs. Elme,r
exchange of vows was heard by
she wdretblack accessories and I Black of Dungannon.
_ :the H. 'Turnbull', a' form- agreen' _cytilbcliurn 'orchid' cor- • It was decided to hold -a -ton--
. er minister 'or 'North Street - • • - test for the collection of leaves
bride t d flowers for children rp
and lighted tapers. The soloist, „.,„a ua e • on „
-faun; T,r),::,,,.,11„,tyl 'a phOtographic contest o...n
Alost.R5171 aTia-To v e
t5i 11ititute, Glelph, and the groom ,TraVe-ff,
• • . An- Loves Ex`ce.11ing.". is a 1962 graditate of. the On- To get in •contact with the-
. Mr. Thorpe gave his (laugh-. tario Veterinary. 11 eg e, 'Sehools, the following were ap-
, ter in marriage. The bodice .of Guelph. pointed: Mrs, William Empey.
hr floor -length gown of peau prior to her marriage' the!for..S.S. 16; Mrs. Lloyd Humph -
d: sole was fashioned with a bride was ' entertained in Tor- •i"e•ys for U.S.S, No.. 5; MissIrenel
high scooped neckline, elbow• onto at a sh6wer given :in her Pfrimmer' Jor S.S. NO, 9t. Mrs.
length 2‘.leeves and a fnidriff of honor, by Miss Sally R i d g ley !Charles ItIcNee for S.S. No. 17; I
scaitopect chantilly lace. A and at a luncheon given by',.Mrs. Arnold Cook, for the West-,
,scalloped hemline band of Mrs'. William Hilton, the for:mei-I field school. , Any other child•
chantilly lace .added interest to Frances 'Curry of' Goderich. Hen in the district • may also
A ,marriage of focal interest colored_cymbidium orchids,
was solemnized in Bedford Park Mrs. Giebelhaus, mother of the
enter into these competitions by
getting in. touch with the secre-
Mrs. Frank RaithbY read a
letter re the convention on June
17, 18 and 19. in Guelph. It was
announced that the district an-
nual will be held 'on July 8th
at Teeswater and Mrs. Thomas
Lawlor and Mrs. Gordon R.
Tay1oi1,v'ere appointed dele-
gates. Mrs. I3,-obert Turner was
appointed to look after the
orders •for Dutch bulbs for
spring planting and orders have
o be in by Jurre 25. -Mrs: Roy
East= conducted a flower con;
test and the winners were MTS.
Frank...Rai t hbyr. IVZDS,
Mary Johnston, sedond, • -
Lunch was served by IVIrs.
Arthur Grarige,-Nli-s71ViTriaili
Empey and Miss Elrna Mach.;
Mapje .Leaf
10 -DE Meet
The .JUne - meeting of the
Maple tieaf' Chipter,IODE was
held at the home of Mrs. ' S.
Prevett, with Regent Mrs. A. M.
Harper presiding.
After the minutes and the
treasurer's repOrt, Dr. J. C.
Ross spoke .to the Chapter mem-
bers regarding the TB Hass Sur-
vey which will take place in.
July. With the number of T,B
cases increasing, he stressed the
urgent need for everyone tro
attend the clinic. Volunteeys
were requested for the preliin-
inary canvass,
Reports from the following
conveners were heard:
reported 'that the coge,e party
held at her home for the New
Canadians who received their
citizenship papers in . May, was
very successful. Note.% of ap-
predation from several new citi-
zens were read. .
Mrs. R. J. Nephew, Public Re-
lations convener, read a report
of the 64th annual convention
held at Prederictonjast month.
The Canadian flag design was
the leading issue at the live -day
IVlrs. J. Iiindmarsht, Ways and
%/leans Convener, repOrted that
plans for the summer party to
be held on Juty 24 are progress-
ing very Well, and that posters
will soon be placed advertising
the event.
Mrs, F. Curry reported bn the
success of the recent Red Cross
drive, and thanked the Chapter
for their co-operation.
Mrs. M. C. McGill, Educationy nwinhers
al convener, presented a book A project for ,takiitg Ontario
'for appr9val to be sent to the Hospital patients for car rides
adopted school. ' • , on certain afternoons is, being
.Mrs. S. C. Anderson, Servi PIA -lied by the volunteer unit,
at Home and Abroad -convene , and Ind'ed formore drivers was
reported that -the -overseas b -a -r expres-s-ed.
has 'been•-srentFeand,:that,rhospital -.-Mr.a. W. A.:-Oakes-tharrked:---thw
gowns .were being made from hdstess for her hospitality.
fold , white shirts.,„__ ' .„.._ ,, Alefresliments w.g.t_e_se,rved hy.
Mrs,.-- tclWard, cOrivener of Mrs. L. Rieck and her commit -
Citizenship - and ImMigration, tee., ,
Move Trailers From
Sayi Petition Of
Agrieultpre and Canadian In-
dustries was the topic of the
meeting for the Goderich W.I.
with Mrs. G. Mumby'as the pro-
gram convener. The roll call
was answered by telling of the
-"different ways wheat comes
t� our table."
Three reports were read from
the district annual: Mrs. A.
Butler read one far Mrs. N.
Clairmont, delegate, who ,was
unable to be at the meeting;
one by Mrs. J. Cook, while
Mrs. A. 13. Stratighan read Mrs.
Cal. Straughan's report. She
also read a paper on the Can-
adian Ensign, describing 'all for
which it stood.,
The motto, "Adventures lie
in your own back yard," was
ably, taken hy_Mrs S „C Argyle.
Her ability as a horticulturist
along with her love for flowers
• nit. garden -nig, plus the now-
4eplg-eolierffnv to -make it sound -
so interesting, made for pleas-
antlistening: Mrs. G. Kattlin-g„
as' her own 'accompanist, play-
ed and sang "'How great Thou
0,r1)(it Park
OcletiCh • .
art ,and ''Somebody, greater
thlou 'and I," whIch
muctic4pNeCialed. The brakehr
studlor a,,Inoment of silence/
in 11040 ,Of a' sister member,
Urs. Rase,„ Walter, who recentlY
passed a,way,.
It was pas.sed that the Tweeds-
muir history book Committee b,(e
given $5.00 to help them in
their work.
A petition was passed and°
signed by those in favor of
lit •
having the. trailer camp remov-
ed from Harbor Park and set
uP at the Point Farm grounds,
legiing Harbor Park as a nice
Picnic park.
-Mrs. K. Wilkinson, president,
piVited the branch to hold their
,4Agust picnic on her lawn,
'42hich was willingly aCcepted.
rs. J. Ryan convened a lunch.
there will be no meeting in
ply. All were asked to help
„yi-ith the coming bake sale.
I Natural gas sales amounted
to $37emillion in 1963, an in-
crease of $30 million from the
previous year; export sale to
of $82 million,
the U.S.‘gn 1963 had a alu
..(operated until recently by the late Graham Inglis)
5-4– -STREET G011E111611
Contact MALCOLM MATHERS, Real Estate Broker
-46 Veit Streit,- GOdericli .=4.:2-5249442- '
–,_„„au....wl.while–agit„ijag,-af-acoax41-p4s,i40-444„,,,zekyate„A.4,13.04,,t,a---4.142.1aLaisIumszLa 16
.flawed to a chapel trait4„sfrom
'. the' back ikaistline. An open
pillbox headdressjatipting,-
e held her fingertip veil of
pure silk illu.sion and sh€Lp,F-
. . x02tiant-houqtf t. of wIiife .?
hyacinth .bells centred With a
(Teen °rel.'.
rs. McVittie• !
,1,1idgetown was her sis.ter's ma-
tron of. honor And the brides-
maids were Mrs. William Hilton.
and Miss Sally Ridley, both
of Toronto. The attend -ants'
floor -length gowns of , mint
• green peau de sole were de-
-signed' with high cooped neck-
lines, elbow -length . sleeves and
controlled skirts accented at the
back waistlines with self 'bows.
The • trio . wore large. legharn
. hats dipped at the side'and db -
tailed with a .swirl of mint green
peatt de sole. • They carried
'pendant . bouquets of drchid-
• through -purple shaded floWers.
with Johanna Hill roses,
Dr. G-aylan Josephson of Em•
bre was groomsman and ushers-
. ,were Dr. Tom Henderson 'of
Midland and Denis Moffat of
-Toronto, brother-in-law of the,
For her daughter's wedding
Mrs. Thorpe chose a beige dress
of hand-epbroidered eyelet and
1.niatchin'g accessories. Her -large
yhat of oyster bali.buntal straw
was accented with three French
roses in blending tons and she
•'• 'Wore a corsage' of Cinnamon
Kingsbridge Girl
Gets Degree
DETROIT.—The University of
Detroit will confer the degree,
of bachelqr of philosophy „Lipp
Mrs. Morgarrlialton of Kings-
bridge, at commencement exer-
cises to be held Thursday, June
A social work major, Miss
Dalton is a graduate of St.
Joseph's School in Kingsbridge.
After graduation. she will be
- etnproyd r• the IMitbigan
State -Wayne County Bureau of
Social Aid.
The Commencement Cere-
monies will begin at the Uni-
versity of Detroit at 7 p.m. in
the Memorial Building, on the
McNichols Road Campus.
The Very Rev. Lburence V.
Britt, S.J., U. of D. president,
will confer 1,449 degrees at the
Of dotter of science Will be pre-
sented t� -commencentent speak-
er Dr. tdivyard Teller, nuclear
physidist and "father of the
N -,.....,,r2,.$
wro.y.1‘14.1>srotaratratt Air.....artagrar
'.....„,tivemer. J., • „
Goderich-Gimfluate Nurses Association
Harbourlite Inn
10 p.rn. to 1 a.m.
Hugh Raynor Quintet
Tickets available from members. Fcir Table Reservations
phone 524-9904 — $3.50 per couple
• •
Control Mexican bean beetles,
aphids and leaf hoppers. Thiniet
in the fertilizer shoulddothe" job
for the whole season without spray-
ing. New lqw prices. Call —
g .
PHONE 482-9133
In order that yOu might become acquainted with the operation Of Huron County's '
lqrgest industry we are holding- an Open House on Thursday, June 18 between the
hburs of 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. This Open House will afford you the opportunity of
becoming familiar with tvhat your friends and neighbours do at Dominion Road
- Machinery Co. Ltd, You will be allowed to see step-by-step, how graders are ,man-
ufactured for domestic and world,Markets. ' \ .. .
When. you arrive you wilrenfer at the reception desk -and follow through the whole
manufacturing process. The Plant will be in complete operation during the hours of the
Open Housb and supervisory. personnel will be strategically located throughout the
plant to answer your questions. ,
. ..
„ .
, a
WE sincerely hope you will take this opportunity to see' our Plant and
-more, fully acquainted with this' rapidly expanding Goderich.,industry.
.r..x rr
We wTfl be operating a free bus service to and from the Trade Fair. You can take
a bus to DIZMCO every half.hourtfrom the arena. Pick-ups will alsomade at
the Town Hall and Judith Gooderham Memorial Park.