The Exeter Times, 1891-11-12, Page 1AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE. LINE, LET THE OHIPS FALL WHERE THEY NAY.' VOL. XIX. NO. 8. EXETER., ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING-, NOVEMBER 12, 1891 ,JOf �T war= at woos -Pr:00.1 ter axid Proprietor'» Blah. Everybody knows why so much trade Bltlxrs.---Mr. E, ttratst;rr ahs ped aeon- Histogenetic system of Ivieaioine. Its Challenge is Investigation. Its Passport is Truth. This system is complete. having different medioines (which aro perfectly pure and taste- less, forall e di iferers t aste- less,forallthedifferent diseases. TUE tilE- OfiY is to rebuild the diseased cells and tissues of the body, and by thus reaching the primal caused disease these medicines will save life where the old systems of giving poisonous drugs fall miserably. Ilouks explaining the system sent free to any address. IIISTOOCNr.TIC MEDICINE ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen, -My daughter took +t severe cold on the 2lst of last July, and it did not break butsettled all through, her Pystoin, She bad a s evoro lrondache,pains in the cords of her neck. ears. right side and through her body generally followed soon by chills, fever. poor and failing appetite and nausea. A cough sot in, the lips became vory pale and system bloodless; tongue thickly coated yellow; dizziness, extreme pros- tration and rapid decline followed, I consulted Dr ,Rear. who seemed to bo much alarmed at my daughter's condition. Ile proscribed the listogonotie remedies for her, and alto gained epidtx,and, only required thrcolots of medicine d one visit In one .month she was aures oundly. I consider her case was a vory hope- s ono, and that Ilistogenetic Medicines and a doctor's good advice saved her life, I think it is the boat system ofmedicine. LEGGE. 300 College -at:, Toronto, Sept. 23,1691. IST0n1'1 6TIC manIOINE .tssoolATION : Gontlomon,-This is to certify that Ihave ufforod with rheumatism for the last twenty- five, years. At five different periods 1 havoboen so bad that I had to remain in bed for several months at a time.. This summer I was suffering severely with pain all through guy body,consti- pation. headache, drowsiness, etc: I began taking Ilfstogonetio Medicines on Juno 15th and oontinuodfor eight weeks. I began to in'- , Provo at once. Pain loft mo gradually. I do allot fool it at alt except a very little at change dr weather -nothing to speak of just a gentle reminder. Constipation and headaebo cured up and no return of Dither since, It is now six weeks since I stopped taking the medicines. I fool better now than I have for years. and I heartily recommend the people of London to try I3istogonetic Medicines, as they did more for medicines that T had taken before. or other JAMES JACK, London. 569 York street, Sept 19, 1691. OVERCOATS OVERCOATSI OVERCOATS! Now for lively time in ItIan's and I3oys Suits and Overcoats, Our prices are so low on these goods that you can- not help buying them. What about FLIAXIsTSZAS Well when you see owl* grey Flannel it will astolueh you. HISTOGENETIC nEDI01NE AssOOIATION Gentlemen, -I had hip disease when young, followed byVaricose veins ,the veins in my leg have been large over since and for a long time I had varicose ulcers and Prysipolae of the leg and ankle whioh laid me up a great dual of the time, I commenced treatment last April with IlistogonetieMedicines and have only had one attack since. I only took two lots of medicine and have been so much benefited that I have been able to work all summer.- I recommend all so afflicted to try the treatment. Yours trulynoOrchard, JOHNSON,pie9,91. OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE AT EXETER ENTRAL HOTEL Tuesday, Dec. 1st. TO THE LADIES. A WORE Although there has been Ia big;