The Exeter Times, 1891-9-10, Page 6-- LkTEST FROM EUROPE
"*Lik6 Magic, Nemories of the French Viiitemettd, Eitite
TRF' effect produeedby Ayer's Cherry
rosettoral, Colds, Coughs, Croup,'
amid Sore Throat are, in most eases, im-
mediately relieved
by the use of this
wonderful remedy,
It streugtbens the
vocal organs, allays
initatien, and pre -
wets the inroads of
Cousumptiorm m
dread disease,
Ayers Cherry Pee-
-a toral relieves cough-
ing and in e ue es
refreshing rests
every stage a that
I have usea eeyees Cherry Pectoral
in trey family for thirty years and have
always found it the best remy for
=up, to winch, complaint my ebiLveu
have been sublet,"—Capt. ii. Carley,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
"From au experience of over thirty
years in the sale of proprietary meet -
einem I feel justified in recommending
Ayr's Cherry Pectoral. One of the
best reeonnuendatienS of the Pectoral is
the enduriug quality of its popularity, it
beng mares1Ab1e uow than it was
twenty-five years ago, when its great
success was considered matveloue."—
S Make hi. )., Ballot, New.
")iy little sister, four years of age.
wee so in from broiontia that we lied
almost given up hope et ber eecovere.
Our family physiciau, eleilful man awl
of large experience, pronounced it use-
less to give her any more medicine •,
eeyieg that he had doue all it was pose
Ohio to do, and we must prepare for the
wont. As a last resort, we deterndned
to try .Ayer'e Cherry Pectoral, and 1 eau
truly say, with the most hapey results.
After takiug a few doses elle e, trued to
breathe easter, aue, within a emelt, was
out at danger, We continued gtving the
Pectoral until satisfied she was entirely
well. TIM bas given u nbou tided faith
in the prepaYation, and 1xecominend it
eonildeutly to my custoiners—0, Q,
Lcpper, Druggist, FoetWaene,
For Coles and. Coughs, take
Ayer's Cherry Pectora1
lo. Hassle—Bad Fate of an Erring' Wo -
How Tay Gould Began His Career.
I had occasion not long ago to call upon
Jay Gould on a matter of business, writes
M. A, T. CockerilLandreet him b,yappoint-
ment at his Fifth Avenue resideace. After
a half-hour's chat our conversation drifted in
Man, various directions. Mr. Gould said to rue—
Muelt criticism 'is heard in army circles a Are you not e country boy t' Yes," I
over the fact that French officers were not said, "anti I know you are." Without maks
ing any reference to this the great financier
only allowed to see the new quiek-firingsixe
aa ed me in return—"Did you ever churn?"
limb gun ea board the Kite, but also to I said. that I had a recollection of a peculiar
melte drawings and take notes. The Kite up and down chum X used to operate when
is the vessel used for experiments in gnu. I was a boy, and which was the cause of
many blisters on my adolescent hands. He
nerv, and the weapon in question is so ad-
smiled pleasantly and continued—" Th
nurableas to be generellY adopted in ser.
a in my nun was a. dtilerent
one, and. it had a great deal to do with my
ezireer, My father had a. little <lairy farm in
Delaware county, amd the special products
•churn that Ilia e "
vim The gun is a hundred pounder work -
eel by three men and firing seven aimed
shots per minute with a muzzle penetratton of that farm were butter and cheese. We
through fourteen inches of armor. It ia bad a rotary ehurn which was operated by
mounted on a new style of carriage greatly a treadmill on which we worked a largedog,
sheep. In course of time
superior to any hitherto in use A muzzle sud sometimes a si
the dog and sheep came to understand what
velocity of 2,669 foot seconds has been ob- was -store for them when they saw the
tabled. people about the place setting the churn up.
-I'lleroupon they were in the habit of disap.
peering. On such occasions, to supply the
missing neater, I was pressed. into service,
and eventually I came to understand, that
when the churn was being prepared I too
was in danger of involuntary servitude, and
so I used to disappear. On one oceesio».
however, remonstrated so bitterly against
It has transpired that during the recent
visit of the French fleet to Portsmouth
harbor the full-length portrait- of the
Emperor William, presented to the Qeeea•
by the Emperor, was removed from the hall
pf the Queen's palace at Osborne, and the
model of Nelitonh ship Victory was also put
oue of sight, evidently in order that the
officers who visited the castle might not be being made the substitute of the dog that
eonfronteil by these reminders of matters 1113 father ehastised me with a goad. deal of
unpleasant for them to contemplate.
Later advices from Vitebsk, eepital
of the Government of the emu uaine,
indicates that the situation there .is
unielt more serious than was iudivatts.1
first ilispatebes. The movement of the
peasants begins to assume the proportions
of a general and formidable revolt, in their
etlorts to prevent the shipment ot rye they
bevenot hesitated to attaek the railway of.
fieiele and severely bent the Jewish grain
speculators who were ettemptieg to hurry
the rye eqt of the Government of Vitebsk.
Intheir fury the hungry people hare broken
into the railway station and, many private
residences in earch of both fooil and
The soldiers being ordered out to dislodge
the rioters from the places they had teized
upon, they were savagely attacked by the
peasants, who severely wounded a large
number ctf the soldiers. The situation fin.
UMW= BY ally became so eritical that the commanding
Dr. .1. C. Ayer &
Co, LolNen, mass. officer ordered the trove to tire. This they mee. emmeg a detour 'N.% alker ot. to the!
The Town Council of Moscow is voneider-
— ,..... a.. ..
ing a proposition to compel all employers to
TIIE EXETER TIMES. furnish their workmen with rye bread at the
normal or about one.half the present price.
Ispublisoce every Teursday morn nmaz Experienced persons say that the rye ukase
TI MES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE ' Is'..4 merely bevy the effeet of enriching
ame:trove money opposite ewe
toy dealers who are holding grain for fanune
'lFitton's Jler:
Er m onklx,eter,C John Wlit to .c. Solia,Pro.
severity, and after breeding over the matter
till night 1 eorteludedto leave the farm and
seek My fortunes elsewhere. So, like ninny
.another boy, I packed up my few &thee,
aud in the early morning left the farm and
etertedout into the world . for myseif,"
Heroic Conduct of a Miner.
For stories of mining disaster contain
better examples of splendid heroism than
the one related at an inquest held at Fri4ht„7-
ton, Eng., on Tuesday evening, touching
the death of WI named Joseph. Walker,
VIM was killed the Postlethwaite Iron
Ore Mines, Froin the evidence it appears
that William Walker, father of the decease
ect, with his son and two other workmen,
were all working together. The elder
Welker was engaged removing some props
which were supporting the roof in order to
put in others, when the timber gave way,
mid large quantity of metal mad otherstuff
fell down tenon bis son and the other two
other side of the fall, and found t Ins eon.
had been killed outright enable eempaisious
were fast in the debris. Aside own lad was
past help, the courageous fellow at ouce
commenced the work of rescuing the others.
The other men in adjoining worlonge refused
to mist, as they feared a further fall, and
for an hoer, with his dead son lying neer
him, and with pieces of metal repeatedly
falling about and upon hinalie continued bis
task, so great being his danger that even
one of the imprisoned men begged him to
desist, as he could not liberate them and,
would probably lose his own lite. But the
gallant fellow was not to be deterred from
doing his best, and he ultimately single.
handed rescued both men. The Coroner
Mr. Webster!, Paid he eauld not express his
admiration for the gallant conduct of
Walker. Under the circumstances most
men would have been upset by the death of
a son and left tho rescue to others. But he
did what others dared not. A greater piece
of heroism had seldom been shown in the
.11'relctl I tcttleri *8. Werth 45 a baweematiag others of the mob. de, ' 9f d
Eirstassertionmemitio 10 cents
Ugh subscoucdtirssortion .per lino. 'cents.
To insure insertion. advertisements should
eeet in notlater than Wednesday morning
That severe distress exists among the
peasants is every day becoming more evi.
dent. the Volga hitherto prosperous
German colonists are now in severe straits
for food. At Vitebsk, Dunaberg and other
paints riots ameng thopeople to preveut the
Our303. PRINTING DEP %BTU ENT is one exportation of rye are reported.
of the lar"est Eel hest eget mem in the C aunty month ago the English newspapers were
of auron11 worltentrustaa ti.1 es will receive full of a railway mystery. A yountt and
oar rreMpt flatmate at ' beautiful woman was found in a reamsy
carnage at Leeds suffering from a bullet
wound in the breast. She heel a first-class
ticket to London from Glasgow, but was
so seriously injured that she was taken to
the hospital Bedford. She for several
reeponeible for. payment. days refueel to give her name or to say how
2 It a Doreen orders bis paper diecontinued she earne by the wound, and it was believed
he must pay all Anvers or the publisher may that an attempt had beets made to murder
continue to send it until the payment is made, eel. Later a revolver was found on the
and then collect the whole amount, whether .-.
tlae Doer is tali:entrees the Mike or not. railroad track a few miles from Leeds, and
3 In suits for subscriptions., the suit may be she eventually confessed that she had at -
instituted in the place where the paper is pub tempted suitide, but still refused to give her
Men, although the subscriber may Mae name. Yesterday she died, and. it is now
hundreds of miles away. learned that she was an American girl named
Leonora Mitchell, but known to her friends
as Dolly 'Mitchell. She came of a good
family in Covington, Ky., and her history
is a sad one. She left her home several
years ago and went to New York, where she
was known to men about town as cue of the
most beautiful and attractive menehers of
the demianonde. A year ago she came to
London, and at the Corinthian Club made
the acquaintance of a young army officer,
with whom she eventually lived. It was
his desertion that drove her to suicide,
although she had attempted it once before
in New York.
DeesioLs Regarding News
I non : a paparrii;alarlyfzom
the peq-eilice, whether, threeted =this name or
another`a, or whether ho bas subscribed, or not
Tho courts hare decided that refusing to
take newspapers or periodicals from the post.
office, or removing and leaving them uncalled
for is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud
Ready forum, in any quantity. For making Soap,
softening Water. Disinfecting. and a hundred other
uses. A. can equele20 petunia Sal I.:oda.
Sold hy All Grocers and Mriagglate.
1M.. "W.
Ermody forCatarrh is the
Hei, Easiest to Useand Cheapest.
sole by dratglets 01 sent by moil. 'ifk.
C. T. Ehne, warren, Pa, U S. A.
.It,n•aasranintre rotin-oPoliifa' itba]
to us. and we will send you oi
this elegant watch whir you can examine,and
if you do not find
it all and even more
than we claim for
it 00 NOT TAKE IT,
but if perfectly sat-
isfactory, pay t the
Express Agent OUR
OF $5.35 and take
the watch. Such a
chance to secure a
▪ reliable timepiece
at such a riclica
lously low price is
seldom, if ever be-
fore, offered. Thies
is a genuine WU'
of 2 plates of gulp
gm over composi-
tion metal. It has
solid bow, cap and
crown, hunting
ease,beautifully en-
graved and is dust -
proof. The works
are,Weetham style,
richly jewelled, with expansion balance, is
regulated, and we warrant i t an accurate time+
keeper. It is suitable for either a lady or
gentleman. A guarantee is sent with each
watch. Address CEO. W. WYATT & co.
Watolanakers, Peterborough, Ont.
SEND US Si em and aslip of paper the
a WV size of your finger, and
we will send you postpaid this elegant
These rings are now
worn by ladies and
gentlemen in the best
society, and have the
same appearance as a
ring costing $25.00. We
guarantee aperfect fit
and satisfaction.
Geo. W. Wyatt & Co.
A Strong Resemblance.
A family in Maine consists of six brothers
who look so much alike that only their most
intimate acquaintances can tell them apart.
They aro rather close-fisted 3 tang men, and cedar, yellow cypress, western larch, maple,
one day, while visiting in a strange town, aspen poplar, mountainash and others. Of
took advantage of theb.. remarkable resem. these probably the best and most
blame° to each other to save a few dimes and, in demand is the Douglas fir. It is straight
make life miserable for a barber. Each thoughcoarse grain'oxeeediuglytough, rigid
brother wanted a slum°, and one of thole and bears great transverse strain. For
wont into a barber's shop, had his beard re- lumber of alt sizes nue planks it is hi great
moved and paid the customary ten cents, demand. Few woods equal it for frames
Five minutes later, apparently the same bridges, ties and strong work generally, and
man rushed into the shop with a three days' for shipbuilding. Its lengtb, straightness
growth of beard on his face, declared that and strength specially fit it for meats and
Tia had not been half shaved, and demanded spars. Masts specially ordezca have been
that the work bo done over again. The shipped 130 feet long and 42 inchee iu
astonished barber apologized and shaved the diameter octagonally, hewn. It grows to
man again, but in lose than ten minutes an enormous height, frequently from 2,50 to
apparently the same inan came back, angrier 3C0 feet, and often exceeds 8 feet in diameter.
then ever, and with his beard still bristling. The lumbermen at the local mills is shipp-
ed to all parts of the world and is greatly
in demand. The capacity of the mills is
being yearly increased, the old machinery
being replaced by that of more modern con-
struction and it is safe to say that there are
no finer equipped saw mills anywhere the
world over than in the city of Vancouver.—
Tim Canadian American.
Show. Ilfo ROOM.
Christ and Nicodenius. John W. 1 to 17.
,‘ Show inc Rearen"I Nicodentus,,
PhariSee, Scribe, end teacher.
Moved by strange, imperious impulse
In this quest or trete and. light,
Through the quiet, evening shadoits
Sought the Gallileao Preacher,
WheiSe bole words anti bolder actions
Were outflashin.g for the right.
Sought the Christ—alone—with kindly,.
Trustful, se lf-assertive.greeting,
And the "Rabb" read the question
Quivering in his trembling word
And divinedth' unmentioned motive
In, this quaintly casual meetizig,— • Ileard the spirit cry within hint
For the Kingdom of tile Lord.. •
“Show thee Ifcaren"! "It may _neYer—
Through the light of human le.arm
Ile revealed to mortal vision
Or by nuot be understood,—
They alone, can see the Ignggoto
'Who aro born anow. diseeruing,
Through the I igbt ann_grace unparteel,
Wbatit live
"Rm. of water and the Spir;t"
Is the guide that points the gateway
To the kingdom. At its portals -
So •niti aspirations Part -
To mare this truth and know it
Is regeneration straightway:
'TIS the axing upon, Jews
Of the love that rules the heart.' •
Shore thee _Waren" ? Alas the earthly
Is to thee uncomprehended:
Eveningy.ephyrs fan the oltve,-
whisPetlag gentlYaS they gm— -
Though thou beat -es. cant tilMt lOU, inc
Whither come or whence ascended t
Thou bast neither sail nor sounding
For the seas Immortals know."
"Xever mortal eye hath senora.
In its beauty and it-3glorY.—
Never human ear ltath listened
Toits me:somas'ammentve
But the s;on of -Manaucl only
lfe may tell its wondrous stary.—
For Ile dwells both here and yonder,
in Eternity and time,"
"Show thee Heaven", Jost as .11o$es
hilted high, for faith's exemption.
Brazen Serpent in the deaert.
So the Fattier, tied, for sin
Will lit met the San hell/TOM
Mul proMarrn a free redemption
Ever v (bang one may. see Ulm
And believing, enter m,'
There is ever leming fulthese
Andinfinity ot meaning
In this doable declaration
Os Itis purer/so and His lave
With ice ringing 1r/waverer"1
Every soul upon it leaning,
Finds the "Itinuclout " itt the Meilen
ild "Eternal lite " above.
Ole Ms licavea, Nieotlenms
'lust 10 know ' The Non beside thee;
Life and light anti truth alai heing
Bare therinestie eouyee tnHint:
Out of doubt's liewildermismazes
And deceptions, Ile can guide thee,
Into Laves illuminations
Where the ltepe.lights never dint.
Soul of mine ; Be still and listen:
Love's d ivi nest, riebest, message.
Broad and wonderful. Is ringing
Front the great, Eternal Throne
" God so lor& the world" I oh, hear it .1
Join thesanctilled embassage
Heralding Its grace outreaching.
Tin Its pc:le...mess Is lotown,
"The Elms,' Toronto.
The Lumber Trade of Vancouver.
This interest is, and is likely to be for
Some thaw to come, the most important and
chief manutacturi»g industry of Vancouver.
British Columbia is rieh in timber, and in
this respect .110 Other FOTillOOill Canada, no
country in Europe and no state in North
America eau compare with it. The finest.
growth is on the coma and in the (01,1 and
Selkirk mimes. Millions and millions of
foot of lumber, locked up for centuries past,
have now become Available for commerce.
The Canadian Pacific Railway passes
through a. part of this and. crosses streams
that will lming untold quantities to the
mills and railway statiens. The species of
trees fauna in British Columbia. are 48
follows Douglas fir, western hemlock,
Englemen's spruce, Mamie's spruce, great
silver fir, balsam spruce, white pine, giant
rho barber, after a feeble kick, went
The Poverty of London, through the process a third time. When
the fourth brother came, however, the bar -
According to the representations of Mr. ber lost allpatience and yelled : "See
Chas. Booth, the city of London, that little here; if you're trying to sellme some patent
world in itself, eontains 376,00e persons of hair raiser I'll take your whole stock, bet if
the lowest greele, the element of disorder ; yo:: ere an escaped muse= freak either
310,000 casual laborers and others, who live you'll have to et out or I'll have to close
from hand to mouth in a condition of chronic this shop 1" The remaining brothers pat.
want ; 038,000 who earn from eighteen to ionized another shop.
twenty-one shillings a week; 2,166,000
whose wages exceed a guinea a week, and A. Russian Tax nn Books.
only a little over 400,000 who are able to
keep one or more servants : that is, well -to- A tax npon books has just been imposed
do or wealthy citizens. This estimate is, by the Russian government As neither
perhaps, the most reliable of any that have books nor newspapers were previously al -
yet been made, the city being taken street lowed to lie published with the express and
by street,the people of each street described, capricious sanction ol a most exacting and
and the per emitage of poverty of each dis- conservative Board of Censors, it would
trict of the city given. Mr. Booth is of the seem that this measure is intended to re -
opinion that the great crux in dealing with strict the diffusion of knowledge, as know -
the social problem in London is the existence ledge, among the subjects of the C'zar. 'The
of the 316,000 casual laborers and those who act is tyrannical, but not, perhaps, irrational,
are in chronic want. 'rhis class is three for 15 18 notorious that the present mediaeval,
times as numerous as all those provided for autocratic governnient of Russia is made
in public institutions, of whom there are Passable only by the gross ignorance of the
90,000 in London, excluding soldiers in people. The reformers rest all their hopes on
barracks. When these fig ares are considered the education of the peasantry. It is not
it is not to be wondered at that patriotic scientific knowledge, or any political or so -
and philanthropic Englishmen should begin oialistic doctrines, they are as yet trying to
to show signs of alarm at the deplorable promulgate; it is enough for many of them
condition of things. Sixteen per cent. of to spend their lives in teaching truisms that
the population submerged is a' picture that to the monjiks seem incredible that Russia
can haiidlybe contemplaedeseith equa,nimity.
is not the only country- in the world, and
that outside *Russia there exist people who
are allowed to change their religion with
Dropped. a Stitch. impunity, and who can think for themselves
" The accident, madame," said the young and speak their thoughts aloud withoutfeer
surgeon, encouragingly, as he made his of confiscation of property and exile to
preparations to sew up the wound in the Siberia. If dense ignorance is essentialto
lip the infant had received in falling down the official class in Russia, it is a politielx1
a stairway, "will leave a. scar, of course, necessity to tax all the moans of enlighten -
but twenty years from now, when the little ing it.
fellow has grown to be a man and raised a
mustache, is won't show a, bit." Roles in Their Stockings. .,
" It isn't a baby of that kind, doctor," At a religious meeting a number of
replied the anxious butentirely self -possess- females stoodhupon the benches, notwith-
ed mother. . ' standing they were desired not to do so. A
venerable pastor then quietly arose and
He Saw The Point. said: "1 think if these ladies knew they
had holes in their stockings they would sit
The Ainericaa had just told the English.
man a joke. The latter did not laugh.1 down I" Upon which there was a great
" fidgeting among the ladies and an immedi-
suppose," said the American casuistically, ate sinking into their seats.
"that you will see the point of that joke A young minister Who stood behind the
then? . •
venerable gmitleman, blushing up to the
about a day after abo-morrow and laugh
' temples, said: " Oh, brother, how could
" lly dear boy," drawled the Englishman oo o,
"1 saw the point of that joke and. laughed yOU say that?"
"Saythat 1" replied the old man.
at it four years ago when I was in India." "'Myit must be a fact ; if they had not
got holes itt their stockthgs, 1 should like
Hey Fever. to know how they could get them on ?"
He—" Who was that man talking in the --
parlor with so bad a cold 2" Missionary---" nave come here, broth-
She--." Only a sowing machine agent." ren, to devote my life to you." Cannibal
He---" I thought froth the noise he was Chief—" All right ; thaoks. But well wait
h eming machine agent."
Pure Teain Canada -
Fifty -eight samples of tea, compris-
ing all kinds, and taken from widely -
separated establishments have recently
been examined by Prof. Keneiek, official
analyst for'Manitoba at the request of
the Inland Revenue Department.'Unlike
the greater part of the mustard and
pepper which is offered the Canadian public,
and which was discovered to be so shame-
lessly adulterated. the teas in the Canadian
market are practically pure. Considering
the fact that, tea, is so generally used by the
Canadian people—the amount imported in
1890-1 being 18,01,378 pounds, or an aver-
age of nearly 31 pounds for every maxi, wo-
man and child in theDominion—the question
of the quality of our teas is one of more than
trifling importance. It is gratifying there-
fore to be assured that " the adulteration
of the tea sold in Canada is practically nil."
According 'to Prof. Kenrick, the methods
of adulteration of tea are chiefly three : (1)
Admixture with leavesfromplants other alien
the tea plant; (2) the substitution, wholly or
inpart, of " exbausted" leaves or leaves that
have been already used in making tea and
subsequently dried and rolled up again in
imitation of genuine tea ; (3) the addition of
various mineral substances in order to add
weights to the tea. Prof. Kenrick adds that
the coloring matter used in making green
tea and which is supposed by many to be
so injurious adds no appreciable weight to
the tea and is practically harmless. And
thus another popular fallacy has been ex-
The substitution of wheat for rye as the
material for making bread in Germany,
made necessary by the 'Russian ukase against
the exportation of rye, is undoubtedly
destined to cause a good deal of annoyance
among the German people, if iudeed, it does
not temporarily affect their health. Soh war-
zbrod, or black bread, is even more generally
accepted as the staff of life in Germany than
oatmeal has been
in Scotland, and the con,
sternation of the Scottish family over the
prospect of having to subsist on wheat bread
instead of oatmeal will be recalled by the
readers of Scott's novels. That the habit of
eating black bread is thoroughly fixed among
the Germans is further demonstrated by the
fact that Germans in Canada insist e pan
being supplied with rye bread, oven v, -hen
bead made from wheat is within ti.eit:
awhile until you are a little fatter. eh.
The Great od
A Word to the People.
"Truth is Nighty, and win
remerltaide effects and most satisfactory results, in every eerie of
dise4e, arising from laAPPRirtg4 Pr THEB.QOI which are experierieed
• and made manifest from, Iiayto day, by these Ube have takeix NORTHEOP
LYMAN'S YECETABLE DISCOVERY, :';07, • ,e,5opla4,14.7 which were pro-
nounced iiteerahle tire eurprisieg to mary 'Flese cases, the persons saY
their pain and sufferings cannot be eepreeeefi. r tt3.sitft;, .Serefula, Where.
apparently the -whole body was one nutsa of cremaatie.n.
• This celebrated medicine will relieve pain, cleanse andparify the bleed, and
eirre. si;ch -diseases, restoring the patient ..a perfect health after trYieg many
remedies, and fuming suffered for years, is it aot.couelesive proof that if you are
a sufferer y9a.eAn be .euree, 1 Why is this medicine performbr suet.* great cereal
• It
works in the BLOOB, the -Circulating, Fluid, It can'Ptruly be called the
7.4.00/3.0 IPX21.1MX7.147174E1X7{.!.
The great scarce of disease originates in the alseiOle, and AO Medicire that demo
not act directly upon it, to purify and renovate, has any just claim • upon rate
attention. When the blood beeOnlea lifelvm and stagnant, either frona change
weather or of climate,. want of exercise, inaguler diet, far from any other cawie;N
NORTIlltOP & LYMAN'S VEGETABLE inscovEny- will renew the liked,
carry off the putrid. humors, -cleanse the etonach, eve-ale:0x eheboweles and impart
a tone ef Vigor to the whole. body.
• The eouvictionis, in the public Banta as well as the medical peoferseien, that
the reinerlite supplied by the VEG.4T.fl5kE KINPPOIVI are more safe and =MO effec-
tual in the eure-Of dieeera then mineral medicine% The Vegetable Disemevery is
compesed of the juice of most remarkable roots, barks and berhe. It is pleamat to
take, and to perfectly safe to give an •Itiftmt, Allow its to al* yen a candid ques-
tion 7,—Po youneed. it? Do not hesitate to try it.. You will never regret
it. 4U
druggiatahave it for sale.
JOIN C. Vox Olinda, writes Northrop 4 Lyiniali Vegetable Pie-
overY- is giviOggood gattaddidO, These who have used it say it has done them
more good than anything they have ever
• • IN ITS WORST FORM.--Iktiss Jr1,1AA. VII.SwORrit, Toronto, writes —
" I had Dytipepela. its worat.grill for over a year, but after taking three bottles
of Northrop .4.1.yman's 'vegetable Discovery,..a perfect eure followed,. 1 tah4 great-
' lemurs) in recommending it to anyone a -offering frOM P)'Prepilt,'"
Mn. W. TRAVIR, Wright, P -Q., had 011OPErglit, FOR TWRNTY YEARS. Tried
many remedies and doctors, but got ne relief, • this ispFetito was very pears had s.
distressing pain in his side and sternaela and gradual wasting away of ileitis, when
he iteard of and immediately. commenced taking Northrep & tameauhi Vegetable
Discovery. Tim pizis have left, and he rejoices in the euloyment of. excellent
health; in fact he is quite a view man.
Sold by all Itleclielue Realers at $t,00 per Bottle,
The undersigned wishes to inform the l'ublic rn general that he
keeps constantly m stock all kinds of
Drealsed Truclrees..ed.
00,000 XX and X XX PI -ie and Cedar Shingles now in
stook. A. call solicited and satisfaotion guaranted.
.741.1541Es WILZ/IfFit.
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in the followinc
Bolt Cutting
For Sale By MSSETT BROS. Exeter, Ont.
Perry Eiavis„4:
ea •
So used both internally and externally.
It acts quickly, affording almost instant
relief from the severest pain.
a. see -at sea:
In Canadian Cholera and Bowel
Complaints its effect Is magical.
It cures In a very short time.
Seir Beware of Counterfeits and imitation&
78, 1TM'VV" OXFORD SiTIM333'1", 2.101•TDOw_
0 '6'3 ..,%• •
,,,, ,_ ,..e• ,,,.• ,,,,•
,•,-▪ .. 0.1.
-$ 4,
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1 .0.0°1"
Pc'egOl°47.44,, 4,c;94°:".0„2.14°
I ,taA 16'
cog. soptis
*OS' '44W
tP tit" 'ts/' ol;'• ,g4,15
Sec \e, ",01' 1.0" ote' sa s•-
044- 01'
1St (4V‘ *Si Of.
1 Purchasers should look to the label on the Dozes are Pets.
If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, tiey are suvriouli