The Goderich Signal-Star, 1963-03-28, Page 9The Gadexi
Ch Sigida.1r' ta', T.iiigsdayt aa Mgh lith'' +O63'
,UBU1IN, March 25. — The. becoming warden. He describ-
rch meeting of the Auburn ed how taxes are 'set and how
men's .Institute was held in the business is conducted 3n
Crui.runity Memorial Hall all levels of municipal work.
h the first vice,president, A question period followed his
s. Bert Craig, presiding in addresssxlurrng which many 'n -
absence of the president, teresting points were clarified.
s. Ed. Davies. • Mrs: Robert Mrs. Thomas Lawlor, thanked
Phillips was the accompanist -Mr. Durnin for his address and
.oug out the meeting: The presented him with a gift. Mrs.
nute� were read by the secre- Gordon Chamney sang. a soIa,'
y, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, who "Peggy O'Neill," and the roll
o gave the financial state• call was, answered by each mem-
nt: The correspondence was ber telling something she'd like
td which included a letter of to see the W.I. do next year.
!etings from the new F.W.I.O. ' '' Reports of the standing con-
?sident. veners were given by: Mrs.
flier executive. -was reminded Gordon Dobie, agriculture and
attend a meeting at Blyth Canadian inclus'tries; Mrs. John
April 25th to4plan for the Hallam, citizenship and educa-
strict Annual to be held at tion; Mrs. Gornon R. Taylor,
ingannon oh May• 30th.' It historical research .and current
is decided to send Mrs. T. events; Mrs. William J. Craig,
mitt to Guelph to the Of- health; Mrs. Donald Haines,
ers' Conference for secretary- public relations; ' Mrs. Gordon
'asurers. The members voted Gha rnney, home economics, Mr's._
get the course on window Norman McDowell, resolutions.
?fitment; block printing. was These reports were accepted
e second choice. as read and 'on' •o -
Mrs. -Clifford Brown enquired the district officers. The elee
gout the Sunshine -moister ban- tion "of officers took place acid
let and•it was decided to hold the convener of the,. nominating'
at the Auburn hall and have committee-, Mrs. GM -don Dobie,
group of the U.C.W. cater. pi•esentetl •, the •slate of. officers
cry member is to ask her which was accepted as read.
isband or a friend. It will Lunch was served by Mrs:'Wil-
held on April 24th at 7 p.m. Liam J. Craig- and Mrs.. Lloyd
id each Sunshine Sister gift Humphreys, assisted by Mr.,.
to be of $2.00 value. Mrs. George Wilkin.
onald Maines and Mrs. Wes Officers-
-airlock, conveners of the
a rlet; icpo�i�c
Officers for the Auburn Wo-
aStern� St 'zeb •tel'
the plans of their commit -
Honorary Mrs. Andrew Kirkcon Ilonorary pry finis, Mrs. ITer
ell's convener of the card Corn -
MogI:idge, Mrs. Edgar I,asi-
litter•, re Torted that 81- cards son, N r s:' Wo" y-tBracjriock,_ Mrs. -
ad -been sant during the year George MilUan, ' Mrs. Thomas rs,
s we]] as many pairs of bootees i-Iagcit.t;' past, h.pi esident � ,
) new babies- in the 'cornmun- Ed• Davies.- p�gs�clent, Mt.. Bert
.y. Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor 'Craig: 1st vice-pt-esident, Mrs,
ave several accordion -*lee- Dnnald , Haines 2nd vice-presi-
ions (rf Irish. songs. ent, Mr-s:•-•Frank,:.Raithbv: secre-
- Guest Speaker
Mrs. Donald Haines, convcn-
r of public relations, intro -
'aced the guest speaker of ,the
fternoon, Mr. ,John Durnin, ex-
varden of Huron County. He
oL._.the _duties,of_._a-.towns_
hip councillor, township reeve,
'o_unty councillor 'and warden.
dr. Durnin started as councillor
rf West Wawanosh Township in
1946 and served.- on County
::ouncil for seven years before
tary-treasurer, Mrs. Thomas
Haggitt; assistant secretary -
treasurer, Mrs. Thomas Lawlor;
district diIrector, Mrs. Ed
Davies; pianists, Mrs., Robert .1.
Phillips, Mrs. William J. Craig;
visiting committee, Mrs. An-
drew Kirkconnell, Mrs, Clifford
Brown, Mrs. Robert Chamney,
Mrs. Norman McDowell; direc-
tors, Mrs. Harry Watson, Mrs.
e Mil -
Arnold Craig,Mrs.George g
Mil -
lien; auditors,• Mrs. Keith. Ma-
chan, Mrs. Witham Dodd; nom-
-inating committee, Mrs. Clif
ford Brown, Mrs. Worthy
Young, Miss Viola Thompson.
Conveners of standing com-
mittees are: agriculture and
Canadian industries, Mrs. Clare
Longhurst; citizenship and edr-t-
cat'F ri, Mrs. -Roy l✓asom; his=
torical research- and __curr•ent
.events Mrs Lloyd Humphreys;
BLUEBERRY PIE 2 for 88c Cohoe Salmon
15 -oz. Tins ' HEINZ 1.2 -Ib. Tins
BEANS in Tomato Sauce 6 for 88c 2 Thr 88c
GRADE A — OVEN-READY — 2'2 to 3 -Ib. Average — FRESH FRYING,'
CHICKE,NS 1e 35c
led in prayer. "Rejoice, the thews of Welland, Mrs. R. C. Born in Scotland, the late Mrs.
- - I r•d is King" was sunt, and`Nlrs. OBITUARY (Lillias) Holland of Ottawa, Mrs. Milne came to Canada in 1912,
{" J. W. (Irene) Aitkin of London residing in Brandon, Manitoba,
MRS,. LILI.dAS 13. .4ULNE--- `and Mrs. R. M. (Eunice) Bisset Goderich and Calgary. For the
f Avonton Ontario one bre past two and a -halt' years she
lived in ,Welland.
the previous meeting. Debbie
Jelleersun received the offering.The funeral service was held °
Mrs. SamTfio:nlrson had charge Friday afternoon at the Cudn ,y ther, Alexander Robertson of
Brownie Guiders from. Bay -
had many questions to ask re- of the business. Clothing for
field and Goderich .,on Saturday
attendkd training in., Brownie
Fundamentals held at Knox
Presbyterian Church, .Goderich.
Mrs: Mollie Kermath, area
trainer from Elora, shared
many new ideas in Brownie -
work, with the leaders present.
The training began at 10 a.m.
and ended at 4 p.m,,. with a
Lunch break, when all attended
Luncheon at. a- local restaurant.
The training was arranged by
Mrs. N.- T. Ormandy, district
During the day, members of
the loci Ranger Company .held
home ecbloinics; Mrs. Gordon a display of many bodes- avail-
Chamney; health, Mrs. Kenneth
Scott; public relations, Mrs.
Gordon Dobie; resolutions, Mrs.
William -J, Craig; .curator of
Tweedsmuir history books, Mrs.
Gordon R. Taylor. The Tweeds-.
ankh-. Book committee is corn-
-posed of: honorary -members;•
Mrs. Charles . Straughan,- Mrs.
Edgar Lawson; members, Mrs.
Roberts J. Phillips,..Mrs, William
Straughan, Mrs. Wes..Bradnock,
I'Ign�r dormer
Westfield Man
One of The I'orcupin•e''s lead-
ing citizens for over 32 , years,
Dr. .lames • B. McClinton, was
honorrd recently for the work
Tie has done in the bringing
into being of the Porcupine air-
port. The Timmins Daily Press
carried a lengthy story a'nd a
laudatory editorial in &inn.^c-
tion with 17r. McClinton, a na-
tive• of 1•\'estfiolcf ni4ario, and,
a lircrthsr of Miis Christine Mc-
Clintn-•. 146 Keays street,
Coder.' i
Dr. 'leslinton was praised my
municipal and ciyrc leaders ars
the• man • re •ponsihle for the
existence of the airport. "Al ,
though hr was, lauded by speak-
er after se •aker as- a man with
saint like qualitites," said the
report in.,th. Timmins .1'r a
nr. Me(1jti on replied with hu-
mility referring only In the
splendid co-operation he had
received -from other., in the,
proj('c't A plaque on the outer
wall Of the airport was linveilo(lp
by the chairman of the Timmins
Department of Industries,. The,
plaque was covered with a cur-
tain of'Poreupine tartan mater
sal which was presented _ to Dr.
McOlinton as ti souvenir,..
able to Brownie leaders. At
the close. of the training, tea
and cookies were served to, the
Guiders by the Rangers. A
gift was presented to "Mrs. Ker -
math on behalf of those present.
Attending the training were:
Mi -s. (Es Brandon, 1st. Bayfie`Icl
Brownies: Mrs. R. Horst, Mrs.
S. Ryan, Mrs. G. 13. Clancy, 1st
Goderich Brownies; Mrs.'I3. Mc-
Creath, Mrs. G. C. Mathieson,
Mrs. E. Wettlaufer, 2nd God?
rich Brownies; Mrs, F. Mill,,
Mrs. F. Young, 3rd Goderich
Brownies; Mrs. D. Hobbs, Mrs.
G. Chrysler, 4th Goderich
Brownies, -and Mrs,. N. T. Orin-
andy. Two interested Guide
leaders, Mrs. M. Campbell and
Mrs. C. Freeman, also attended.
Rangers attending we;'e 'Joan
Everett, Cathy Gould and Karen
,Dean J.
From Holland
1st Goderich Ran er '.-
,patsy . held an interesting meek:
ing�..cxn Sunday evening wh'c' r.
they had as' a special , visitpr,
Miss Anneke Leyen of tlr
Plague, '-Ho]la'nd. Miss Leyen,
of "`Derk Kolki7rar. a Commissioner in The Hague,
Work continues on dismantl-
ing of construction equipment
by The Cementation Company
of Canada men who sank No. 2
shaft. at the Sifto Rock Salt
Mine this winter, The "clean-
up- work•"wi}•l•-continue for per-
haps another ten days before
flr-rx�cn,—> xi ttr�. direct�io-rte
of , Doug- Smith, engineer, de-
p•art;.rfor. other projects.
The engagement notice in.
last week'•s•-�issucr� 0111d -have,
read "Birt Kolkman" instead
funeral home, Welland, for Mts.
gardirig Guiding in Canada and the bale is to be taken to the-Lillias 13.. Milne, who died at
in turn, the Bangers had iflLty April meeting. Plans were Welland on March 20 in her
questions about Guiding in 11o1- made to have a special meeting 69th year. . Rev. W. McLeod o!; -
land. It was found the pre- in May and invite other socia St: Andrew's Preshyteria,u't
gram i5 basically tisame. e les. Remnants :had bncn re Church, Welland, conducted the
Rangers are called Pioneers in eeived and were for sale. Mrs. funeral. service Interment Was
Holland, Guides aro divided Tom Armstrong gave a reading, in Pieasantview Memorial Gard -
into two separate grhups•, seri- `-Pra5•er for Every Day." Mrs. ens. Out of town people who
for Guides and Junior Guides,- Sam Thompson read from the attended the funeral includedbutBrownies remain the -same study book, assisted by Mrs. those from Goderich. Members
Uniforms arc very similar. Margaret Leddy and Mrs. Ton of the staff of Welland County
During the • evening, plansAnn on , who gave Scripture General Hospital attend - i•r
were. discussed for a visit to readings. "Jesus keep me near a body. ,
Toronto during the .Easter.. holi• the ..Cross"' -was sung and -Mrs• Mrs. Milne was the wife ,.if
days, A surprise of the even Chamney closed the meeting lames 13 Milne, head miller at
ing was. a large candle -decor- with prayer. A bazaar was held the Purity Flour Mill, Goderich,
ated birthday cake and a gift at the close in aid of the U.C.'N. fcir some years.
h' h e ted to N1r Lunch was served by the hog
Brandon, Manitoba; one sister.
-Mrs. C. Scott of Scotland, and
20 grandchildren.
w >c was pies n
N. T. Ormandy, Rangel• captain, tess, assisted, by Mrs: Ernest Surviving besides her hus-
who celebrated her birthday on Snowden and Mrs. Gordon Nay- band are:, two sdns, John M,il
Saturday. lor. The April meeting is '.o of London, and Rev. J.-11. Millie
. be at the home of Mrs. Tom of Medicine Hat, Alberta: four
'.At the close of the meeting, � Armstrong. daughters, Mrs. R. J. (Ann) Mat
which was held at Joan Ever r
ett's home, Miss . Leyen was'
presented with a Canadian ,I Friendship pin to take 'bade to IArm • ®f a Canvassers Set or' I
Holland with her. •
Goderich Cancer 'Blitz April
DONNYBROOK A total of 184 canvassers is I rich and a part of Ashfield
all lined up.ready to launch the ,Towns—hip. The campai n l
DONNYB'-tOOK, March 2i1- - otle-da. cancer .fund blitz in i these townships extends oyer
The March meeting of the I Goderich on Tuesday, April 9• the month of April.
Donnybrook J.1.C.W. was held The Goderich c a m'p a i g n I c entire e for the entire coinr
Tuesday -afternoon at the home.' chairman, Miss Gladys Mc -J ' '
of Mrs. Billiard Jefferson with i Dowell, states •that a few i torc.�) ty of Huron is $18,360.00. Total
a. fair attendance, Mrs. Sttiar•t canvassers are needed for pos- national objective of the Can
Chamney, . who had charge of sible last-minute replacements actin'. Cancer' .Society is
the program, opened the meel- ; for an • who might he ill it $3,682,0(10. .
ing with the theme, "Praise ye called out of town that clay. The cause is a ^mighty inr-
the Lord for His judgment and' Objective for the Town of portant one_,, Not only do the
rnost.;Ny.';iseNtcr singing a hymn l -Gori r'rc�kt-r l211. i1,... whion is fundis go to deleat_present Can-
.__ r:! ".G r y;, ]ed in , pray,•r. about eight percent more than -cer cases but also fer *eseai•clr
,F,WiernrinbeTh read verges from , it was a year. ago. so that the scourge m i g h t
Psa 724. Mrs.. Ray Ilam nThe Goderich Cancer Society, eventually .be"viped out. Gode-
rsa Om Scripture and Mrs. of which Mr. Ed. Stiles is pre. rich area residents are ,urged
i"garefteddy.. gave the meds- ;silent, i, also responsible- for to give enerous for a -most
tation, •Mira: - •Jahn Ji.ldebrand -the canvass in Colborne, Gode- asorthwh-ile causes
Personal mentions are always
welcome in The Signal -Star.
Buildings, trucks, all steel works
Jack -hammer work
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We must provide opportunities in Huron for the employment of
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Huron towns cajnprovide these opportunities, and ..will be encour-
aged by a Liberal Government! .
But first, we must make certain that Canada has a strong, re-
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