The Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-08-22, Page 130 dios 6,We are constantly planning ow -we may' best deal with civil isasters and we are now or anized in such a way that re- cces c'l neighboring counties n be called up'on," stated"J: Clarke, field. officer for Zone of the Emergency.. Measures =ganivataon August 14th while n a Da -rill visit to the office Stuart Forbes, E.M.O. co- dinatt.r for Huron County. Mr. jar discussed local ionic* with , Mr. Forbes apd ;Teem': the local office; re- enti'y ,rt Lisp in the Masonic uildint ori West street, and !so' virs,ted the- fallout report - g post set up by the Canadian rmy by the C.N.R. station. Zone '..' of the E.M.O. setup e Tides the roux' ties.of- Huron, .,;, Yaterloo; W ellixrgton; ... erth,_ . . alton, Wentworth, Brant, Wel- and, Lincoln' and Haldimand. Radiation Service In an interview, Mr. Clarke dvised The Signal -Star that a ounty radiation service will be eveloped to supplement the rmy posts, so that the resi- ents can be informed of fall- ut intensities if need be. Soxne f these units v uld be of a rimary nature, located in olice .stations or • fire halls vhere they could be staffed on 24-hour basis. Others would e mobile and could be carried n cars or police cruisers. Reception Area Evacuation routes have been aid out- from probable target real such as Toronto and Ham - ton, and Huron would become - reception area in the event cit evacuation. - Plans- for-wel are cenres _ ere ancPn ZurrcFi, e ficer Say o Be Issued` vier and` Tinettarn tnrreceive nd care for Evacuees are being aid down. Radios Available Mr. Clarke's office, is located t ZonE 2 H.C. at the O.A.C. rounds at Guelph, where ar- angemer,ts are under way to guarantee continuity, of local government, the town and county' revel. .A system of owerfui short wave radio com- unications is planned, the sets are on hand arid will be issued when the vario•tis county E.M.O. osts ha\ E been set up. The Zone 2 I-I.Q. will also be n communication With the Pro- incial H.Q. at Camp Borden. Mr. Clarke served during World War H with the 48th Highlanders in _the -Italian cam- paign, rejoined the Army in 1950 for the Korean War and until recently was seconded to, Cape Croker Ir�d"rart� � Intending :J1has never weenexcell't sattd keach qn Sydneyboy.ofth3rnvmeat forma. bacdrop foexcellt sand beach Qn Sydney,l0ay.fthicovh has never oeen cut To o Establish Big� Tounst Park The HOPI. A, Ile so Roberts, watched with interest and an- Q.C., has announced that the tici;pation, .not only by himself Ontario Parks Integration Board had accepted an application to and his department, but by the people of Ontario as well. 'establish an,, AAStiroved Park under The Parrs Assistance Aet, The Cape Croker Band is loc submitted by the Cape Croker Indian Band. The Board . has also recommended that a grant should be made available to the Band to assist in the develop- ment ,of a public park. The Cape Croker Indian Band is the first to take advantage of the amendment to The Parks Assistance Act. The aniex i- rnent placed the Indian Bands on an equivalent status with the incorporated municipalities of the Province which were made eligible to qualify for grants under the original Act. ` The Minister pointed out that some of bur Indian Bands con- trol waterfronts with great park Fi%iitial and- eJer"y- encourage= merit- .wt1r he -riven" •1`o= lin if they wish to make use of grants to provide public parks. Parks developed in this way will pro- vide additional income for these Bands and at the same time, help to provide additional re- creation lands for a mushroom- ing number of campers and tourists. Not Provincial Fees charged in these park areas will not be less than those charged in provincial parks un- der the Department of Lands and Forests, but the Minister warned that these parks 'are not connected in any way with the provincial park system. They are purely a business ven- ture on the part of Indian Bands by which they will provide re- crea4ion parks for the public J. C. -Clarke, €iela officer for .Zone 2 of .the Emergency lea with the assistance of a pro - at Eaelphs..4s= „seen-- grant covering -50% of the costal" acgi r`silio 'alif"-de— yelopment ter a maximum of $50,000. The Minister said that this Band should 'be complimented on the speed -with which they took advantage of the . grant. He was' sure that) -lie progress of this development, would be here -stepping out ;of. the._radiataork detection_, ost near the C.N.R. station here in the Bourse of an inspection visit to the office of Huron E.M.O. co-ordinator, Stuart Forbes seen at left.. - (Signal -Star photo) Charge Arises After Accident Gordon K. Brindley, R.R. 6, Goderich, is charged` with mak- ing an improper left hand ,turn, following_ a collision with a car driven by Ruth Howatt of Blyth. The accident occurred Friday about .7 p.m. on the fourth side - road of Colborne Township and the junction of•County Road No-. 25, when it is alleged Brindley, who was driving a dump,truck, failed to signal a turn. The the United Nations forces in the Middle East where he wa a member of a truce commission. truck extent senger er was was damaged to the of about $30, the pas - car, $350. Neither driv- injured. DANCE BLuewater, Danceland 8 MILES NORTH OF GRAND BEND FRIDAY. '-AUGUST 23 10-1:30 Music by Desjardine Orchestra 2 Ot f..: END OF SUMMER GAR TRUCK AND TRACTOR CLEARA ` `.CE SALE IVo Reasonable Offer Refused 60 CARS, TRUCKS AND TRACTORS TO Cr10-0-S:E "Fi OM� E $ - license A-5795 1960 Meteor Rideau tudor. Economical 6 cylinder. only $1095. License A-2990 1958 Plymouth Savoy - Sedan, radio.' A snap at only $675. Now • License 77907X_ _. 19S debaker Ranch Wagon $895. A dandy holi- day model. License A-4619 1959 Opel Sedan, GM import late model., transport- ation f arn I 0 a $350. $ License J-82241 ._1 59 Voi%s Ds iii -=T'• dDr:: Yost /11A ITiiSs�on.thiS- °ne _ at only $495. License J-80235 1956 Pontiac Tudor, 6 cylinder. To clear at $250. License A-2413 M 1256 Ford Custom Fordor. A wilting V8, only $295. License J-81970' 1956 Dodge D 61 Sedan. Radio. Cheap' transportation at $295. License A-4226 1955 Ford Custom Tudor. A Bodyman's special at $250. License A-1552 1961 Ford Fairlane Fordor in lovely condition at $1750. License A-3493 1961 Ariane Fordor 4 cylinder. Economy at $950. License A-311.4 1961 Renault Dauphine Sedan. Underpriced but to clear at $895. License 999-617 1959 Meteor Rideau Tudor, 8 cylinder automatic at only $1295. License A-1774- 1958 Rambler Classic'`l^ordor. A popular 6 cylinder at only $975. License J-81414 1958 Chevrolet Biscayne Foror. A good clean tar .at aP rice of $1175. - "' Trucks 1960 Volks Van 1958 Ford 3A -ton Bell Tel. Body 1959 Bedford Van 1946 Mercury 3 -ton Stake 1946 Fargo 1/2 -ton Express Tractors 1959 Fordson Major Diesel 2 -- John Deere Several Ford 8N and 9N and implements to clear. ated on the Br"uce Peninsula, 15 mules north of Wiarton and 40 miles north of Owen Sound. It will consist of about 410 acres of land in the most scenic part of the peninsula. The 250 - foot cliffs of the Niagara Escarp - over. Five -Year Program Development of the 1;'arlwill be in keeping witr the `tradi- tions and culture of its builders. It is anticipated that it will take five or more years to con= plete the project which will include facilities ° fpr camping for tents and. trailers, picnick- ing, swimming, boating, hiking, nature study and fishing, Trails, Washrooms, change houses,. picnic sheltersand campsitel, docks and launching ramps wit be developed, Other bands have shown in- terest in obtaining these grants and applications are being pro- cessed in ttie Department, the Minister said. In manufacturing output Can- ada xtow ranks 6th in the world and the manufacturing industry accounts fhr 55 per cent of the total net value of Canadian production. 'ho' iroderieh Sign'at-Star, - T Qckey 'Star • Visiting fibre' A station wagon has ,fre- quently been seems on The Square these days on the side of which is .printed, "Oak Leafs Hockey Cfub Inc., Des Moines, Iowa." Driving it is "Minnie"-.I1genr ard, coach of the club. With his wife, the for`rner Loretta Austin' of , Kingsbridge, and family, he is holidaying with his wifeps parents, Or. and Mrs. rslaayr Cliff Austin, at- Xixt sbirid: e, - Ori ,ina ,from Th S} "N:hi;1z4e» has '(Mites .a' bit of hMMkey experiences behind him, including playing for the elle, vide 'Mee'arlands i ? 199o" vvhen they' won the world hock title in But; epe, "IV nnie" says that hockey: i3 spreading like. w,rldare in the United States and that -although teams,- are still made up mostly of Canadian, hockey players:it will .not be so long before Mawr American boys will be makiug the teams. Stereophonic High Fidelity B SPARTON : ' � :.J4. �}`�s`Y�.v.N� :^f4. F .. l•y'.fY :•': � . -_ , ,r. .., ..., ;: - r ' ;.: '4 " 91 _ , .. - '� You ymight be driving .towar disaster! Unless your auto insurance offers the coverage you need fi . in the amounts you need .. and with the reliable agency service you deserve, you're taking a long gamble whenever you drive. If you want to drive in confidence knowing you have sound auto protection, get in touch with PETER S. MacEWAN $795 $750 $475 $350 $100 $2295 17 NEW 1963 CARS AND TRUCKS -1N STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM..„ YOUR FOR FALCON — FORD TRUCK DEALER ODERICH MO,TORS LTD. PHONE JA d-7308. 35 SOUTH STREET GPDERICM, ONT. WE ;Ate ori EVENINGS MONDAY TBROUC�II FRIDAY V ITIL '9 P.M.. INSURANC E REAL ESTATE 44 North Street Phone JA 4-9531 "BERGEN" (10N5 -P) 10 tube AM/FM /Stereo Hi-Fi. model 'beaut- ifully styled in the Scandinavian,inanner. Genuine Walnut, Danish Walnut or Teak it the choice.- New '°'Dual'} Re old' Chang - -(push -high---"ope;-ation)- --Ven- Df tnot�tI•"- Stylus. (Inter -changeable center posts for manual or automatic., operation.) Atito- matic phono chassis shut-off switch. 15 watts output. 2 each full range 10" speak- ers, plus. 3l<," tweeters. Built-in AM and FM radio antennas — Multiplex optional. Large record storage. Jacks for satellite speakers, Separate Bass and Treble Con- trols. (48" 'W x 28" H x 16" D). $399.000 REGENT TV .SALES and SERVICE EAST STREET (Opp. Post Office) 'DOMTAR NEWSPRINT LIMITED • THE THESE ARE �•{iG+iS:4�%$v ..:\^:Sr: v: •lryG:i:j�:',{•y^.Sti�•'�$.y ,i;�.�yfr{}1.4'v:C{}�i{{i vliti.'•�''S:�.;'r::}ii•�;p,:iso{;�.ti+r.;,yi•L:>?;:'T:',?{�':>;:• y.");Y:v: n1• '•��.•'j•••-,• .• ; S{{,: �{ �,ti !Y }Y�l:iff�i'�'i$�$ i{cif G{,••}i' yVfih Y:y try;t'!,'•ti� v }I G, :'�}kuf^{iSs•�{r{�, ��Z':`x{•jpvr.Y:•i�'�i /%.}r}. {. ��:fi..£ Y::•::<&�".}...`. }>.;tSxt..%;:<� s•`r%+x%F:.:>.•':�x{•t�tq:�ftY.t;;�{..}::`:+,..>w.•. r,+,.••:'r, : •.vns:::.•}t . �{,yq.,h:5.; >'• r r:; {,{.:, Y :Bios •:.:..{:•}Y>::,,• .:.,i� '� <. ,..::Y . �/ -, „�..... y o .. �,,.a,.{•f+}'.t+,c';6.:a.•:f:GkfG:;:x.xtiG+:.+,,.., >'•:'3'>%!: rJ:?¢%:i:5i ��::%i:y�{�: •:}:: � n''4-}:fy'?i�'}:<:fir,.<'.j:,•'+{.�.r,';i ;'i: �$�'rf.'�:%S:� i?9.srl,.:y1,.}!i'8;r, :{1{. COMPANIES rcMTAR... corporate symbol for Dominion Tar & Chemical Company, Limited is Canadian owned and op rated ... hasmore than 36,000 shareholders, with more than n% of the shares held by residents of Canada. DOMTAR'S six operating companies serve Canadians from coast-to-coast wit4 hundreds of quality products-desinied for.-'Cana-d..ian needs and_ .._ �and�tl g pns..`k .t DOMINIPN TAR & CHEMICAL COMPANY, LIMITED P.OilflT is PRODUCTS OF CANADIAN ENTERPRISE . . K{�:k+KG,LpYiW{.ypAXN7W[dS� 440 ,.R 7