The Exeter Times, 1891-9-17, Page 3"Like a to THE effect produced. by Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Colds,. Coughs, Croup,l wed Sore Throat are, in most eases, lea,' mediately volleyed by the use of this wonderful remedy. .strengthens the• vocal organs, allays irritation, and pro - vents the inroads ot ( • Consumption; in aoao, o every stage o Viet dread disease., Ayer's Cherry Fee. toral relieves cough- ing and, inducee a'axefresiting rest. - "I have used .A.ver's .Clierry Pectoral in my family for ihirty years and have always fonnd it the best remedy for croup,to which, complaint my children loere beets subjeet."-Caiate LT. Curley, BrAkiya,N. Y. "From an. experience of over thirtY *ors in thoe. sate of proprietor:, alma, eines, I feel justified in recontinending Ayer's Cherry Pecteral. One of the best recommendatious of the Peatoral is the enduring quality of it popularity, it being more salable 'new than it was tvrenty-five years otos, When it great emcees was COUSieldiell tearrelons."- R. S. Drake, A., Beliot, Naos. "Xy. slater, four years a age. was so ill from, brouchitis that we had alme.st given stit hope oi her reeevery. Oar family phyalelan, a ABM man and oa lorge experience, preuonneed it use - 1e ZR to give her ouy more meaicine ; Fa7tui; that he bad done all it v:as pea- sible to do, and we must prepare for the went. As a laet resort, we detereonea to try Ayer's Cheery Pectoral, and 1 et -in UalYS.V. with the most homey resulte. Alror totting a few dates she seemed to becathe owner, and, within a week, was our of alatteer. We ("Manama giving- the Peetoied rAtthil Au ram ent.rely well. Tbio liao given Me unbounded faith in the 'preparat leo,:m.41 1 reel/tee:end it eaulialeutly to n Doe enraoleeee,o-ae,0. Lepper, raggiot,'Ik'et Weyne, Iud. For Colds and Cotaalea ta,o 93 et" Pneee-ereere zee J. C. Aye; e7, r4O$Se cir.1•1443..•,t, IVettti o CIE °R ges.a Ip THE ALASKA BOUNDARY LINE TWO OOMETS NOW VIBIPLE. - , Reslote ef the Recent survey on the The uenvens Offer an rnusttaify Interest. ilia Attraction. YuironRiver, ---- A very beautiful astronomical phoneme. ate vonausfon Ls ensaopointing to toe r. ion occurred on the evenings of September S. Because it confirms fogiivies Solo 4 and 1 Woife's comet, which is ilow faint- vey Giving the Geld Ingir.Ings to the ly visible in the constellation, Aries, paesed over, or occulted sonao of the smaller stars Canadians. .A despatch from Washington says t -The of the Pleiades. Mite nearest the cornet news brought book by the Government Coast was °WY a few minutes north of i. Alcyne,the brightest star of the group. and Geodetio Survey party which set °i' Wolfe's comet is one of the list of oomete of for Mesita two years ago, Is as a whole, dis- very short period„ its period being some - appointing. The boundary hue between that Territozy and the Dominion of Canada, what less than seven years, the time of last as fixed by the treaty of 182$ between nexihelion passage bein.g about the first of October, 1884. The tone of the present Russia and GreatBritain, is the 141st. uteri- perihelion paseage will be ou the fifth of dian of west longitude: but it has long been September. IN °lire comet is one (A those matter of dispute exactly where that comets wbich never approach 'Very near to meridian runs. flate years the discovery the suo. and it is alwea's outside of the of gold close to the presumed boundary has made this question important. The general o.,,r,tit,letf.iM. aLs,i.ersez,lyfuhnen.n„cnare;s.t. h‘lts,,tefi that of showing that the true line at Forty -1-171;111)-(;eTeni;olire'llie' liZtarer and f-orta--es-e7. result of the recent survey is reported to be ilin' Mile Creek is not the one assumed by our en mt °I miles' and ft."411 the earth about one hundred and tour Balmaceda narrowly escaped ovi*h his life, Government, but the one recently establish- millions of miles. Anyolle having access for as soon as the mob learned, that Volpe - ed by Ogilvie for the British Government, several miles further to the west, and far to telezeopes will have ao trouble whatever raise had fallen and that they no longer had i 1 indentifying thecomet on the two nighte anything to fear from hint, they raised a enough distant; te put the Yukon gold fields ,of its near approach to Pleiades. The Pim- great ery for his life and started pellemell in Canadian territory. If the statement. odes now crosses the meridian between 5 :30 for the Exeentive Mansion. The ex -dictator thus attributed to an officer of the expedi. and 6 in the morning, so that by nanought haa taken time by the forelock and was well tien ia correct, disappointmeut will eveutu• they nee wen eitneaeo for observatione. out -of lowm's way before the people in the ally be left by the people of Alaska, who TWre L-.. another carnet which is now well j streets knew of bis downfall. MRO011 asbe have counted,on the eetwaofor population and the I a . . . . .t•. obeervationIt e. is Eneke's reaehred Santiago, after Ida llieht. crom l• ••'' ' ° us '''''432e• 17-'u • fat e Alert period, cornet with a , Vdparaise, he gathered together all of Ids N o doubt, oleo, the American miners now period. of only tfoie. hree and pereeraiii eTeets aud such money as he could established, there will be sorry to find that third year.. -.-tie shortest pierioa of any ' Jay ids builds en and lied, The last infer - they are underlanainion metro). known voieet oa the preseat 4Ay. Eneke sa !nation elnahaahle indicates that he weut by Tila lat t'altrolian small' a tha (1j11''''.'" eGtnet la now vi,dhle in the Northeast, mot qteoial train to a p it on (*ottalen Bay, bmtu'l"'T 1413 11.4,'1 r'.;','1'311ft°„1,' tvs,a, .),',"'P is siten uated amt., ttleereee eouth of the • where lie embarked on the Altmatute Con- ear)it r thut fmr3 0,)". ••`i•r• WIlumo `,'ii"'''''' bright star t'Apella, the 1,.:Alog brilliant in , don, and pat to sea. Ile will probably he CHILI FREED OF BALMA.CEDA, Man proposes and woman diagnoses. More partleelarly so if it's a plate of vanilla ice cream. The vilest sinner may return -everything exeept an umbrella. Whistey is too ofteat the power behind the thrown. The Provisional Government Turned Over to Batineclano. NyArrixta THE ARRIVAL OF THE JCNTA, There is a marked increase in the volume of news which came from the lately war - ridden communities. From private dis- patches it we learned that on Sunday .a mob composed of the roaglaer element no Santiago took possession. of the city and burned property valued at 82,000,000. Amon the houses destroyed was the reei^ de:zee ef Bahian:Oathat of his mother and of Gen. Barbosa, who was killed in the battle before Valparaiso. Other houses burued were the residences of Senor Goday, Balumeetitee Minister of the Interior, and Senors Me4ilenue. and Eastman, two of Bale umee.da's warmest Adherents. raL;ALtei:D.t. %%las FLIGHT. who made a prolonged and valuable exe ploretion, beginning .at Chilli:oat Inlet in He..ceverod a great extent of terra, tory in his work, and marked the place at line t,1i eente1laion Attriee- CeelliG5 end froi uext in AlreilteVitiCG. NV:WM 511G ui is one of those coeta that are rarely visible ' British Sloop of war Espieoie h spreeetled ; to the naked eye, although on same oeea. him with nearly pi ,1)3,00:on in ;diver teken eions it lets just I seen de.teeted as in October from the Treasury of (hili, Bengt 7,,lendevie •whieh he• found that tho houndary croeeed the I liken ; and the result NVOS to awl Noveniver, 18a1) as a feint brush of den he will 40-ahthee go to opaio,. ot„„, . it light shin aee etar pf the fifth inageitnelee le field he hes alrea;ly emit pert aline peivete pat the Yukon reinee M Britieli territory. r ,no teeeseope the vonlet pieeente a fairly fortime, V437 Tiu, miner, thetv g.ctiolred, to the num1,,,ra weii do -121,4 nucleus with e, levy move, • tilfAT 1111/141 A'A, ilikfoliteel 'inn often t.;„ thin tin,t th taat,,,t 4tat. A174N• of bit of maitiolore, 'cool were neatatraity cuemc dak,(41 throughu. Enowe comet Ilefeeel leaving Sentiago toile, called ;4 Ain rieen Roil, The dieter:ewe Wee een eovered by Ponsof Mameiliee, Nes-ender, t'irnt ect.'r tore,„•st o Gen. ;ea prized,. athe eoiiting laaPa Put thell"4 bee ;1. Periliar Ilistor3" to it. It was ilia. a e•tur•fil of war,a-olefter laea eenferenee, • ? etleou and lir:t telt mining laws, of wt,to, nviu,a,,,.:,:,, v. -ho had ti,cr. :n command. of at v r they hoer.. nothing, at once heeaute a tliti,k,%:, 1 t‘villicse that Vote the vomet has re. nioe'oon, twent --one flare On the oarrieou at Saatatoo anal who was con - Bolero(' toe least ordeu of e,.:Iteaeedit s sup. porter:;. Ctn, liwpte41-,ho o...., on took steps to preserve order, b:n in force v.-4,1 too 1)0ounion ,:e tanter,' tree fee provittee eNee, ,,,..„1 nearly fun,. ave. Tee (eke es, , email and Many of theot left the ranks to ,1 . . , p. . : our own (-anon' tieteot oilleere ; bet as tale is / , • . thiri medium capable that wee in sight. All .: tv Sorrily the *noh , , . t `Se: G clitsid lii ifeleo a . . , .•. . now L.L:1 to 1, ice ;•-•.11.•,,itsisail,13; Colifitifma ': of nee-et:dile! u, le i e area to liffilic : of so little ' l IA full paseaveion at lee /Any and they '"''''' cn 10 110'', ; tlaq of the !nest singniar facts eonneetrefl with it were denletlee in no Iraata neel:4 a vow it tke. leorteninee From the an;ihe them pyover to tlw inr to the co" Pri the erloa hao undrits Ifits'e. They awaited, a t.urvey , t' • 1 ' eriol iv Vie rioters ft:r eake of the plunder I, e tre '.11511iff ,) ...Yr • 1".e thi• it Pii•tr,I, , t,.,i.1.. , ,gm uot rolled in tie, welf..h of the •••l• • • ••• • Prf'IV "0 10 b"t'l" 1141'4' C • 5'4 ma-test:1y et the tunates who bad e'.'u litalmacteta, te L.,ue aaalietiou, iae the inert -is.. , „f • ,„0 Eiltig;i3P,4 ; • 3,11•G. They were tamale' tolialoreed felon el intY- ,-f the Ilemitdon 0 ilea region, late, tee , worehe the cogNi, 02 t time to time by a horde deepe e.-,v.los and 1124:1S 1'114'1.4144A" 5" t'."' 6-4141 (1: elteee 517,s1 ;Sti1A.11-.» persee between entlieve from I he sinertund eeeemutry, until 4 V.!:4k 4" 4 -AA 1114e 4,44....!4.ie!sysleid. or leuel jepit eed tie" The e owe by lAiglitfall all sembleneee.. iaw eed erder ; t se a • eel emeeletion ler ka's pre-; fee fee e.,met eve Asati 0,115 " lo t, !I.:, Ilzse A",jurjAiotion 'Mite ra long „;t. re4:stijo.1, r3,11f, th,-, eel pa of oz,91,a, mole? the e.•'d -1. /10110v, 1, , ; ;•1.: th7, Yukon f:',0:1 1.114,i15 1 1 isOt aoatia na, a eta ro; 1 at the thm. sw,re cautioult i leocaral Reed- II 1.4.4 '11 e 1 ime threetentel b5:mamma 7;01; 1,9 eeeee e-eie„seal ,,,e mike, ,ne of the borne., Pi.wr.i,t, trehed nto vh2;amide, The 'Lorne brovesie keel: by the city and atteeeletel t leetete+ older. Their cl1brt re wee p trei setea F The tett% iessleisel of plea 51usene; too, teed to :ma. h, ;old .:ii .r, tires vero alaeing in e. dozen parte a t:e. `1t. owe. Senor Althea:ow, Al.eZt1I%., Of to e !Vaal, oab rea od„ ilelley to have als. one eaughtlanolna or ill Ong shot on ihe spst. .111 night long the Fllarp erztl: of ride.: ji1Jsto(-1: f rtB lersietr )yo-Etnir:: paeling.2 ,:.11.0) nand. ()mita! •:u 1-•crwa- ert,, the best 3.11 the mark- et and always resh. Frireily recip- ev:, carefully prepared at 0:nitro' Drug Store Exete/ C., LUTZ, A pamphlet a informatIOn and ab- straet of the laws,sbowing How to Obtain Patents, CaTeats, Trade Marks, Copyrights, sent free. Address PAULIN & CO. • 301 Brondwo.y, New York. onr :,„urveyI•art.7 are tag t110 tapper a. naen - - -e-- as'iotra,ling 011001;; hy the inereracel tlfeeev. nrico of noiel, and a :,,mtliet over they:I.:A:kat • 1 of ownN,Thip unglit be ilangeror.o. Iti is well , • that the ri:111.:: of severeignty ist that region( Wo .aave te4treeel reezet the leee'l; 11:1e) „Feit •ohould be 55 11111 heyotri dispute, and- the Prat is' ""rat all:P.0a" Oa' adal 111'111aq vtaan; sulotantial to:ace:tient of two narveya, under- lucre se I', party. taken in oppesite intonate, will do mneit to rtIG /4.1.TATG,Ved of I11es5I0ZI5e1e : in ritlei, bristg :theta tide twat. mai celota- will peetee every °tie lett' tis e eirl Me, the eeetet delimitet ion of the ft ortiese -with tieeklee on her nose. • ,• . vela tlseitite;4511 yi114l;01 ,tlairtctteras were hearo, a eta or all, he the 'wear of a Join. etaa- , t yoe „e ti„, ato.,aol, flan/4e in 411 bot! l,. in the street o. at ti tiOtti:Sim tot'. at Inn int nr11: of it::::_11:a aerieeeent, eieee,e, i5,4%., 50 i."..u,k, ,.,i,... i.1.0 1,,,,a,.., hnna 11,„5 ii„..,,,,„:., tnee.lenselreit thievee were killed le tween i 1 -• 4.5" niq Yi.; olaiao,a that 'tha aatorha 11; tam ie.., itodf for the 1'64 " ' '' .• • • • ee.... 0,4 •• ••• '," '•' a , ,"' ' L:Imar e p' rotet glom *,ewn awl 105 trireSmirt. h/v .neveasy i io1end aOetaianprtowte0l0oe(del1131 '0 73 . ' 1Zi.:04(in"VIAtill1053.10111011101515Vii51"-4.5."l •, 50' Laocoon in the coils of the fatal ser- 3pents was not more helpless than is the man who pines under the ef- fects of dis- ease, excesses, overwork, worry, etc. Rouse yourself. Take heart of hope again and BE A MAN I We have cured thousands who allow us to refer to them. Tit °Alf CUBE IOU by use of our exclusive methods and appliances. Simple, unfailing treatment at home for Lost or Failing Manhood, General. or Nervous Debility, Weaknesses of Body and Mind, Effects of Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. Robust, Noble MAIeliOOD fully Restored. Improvement seen the first day. F,{ow to enlarge and strengthen, WEAK, 'UNDEVELOPED ORGANS AND PARTS OE Bop's.. Men testify from SP States and Foreiga Countries. Write them. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free. A.d,dress ERIE MEDIOAL. 00., BUFFALO, N.Y. end reer tor -on 'Pei) aee Vy, oroe eataro 1.5.%ZttnaA.o. for.Yt'u 1 "314 0"1 g't t 41wW,111LatIltruP" :,,00ti alter -daylight yeeterasy Gen. C'ento, • coe -ot the head of taUJO troops, arrived from Site hotenly)-" What note that noise I se„lporoteo and took charge of ;Zaire i». licord early in the hell this meenhee when Imam. The mob then had possession of yent comeine," ilo ontstiiy)-,, it omit the streets. Gen. Canto ordered bie troops leve been the day breaking darling." to charge. With liaea bayonets they drove A girl may do her level best, the rioters back and into side :greets Use powder by the:batch, they were diepersed, ana comparative quiet lint she'll fail to go eir 0443 Was again reetored. Lao yesterday after - Unless she fuels a meta. • nom cablegrams received here announced " Just eee how fetidly that man kiesee bie wife ,,,,00a.byo," sad the optimist. " There is no Sham demonstration there," " Oh that is beeattee she is going away," said the pas - alma. Miss almersonia Russell (from Boston) - "1 have read that Venus do Milo will be at the Chicago Columbian Exposition. Won't That be charming?" Miss Calumatia Porcine (from (.'hicago)-" Very lovely, but I've never heard tho young woman sing." • - • PAIS s.1.5i,'Ilz1:i la i Litsling the itontoltery line Iin the soeleot o port of Aleatto m aare it fetme -.. -....rotee ;ea ively narrow etrip "aetween tat..- e :!.:,t :lud I.Ititii,.:11 etvitunbia. no Seven eizzes. tool ittresAat, t15at1i hAel to a met here, lue5a,e. Onicy a vial, Tes10li314 1110114,, 0051; 15.s happy home. Only a boy, Trudging to sehoOl, Chwerned now by a sterner rale. Only a youth. Living. in dream:4. Full of promiae1i.f 11055 Only a. mam Battling with Shara in now by a, loving. wife. Only a fatties., Burdened with care, , Silver threads in dale: brown:heir. Orly a graybeard, Toddling again. Growing old and full of pain. Only a mound, gergrown With grass, DrearnS Unrealized -rest at lath • The Land &Immortals. Ey the rose-trellis'd cottage, whore 13eanty abides,- Wherejoy loves to linger and sing, Or sorrow her secret. evangel confides, And circling the towers of the king, There closely.impinges a laud of delights, 'Whore g,lorms-iminortal-are spread, - And sanctified pureness forever invites :- 'Tis the beautiful home of our dead. Tho people who dwell in that wonderful land- Misi its music-, and sunlight and bliss - Are the ones who In pureness of being expand From the holy formations of this: They are free from the slavish dominion of sin - From tho bondage and body of death - And each into fulness of life hath come in From existence enthroned on a breath. Jo vision, the rapt "Son of facto." the Sexr. Saw the streets of the "City of Truth, And all their broad pavements to him did appear Asthe play -ground of beautiful youth. The children aro there, with their rapture and song,- Not a °hrm that enrobed them with love Is vanished, but purer and fairer they throng In TEIE LAbTA 0,0" IMMORTALS above. Enwreathed in the out -flashing glory and. rime Of that Country -Celestial -so near, - Limned out in its flush, on the hill -tops of time, Our loved ones, departing, appear, - But they fade from our sight, passing over the brow, The night falls o'er city and sward : -We dream of the light that encircles the now In the glorified land of the Lord. And each, as they pass into pureness and love, Leaving sordid conditions behind, At the merciful mandates of Providence move With tenderest spirit and mind : They join in redemption's beneficent plan, - The "Law of the Spirit" they laud, - They see. in a perfect salvation for man, The infinite purposoof God. Every pulse -throb of mind there's a heart beat- ing less: Lifet Covenant Angel has come And out of the earth -bonds, which chafe and oppress, Rath leiss'd an immortal one,home To the fulhiess and glory which eye hath not . seen Nor mortal &inception hath trod,: Where being is perfeet,communicatisetween The Ohriet-eankrinifed nfrikano,. Li„EwEtzik-it.. Mo1Rxsoy. "Tho Elms," Toronto, With the wearing of the blouse has come She necessity or shiit.buttoris which are "? generally orplein gold br amnia A Waterloo Hem A farm -house with an orchard surrounded by a thick hedge, formed a most important point in the British position at Waterloo, and was ordered to be held against the enemy at any sacrifice. The hottest of the battle raged around this point, but the Eng- lish behaved well, and beat back the French again and again. -At last the forraer's powder and ball were found to be running short; at the same time I the hedges surroundiog the orchard took fire. A -messenger was sent to the rear for more powder and ball, and in a short time two loaded wagons came goeloping down to the farmhouse, the gallant defenders of which were keeping up a scanty fire through the flames which surrounded the post. The driver of the first wagon spurred his struggling horses through the burning heat, bue the flames rose fiercely round and caught She powder, which exploded, sending rider, horses and, wagon in fragments through the air. For one instant the driver of the second wagon paused, appalled by his comrade's fate ; the next, observing that the flames, beaten beck for a moment by the explosion, afforded him one desperate chance, he sent his horses at the smoldering breach, and, amid the cheers of the garrison, landed his cargo safely within. . Kindness Misapplied. "What's the matterV' '' asked the kind- hearted old gentlman of the boy who was weeping bitterly. "1 g -got two nice clean blocks, an' them fellers took 'em away from me." "Well ! well !" exclaimed the old gentle- man. "Did you want them very bad ?" "Y -yes, sir." "Hasn't your mother any kindling ?" "N -no, sir, she sti-aint." "Father too poor to buy anyV' "N -no, -sir., "Does he drink'i" "8 -some." "Humph. Very proper pride. 1 see it was the kind-hearted comment. "But you wanted the blooks for kindling, diduLt you " 41 Wh sdidriyou want them for, Shen?" "I want 'old t -to bit together and in -make a diekene of a n -noise with, sir." The' kind-hearted gentlemen turned the corner almost at it trot to avoid missing an ajelseiritment. Pale blue and purple is a new combinotion ' that the eity was again tranquil, but fears wove expressed for the Light. There is 11111011 epeoalation among the Chino:to refugees in New York and -those who keep posted in Chitin's politics as to who would be Balresteeda's ettcoessor. It is generally thought that no election will take place for at least a week, aud that, when it does come it eivilianwill probably be chosen President. The Chiliens have had enough of military despots, and will not care to risk having another. Those most promin- ently spoken of axe Bentsen() Prato and Manual Jose Iranazoval. Others who are supposed to have a chance are Senors Echau- rou, Errazuriz and Carlos Walker -Martinez. If a military man is chosen the race will be between Gene. Canto and Baqueda.no. The former is the popular hero, but the letter is a more astute politician. FIFTEEN SKELBT0111S, Siena:tins or &British Soldiers Enteartheel a pruminondville. Greet exeitement prevails in Drummond - villa over a find at Lundy's Lane, At 2 p. m. to -day in a sandpit opposite the ceme- tery was found a large trench, in which were found the skeletons of British soldiers. Some of the red coats were in perfect condi- tion and butters without number were found; also tobacco pouches, jack-knives, buckskin vests and officers braid. Up to the present time about 15 skeletons have been unearthed. The numbers of the regi- ments were on the buttons. The regiments were the 6955 and .103rd. The historical society has taken the find in hand and is collecting the bones and will have them buried in the trenches in the cemetery. The members of the society are collecting what relics they can, and will have the trench opened further to -morrow. A Sad Predicament. "I understand your barn has been burn- ed," said a sympathizing citizento an out-of- town farmer the other day. was the gloomy reply; " I ain't got no barn nor nothink to put nothink into nor nothink." Onthe Iteeici to Oonstunpton. Exasperated Fruit Dealer*" These peach. es have an unhealthy look, have they? What's the matter with 'em, sir?" Customer*" The baskets you dress them n are too tightly laced sir. Good day." A physiegnotnist soys.--a: Beware of the girl that has black eyes, 8151111 the girl with blue'eyes." Thi.2 pratioaly restmets the choice of • cacti) young man ' to the girl with le e. e:,,ss., who is not warranted genuine o t. snow." The rept. i• 1 05 decidedly b We (1:jo t lytti 503210 15151510158 are so - And 115 tig -;!10 V.';LS well over twenty eel e .5 „ 120:55. To- 11 1 1 5101 sb e's clerking, , SIT11:11 e a. iter :lips and her brow, For she's o;,.i: g the cool soda fountain And the ma: til1. weak at her now I Fon easons For the Wonderful Success of Hood's Sarsaparilla, the Most Popular and Most ExtensiAly Sold Medicine in America. a flood's Sarsaparilla possesses graat g medicinal merit, which it posisively demonstrates when fairly tried. fit It is roost economical, being, tr.)! ea °tile- medicine of which " roc( Doses One Iaoil'ar" cola truar bo said. It is prepared by a. Proportion trad Process Peca.:.ar to Itself, unknown tot other preparations, and by with...A ail medicinal value oi tbs 1,-01'1on8 in4reL11ents secured. It effect; renearliabie cures where other medicine3 bare utterly railed 10 lo any good v.,3tattr.-..?r. It ie. a. modern late!icine, originotted by (..-per:-.Inced pirumacists, and still careily under their per surn1 Fuperv::•113. It clean, clear and he:,,,,utiftd, In Ve541:e. to take, azal always of equal reran:gilt. T It hai proven itr.elf to be poAtivel:" the best reatedy sroltila and 1-41 11..od 11):: bist tonie ler that tired feeli:7, bo af a.,.9etite and gemezal It :3 a11751i; 5 fN cnr., sici‘z catarrh, 1lItt51511';,*-,':,!;1 ;Mei tlia;':•826 4A' 11:a leys 05.i 12.52'. • It 110•1 a ceto:'. azr.a at ttcract, thre tr,t:e in v..1:urc it 14 120571?. 131an of 411 od, 5: fnr:x2poll.1rq and 11001'1 arrilicro teetia-intod. 1,5 011-.-c3't.1,152g 13 ustialae. .455151. and thoron4:ily ;re- otraloat: PoigV: for Vet!. a Hood poider01 zttengthairvag mcdicine. you shazad the 1,e4. fer tio.•,•:1': Sari ap4rillas tad 1raist upon having it. Do not IA a.ny argument or prsoa:on intluo;:c.) yY.1 to Inly ‘.hat 3'03 do not tau:. Ile eleee eo gat the rnedZeioe. ajAtitn ,CUBS ea.; esa. • •• • ..1•••• • . 4". •••.,-•;••••-•,•';' • .,stkop• • _ CREAtriiEtiEDY 3reca:1/41Eadur.r.T. RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Eleadache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Frost Rays, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Etc. ber reaterzs evf..yviticae. Fifty Ctstits a t.,,,:e•".c. It:zee:141= 4.0. 11, 11,netnee're. Ciefelli.Eaa. Veefeat.ree COaSaltiatere,, IiI • Cauziall. En..t Tacato, Out. INTZI1COLON IA T RAILWAY OF CANADA, The d:reet route oneween the Went ar:1 all Is5iest5S011 the 1.411Iir....S. Lelvircs.„Ce »udlhssa de, %-.thalcmli,I?rwl....,?e tele,' -o.,; e5'5 for New Breaseeee„Nevezteet.e.ee 5; I eerel Capcsreveelasaneaaerideeeeeee ,e„.ee.aed 51. PlOTTe. ,E,yeeeese 120±0" (ave FAX t nia 1 a,1:f teeny teimaaye eeeeteeeei alai 1413 115552151 Wi Sli‘At0;13stri+ betreedu thee.) 5i4e.C.iz1 Isola oATA1 'Ali '5.'4E63, Ce.5A4, thr.4741els ever.ese train cer'.: ee'; the 2ue teeeele:elel Ste-lice:1v ere, by otoe5r14,:tr OZ;otell bv eteei trent, the locetat or iaaa :Med ere tt',y i051.2151 e‘'QUI fort ty 01 t New atal e1e4e4205 ref:i.eseleerene »eel ;lay cars ererueets 10r0545354iNrre:55554i'AiNG. Canadian- 7•7.„-uropePnMi1 wad P.tn,f111111.. cetremt .e.„,ereieee toe ei :al. aa it+Fieovaeo elerteeeloste"reezy zoitue la icor: oet:-:ertlraateo=oO 2.; • ,-,1,;c1tPttie r • Icr a by 5',;5 rc',sscfsss ." • 4.15.1 els 0 155A.1.'s:101. 1 .17.215Z.ailere., A 3I54.21ele, f. 4: 7. ;(1, Irtt -.',..'L-4:••••';} 4 nue C5'0 "00U'2'E3 6_, c oe,e, ^ "; • ,;Tain • 11, reefeee.eo leee ;ate. Let. 'I:lei:tie:C.7=V to 012P3 at: I.L.. ▪ rrzac4: • arel elealleatiee 12 • ss.V,'Cs taii:ValTree,„ Vee.tet el"reiel t eieeet iteealr Nonec-„; eeeete VOTIINGe;Ie, enier •1'a3.cp.,14 05. 11:15117:sle' 1014.1.e,, Jnla Igt CUM.; 'brat 4.11!•4, 19k ; 4.17in SWellin14, ErYeellle! Ind t15ki,SttiiOl, 5,'Pe545e Med, 5'3i3.1s30'1 51.si, sa•A•A141 Ni.e n twa, sold by all drag hreesredonl:,.. by C.1.11(14)12, 4: the, 4. Lowell, Masa cicstiar yea.d.drn.Y.**1.1.0Y A 1111 NOT a Pur 4••.• gative Medi eine. They are a Breen) Demon; TONIC and 1(e0025- Salletre011,a1 they npply in a condensed form. the substaneea actually needed to ea - deb. the Blood, curing all diseases coming rem Boon and War- nx BDoon, or from VITIATED 1171ZORS ±15 tho BLooD, and also invigorate and BUILD 55D tho BLOOD and SYSTEM. waen broken down by overwork, mental waxy, disease. excesses and indiscre- dons. They have a Seeenere Aar= on thobotginlixtfen"andxsT•woEmue'l, restoring LOST VIGOR and correcting all ranDatmenrrms and SUPPRESSIONS. EVERY MAN Wiiigsfit:117.1hOsnnfflr.14.:; his physical powers flagging, should take these Emus. They will restore his lost energies, both physical and mental. qiiii should take them. EVERY Vio They cure all pulp- reressions and irregu arida, which inevitably entail siekness when neglected. should t ake hese Pmts.YO NG They wil cure the re- sults op yotithful bad habits, and strengthen the system. YOUNG WOMEN Tellhoeusled PILLkesthwemill Smoke them regular. For sale by all druggists, or will be sent upon' receipt of pnce (500. per box), by addressing ximu, DR. WILLIAMS' MED. CO. 23 reele,vitte , Ont. 50000.00 a yeasts beIng MOO by John R. GoodwIngroy,II.T.,et work for us. Reader, 1007 not make asm you uch, Ina we can tenets you qutckly how 50earn from 5)10 010 day at the start, and more you go th on, llosexes, all ages. In any part of America, you can commence at home, giv- ing all your timaor emwe moments only to the work. All le hew. Great pay SURE for every worker. We start you, forttlehtng everything. EASILY, SPEgDILY learned. PARTICULARS FREE. Address at once, STINSON k ON, ronskens, SUM How Lost, How Restored Just published, a new editio of Dr. Carrera well's Celebrated EsSay Oh he radical cure of Bildnaeonanme or incepaeltY induced by excess or 1 earlelndieeeeeion. The celebrated. author, in this admirable essay, dearly demonstrates from a thirty 'e'ars' seccerette practice, that the alarmings consequences of self. abuse maybe radically cured; pointing opt a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual. by means of whleh evert sufferer, no matter what his be/edition mey be,ixtay cure himself cheaply, pri fately arid indisaity, 8/7Thie1eeture sbouM be in the hands of every youth and eVery zaan in theme& Sent under seal, in i pieta envelope, to any ad .dress, peot-paid; on receipts of, four canto, or tw postage tamps. Samples of Medicine free. Addree THE COLVERWELL MEDICAL CD 41 Ana Street New York Post Gale Box 450 4E8i HRT 8 PAM EHTENIMA03 ael.ttiat tree: e too. 74e.tet.1.,f.v, Tothaolle.nrn's iss ev By all dealers. Witeetc.ello '1;y ERRoris OF 1,701,a,Tel.. 7.eetvere De- bility,. Seminel Lo.s.4e e te, 3 e4. 55 1't10 i)ceey,. promptly end p25272551"251i'.' Does not interfeze telt1 it and fully reztoTes lott 511.2015151 llontoot...., et. eau:mimed. Pricefia rpr Selo Propmeter, IL 5C▪ 310L0thI.I...t..•Lie deld's Drug Store, Eros See :: z.e. e • .• I /J ••• ••• "When I my 50150 Deland meal racrel- t p for 15515502 15253. Own them 1015255 A salmi cure. I base made the Mono at 5,525 1.; SY or FALLING- SICENESS a lite-let5 strely. snv remedy to eons the worst mces. failed he no teas= tartlet now recrativo a. ear. ieor.,1 at (zee /or a treatise and a Fres elmy remedy. Give EXPRESS end POST.INTIC:, H G. RoOT, M. O.. 186 ADELAitriST H. TORONTO, ONT., , 4:4 6 I'llOrt 1st. • twos!: y 1.13 Is at. u.t U. by ti.•, elan r r t ,hrtr ounloretrto !A5.7 • one emt 11.1 15. 155,5. lioey t.1,,. We iltrnialt e0e55151I1.5. :gate you. No rink. 1'.a.o, devote uur ,pare moments, 055 1511 your time lo 1150mug. lbt.it an entirely note lead.stsid brings wonderful surer551 to every xt lleginuara arst earning front 5052 tO 530 per wreb and drrr‘dat and room attar a little. 50310505100. 21', eon furnbit 3 ou 33,5500103 aud tenets you Plitt. Din snare to retsina hero Dull laformattou PURE. efsmiljE alespep„ 513.1513., MILS& tifiuisioll! or Cod Liver Oil AND THC Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. No other Emulsion is so easy to take. It does not separate nor spoil. It is always sweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach can retain it. CURES Scrof;:lziug-And Wasting Diseases. Chronic Cough, Loss of Appetite. Mental and Nervous Prostration. General Debility, &c. Beware of all imitations. Ask for l "the D. & I..." Emulsion, and refuse ••••••••••• all ot,..ers. • PRICE SOC, AND $1 PER a0Vrt31. '-e4erserve