The Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-03-28, Page 11A(
rar — No. 13 .
Holds Tax Rate t 14 Mills
;y W. E. Elliott be raised by county rates and road has been listed and will
County tax levywin an estimated $1,164,790 through be favorably considered when
be 15 mills next year provincial grants. Estimated ex- the ,development road schedule
penditure of $2,207,435 includes is farther along to completion.`
gh level of_ road and $] 665,300 for roads. Major censtruetion items -un
lnancing is.4o be main- The eight -mill levy- for roads the 1963 program: Road 0,
nd even with this in -1 raises $51,4,248, but in order Highway 4 to Winchelsea grad -
to finance the 1963 program it ing and granular base, 51,2
is necessary to take $18,712 miles; Road 27, Carlow t -e- Nile,
from surplus account. This, cold mix waving,2v miles;
B uerman-said in ,the Road- 2tt; ttttknove south, eol
report, 4,1ts only slightly more mix paving, 2', miles; Road' 6,
than the 1962 surplus in high- Highway 4 to Winchelsea, land
ways account." and fence, 51:2,miles; Road 4,
Spending Up Crediton to Khiva, land and
"We are spending half a mil- fence, 5 miles; Road 31, one
lion more than we have ever mile north of Holmesville, ap-
spent in the county before," proaches to bridge, 1/4 mile;
engineer James Britnell report- Road 5, Mount Carmel to High -
ed, "and If the Ned from Brus- way 81, balance construction
gels north i approved we will by Middlesex, 4 rales; Road 5,
spend $2,00,000." Highway 4to Mt, Carmel, prime
Two development roads are and double seal, 5 miles; Road
on the program,480,000 at Sea- 16, lots 30 and 31, concession 5,
forth- and $347,000 (final estirh- Township of - Morris, grading
ate) from Seaforth to 'Walton, diversion, half mile; Road 12,
cost of both being paid by the Belmore south, prime and
Ontario Department of High- double seal, 21,:,, miles; Road 12,
ways. Work en the road with- Brussels to Highway 86, land
in Seaforth will be carried out and fence, 61,:, ' miles; Road 4,
by the county, the other by con- Crediton to Khiva corner, reloc-
•tract to be awarded as early ation of utilities, 5 miles.
as possible this year. Roads Affected -
The committee report stated Due to the Severe winter', and
that the members had called on possibility, of a late spring thaw,
Highways Minister C. S; Mae- it may be necessary 1.o enforce
Naughton on February 11 and the half -lead restrictions be -
requested that he consider pru- yond April 30, to May 15. A
viding funds to carry out coin- bylaw has been prepared but
plete construction, with excep- will not go into effect unless
tion of paving, on Huron De- warranted. Depa.rtrnental ap-
velopment Road PE -669 in 1963. proval would be needed.
The committee had also re- Mr. Britnell mentioned again
yyr s 4'
Vested designation
of County a plan to replace cold. mix or
Road 4 as a development road hot mix pavernents with a more
from Crediton to Highway 81, economical "driving surface" ,of
a distance of 10.25 miles. The a prime and double surface
road first mentioned is from treatment, the cost being less
Walton through Brussels to than -half that of cold mix and
Highway 86. As to the Credi- one-third that of hot mix pav:,
ton -Grand Bend road, Chairman ing. Asked "by Reeve" Glenn
Beuerman read .a letter in Fisher of Exeter for more de -
which the minister stated: "I tails, he said the cost was,
i�!O-1(wish you to know that every $3,500 to $4,000 a mile, and add -
� effort will be made to acceler- ed: "It is a liquid asphalt primer
• ate the schedule. The request and dust layer only, and then
Or designation of the Crediton (Continued on page 14)
a , yy
� Yw
Second Section -11 - 14
��tall EMO Appointment
ill Re -Advertise Past
f one mill, "it will take
planning .and financing
lete all the programs,"
was advised by--
r John G. Berry.
t the March session.
in hhis
t 14
ate is ddrawing upon
r only byy
in the amount of
1, and "we must stabilize
ogram from this date
he treasurer warned:
ally our mill rate was
or general pul:`p'oses and
for highways. We al-
iis ratio in order that the
ys would receive eight
o ,step up the program,
the same time the gen-
.te was cut back to six
plus the surplus funds
re been able to accumu-
This cannot carry on in-
iding the transfer from
;, council budgeted for
e of $2,224,334, a record
of which-- $899,944 will
Appointment of an emerg-
ency measures co-ordinator for
Huron is up in the air again,
and the post will be re -advertis-
When County Council in ses-
sion Thursday reached the ee.-
port' of the emergency mea-
sures committee, of which
Reeve Milton Oesch of Zurich is
chairman, he remarkked that
"this is a very controversial
subject," and recommended
'that eouncil go into committee
of the whole.
His committee had recom-
mended that E. C. Fisher of
Goderich"'be engaged for a six -
months probationary period at;
$5,000 a year, effective April 1,
1963. It recommended also that
the salary range be adjusted
to a minimum of $4.000 and
maximum of $6,000, with an-
nual' increments of $200 up to
the maximum. The salary range
set in the report of the ward-
-ens and personnel committee.
also before council, is $4,000
minimum, $5,000 maxifnum.
The debate in committee of
the whole lasted an hour and.
a-quanter, with Reeve 'Norman
Jones of Hensall in the chair.
Council then adopted the report
of the emergency measures
committee, with this amend -
acid raised in Seaforth, was a 1 education of Huron pegple in
gold medallist at Ontario Agri -1 preparing.for their own sun -
cultural College, lived in God'- vival and'
helping those others
rich between 1930 and 1936, , who would be pouring into our
and went on active service with I county. There is no target
the Huron 1940. A I area near us that would cause a
brother in Clinton is a baker. j heavy fallout." '
In 1941-42 he commanded .the I Mr. Fisher 'did rrof-Immedi-
'administratife wing of the Can- I ately comment for publication,.
adian Engineers reinforcement but left some doubtthat he
unit, involving 1,800 to 2.200; would reapply.
ReTafes Experrorl„�e 4h -ere -were- At the opening of council
eight-vae.ant. chain
"In case of disaster," he said, and the deputy clerk -treasure:•,
"the population of Huron woit2d-; Bill Hanly, was absent, ill with
increase three times, and I 'feel I 'flu. Mrs. Streicher assisted
my experience would be useful. 'clerk -treasurer Berry.
I attended a staff course in Warden Walter Forbes, wel-
administration at the Royal Mil- coming the members, remarked
itary College. If this position that a hard, cold winter, wa-,
is to be decided on the basis f supposed to mean good croee
of qualification, training and and "we will be looking fo
experience, I respectfully sub-', ward to that."
mit my qualifications, as listed
in my letter and stated here '
today, are undoubtcdly- superior Firang Rifle
to those of the person recom-
mended, and at $1,000 less. I
am available until the first of Brings C ar7 e
April, and if offered the poli
tion would expect to refhain Charges of drunkenness argil
as long as able to do my dut:. discl.iarein ; a firearm have been
to the satisfaction of the , laid a taint Giem Allen ,of 202
county." ""...... 1 East street as the aftermath ,i
Reeve William Pall, Seaforth, a "party' late Saturday niulit
asked: "If the opportunity were or early Sunile:, morning;•. Asgiven, you could do,wha* Would the result of cnnplaints recei‘-
ment: "That the clause appoint- be necessary in Huron County" ed, Constables- Foley and Fort-
ing a co-ordinator and extend-. "I have a lot of ideas of my nor of -Goderich Police Depart-
ing the maximum salary to i own," Mr. Crich replied "What ment went to the •scene and
$6,000 be not adopted, and that 11,veehave to learn most i to hold found Allen with a .32 calill're
the committee be instructed to out a helping hand, as i:; being rifle which he s alleged to have
re -advertise at the present sal- dome in a small way e ,•eery day. discharged several times, solie
I expect in every house in of the ballets strikin, the hou-e
try range." 'v"hick he occupied. None was
• Salary Issue Huron there is enough clothie
That the discussion centred to clothe four or five times Orr injured. • lle was taken
about" salat'y was indicated by numher-of -people living there. charge and wit; to appear :n
remarks .of Reeve Alvin D. The biggest problem :s proper maektrate s court 'today.
Smith of Turnberry, chairman
of the wardens and personnel
committee. He said that if
more careful study had been
given to the schedules, "we
would not have had the situ-
ation we had today."' The. per-
sonnel committee is new this
year, *and salaries hitherto have
been more or 'les' har
ieNege of
tte'tr int "'i�omm ttee. Reeve
Smith added: "I would hope
the salarx, schedule as printed
here, if it meets with your
approval, will be thoroughly
studied, particularly by the
chairmen of committees."
By, W. _E. Elliott of $100. Turnkey, $2,606 -
County Council at its March $3'400; annual increases of
, $100 until maximum reached.
session adopted a salary sche Health Unit --Medical ofTi
-duhe-•rec'omlrremlpd • ' - of health, left to discretion of Children's Aid director, open-
dens` and personnel committee the board; maximum, $11,000 $7,000. Left to discretioii of
for staff in -the various branches salary, $1,000 travel allowance. the Board. Social workers, left
under council control. Classifi- Veterinarian - $6,200-$7,200; in= to the Board
cations, with minimum and creases $10(te per annum plus Highways engineer, open -
rt $10,000 plus car.: Left to ills
maximum rates; in the- rep o�
submitted by Reeve Alvin D. cretion of road committee: As -
Smith of Turnberry, are as fol- tThtant, $4,700-$6,000; increases
lows: 4 $100 (per, -annum plus 1-5%
Jailgovernor, $4,20.0-$5,000; ant $2 000 $2,800, merit increase as r'ecommendnd,
with overall. total maximum o
annual increases of $100 until � Th Library
oto exceed $200. -
maximurn -reached, and $1,500 as •recontrrl d exceed
new superintendeint,
yearly rent to be deducted for Huron
open-$6,200, less rent of $1,200
se of house.` Chief turnkey, for apartment. ,The rental ar
The old magneto clock hanging in the front,
lobby of the Goderich police office is from
the days when Goderich had a population
of 2;000 and had a night watchman instead
of a police • force. The watchman on his
rounds of the town would put a special
key. into one of half a dozen boxes around
the town, and when the key was turned
it would create an electrical impulse in
this master clock: This, in turn, would
' make a perforation in the cardboard disc
on the clock face. Here, Chief Fred Min -
shall is shovVii with the clock, which used
to hang in.. the old police office. It was
patented May 1, 1888.
(Beacon -Herald photo)
Clerk -treasurer, open -$9,500
including $500 car allowan,ca ftf-
fective July .1; increases $250
until maximum reached. De-
puty ' clerk -treasurer, $4,000-
$6,000; increases .$100 per an-
num plus 1,-0% merit increase
until maximum reached.
Assessor, $4,500-$6,000; $250
per annum , until maximum.
1-5% merit ,increase as reciem-
mended. •
Librarian,$2,400=$3,500; . in-
creases $200 per annum. Assist-
ant, - $100per an-
num- plus 1-5% meritincrease
end a...'(-, e i b rary
Board in its report showed these
salaries for 1963 as $2,900 and
YOUR ROOMS. Concealed•and decorative lighting can be used
in dozens of ways to'add a decorator touch to any room. The
" eiife rota gibe dramatic—thecost vest' little.
rangement, does of change sal-
y, but -.54,a .. _.
Museum -curator, open open. Senior Citizens
Assistant, $2,400-$3,000. In-
creases $100 per annum.
Court reporter, $2,800-$3,6C0;
$100 basic increase per annum
plus 1-5% merit increase with
overall total maximum not to
exceed $200.
dinator, $4,000-$5,000; " $'rOo
basic increase 11 r annum plus
1-5% merit increase with over-
all total maximum not t0 ex-
ceed $200.
Changes go into ettect as of
January 1, 1963, or -at time sat
by the governing, 'committee.
The committee deleted the
category for • stenographers,
clerk-typnists, „$1,600-$2,400, and
included _the classification'.with
clerk -stenographers' ate,a mini-
mum of $2,000, maximum
The Senior Citizens met on
Wednesday of last week, open-
ing with "The Queen" and fol-
lowed by the Lord's Prayer.
For entertainment, Mrs. 3.
Campbell played the piano
en t ne members- joined in a
sing -song. The daughters of
Mr. and Mrs. McClare danced,
accompanied by their father on
the guitar. There was a read-
ing by Mrs: Bert Mills, "The
Good Old Days, and, New-"; a
violin selection by Mrs. _Malt,
Driver, accompanied by Eci.
Stiles; and •a mouthorgan selec-
tion byeCharlie Prouse.
• At the conclusion, bingo was Crich, addressed council earlier.
played. The door prize was He bad sent a letter to all mem-
The emergency measures com-
ported 11 applir
for the co-ordinator post, and
five applicants were interview-
ed. "It was agreed," the report
stated, "that we would r_elect
all the applications that lad
been received. We then inter-
viewed Mr. E. C. Fisher. Your
committee felt that Mr. Fisher
would do a good job for t-Iur'on
County as co-ordinator."
One of the applicants, Fred
won by Mrs. Gauley. ' 'Mrs.
Charles Younee and her corp-'
mittee served lunch.
bers " before learning ° that he
eould be heard,
Mr. Crich said he was born
... in latex or oil"!
ow ;thanks to Flo -Glue
you can have just as wvire
choicefor Exterior Paha
1 you get With, their
tterior Paints ---1,322 dif-
rent colors . So now you
to paint anything outside
)ur home any color under
ie sun. Only Flo :glake can
low you so many different'
hits ... blues . . greens .. .
owns in finishes to cover
✓ery type of exterior sur -
ice from wood -to cement.
ee all 1,322 Exterior Paint
,&Tors now in our F o graze
'oiorizer Album. Come in
- - r y •, V : ;r:•
...::4;+;:..j/ , r. yam• J• O �' ?}'r,
. r. :'i:'rv5v}:{:Stti i:;: , .� . /. r/.v'?• rS�+S '
adding to your horee or converting y ur basementiir attic room
into extra living area, you can install flameless,supplementer,
electric heating fbr lest than o extenit costs d your presen
heating system.
your hydro
Reduce Invitations
o Warden's banquet
�.,Arisa from ccl,;rresnondg11Ce,
delegations and committee re-
ports, county council on Thurs-
day dealt with such diverse mat-
ters as beer advertising, mar-
garine coloring, open season for
deer and the invitation list for
the warden's banquet.
Adopting a report from the
bis a ive aneiuca lona com-
mittee, council concurred in a
Bruce county resolution that
"because of the insidious, TV
advertising by brewers and the
resulting demoralizing attitudes
being instilled in our youth,"
representations be made to the
Primenister, the Premier. of
Ontario, Liquor Control Board
and BBG, urging' that this type
of advertising be curtailed.
Council concurred also in a
resolution from Huron County
Cream Producers "that 've
strongly oppose any legislation
that would allow manufacturers
to color margarine to imitate
butter."have an oven season November
Horace Delbridge, R.R. 3. 4 to 6, inclusive, with firearms
Exeter, president of the Cream restricted. to shotguns and use
Producers,, told. council: "We of dais:Prohibited. For Bruee
do not oppose coloring of mar-
garine if. the margarine people
think they have a;pr,oduce,.
_werthy_ of it -but we do not
'(Continued on page 14)
desire teem toe golor _it ,-tile
natural color of butter, a tient
yellow, and that is what" we are
asking you to support We Flo
not care if they color it orange
or green, but leave the natural
color of butter alone. They do
not seem to have faith enoiteh
in their product to color it de- -
the y, gut wan 10 climb
on the band wagon rand :-ay
they have something as gooel
as abutter and a 'lot cheapc:."
'Ih-e district forester for the
Lands and Forests Department
E. K. E. Dreyer, Hespeler. het
written asking advice respect-
ing a 1963 open season ,sin d<'.'t
The agricultural committee
commended against an open
season in Huron. • _
"Following the response of
counties: to the Minister's let-
ter of May, 1962." ir..was sug-
gested that Huron, 'Waterloo,
Oxford, Brant and Wentworth
and " Grey, an open season of
six days, Ncrvrember 4 to -9. in-
clusive, was suggested, and eller
We bout - ht it through the
anvil Fi',ance Plan
1. R. ROmNScN
1 Hamilton St.. • JA.'4:$$31.
I,w.•:JJ..: • J ti'•AJr'M'J,v, r.v. 4 r'•; r '•.•:Ji•>W; •'':�+4W
OONyENITNCE. lull 100 amp. service provides youwith enough
power for all the time and labour savingelectric appliances
you lI'ever need. it provides added safety, too, by eliminating
the risk of overloading your present wiring system.
G�o.;,4e�rich Branch: