The Exeter Times, 1891-9-10, Page 8weetesseaeseateweceeseeseeeemermegenteeseeetweneon INSTIBA.VOLr 4L.LIOT, AGENT FOR TAE WESTBBW ASStiktANOE COM- PANY'. of Toronto; also for ihel?B(EIctIS England.. bhe Bt) AI.CCAAN DIANO, o! Eon treat. and the ONTAIl1O irtV &VAi L1FF ASSU12ANOn, 001' of Waterloo established b70, Assurancesintcrco, 513,127.400, Bonuses ovary five year P, Smallware Q ea rlmerrt- The Mart Counter Goods Toys Stove Polish Pitabera Beads Snoe '' Spice Jare Dont:, ,Match Safes Salts, Ind Muga Needles Rules P„a+a flair Pine Hammers Purses Thimbles Tacks SI ruciis Hutton Agate Screw Drivers Brochee '' Pearl Postai Cards tW a....lirds li•,t:3kerehiefs (eau Openers ClI s Tuwtla Curling Tongs 'ley Harks Neck Ties Fire Shovels Nelesie Vane. Salt Sifters :t.:a Pru al Issii.•ra Potato' Mashers •§W1a etre Table .Mata Toast Folks W;.i niton Dippers `c 3iiusi:es Tin rails Egg Treaters S, -- Tea Sleepers Cate Turnera ::e: eg "'treated stands Paus t' Ilei, Cases Lem. Squeezers, Fn . I .lust Pau, Cork Serowe we l i Tata Idetee Scup Ladles ` e :t;'ras Tea; s (Gehlets ir, GRIGG', - Exeter I Ia.RU71: STOr 0 EXETER. weenies. Call and see J. S. Greive's $2.54 Pante made to order. wa Don't forget to call at the Exeter Wool- len Mills for your Woollen goods. Frost nipped garden stuff on Tuesday morning, somewhat seriously. R, S. Lang has already purchased 0.000 bushels of apples in this uerghborhood, If you are looking for a farm to buy, consult the advertising cclumns of Tat Tladaas. The sacrament of the Lords Supper teas adeniuiatored iu the Meth. ohurches on Sunday last Larges quantities of grain is daily being marketed in Exeter and the highest prices are befog paid. Diamond Dye competition $1,500 in cash prizes. Mite Welts & Rieherdaoin Co., Moutreai. for particulars. Seelettes, Persian Curls, Chiyrots and all the neer tbinga in Mantle Geode at i.iehard t ieleard & Son's. On Sunday, a 14 -year-old son of the late James oenoese foal from an apple tree and tlistoeated his right wrist. !qr. Wm. Wood is having a very nice anti convenient stable built on his property near the market. It is brick,. The fronts of Bissett Bros. and the Cen- tral hotel, which were badly defaced by the recent fire, are being repainted. A couple carloads of export cattle were shipped from Exeter on Saturday by, ;Messrs. Ballentiue and Shillinglaw. Richard Pickard &. on are showing the I arg ebt stoat of Mantles in town, imported by themselves direct from Europe. Call and sea them. ThetPreshyterian and lfain•at. Meth, congregations will wnrship together on Special Bargains for Saturday-- Se til27e erw env. llir, :+leDonagh conduct. ing l:rt These Goode for Re. Riebarti Pieker,l ,t Noir el: atw the lar *est P Dress -Goods for Ida t -gets Noss goods for 1•lc. range of gents' furrdishing rn,l settings, A Cell and see their importation of Scotch Special ii:trgaitls for Saturday-. Tweeds, \Worsteds, etc. .",fir Ilia& Cashmere for 200. While taming the corner at Hnron•st, its Meek C:tsttnrere for' 9 e. odd Taes,lay, one of Wood Bros.' delivery `•ilc meek t'ashntere for 37e. horses slipped and full on a stone eroesing for injured itself somewhat, it tess..tiae for el turd',.r't-•. 1 Per wash -tubs. tend:l•hoard% pails end t;tic puck Henrietta for i;db, i inceme, market .tsar clothes basketa,Lrash- see Illet k Henrietta for G9.'. es, 3 -es, ami tattle euttlery*, silver spoons, 4.1l.tr4 1a1 k tienrietta fcr „-ie. ere,. cell.L 1'. Clarkes. l.23 Meek ilei ri<:tta e'er Ode. Soot forth and Clinton both claim to be letter titan tine other as a business centre. ' t?eial Bargains for Saturday-- 1 They are b •th wool, but Exeter an thou. , Os: 1'.inets for 5,:. a record etonal to either. kiss Prints for file. Metaled I"t ."tarsi & Sou are showing the lis' Prints for I(tn ni-• at v1,144171 +sage of Dress Goods, in Wk ltsk Sateens for l:fie. nod e.alored--•all the new things. It will -io you geed to see them. lion't fail to gill at E. II. Fish's and get a shave or a good hair cut before you go to the fair, where you will pay more. Shop: Near Post O1Tice,---t2 Summer gloves will be soul at coat priee until the end of this month Tisk for those in Children's and Ladies' sizes for ;$c per pail at J P Clarke's The convention of the PuLlio School teachers of East and West Huron is being held at Clinton to•day au 1 to -morrow. The teachers of this neighborhood ars at- tending. Tho Elston estate, containing three lots "i1'L; R:SD AY, SEPTEMBER 10th, 16411. on the west side of Main-st,, was sold un- der mortgage on Statarday and bought by Mr. H. Hooper for $6G5. The property is cheap. spacial .Bargains for Saturday— •31a Gray Flannel for 14e. '.lye (Grey Flannel for 18c. :Guo Grey Dimond, for 2ao. :nee Grey Fltennel for 27c. ;recial 13argains for Saturday —AT THE --- dig Bankrupt Sore. LOCAL i9 P?ENINgS. village Council. The Municipal Commit met on Thursday cv, last, all present exempt Mr. Carling ; minutes of previous meeting read and adopted. On motion of Bissett and Chris- tie the following accounts were passed `r']tos. Horn, 4 tanks, $02; H. Spackman, street lamps and hardware, $15.63; W. J. nissett, filing saws, lumber, etc, $13.S1; Creech, charity to Mrs.McIntosh,a2. -Carried. Bylaw No. 10, to levy rates fur school, county and municipal purposes '?or 1801, was duly read and passed on rntion of Bissett and Roes. To ail taxes lint paid by December 14th 5% will be •i,: led. The council adjourned to call of reeve. T:urglarles. l;ngh.Spackman'a hardware store was I token Into Tuesday night by gray of the bark door, but nothing is missing. Thursday night the store of J. N: ,:coward was broken into in a similar man- ner. .Safes and drawers were ransacked, and some change taken, The robbers also carried off considerable silverware in spoons, knives and forks. On Wednesday night last the safe of E. J. Spackman & Co. was disturbed and the contents mussed, The would-be burglars affected an entrance to tbe build- ing by way of the cellar by boring holes in the door and knocking off the lock. The safe was not looked and contained no money, so that the burglars got no reward for their trouble. Nothing has as yet been missed from the store. rresbytea•y of Boron. This Presbytery met in Blyth on the 8th inst. There was a small attendance of members, and not much business to do. Rev. Mr. Flether gave in report of Home Mission Committee anent exchange of pule pita for missionary sermons. The follow- ing exchanges were ordered: Messrs. Acheson and Martin; Fletcher and J. S • Henderson; McLean and McDonald; Simp- eon and Anderson; Stewart and R. Hen- >;leeson; Needham and Musgrove. Mr. James Scott reported in behalf of Sabbath School cum., recommending a conference • on Sabbath School work in connection with annual report at January meeting. - Carried. Mr. McMillan's resignation of the congregation of Manchester and Smith's Hill was accepted, and Mr. McLean ap- pointed moderator of session during va- cancy. The next meeting was appointed to be held in Hensall on second Tuesday of November. Think of the. Fairs. Long before the time for the fair comes, the farmer should lay hie plane to make an exhibition. Ile should study the mat - tet, and determine to take something, if it is not more than a fine sample of his best corn. This corn he has developed the strain differs from all others, and new is his chance of showing that he bit not only alive, but 'a showman. Perhaps some things from the garden are worth having others look at --peppers, pears, plums, parsley or the like. The thought of losing the prize should not be uppermost. Help to make the fair large and valuable. Take an interest, and the day spent at the Mair will be one of profit because you ,are a part of it. If yon cannot beat ;'your neighbor, strive to eclipse your record of last year. That will mean progress, and success is the twin sister of progress. Mr. John McRoberts has returned from Parkhill and again {taken his position on the market as graiu buyer for Mr. W. R. Hutchins, M.P. We esalcome Me. back to business circles Customers are fully appreciating the truthfulness of our offer in man's and buys' Felt Bats, Your ehoiee for 50e and 25e respectively at J. P. Clarke's. George Simpson, lately with Richard Pickard & Son, has purchased a grocery stock and business in Brucefield. (leo. is an energetic young man and will make a success of his new business. Chief Constable Gill brought to this office last week two very large potatoes of tbe early rose variety ; one weighed 1 lbs, the other 1 lbs. They aro a good sample of the chief's potato crop this year. I'Iums,pears and peacticeare going down without sugar, and in some instances fruit jars ; but those persons requiring the flint fruit jars, and granulatedµsngar, 18 lbs for the dollar, can be supplied atJ. P Clarke's The Hensall croquet players have ac- cepted the challenge of the Exeter club, as issued ie last week's Dugs, and the first match will be played next week -either Friday or Saturday. Both are sanguine of success. l3russels has a lock letter bcx placed near the depot for the convenience of resi- dents in that neighborhood. In Exeter, a letter box at the market would be an in- calculable convenience to the business com munity of that part of this busy town. On Wednesday, Mr. John Treble pulled from a field of peas a vine, on which were 96 pods. With the exception of two the pods were well filled with peas. This dis- counts Mr. Richard's phenomenon which only carried 58 pods. A Parkhill photographer has been ac- cused of taking photos at Grand Bend on Sunday. Heresentstheaccusationstrongly, and says that the offended bad better look to Exeter and Lucan. Surely no person in Exeter can be blamed for this breaoh of the Sabbath laws I The publishers of the Dominion Illus- trated haye in preparation the most mag- nificent Christmas number ever issued in Canada. Its literary and artistic features will stand unrivalled. It will be a purely Canadian work, wait for it I Published by the Sabiston Litho; & Pub. Co., Montreal. Something should be done to prevent the firing of guns within the corporation. The lives of citizens are not only endangered, but hoaxes are liable to scare and run away. There is a bylaw dealing on this matter which requires to be put into oper- ation. A meeting of those interested in the new telephone line, was held on Wednesday evening of last week• After some discus- sion as to the merits and demerits of the project a stook book was opened when a large proportion of the necessary stock was subscribed. • We are in receipt of a copy of tbe minutes of the June meeting of the county council from county treasurer W. Holmes. In looking over the county treasurer's statement of school:accounts we noticed balances of school moneys in the hands of several township treasurers. We presume that trustees should be more prompt in sending their orders in proper time. There wouldthen hewn° balances, and it would also save trouble in keeping accounts open Minard's Liniment °area Diphtheria.% Personals. George Russell, of Exeter, has been ap- pointed one of the committee of manage- tnent of the Goderich Modelite foot ball elub.•-The local barristers are attending the Goderieh Assize Court now in session, There are two eases affecting people of Exeter. -plies Lizzie Verity is visiting friends in Forest and Sarnia, The position at the organ in the Main-st. church is very acceptably filled by Miss Edith Brown.. -- Miss Tillie White left Tuesday for Sarnia to resume charge of the Millinery Depart- ment of A. B. Biuudon'e establishment. - Mr. Chas, Tom has been engaged by Mr, A. Q. Bobier to go to Varna to take the position of foreman of Bobier's evaporating establishment. They employ some twenty hands and are rushinu the business. The first two days Mr. Tom cut his hands twice by cotniugfu contact with the peeler. ---Miss C. Sweet has returned from her vaeatiou.-.Miss Essery has also returned from a well-earned holiday. --Mr. Richard Elston of Michigan evae in town the fore- part of the week- -Mr. Richard Bissett of London spent Sunday in town. -Seldom Bissett returned to London yesterday. - Mrs. Emery bas returned from a two weeks' visit to her parents in Shame. :Mee Penhale, who sonic time ago lead her eyes badly injured by chloride of lime, is able to be about again ; her eyes are not fully restored. -A. E. Bennett and bride returned home Saturday evening after a pleasant trip through eastern Ontario.- 3Ieesrs. R. II. and W. J. '-Verity, who re- cently event to the Northwest on a busi- r,ess trip,, have returned„ home. They re- port things booming in the prattle provincesand brought loma large orders for their celebrated plows. The enterprise of the Verity firm is commendable. -Mr. A . E Fannon. one of the employees of Tun Testi s la en the sick lint, ands confined to the house, -»-ti'. Sontlrcott spent several days of last week in Blyth. -Mr. Charles hTanning and bride, of Cleveland, Oh£n, spent the forepart of this week visiting Mr :tlanningn parents in Exeter. Mr. Man.: sin(; is a former resident of Exeter (being asst. postmaster at one time) and has in- cluded Exeter in Me Honey -moon trip.---• Miss J. Perkins has returned from au ex- tended visit to friends in Georgetown.- :+xra Walter Carley is visiting friends la Toronto.-,,' large number from Exeter gaud vicinity leave for tide Torrnta lexhibi- tion tide weer:. --.Ile. Lutz, we are pleased to announce. is able to get around out doors and will soon be strong euougli te. visit the cirng store. ---Mrs. elultn I+l.atcid- ford, of Rodgervilte, is Welting friends iu Myrtle. -A. Dunlop correspondent writes s Miss Edith Ilvedina% of Exeter, with her nephew, Charlie Ifyadudau.. visited rela- tive:I ' here this week. -Miss Luerett% Stanley of Luau is visiting friends in Exeter. --Chris. Holguin of Rag len is spending a few days to townie -J. .d, Stewart is in Toronto eatehing bargains.. -- Mrs. Amos is visiting her parents in Tor- onto. --0. Prouty, clerk of Stephen, left yesterday for the Eastern States on a pleasure trip. Mr. P. is softering a severe attack of rheumatism.-.John;Manning, of J 1'. Clarke's, is spendinghis vacatiou in Toronto and Columbium -Roy. Me Fewlie of Erin is visiting at Mr. Thomas Rnsaefi's Thames Road —Rev. Mr, Carrier°, Grand Bend, and Rev. Mr. Martiu will exchange pulpits next Sunday, -Mr. and Mrs. Hale loran visited Wingham on Monday to at- tend tine funeral of Mr. II 's aunt. --\\'m. Conway and wife, Mr, and Mrs. Thompson and Mr. Bayley and Mies Mitchell, of Landon, were gueats of Mr. and Mrs. Day over Sunday. --Rev. Mr. Martin wIl take holidays for three weeks, leaving next week. -Dr H Kinsman has returned from an extended trip oast; he visited Hamilton, Teterboro' and other places and reports a very pleasant visit, and looks exceedingly well for his trip --Miss Smith, milliner to E J Spackman & Co, and Mies Farr, milliner to Mrs Spicer, have resumed their dirties for anotherseason,-Mr and Mrs Hill of Orono, aro visiting their daughter, Mrs Brown, -Conductor Snider,aftcr a month's vacation has returned to work ou the L H B R'y ; he says lecturing is harder than railroading, -Mr Geo Vesper has al- most recovered from his recent serioue ac- cident. --P Shapton and \V l3agshawv are attending high school,-- Ladies i You cannot afford to let the chance of buying a quantity of Print,. from a large collection of patterns, to:pass you. We will sell them at cost price for cash at J. P. Clarkes. Secure them early This is the time of theyearwhentyphoid fever is moat prevalent and every precau- tion should be taken to keep yards and outbuildings clean. In Toronto the out- break of typhoid fever is attributed to foul privies. We have a healthy town now and all should try to keep it as such, It has been brought out, by a discussion is the English papers, that the oldest clergyman is the Rev. Joseph Hudson, Vicar of Chillingham, Northamberland, If he lives until Jan. 5th, 1892, he will enter his 100th year, He is well and aetiye, and takes part in two services on Sundays. Cheese factories are reported to have had a favorable season in Perth, and fav- orable reports for dairying also come from Middlesex, Oxford, Lambton, Huron and Grey. Factories have had an active sea- son in the eastern counties. The milk supply has been good, and the dairy out- put has been a large one. In addition to the regular mails, via New Yot k, letter and newspaper nails will he despatched to the United Kingdom by way of Quebec by the vessels and on the dates indicated :-Sardinian, 20th Sept ; Vancouver, 27th Sept; Parisian, 4th Oct ; Sardinian, 25th Oct; Vancouver let Nqv ; Parisian, 8th Nov. We have ;a new supply of Canadian Scotch iTweeds, suitings and pantings, Campelford and St. Hyacinthe grey flan- nels. Ali -wool greyflannel at 25c per yd at J. P. Clarke's. It will suit you, The shooting of hares, pheasants, wild dunks, etc.,, became legal on and after 1st Sept. It was the general impression that this should have been a splendid season for grouse breeding, but those who have been fn the woods report coveys very scarce -only a few old birds to be put up. 0f duoks there are a few on the ponds, bat they will soon be killed or driven off. Altogether, the season does not give much promise to tbe sportsman. We would urge upon our readers the expediency and necessity of dealing with the black knot, as while only here and,. there is a "rookery" in it((as the Irishman says) to be found, some may be detected in almost every garden or orchard. The statute makes a pathmaster inspector, and persons neglecting warning, or notice to promptly out and burn, incur a penalty of from $5 to $20, Also,road overseers for neglect of this duty inur from $10 to $20. Qiiidrpll Gey, for Pitcher's Castarir epogge Iii -ret Otr . e s pin 1P And for Values, cannot be tout (1) Great Variety of Styles Ever Brought into ExeterF SU3ISIfl S13)DYF smoo im"emr $190,450 00 .will be given in prizes of from $4.50 to 115,040.00 during the month of Se temper next, to luekytieket holders in the Montreal Sweepstakes, &c, Send a dollar for a tielket, ora lc. orae stamp far open or sealed circulars, with the Wipers tieutlrs, to 1), Euglish & Go., Printers, 30 St Georgy street, Montreal. -thug. 22, len. Three services were held in the Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday Inst, large congregations being present at morning and everting. The church ani chancel ware beautifully decorated %tith Mowers, vegetables and fruit, tastily arrauged by the ladies of the congregation, tbe occasion being one of Thanksgiving: The sermons were preaelded by the Rev, Wm. Hind, formerly of Petrolea. The choir rendered apprnpri.ite mush.. The offertory amount. ed to $70. Fa#t Fair„ In connection with the Exeter fall Fair a prize of 13 will lie given for bicycle races by :\lessrs, Oyer ti Perkins : rat prize $4; 2nd SO ; 3rd *1. Three tunes annual the ring, best two in three. Six to enter, four to start. Entrance fee 2.3e. Contestants to reside in Stephen or Lsbarnetownships. Yt.t7 TAI:Ii No Br sn-In buying Hood's Sarsaparilla, for it is everywhere recognized as the standard building -up medicine and blood purifier. It has won its way to the fro»t by its own intrineia merit, and hos the largest sane, of any preparation of its kind. Anyboreet of will confirm tbia state. Inst. If you decide to take Hood's Sar. saparilta,do not be induced to buy auytbing else instead. 13e sure to get Hood's, George Alexander, the Parkhill cheese man who got away with about $1,000 be- longing to his euetomers and was in the tails at Port Huron, hes evidently slipped out of its inesbee. Widen arreated he had several inintlred dollars, which be deposited with a Poet Huron banker, and time was able to get the banker to go his bail. When Alexander was bailed his case was sot for a few dal s ago, lint Alexander didn't show np, and it doeau'l look as though he would. The bail must be forfeited, but themau who went Alexander's bail is secured with some money which really belongs to Alexander's customers. Elizabeth Taylor of Mooresville, Bid- dulph charged pith neglecting her illegiti- mate infant child and finally on August 15 killing it while she was confined in the county goal serving six months on olrar(ges of larceny, bas been committed for trial. Annie Hatton, cousin of the prisoner, stated that Elizabeth Taylor had told her that abe ' wculd riot nurse the babe even it the little devil died." Tho mother also told witness that site had fed the infant on "black -shape, buttermilk and water Gaol Surgeon Smith stated that he saw the child the morning after it was brought to the goal, and it was then evident that it bad been starved. He attributed the child's death to the neglect of its mother and to the fast that it bad not been properly fed. The Toronto Industrial Fair Is Now Open. The great IndustrialExhibition is now open at Toronto, and is almost certain tol eclipse all its predecessors as the space in every building on the grounds has been takon;up, and the en- tries of live stock and agricultural products aro far in excess of previous years. A large list of excellent attractions have been provided for every day of the fair, rand as the harvest has this year been good and the railway rates will be low, there is every prospeet7of there being a larger attendance of visitors than at any pre- vious Torontofair. BORN. NotTlicoer.-In Flay, on the 4th inst., the wife of Rodger Northcott, a son. READY, -In St Marys, at 106 Wellington-st', on the 31st ult., the wife of John Beady, a son. Gnat. -In Ribbert, on the let inst., Mrs. David Gray a son. MARRIED. DYER -SHANNON. -At Walkerton, on the 9th inst., Mr. Daniel Dyer. editor of the Paynes- ville (Minn.) News, to Miss Shannon. SHIER-SrsOuLH.-At the residence of the bride's father, on the 27th ult., by Rev. Alex Grant,B,A.,Adam Sheir.to Elizabeth Sproule, all of the township of Blanshard. HYsLor-Ss. "Jour. -At the residence of the bride's mother, St. Marys, on the 2nd inst., by Rev. A. Grant, B.A., John J. Hyslop of Strat- ford, to Miss Annie M. Si John of StMarys. RosxarsoN 1ii7TonEIa-In I4ullarton, on Sept. 2nd, 1891. by the Rev. Robt. Hamilton at the residence of the bride's parents, Mitchell road, Mr. John Robertson of Blanshard and Miss Carrie Mitchell of Fullarton: MANNINe-DscKSR.--In Cleveland, Ohio, on tbe2ndinst., at the residence of the bride's parents.107 Florence Ave., by Bev. B. P. Dimmiok,;Mr. W. C. Manning, formerly of Exeter,to bliss Mim,ie 14 , daughter of Jacob Deoker. Bee., all of Cleveland - DIED. CARTER -In McGillivray, on Tuesdav,151inst.. Wm. Carter, aged 51 yours. GAuvsv.-In Stratford hospital. on the3rd Inst' Annie Garvey of Kinbnrn aged 22 years. Hnroenes, In Blanshard. on the 31 nit -Susan' repot of the late W .Hitchin -s, aged 85 years. 8 months and 6 days: WR7oxr. At the Point Farm, on Wednesday Sept. 2nd, Ellen Wright, wife of J. J,Wright, aged 60 years, MAnx.-At the residence of her Son, Mr, Fens Mark, 8th , eon., of McGillivray, on the 2nd inst., L- O. Mark, relict of the late Mr. Mark, aged 90 years and 6 months. OMMMenu-In Listowel, on tho 5th inst., Ellen, beloved wife of John Osborne, aged 27 years, [Deceased was formerly Miss Ellen Behan of Tlsborne, and diedof consumption,] DRESS PROPERLY You can: do it as well as not with our aid, There's lots of satisfaction in it, not to speak of the profit. Begin at the neck ; nothing proclaims a man like his Neck Tie, We have SCARFS --Your in t Hand. ROWS An Rindless Variety --in the Newest sad Best Designs. Well, we'll let the prices speak for themselves. They eau do it without assistance, And talking of prices ! We are o'ff'ering the most remarkable values in the Extra fine ones for evening wear. Dress Shirts and in lower grade goods. .01..00,......__.. • 3SATS ANDCAP$ And everything required'rin Gentlemen's Furnishings. TRY US. CARLING BROS. 300 GERMAN JACKETS AND ULSTERS We have just received 300 Ladies' Jackets and, Children's Uisters UIREC`P FROM GERMAY. The Goods are PERFIT PITTING And EXTRA GOOD :0: Before purchasing don't forget to SP ACKMAN Samwell's Block, Exeter. VALUE. see our Values. - & CO. CENTRAL Barber Shop, FAN SON'S BLOCS. A. Hastings, Prop Shaving and Haircutting inthe latest style of the art. Every attention paid to cutting Laates' and Chil'rea'sHair • The.„Molsons Bank (C)1ARTEREDBY PARLIAMENT,1855).. Paid up Capital , . 85,000;00 Beat Fund ... 1,000,00 Head°Moe, Montreal, F. WOLFERSTANTROMAS,Esq.,. G$il>1RAL MANAGE I Money advanced teemed farmers on their own T note with one or more endorsers at 7 per oent per annum. Exeter Branch, Open everylawfnlday ,from10a,.m.toSp.m • , SATURDAYS,10 a . m. to I p.m. 4PerOent.perannum allowedformoney on DepoeitReceipts. Savings Bank at 3'per cent. • N. DYER:HURIDON, Sub -Manager.